So now that the restaurants are opening back up its time to get stuff back in to shape, everything needs some serious cleaning.....
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This video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition, all right, um, we're gon na clean up this rack they're having some temperature problems and uh i'm pretty confident before i go any further with it that it's just the rack, so we're gon na. Do this uh, probably a little different than most people, think you know, i have a peculiar way of doing things very thorough, so i shut down the entire rack power's turned off locked out we're gon na pull all the panels. We're gon na clean from the top down right when the virus started. I had a call, i'm pretty sure i made a video on it and i had to do a temporary electrical repair right here where i pulled the conduit off now, the customer because of the virus they wanted to hold off on repairs, but uh, i'm pretty sure.

I can talk them into it now, so once i get done with this rack, we'll take some pictures and then what i want to do when i'm proposing to them is they? Let me rewire the entire rack i'll, bring the power, probably up here and then run just a single conduit, maybe and then just drops into there is my idea and get all that mx crap out of there so or uh whatever you want to call it flex. Conduit anyway, so we're gon na uh pre-rinse, this condenser get it nice and wet. Then we're gon na just kind of pre-rinse. The bottom try to get some of the big stuff off then we'll apply cleaner and go through all that crap.

As usual, i'm gon na use my uh wand and everybody always asks me. I get it from lowe's. You guys just go. Look it's made by orbit.

This thing has a flat feature. So right now it's on the shower feature, but what i really like is the flat feature or even the angle feature because uh yeah it allows you to get in here. You know and get up way back into there and all i'm doing is rinsing off the big stuff, rinse off the big stuff and then we'll uh put the cleaner on and attack it from the top. This thing's pretty nasty yeah.

Basically, i'm utilizing any chance. So i had a call on a refrigeration unit but uh, i ended up doing electrical repair downstairs, but we got to get this rack cleaned up too. So we're utilizing the opportunity and we're gon na get this cleaned before it becomes a emergency service call on a saturday and ruins my weekend. So all right, we're gon na be using a venom pack from refrigeration technologies.

Um. Something to note this coil gun is different than the other manufacturer's coil gun. That looks the same. I think i've said this before, but this coil gun has a different dilution ratio.

What you're going to find, even if you use this coil gun for other cleaners, you're going to go through a lot less cleaner and you're not going to waste as much, but it's specifically designed for the refrigeration technologies, cleaners. The a setting is the lowest it's going to use the least amount of cleaner, basically and the e setting is going to use the most. So the cool thing about the venom pack - you get nine bottles, or so you know - and it's not gon na - take that much guys. I'm gon na put about that much cleaner in there and i'll show you how much that is.
This will last for that whole rack. This little bit of cleaner will do the entire rack. Now, if i find that it's not coming clean, i can mix the concentration and make it you know, use it faster, but um this stuff is awesome. I really dig this stuff and you know i've got at least another uh cleaning in there.

So really awesome all right. So i'm gon na get this on there. I'm gon na start on the a setting. Do a rinse, let it sit for five minutes and then i'll go further and further and uh if we need to all right so we're just gon na again, i'm on the a setting.

Okay and you can spray it on there. Now this cleaner can foam up. If you want it to when you go to the higher concentration levels, but um right now, i'm just using the least amount of cleaner as possible. We're just going to let it sit for a little bit just getting in the spots that i might have missed.

And then then we'll give it a rinse and then we'll probably do a heavy cleaning, but i like to do this to kind of break anything up. I also like to spray the refrigeration lines. You just got to make sure you rinse it off um, but this isn't the cleaner, that's going to like etch the coil or anything like that. So you're gon na be fine, but you know just kind of spray.

Some of the stuff in the rack get any oils and different things off all right. I give it a quick rinse, it's been sitting, so i'm gon na go ahead and spray. I'm gon na change it to the c setting you're going to see how much it's going to foam. Now it's going to actually foam up a bunch and i'm hopes that it'll uh really get in there and start breaking down some more of the gunk we'll get from the other side too.

Here i highly recommend you guys pick up one of these coil guns. Your local suppliers should be able to pick them up if they have refrigeration technologies products. If not true tech tools use my offer code, big picture, one word and you'll save eight percent on your order. They sell all the refrigeration technologies products, the chemicals, the sanitizers one of the cool things they have right.

Now too, is they came out with hand sanitizer mind? You look at i'm even spraying on the c setting guys and i barely even used any cleaner so but look at yeah it's coming through nice and good, so we're gon na keep going letting it sit on there. I'm probably gon na go ahead and burn the rest of this cleaner on this, and just let it sit for a bit. So something else i was thinking about. I wanted to point out.

