So in between the crazy technical calls are several of these silly cleaning and repair calls.
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This video is brought to you by sport'ln quality, integrity and tradition, we're doing a rebuild today. I was here last week. I don't know if I got footage of it, but the blower assembly had a cracked motor bracket, but it's pretty beat-up. So we went ahead and pulled the blower assembly out, took it to a motor rebuilding shop.

They rebuilt it completely with the motor all the stuff I'll show you guys in a minute as soon as it gets here. I have someone bringing it to me, but we're gon na go ahead and replace this and then kind of give this unit an overhaul. This is an old r22 sunline york package unit. Customer knows it's old, you know, but they want to fix.

Do our best. We can so we're gon na try to polish this turd up and get it operating as best as possible in the electrical section here we're looking at this contactor. I just want to make sure I'm gon na pull the cover and I'm gon na go ahead and rotate it around, because you guys know how that drives me nuts, but I'm gon na inspect the contacts on that the customer just wants a complete overhaul in this Unit, so they just want us to kind of look at everything. This is something I've got, power turned off and I verified it's off, but look in here you can tell that this had burnt before and someone just switched the contacts which I've done that before, but we'll go ahead and replace this more than likely.

Even though this contact is still working, I don't like the fact that that one's burnt and loose the things just dangling and there so we'll do that and we're just gon na keep going through the rest of the unit. It's probably hard for you to tell, but that's up, looks like a brand new contactor and as best as I can tell, I don't see any pitting on the contacts in there again. The camera can't get in there. The way that my eyes can but yeah.

That looks good, so we're just gon na rotate this guy back around. So that way, it's right side up just to solve my issues and then I'll go get a contactor. I don't know if I have one of these relays, but I'll probably throw a contactor in here. This is the end or blower contactor up here.

Really, I guess is to say, since I had a second person, we just went ahead and pulled the entire top. Instead of trying to mess with it, the condenser is not that dirty, you can actually see through it, but we're gon na go and give it a super. Thorough cleaning, like I said, we're gon na just clean this guy up, the evaporator is kind of bashed up from the indoor blower assembly. I don't know if I can straighten that or not depending on how messed up these fins are pretty messed up.

So might just have to deal with it, but we're gon na vacuum it out clean and sanitize the evaporator. I love this little blower, it's good for cleaning out electrical panel and then we're over here vacuuming. While we can and then we're going to clean it vacuum in here too, so it's been nice and shiny, probably gon na be the last year for this guy, because everything's flaking off like yeah. It's doing it on the evaporator too, really bad come over here, and it's just flaking off right here, so we're just gon na give it a rinse.
We we blew it out with my air blower in the vacuum about as good as it can get we're just gon na vacuum out in here, a little bit more to make sure you take your corner posts off. Look at all that lint! That's pretty crazy! All right we're doing the final round of cleaning on this evaporator. It's just about done. We've just been doing it slowly from this side, making sure we're getting a nice and good so we're almost there.

It's pretty much done cleaning this. So now I'm taking some of the Viper strike back sanitizer cleaning this or just sanitizing, all the surfaces. We made sure we cleaned it as good as possible. This coil is disintegrating, so it's not going to be perfect, but it's as good as it can get.

So then, we'll just spray everything down and then now we'll put all the filters and stuff back in the filter, racks and indoor blower assembly back in put in a contactor instead of the relay, because that's all I had tops back on we're just getting ready to Fire this guy out and then we're going to test everything. We got the filters back in we'll. Do it once over one more time with some sanitizer on the blower assembly, all right units operating? It's not looking horrible airflow is about right temperature, splits about right, delivered capacities at at on the low side. We still got.

Probably I don't know they. I don't think the condensers very wet anymore, the head pressures a little bit left. Let's go back and look. This is a five-ton super heaps, a tad on the low side, we're running on high speed on the indoor blower, but I'm not gon na add any more gas to this guy.

