Residential System Commissioning (Kalos Meeting). Hosted by Bryan Orr. We talk the ABCs - Airflow, balancing and charge
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We're gon na talk a little bit about system commissioning, so I'm gon na make it quick and we're just gon na run through it, because sometimes we talk about these in fragmented ways and then you don't put it all together, but every time you're doing a new System setup or you're doing a major component replacement. You have to do a full system commissioning. So let's say you replace an evaporator coil, you replace a compressor. Recently we did a TXV.

You stole the new blower motor. You do anything! That's really critical to the system's operation. You need to do a full system commissioning, which is different, then say if you clean the drain line or if you did a maintenance or if you change the capacitor or thermostat. Now you have to test everything.

That's pertinent to that repair, but you're not necessarily going to go through soup to nuts and make sure that the system is fully commissioned. Mostly it's any time that you interact with we're going to talk about this any time you interact with the air flow of the system or you interact with the charge of the system, so the refrigerant in the system or the air flow in the system. So we're gon na talk about the ABCs, a B C's and there's two different ways that people will talk about the ABCs. So a is always airflow C is always charging, but some people will say: airflow, balancing and some will say airflow before so either way.

If you're wanting to be really thorough, when you set up a new house or a new system, your ABC should be set. Your system airflow then set your air balancing to make sure that you're putting the air in the right places and then do your charging. That's that's the proper way to Commission a piece of equipment or, if you're working in a combustion, heavy environment, sometimes instead of saying charging they'll, say combustion, so your airflow balancing combustion, and so maybe, if you want to you, could put combustion down here so there's actually More like five Tandi, because they because they all were used the letters ABC I'm also adding another one here, another c condensate because in our market that's a big one, but this embodies what system commissioning is all about, and it is in this general order if it's Abc so air flow before charging and then also adding combustion and condensate, if you want, are we really checking air flow? First? Are we thinking about air flow? First, that's the that's the question. So air flow.

What is the first way that you confirm airflow when you're working on a system? What's the first way, no, really like? What's really the first way, you confirm airflow when you're working on a system and so there's two different air flows, the one that you're gon na focus on when you think of air flow is the blower motor right. So if it's not running, then obviously you can't check the rest of the system. You just can't, but there's another airflow condenser fan right. So you can answer fans your other airflow, so you have to have both of those air flows.
They both have to exist first. So you make sure they exist by just listening right and that's actually a step. I never want you to skip you're, doing a service call you're doing a system set up. I never want you to skip the step of just confirming that hey blowers, running condensers running and not even blowers, just blowers running but blowers running and it sounds normal.

You know it sounds like a blower, that's running up to full speed, or it doesn't sound like you know like like it's sucking air in from every from every hole in the cabinet, because that happens when you have air flow restrictions, especially with variable speed motors, where They're trying to draw air and you've got a dirty filter. You've got some sort of airflow restriction right. So if you listen to enough of them, you notice this thing. So you don't skip that step.

Condenser fans got to be running. I always throw my hand over the top. Why why do you throw your hand over top of the condenser? So what are you feeling when you throw your hand over the top you're feeling the heat that's being rejected from the inside of the house right, but here's another thing: what happens if I throw my hand over it, I see the motor running. I throw my hand over and I don't feel any air.

Well, it could be running backwards could be running backwards. If I throw my hand over that condenser fan - and I hear it running, but I don't feel any air I'm gon na look down. Okay, is that blade spinning, yes, could be running backwards. It happens, good technicians listen and feel before they start doing measurements, for they start taking measurements, there's nothing worse than a technician who knows the measurements to take, but they miss the obvious things that lead up to before you even take that measurement like.

Why would you check your refrigerant charge if your condenser fan motor was running backwards or your blower motor wasn't running or your blower motor was running so slow that it hardly mattered because it wasn't getting the proper calls like we've talked about or your filters, so dirty That it's barely getting any air through it. Those are all pointless tests. So you always do your visual and auditory inspections to confirm your system. Air flows before you do anything else, and so installers, I'm not I'm not just saying this like this is legitimate.

This is what I want you to do. You start a unit up start up. The blower first, listen is it running? Does it sound like it's coming up to speed? Is it set on high speed great now you go to the condenser you put in that disconnect your listening compressor running condenser fan, putting putting heat at the top, don't start focusing on your gauges right away. Now you do want to watch to make sure your suction gauge doesn't dive down to zero or something.