What kind of super heater we call in for right now, we're calculated for five! So we're not bad. I'm gon na leave this alone. I'm not going to do anything else to this again, the main problem was the indoor blower assembly was jacked up. Oh that's the other thing to the end.

Our blowers allowed to run 5.9 amps. I think we're running right at four, so we're good on that everything's. Looking good, don't see any problems here, condensers running this thing's doing as good as it can polishing a turd for real guys. You know in between these crazy calls that I show we're.

Walk-In freezers had thousands of dollars of repairs, and you know a compressor goes bad at two o'clock in the morning on a Friday night, I'd say for every one of those two crazy calls. I get. Probably there's probably good twenty to thirty calls in between that are silly. Just like this one.

I mean it's the I shouldn't say silly, but they're, just simple, simple basic calls. The original call was air conditioner, not working from the energy management company, and I didn't get footage when I first went out. But what happened was the indoor blower wasn't working? The motor was bad. The wheel was grinding against the side of the housing and the bracket was broken that holds the motor in so I ended up pulling the blower assembly out and taken it to a motor rebuilder.
I have a shop and what they will do is they will simply take everything out. They'll put a rebuild at all. Basically, they paint the blower housing. They put a new motor in it put a new wheel in it.

They ended up welding the motor bracket because they couldn't get this motor bracket anymore and they usually just you know, do a really good job and it's a lot. It's not so much that it's cheaper. It's just that when I'm busy it's easier for me to just grab the blower assembly, drop it off and come back a day later, and it's done you know and then I can keep knocking out calls. So you know if this was an emergency and all this different stuff, I'd figure something out, although with that broken blower bracket - and this is a very peculiar bracket, I probably still would have to take it to them, because I don't have a welder on my truck Or anything like that, but you know sometimes we just get these these simple ones.

You know customers, you know I'm not mad at them. Sometimes I just want to fix this stuff and in all honesty, it benefits me more as a contractor to repair this stuff than to replace it, because what you guys don't know, a lot of people don't realize is when you're working in restaurants, especially with like national Chain accounts and big giant corporations: they buy their own equipment. It's just part of the game. You just have to learn to deal with that.

Okay, so I'm not gon na sell this customer an air conditioner they're gon na buy themselves, so it benefits me more to actually fix most of this stuff because you know replacing the equipment yeah. It would be easier for me. You know in the long run sure, but this actually benefits me more because I get to sell them or repair, I get to sell them a cleaning, you know and and continue to maintain it. So you know it's that fine line, but this really wasn't difficult.

I had another guy bring me the blower assembly. We threw it in the unit, we cleaned it up. We made sure we were very careful to sanitize everything after we've been done. That's really important.

Guys is, as I've been working on all this equipment. I have been sanitizing like crazy again: the customers it's like hit and miss some of them care about it, some of them don't okay, but it makes me feel more comfortable that when I was done, I did everything in my power to make sure that it was Sanitized you know so that way I didn't contaminate anything anymore and or I possibly prevented further contamination. You know that kind of stuff, so I really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these videos, even if it's a really simple one like this. Do me a favor if you guys haven't already, please consider subscribing to my youtube channel.
Okay, if you guys are interested, there's a discord server, just basically, it's a place to communicate with me outside of YouTube or outside of email. There's a link in the show notes of this video feel free to check it out if you guys are interested in purchasing any tools. I say this on the end of every video and you guys consider looking online go to true tech tools. Com, if you like their price and I can attest to their customer service for sure I happen to purchase a lot of tools from them.

But if you guys, like their pricing, don't just listen to some idiot on YouTube. Okay, price shop! Them look around see what you get. You know best, bang for your buck kind of a thing. If you choose to go with them, do me a use my offer code, big picture.

One word big picture. Okay, like a picture frame, one word: you'll get eight percent off your order and I get a small Commission. It helps to support the channel. Okay again, thank you guys so very much.