But what you don't do is like what we talked about the other day where you start jack and charging it before it's stabilized. So now, once you've made sure everything sounds: okay, you've got your air flows. Now you let it run a little while because it's gon na be tough to test the system until it's run fifteen to twenty minutes, thirty is even better. You can clean up.
You can start doing paperwork whatever, whatever else you've got to do, but you want to let that thing run before you start doing testing, but even then I want you to start with air flow because it goes in this order. Air flow before charging. How do you check air flow? How do we check air flow, often through static pressure, okay, but static pressure is like blood pressure. Here's the little thing I'm gon na give you that I want you to take away when you talk about this amongst each other, and I know you do because you just love talking about air conditioning with each other.

That's you know. I just know that. I appreciate that about you. Static pressure is like blood pressure.

Does blood pressure tell you how much blood is flowing through your body? No, it doesn't. Blood pressure is just the pressure of your blood against the walls. Okay, so static pressure is not a measurement of air flow. We are not measuring air flow when we measure static pressure when we use static pressure as a indicator of air flow.

We're making some assumptions and one of the primary assumptions that we're making is that the blower is moving the amount of air flow that it's supposed to move or that the blower is at least spinning up to the RPM that it's supposed to spin to so anetha. Blower is the right size all that sort of stuff right, so, in order for us to trust static pressure, we should have some idea of our CFM target right in Florida. How many CFM per ton they'll be looking for? Hmm 350 350 CFM per ton is what we're looking for in our market because of the high latent loads high humidity loads. We run a little slightly lower air flows than the rest of the country because it sucks more moisture out of the air pulls more moisture of the air colder of Aperta core.

That's what we're looking to accomplish 350 CFM per ton for ten system 14 hundred CFM! That's what we should be producing so that blower has to be reminiscing, use that we're trying - which isn't a good word for it. But it's a way for us to think about that. Blower should be trying to produce 1400 CFM before I can check my static pressure because let's say that you set up the blower board on a ECM variable, speed, blower and you set it up to a three-ton instead of a 4-time. So now what is that unit? Gon na try to produce in CFM 350 times 3 is 1050 right all right, so it's going to try to produce 1050.

So now, if it's producing 1050 and I check my static pressure, my static pressure might look good. It might look low and I'm gon na say. Oh great, this mean it's working great right, but it's not working great because it's not moving the amount of air it's supposed to move in the first place right, your blood pressure will be very low if your heart is not pumping. Think of it.
That way, if your heart is not pumping, your blood pressure will be very low. It's the same thing, that's true of your of your duct system. If your blower is not moving a lot of air, your static pressure will be very low. Static pressure is like blood pressure right, get the correlation here, and so you've got to have that blower running up to the speed it's supposed to run before your static pressure can be trusted because static pressure is not a measurement of airflow that makes sense, and so On new equipment, it's much easier because of new equipment, you've got a brand spankin new piece of equipment.

You've got a nice fancy chart that you can reference right away. If you want right there on your phone, because it's carrier, you got the carrier app, you can reference that chart. If you want it's pretty much always gon na be if you set it up properly, it's gon na be 350 per ton. So you really don't even have to do anything more complicated than that.

It says right on the data tag. What's your target static pressure is which what is it total external static target for the unit's we install is 0.5 man, we've made progress, so you don't really have to do a lot of thinking. All you've got to do is set it up. Right right then hit that point 5 target, as close as you can and know that for every bit that you go over, that point 5 you're taking a hit depending on the type of motor, it's gon na change, sometimes you'll take a hit and air flow.

But at the very minimum, you're gon na take a hit as far as capacity and efficiency not always capacity but always efficiency. You have higher static pressure that blower is going to have to draw more amperage an order, same work, and it's going to result in it. Putting off more heat - and it's going to result in it using more energy, so the customer doesn't get what they pay for here's. The point customer doesn't get what they pay for when the static pressure is over 0.5, they just don't now.

Sometimes it can't be helped. You've got ductwork in between floors. You got all that, but in the sales process, what should we do? What should we do if we go to a house that we know we're going to install this new unit and it's gon na be over 0.5, so we should always quote a job so that we can hit that point 5 target. If we quoted a job - and we cannot hit that point 5 target and we install it and we don't hit that point 5 target, then we then we made a mistake in the sales process, because at the very least, if we can't hit it, then what we Need to tell the customer is it doesn't look like we're.

Gon na hit our point 5 target. Now we can rip out ceilings and floors and redo all this ductwork and make a big mess in your house, probably not going to be practical, but I just want you to know that your duct system isn't perfect for the size system that needs to go in Here, and so you just need to be aware of that, would you like us to pursue some options to increase air flow, even if it does require significant construction? No! No. I wouldn't like that. Ok, great and you put that in the proposal when it's point seven point: seven, five point: eight: it's no problem and you can know whether or not it's going to be a problem beforehand.
The easiest way is to check static pressure while you're there in the sales process and then kind of you know. If you want to get real fancy, you can use the fan, charts and compare it to what the new system will be and all that. But you get good enough where you get really you, you are able to look at the ductwork you're able to look at what's connected to it. You're able to look at the existing system, static pressure and you can you can tell whether or not it's gon na be a problem or not, but it takes paying attention right so and I'm not gon na go into all of all those specifics.

Now we're talking about duct design, but do you get the point here? I know install. We have a blower, that's supposed to produce a certain amount of CFM. You've got to set it up, so it produces that right again. Air flow before charging, then you've got to check your static pressure.

Do those two things? First, do those two things while the system is ramping up, you know maybe 10 minutes into it's running again. You want the coil to be wet before you start checking static pressure and things because that will affect it. You don't want to do it on a dry coil, but do that first confirm your airflow make sure your air flows are right. Condenser fans putting air at the top bushes are trimmed back away from it's not too close to the wall.

I've seen a couple recently that look a little too close to the wall, so pay attention to that. It's in the installation, instructions we've talked about that so think about that when you're installing units - but just you know, give your proper clearances, then the inside is it running. Does it sound right? Is the board setup right on it and then check your static pressure even better than that? If you ever have a concern, you're checking a system and it's like hey, my suction pressure is low. My superheat is low and we're talk about that in a second.

That's when, if you, if you still think you might have an airflow problem - and you know it's setup right, you know the thermostat is set up right and you know you're getting the proper calls on the board, which is GE d, H, white Y / y. All those things the things we've been talking about in class for weeks and weeks and weeks prior to you know my surgery, then you can have max bring out the true flow grid and we can confirm the exact amount of airflow moving through that system. But that's air flow confirm that first, then we move into balancing - and this is true, anytime, we're doing any duct work, and I want to talk about this real quick, because I've seen this come up a few times and I just want to make sure I'm really Clear with everybody any time we do any duct work, any duct changes we test before and we test after, and that requires the use of an air flow hood. We have several air flow hoods at kalos.
We have the couple little of the little CPS guys. We got a couple of the bigger ones right, any time, you're changing ductwork we have to test before and we have to test after we just have to so. Just that comes from me. That's just how it has to be.

We've already had the conversations Jesse's on board with it. I got a test in and test out. The reason being is that when we test in and test out now, we can tell the customer that they have X amount of more airflow than they used to have now. Sometimes that can't be done the same day because you're getting busy and things are going wrong at Hoops.

I don't have the hood and opes whatever you know that stuff happens, especially on the test inside, but on the test inside. That should be done as part of the sales process, if at all possible, and if it isn't done as part of the sales process, then it needs to be. The salesperson needs to make sure that it's done as part of the installation process. Even if they've got to set up for a service tech to run, buyer they've got to run, buy or whatever but test in test out with duct changes.

Airflow is also tied to balancing if you set up a system airflow and then afterwards, you go in and you tape make all kinds of changes to it. You damper this down damper that down whatever it can change system airflow, which can then affect your charging. So I don't want you separating out airflow and balancing from that commissioning because it's going to have effects if you check a point, five static and then you go in and close down a bunch of dampers well now, you're just set it could be 0.6 or 0.65 Or whatever - and so you have to make the balancing as part of this airflow test when we're making duct work, changes - and I know it's annoying, but it's less annoying than having to keep going back with a cranky customer. Because now you can have a very educated conversation, you can say well, you did have 150 CFM in this room and we were done.

We retesting you had 175. Well, I'm still not comfortable. Okay, we'll see if we can get it up in. You know near 190.