Last but not least, if you guys are interested in the hvac, our videos merch go to HVAC our videos comm, you guys will see my merch store on there. Some of the stuff is out of stock right now, but it'll be coming in stock. Soon we will catch you guys on the next one.

43 thoughts on “Polishing a turd”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thastus' Lounge says:

    Why do those fins start to disintegrate like that? Service area Nepean??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Do warranty this equipment if they buy from factory?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Poitras says:

    We have a lot of YORK" rtu ´s ” around here ( Ottawa area Ontario Canada)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rjeepster says:

    They even painted it. Looks like AAA motors? Love them!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Delgado says:

    What are the pros to sanitizing im new to all this.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars markymarkmarkyabcd says:

    Such a disappointment. Looked out my window and my car is still dirty 😁

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AD Electronic Teardowns says:

    I had a worn contractor on a 3 ton heil heat pump, it was 30 amp 1 pole, replace with 40 amp 2 pole and tied both poles together, I expect to last a long time.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glen England says:

    I'm curious what keeps these coils from getting plugged up to the point where they are useless? They are outside exposed to the weather in all the dust and dirt and everything floating in the air. We have (are supposed) to change the filter in the inside every month and that filter gets so dirty. You would think there would be so much more particulate outside that would get trapped in that filter. Why do those not plug worse?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David G says:

    how old is this machine? Are you in Barrhaven ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Shakell says:

    That turd is your next turd. Welded many of those blower brackets with coat hanger and oxy acy . We're are the real mechanics that actually fix things . You let motor shop make profit that could have been yours bro

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MDSariful Islam says:

    Sir I like you job really good job

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Hensley says:

    I repair anything that can still be repaired until a condenser coil starts leaking. As long as the repairs are pretty far apart, the customer stays happy. I can warn them the time is coming to replace it so they can start saving up money. As soon as I install a new system, I've all but lost that customer for 10 to 15 years. Watching your videos shows me where I should have focused on commercial instead of residential. If I had taken it seriously I would have been the primary service company for at least 4 major national retail stores.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars McSlobo says:

    Only reason I opened was the turd. I expected a real turd because on the previous video I saw there was roaches. Disappointed.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OldePhart says:

    whats on the board behind you that seems to be powered by a baseball cap ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kens97sto171 says:

    I don't see anything wrong with keeping a piece of equipment going that is functioning properly.
    That coil disintegrating will probably be what ends up ending its service life. But if the thing is functioning adequately. No sense in throwing something away. Unless you can make a case for significant energy savings on a new unit.
    I just saw a video posted by anti DIY HVAC. He serviced a train unit he installed personally 19 and 1/2 years earlier. It had never been serviced ever. Coil was completely plugged, but what prompted the service call was a short in a wire that had rubbed through. fixed that cleaned the coil put it back together again. Was an 18 seer train unit from 2000. Dual compressors low and high side, had crankcase heaters which is what had shorted out. Pretty interesting, the old saying they don't make them like they used to fit that one.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Waiakalulu says:

    I wish you could see some of the corrosion problems we have here in the tropics. All the units you feature on your channel look brand new compared with the rusting hulks I’m stuck dealing with.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars k1llSw1tch says:

    Hey man, I have a question. I took the EPA about a month ago and I passed type 1 type 2 and type 3 but I, unfortunately, failed the core by one question( got too confident ) I was wondering if I have to retake the whole thing all over again or can just retake the core and get my universal card?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will L says:

    When you mentioned the sanitizer I couldn't help wondering about Legionnaire's Disease and what you HVAC guys have to do to prevent it. This might be an absolutely stupid question. But I don't know anything about this stuff. Just curious.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stovebolt LVR says:

    Those coils were too rough to even comb, you'd have no fins left. That'll need replacing soon!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Finner says:

    You take your blower housing/motor to AAA Motors?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars em1o smurf says:

    first impression: "who manufactured that trash?" folks used to joke about the $300 hammers for the military, but i worked on 25 year old navy motors, coils, controls etc and never knew what a difference extreme quality (MilSpec) makes. until i retired, i didn't realize how fortunate i was to have "bullet proof" equipment to work on. good vid!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hipidydipidy says:

    can one use dielectric grease on the contacts and connectors to avoid pitting and corrosion?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Bc says:

    He keeps documenting himself purging and venting r22 and 410a on YouTube and financially benefiting from it. May need to notify the EPA. Are you in Orleans ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Whitman says:

    It's not "get it working as best as possible." It's "get this working as WELL as possible." Best indicates unique superiority. That turd will never be superior to anything.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ke6gwf - Ben Blackburn says:

    I enjoy these "normal call" videos, they give a great look at the varied types of work you do, instead of ALWAYS looking like a superhero… Lol

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Dorazio says:

    All you need is a soft rag

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry Brown says:

    Sometimes it is well worth getting some more time out of big units just to avoid all the grief and expense of closing streets and bringing in a crane – having everyone working overtime through the night…

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RedNeckIt says:

    You cant polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Waiakalulu says:

    I destroyed something yesterday. Pulling vacuum on a Carrier air cooled chiller after changing the condenser coil. Heat exchanger ruptured, and I pulled water from the building's closed water loop into the chiller. It went into the compressors and all over the place. Sadness Are you in Nepean ?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars corey Babcock says:

    I finally got my apartment this past Monday all paid by the county Are you in Ottawa ?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Do you do home condenser as well or just comerical condensers ?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lade's Eddy says:

    Hey Chris. Great video as always! Us old timers finish your comment this way. "Even if you can polish a turd, you still end up with shiny shit."

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Rod205 says:

    Good vid. Nice polish job. And it’s great to have a good motor shop. Keep up the vids. Even like these simple ones. Stay safe out there brotha.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rod Graff says:

    Those units were famous for sucking in water and leaking into the roof curb, if you ran a little high on return air negative static. I had one of those old York’s with a Crack in the pan under the compressor, that was leaking water into the building. The compressor mounting studs were just spot welded onto a pan, instead of using heavier hat channel to support them. We had to remove two compressors, weld up the crack in the pan, then weld in proper hat channel with bolts, for mounting the compressors properly. The existing pan was moving up and down like a drum head, because it was not designed to properly support the compressors. The support pan ended up cracking under the compressors, where it could not be seen visually. The hidden crack allowed water to flood the roof corb, and damage the ceiling bellow. It showed up one day when we were home washing the condenser coils.
    Dorks were pretty junky bottom of the line units back when even when they were new. They had a 7.5 ton unit, that used two small compressors manifold together that ran together, not staged. They did it because the 7.5 ton compressor was more expensive than the two smaller compressors. When one failed, you had to replace both. Service area Ottawa??

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ_Make says:

    Man, it would be so nice to have a blower rebuild company around my neck of the woods.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars José Cruz says:

    This RTU reminded me the one I got in my route. It is ready to be replace but just fix it for now 😅😅😅😅👍

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny SaltyAirCrabCake says:

    Thats a Great line for the equipment in our business thats 400 years old…(when its running) "As the Turd Turns"

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daanski82 says:

    Legend has it that HVACR Video's rotate everything in his dream :-p

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    having the blower assembly done by a shop isn't a bad thing, time is money after all! Service area Kanata??

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shelvin S says:

    Good to see one of these in existence. I have 2 that are pretty old and of course all of the stickers are faded away, any idea how I can ID them and find some info? Service area Barrhaven??

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars punker 4 real says:

    I feel like i'm a expert at repairing a/c now

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colt 45 says:

    I call it lipstick on a pig. 😅

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Nunez says:

    Whats the motor shop called? I sometimes work in the IE and only know of AAA in riverside but don’t know that they rebuild blower assemblies

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