200, but that's really the most that we can give it without stealing from other areas. You know it gives. You gives you a conversation that you can have with a customer and all that's very logical conversation. It doesn't have to be super.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in being so sciency like well, we have to gon na have to do a whole manual d and all this sort of stuff. A lot of this is very practical and it suits the way the customer lives in the house. A manual D which gives you how many CFM each room should get is based on a model and people aren't models there I mean you know some customers are models, but that's a different topic, especially not in the villages. They're, not models alright, and so people live in their houses in a very particular way, and so we can we can.
We can cater to that. Somebody has a room: that's a bedroom but they're using it as an office or they're, using a zone feeder and it's got more heat in it. We can move some air around, but here we move here is coming from somewhere else. Right and so balancing is is.

Is a science, but it is also an art. There is an element of it. That is an art because you're tailoring to that customer's needs and that's we're having some measurements makes that much better than not having measurements, because now the the so I don't feel any more air you can say: well, we did the measurement. Now you sure you're not tell them they're wrong, you're just saying: well, we did the measurement before and you had 115 now you have 175.

It is an improvement, but it sounds to me like you would like a little bit more now, just keep in mind that when I give this room more, I do have to take it from some other places. In order to do that, the easy conversation straightforward when we buy expensive tools to do a particular job. The answer is: not the tool doesn't work. I can't do it.

Zero percent of the time is that the answer so balancing just means it kalos when you're doing retrofits. It means you, somebody does a design you test in you test out. We make the adjustments you use balancing dampers, where you need to in order to get it where it needs to be. That's all balancing is it's a little time-consuming, but that's the.

If, if we're charging a customer for ductwork, then we need to take responsibility for for balancing anytime, we do any ductwork. We need to take responsibility for balancing. Otherwise, the customer just calls us back cranky, that's just how it works right. We do ductwork we're taking responsibility for balancing and I'm okay with us doing, ductwork the only thing with us doing: ductwork those we got to give ourselves the time to do it.

You know so you have to think about that when we're loading up a schedule, you know if we got ductwork, we may not be able to get it all done the same day. Sometimes sometimes it's gon na take a return trip and that's okay. It's got to be that way: that's what it takes because again, our goal is happy. Customers and good results exceeding expectations, and so in order for us to do that, we've got to give ourselves the space in time and when I'm having these conversations, I'm not I'm not saying that you're wrong, you're, stupid, you're, insufficient.
None of that stuff, because I've gone through this into this, this same spectrum, and I'm expecting you guys to take everything that I've learned over 20 years and practice it now. That's that it - and I understand that that is somewhat unrealistic at times. However, just because I know that you're not always practicing, these things perfectly doesn't mean that that's still not the standard, that's where we've got to get to and you get there incrementally, but you get there by not making excuses for for making those mistakes. So when you have a job and you get done with it, even a super happy customer - it just felt like the smoothest job in the world.

There is still opportunities for you to have done better on that job, and a lot of it is about the conversations that you have right up front. So when you have a job that you know this units not gon na hit point five, you need to have been having conversations about ductwork all along James Rousseau is a great example of this. Where we did is, I mean you know, I gave him and I didn't personally handle it which I could have and that probably would have helped but other than me personally handling it. I gave as much feedback as I possibly could like.

Let's get this right, but still at the end of the day we were over 0.5. Now, that's not to say he's, not happy cuz. He is, it's not to say, job didn't, go well in the end of the day cuz, it did not say it wasn't profitable, because it was it's just to say that we could have done better and the way we would have done better in that was to Say to James you need some duct upgrades. Some duct upgrades would get lets.

You hit point five. Well, the price is already high. That's fine! You don't have to do if you don't want to, we can do them later. If you want, but just know, our target is 0.5 and these systems aren't gon na get there with the duct work that you have, and I know the thinking well yeah, but that the trunk is too small and then the branches are too small and everything.

What are we gon na? Do replace the whole duct system? Sure if that's what it needs now. You're, not gon na push it on the same day as everything else. That's not gon na be practical, say: hey, you know. Normally, this duct job would be 3,500 bucks, but but we really can't do it in the summer.

It's just too hot our schedules too busy, but we can go ahead and do the system it'll work, fine, we can replace the ductwork um. You know, between November and December and we'll drop the price to 2,800 bucks how's that sound well I'd rather hold off fine, no problem, cuz see now he's the one who said I'd rather hold off. Not us not us, failing to tell him. Do you guys? You understand what I'm saying here and the same thing is true: when you show up as an installer on a job that you know, there's gon na be a problem.

You know this air handlers not gon na fit. You know this ductwork is too small. Stop the presses talk to your manager. Let's get it dealt with before you start unboxing anything.
It's gon na make life so much easier. Now again, you don't want to be a drama queen about it. It doesn't have to be all dramatic. The goal is to catch it up front.

The goal is the sooner we catch it, the better. So you start in the sales process. You start when the technician first looks at it, that's better, but every every way along the way. Every time there's a pause and a new person looks at it.

We want to keep having those conversations and the biggest source of social pressure. That's gon na help make this happen is the conversations that you have with one another, not dramatic conversations, not angry conversations but clear conversations. This air handler does not fit. Oh sure it does.

You just drop the platform, stop and listen to me. This air handler does not fit. This is not the right thing to have been quoted. It's that that's how you should talk to each other seriously, I'm not joking.

That is how you should talk to each other, not angry, not calling names, not saying you're, stupid idiot. You know whatever, but just clear because as it relates to air flow and balancing it's huge, I mean it is huge that the equipment fits, the duct works, the right size and then we have the time to do the jobs that we're set to do so again. I'm not pointing fingers than anybody because I think you are all doing excellent jobs. I want to be its that may sound like we're picking on Tyler a little bit.

Tyler has sold a what's. Not, let's not pretend right. Tyler has sold a tremendous amount of equipment and he's had to learn how to do all this in a very short period of time after Sean left. So I think he's done a great job in that regard, but we just have to get better in the up front.

That's all no big deal, but do you guys get the ABCs? This is what I want to get to now you get to charging. I want to be really clear about charging because I think sometimes I have given mixed signals for installers way. You know I've mentioned this in recent classes, but weighing in the charge is number one, and that does not mean that you don't check superheat sub cool, split and saturation, but it does mean that you weigh first, and so, if it's a flush application, you are smart. Young pups, you can guess pretty darn close.

How long that line set is all right. If you ran the line set well, then you pretty much know exactly how long the lines it is and every man you for every unit is gon na. Tell you based on how many, how long the line set is, how much additional charge you have to add, or you don't have to add any right depending on the length, so you weigh it in I don't care if it's ductless, I don't care. If it's a split system, I don't care.

If it's a package in it, I don't care. If it's a window unit, I don't care what it is you're way in the charge, which means that when you pull a tank off your truck, what do you pull out with the tank scale and what is your scale need to have in it in order to Work properly, if it's digital, you need to have batteries in it, which means you're gon na have to have batteries on your truck. I know this is complicated, but you got to have batteries now: hey, let's take your really bad with batteries, keep a backup, keep it's a analog scale whatever or something just so that you, whatever whatever you need to do in order to support yourself so that you're, Not out of tools to do your job then do that so you're gon na weigh it in once. You weigh it in how long are you gon na run? It 20 minutes really is ideal.
If you're doing a service call okay, you know you're just adding a little bit. You maybe not run as long, but a brand new unit you got ta, let it run awhile. Then you're gon na check superheat sub cool air temperature split, which is one I think we're not doing as much as we should. You know return temperature supply temperature check that regularly, because that does tell you a decent amount about air flow, especially split sub cool super heat and then saturation and saturation is just what is my liquid saturated temperatures to the temperature on the gauge otherwise known as condensing Temperature and what is my evaporator or suctions saturation now I would love it if you guys, would change your language and call your suction saturation.

What you see on the gauge call that your evaporator temperature now some people again I've talked about this recently. Some people argue well, that's not exactly a repertory temperature, because the surfaces will forget it call it your evaporator temperature and call your liquid liquid temperature, not your liquid line, physical temperature. I'm saying the one that shows up on the gauge the temperature call that your condensing temperature, you guys follow what I'm saying so. The needles pointing at that temperature or your test OHS, are showing you a temperature and I think testo will even say evey or CO, or something like that.

Call it that, because it makes it more clear what you're talking about. Because when you say my evaporator temperature is blah, that's much more clear to you, because now you can envision your evaporator being that temperature and that's pretty darn close to what your evaporator temperature is going to be. When you say condensing temperature, you can imagine your condenser is that temperature and now that makes it easier for you to do what I've shown you in the five pillars, which is compare those two temperatures to indoor and outdoor temperatures in order to anticipate what your pressures Ought to be and then check your super8 and sub cool most of the systems we work on nowadays, if not darn, all of them on installs are TXV s, which means that sub cool is our primary checking indicator, but it is not our only indicator way. Sub cool superheat, split saturation, those are the things we're looking at we're gon na throw in the electrical side, you're gon na check, amperage right on an install.
It doesn't mean much. How many times have you stopped the process like? Would my amperage isn't right, not very often in fact, if I could get you if I couldn't get you to do both electrical measurements, I would rather you check voltage than amperage of the two. You need to check both, but I know right now if I were to go watch most of you. You're not checking voltage, but checking voltage is actually more valuable because when you check the voltage, while it's running going into that contactor, what is that telling you? It's telling you the voltage under load, so it's gon na tell you if you have problems with your circuit.

If you have issues with connections and all that you're gon na have voltage, drops it's gon na tell you. Am i applying the proper voltage to the unit? What's cool is that unit tells you what the acceptable voltage range is right on it, so you cannote, am i giving it the right? This is especially important when you're doing light commercial, stuff, 208 volt. Sometimes it's gon na be low and that's a big problem. All right, so that's something to look forward.

It's gon na be high. We know this because we've installed a lot of these ICM 493 s and we find out that they're going off because of high voltage and that's something we got to deal with so amperage and voltage and then finally, if you're doing a gas furnace, we got to Think about combustion, which starts with checking gas pressure, and then you go into the combustion analysis, which we, which again policy as we do, a gas furnace we're doing a commissioning afterwards. Air flow gas pressure combustion and I want you to all know how to do that. Eventually, but that's a slow thing so mostly max is going to do that for now and then condensate condensate means primarily two things.

Is it draining now there's a lot of things that go into making it drain, but is it draining and does the float switch work? So you have to test the float, switch to make sure the float switch shuts it off and you got to make sure it's draining that my friends is a commissioning. That's how you Commission a system airflow, balancing charging combustion condensate ABC, but it starts with air flow, starts with visual and auditory analysis of your air flow moving into confirming that a set up properly. Moving into your static pressure checks, there's a lot of people who would say you should be. You should be actually checking air flow on every system and other than the next question is well.

How do you do it? You do it with an air flow hood at every distribution point at every return. How do you do it right? Checking air flow is tough, so we use static pressure as our method, just knowing that, in order for static pressure to work, a lot of other things have to be correct first, which is why static pressure is really tough as soon as that blower wheel gets dirty Because if that blower wheel gets dirty, it's like your heart, not pumping enough blood. If your heart's, not pumping you, don't have high blood pressure right, it's a whole nother problem, a guy with a really high blood pressure in his faces, all bright red and everything and he's got really high blood pressure. His heart's pumping, but his circulatory system is all clogged up right or he's got issues of the circulatory system, there's other things that go into this again.
This is why we talk about in order to know how to Commission a particular piece of equipment appropriately. What do you need to do? Reread emmanuel right? You have to read the manual because not every piece of equipment is the same. You have a system, that's got a belt driven pulley here, it's you know, God your greasable bearings or it's you know. There's all these things that you got to look at, I'm a various piece of equipment so really in order to know piece equipment, you got to read the manual or you have to have worked on it enough to made enough mistakes to know everything there is to Know, and with as much different types of equipment as we work on.

That's not generally practical. If you were to walk up to so Kerry, let's say you walk up to a train 19i with a communicating system, and you have some weird problem with it that you never seen before. The very first thing you should do is just read the manual now. The customer's gon na say well, what are you? What are you reading the manual for if they happen to see you and here's the answer to that question? The answer to that question is I've worked on a lot of systems, but anytime, you know you have a very special system here and I just want to make sure to go through all the checklists to make sure I don't miss anything again.

When a customer questions you on timeliness, all you do is mention thoroughness. If they question you on timeliness, you just mention thoroughness all right any questions about this, so this is commissioning. This is what commissioning so when I say commissioning, this is what I mean. So, if I say did you commissioned the system properly? This is what I'm talking about.

If you wired her up and fired her up, that's not commissioning! I just came up with that. I kind of like how that feels wired her up and fired her up. I'm sure I heard it from somebody else before yeah. So that's not that's not how you do it right.

You wire up and fire her up, and then you commission. Oh, I want to address real quick because I've heard a couple. People say I've heard this in passing, I've heard some people say you can use a recovery machine in place of a vacuum pump. Can you do that? No, absolutely not.
It will not work. I've heard some people say that if your vacuum pumps, not working, you still got to get the job done, is that true yeah? If your vacuum pumps not working, do you still just blow and go get the job done? Get it done? You got no choice, send it! No, you, don't you get a vacuum pump. I don't care if we're trying to go back the next day. I don't care if you've got to wake me up in the middle of the night and I'll open up the office to get you a vacuum pump.

That's what we do. If that's the only option you understand me, we get a vacuum pump. That's how that works. You keep clean vacuum pump oil and your pump.

That's gon na make your pump last a lot longer. When I see pumps that fail after two years, pretty much 100 % chance. It's either been tumbling around on a truck like a gymnast or it hasn't had the vacuum pump oil changed in it regularly or it was crazy, overfilled or something else super stupid. They don't fail if they're maintained properly they last for freaking ever so.

You just take care of them alright, so we have really nice tools that we, you know, vacuum pumps, ricard machines, all that kind of stuff nice tools that you have to take care of them. If you don't know how to take care of them, you're like well, I don't know how to put the oil in this. What do you do you read the manual? Do you know what I do? I read the manual. That's what I do right.

It's not magic. I did see you guys are paying attention yeah. Alright, so you use a vacuum pump. Vacuum has to be pulled down to a very deep vacuum to the micron level, for it to do any good.

If you don't pull it down below the boiling point of water, you are essentially doing nothing, and so using a recovery machine is not doing anything. It's pointless. You might as well. Not even do anything.

So you have to use a vacuum pump. You have to use a micron gauge. Have we sufficiently proven at this point that removing cores using big hoses is like magic and it works amazing? I think we've proven that at this point use your large gauge, hojae's pull out your cores do vacuum appropriately and it's actually not a huge deal. It just requires a process requires being a thinker, alright we're a premium company.

Our goal is as Jesse's going to hammer quite often coming up. Our goal is to have technical excellence to be better than anybody else in this marketplace and to give people good experiences when they work with us. That means us having good experiences working with each other, not fussing, fuming and fighting not having issues with each other and our customers feeling really great about the interactions that they had where it was just Pleasant. It was just nice working with us right.

Those are our two goals: low stress, technical excellence, having a good time and join each other's company being technically excellent. If you do, those two things nobody's gon na have any problems and, on the other hand, for those of you who aren't technicians. I would say everybody is a technician if you're an installer, you're second you're, an install technician, a technician has a technician mindset which is I'm getting this job done. I'm doing it right, it doesn't matter, doesn't matter what happens, doesn't matter what I run into I'm gon na stick with it until I get it right.
Sometimes that means we got to come back the next day. Sometimes it doesn't. That means we can't get it done tonight. Okay, that's what it means.

Sometimes, now I'm not saying that you just five at five o'clock: it's beer-thirty I'm taking off! That's not what I'm saying, but I'm saying that you stick with it. You don't give up. You don't bail on a job and what happens in a lot of cases is uh. It's nine o'clock and I'm not even close to being done so now we just and that's not how we're gon na do it moving forward? We're not gon na do just you like that.

Sound we're, not gon na! Do that. That's the brain fart just giving up on the job technical excellence require sticking with it until it's done correctly and not getting dramatic about it with each other. Just sticking with it and communicating clearly look: it's 9:00. I've got three hours more work.

I think it's better, that we bite the bullet and talk to the customer now and just tell them we'll be back in the morning to finish off. Well, we've got four change. Outs tomorrow, okay, what do you suggest we'll figure out something? No, we will we will and that's what's cool about kalos is we will figure out something, and the reason is is because everybody is willing to hop in a truck and help out. I need to be willing to hop in a truck and help out when I'm needed.

Jesse has proven that he's willing to hop in a truck and help out when he's needed less Nathan - everybody everybody here Dan, I think dad might be an exception. I don't. I don't know that you would want him. You probably don't want me either, but I'd still do it for the moral support or a moral support as a case.

Maybe, but that's that's that's what kalos is built on technical excellence and just having a good time doing what we do and doing it in a way that people feel good about what they about the interaction that they had with you right cool. Thank you guys have a wonderful day.

28 thoughts on “Residential system commissioning (kalos meeting)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Costello says:

    Thank you. So interesting.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nolann’s Auto Detail says:

    Great idea About what to say or do when you are dealing with picky homeowners who want top notch service for 10 bucks. Awesome content thank you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uakz kah says:

    This is the best company policies I've ever heard…. Service area Nepean??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steph Fong says:

    Do you guys have online courses that group everything in units systematically? I would really love to learn. I just cannot find any courses like this. Service area Kanata??

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jim possidente says:

    I wish you guys were in my area.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam's Blanchard says:

    Check the feed and service panel breakers for the system first, make sure there making a complete connection and sized right thrn check that they function correctly, last check with a meter…. If you fail to realize the condenser isn't blowing, running backwards, or if the compressor isn't cycling or if it's short cycling them u need to get another job. All symptoms that u may not be getting full potential.
    He's right though…. just keep in mind every components proper functionality in any system is dependent on the supply. I ran service long enough…. Don't worry about all that crazy charging stuff 100% until u start doing parallel racks, multiple compressors and stuff…. weigh ur dump though if ur using the companies refrigerant… That's really why these guys stress the weigh in method. Breaker trip malfunction can and often is intermittent….. I wonder how many licensed mechanics still have call backs on problem systems because of it….

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RLX RLX says:

    Excellent presentation of commissioning a system as well as what to look for when selling the project. I learned a lot!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ETomatoeMan says:

    How do you check static pressure of a unit your giving a quote to replace, and that unit is not functioning?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Daniel Tucker says:

    Super solid video. If I lived in Florida I would love to work at Kalos. Thank you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Awesome Austin says:

    Y'all do great work, but I was raised in Comm/industrial, I love working on the big stuff we don't have to deal with that crap, I'll give you 50 degree air or 45 degree water and they can do with it what they wish …lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C R says:

    Thirty-five years in commercial HVAC, now teaching my son. Your videos are great to support what I've been teaching him. Good job.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony McKay says:

    Enjoyed hearing about great company policesπŸ˜‰…and advice on communication πŸ‘ not to mention the commissioning

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evaluator HVAC says:

    C = Cymatics πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Mashione says:

    Solid policies

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Diaz says:

    Awesome vid!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T&T Heating and Air LLC says:

    Great Presentation very helpful

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trey Blaine says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for all the information you share on all your videos. I am just finishing up my HVAC program at ivytech and am still green. You have helped me get better alone the way and I just wanna say thanks man. And Bert is a nut. Lol wish I could come work with you guys

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fire me Philosophy says:

    Is this his general hvac school or are these certifications?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jasonha9000 says:

    Really enjoyed the video! I really wished I could work for you guys. I like the team work atmosphere. Keep posting please.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene_K Hvacr says:

    Good vid good learning πŸ‘ Are you in Barrhaven ?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bogger0017 says:

    More formal meetings please! I'm at a small place and we never do meetings like this. This helps get me into a more tech mindset. I was hired out of school with only 20 hours of ride along and put out on my own after that.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Superior Comfort Heating & Air LLC says:

    This is a prime example why you have so much respect from other HVAC Owners, Technicians and Installers. Great JobπŸ‘

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Shearer says:

    This is the best company policies I've ever heard….

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hozer HVAC says:

    I would love to have work meeting like this. Our damn work meetings consist of safety and a pile of sales garbage Are you in Ottawa ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC/TRUCKER Rodney says:

    Great video
    I sent this video to my Boss

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars t lech says:

    πŸ‘ other than the part when it’s 9 PM at night and you still have a few hours ago it technician has been busting his ass all day or myself as an owner it’s been 80 to 100Β° all day long your mind is fried your cognitive abilities are greatly diminished and this is when fatal accident most likely occur or just mistakes on a job that become a come back later on or accidental failure that gives the company a bad name. Then your technician is driving home falling to sleep at the wheel at midnight can’t wake up the next morning waking up late leaving in a rush in the morning half asleep that’s when most accidents happen it’s just a bad idea all around nobody wins. Except for maybe the salesman who made his bonus because the numbers were a little bit higher that month.
    Keep up the great videos I’ve been watching you for years you were mandatory training for my son as he’s learning and I recommend you to all the HVAC instructor at our local community college. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck DeArruda says:


  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Air Conditioning Guy says:

    Great presentation! Going to show this to any future new employees. DON'T DELETE! πŸ˜†

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