You know um. What i'm super stoked about is the price of this. This right here guys is, if i remember right it's about the price of one gallon of normal, cleaner and you get nine bottles, you can. You can choose to use it all at once or you can make it last.
I've been cleaning multiple condensers with that um, and the other thing about this cleaner, too, is that it is not um. It's not going to eat away your skin, it's not going to eat through your boot. It's not like the other cleaners that will, just you know, tear everything up, uh. In fact, if you use this condenser coil cleaner, this is actually their condenser coil cleaner, but you can use it on an evaporator and you don't have to rinse it on an evaporator.

As long as there's condensation it'll self-rinse on a condenser, you still have to rinse it, but we're just letting it sit. Um i'm getting ready to go ahead and hook up the wand and rinse it all out now. So the really cool thing about this wand is that you can really get in there and watch that stuff come out and it's coming out good and it has a rubber tip on it. So it doesn't mess up the condenser as bad.

You still got to be careful, but i did my best to rinse out the inside of the rack too. It's not going to be perfect, there's still going to be dirt in there, but i just rinsed off the compressors real, quick, the side glasses, so we're ready to fire this up. We're going to do a one compressor at a time nice and slow uh, we'll start with system. A i've already got the condenser familiars turned on, but they are controlled via pressure.

So that's the walk-in, free or walk-in cooler compressor. Let it run for a minute. Wait for the fan motors to stage and then uh we'll move our way through turning each one on nice and slow. Basically, we don't want to overload make a massive amount of in-rush current, so we just do it a little bit at a time when you're all finished.

I highly suggest you rinse out your coil gun very well for a couple reasons: it'll make your coil gun last forever, especially if you're using some of the really harsh chemicals from other manufacturers. Also, though you don't want to cross mix chemicals um, you know, so you still have a bunch of chemical left in here and then you put another kind of cleaner in here. You just you're, not a chemist, you know so i go through and rinse. It really good and then spray out all the tubes disassemble it, and then i store this piece and this piece in here after the rack has been running for about 20 minutes.

All the sight glasses are clear, except for this one. This is their system e. I'm not working on system e, but the sight glass is flashing. Now, with the customer's permission, i'm going to go ahead and clear up that site glass.

Now, i'm not going to do a leak check today. Um! That's not ice! That's a calcium buildup on that, but anyways, i'm gon na do a uh just hop off the charge for now and then we'll schedule a time to come back and do a leak check on that system. Uh. I just you know whole big picture thing.

I don't like to walk away from this because again my luck, it'll be a saturday right when i'm sitting down to dinner that i'll get that service call. So we're going to top off the charge for now all right, we're doing much better, now running a clear sight, glass. It looks like it's just the pan chiller that's running, because this one has a base section and a cold top. It looks like it's getting ready to pump down right now too, so we're good.
I'm gon na wrap this one up and then again, i'm gon na talk to the customer about uh doing that electrical repair too. Overall, the rack cleaned up pretty nice. There's a few. A little or still a few little things in there, there are still a few little um dangly things, but it doesn't look bad.

It's clean some of this. It's like this cottonwood crap yeah looks pretty good there's a couple little spots. Some of this is coil damage. Coils actually damaged, probably from cleaners and different things over the years yeah for the most part, the rack's pretty clean, so we're good on this one all right.

This was just a basic cleaning, video, nothing too crazy. So i happened to be there. I kind of expressed this a little bit, but i was there working on a region that happened to have a compressor in that rack, and i knew that the rack was dirty. The problem with the region was an electrical issue, but big picture kind of stuff.

I went ahead and went on to the roof. Looked at the condenser unit noticed it was really dirty, even though the electrical problem was our main issue, i'm still going to be able to walk away from this job and say: hey everything is working properly. That's why i had to clean the rack plus it helps me and saves me a service call next weekend, like i said in the video you know saturday afternoon, when i'm just sitting down to dinner, i like to take care of things when i'm out there, and I don't want to, you know, beat around the bush and wait because i know that one was going to bite me in the butt we're starting to get some heat waves, where it's getting to be about 90. 95 degrees.

You know that first hundred degree day that rack would have went down. We would add multiple things, so anyways took care of it um, nothing too difficult. You know pretty basic. I like to take the rack apart completely, i like to be thorough, use, safe cleaners.

That's the biggest thing um i recently jumped on the bandwagon with the refrigeration technologies cleaners. I've been using their stuff more and more, but i've really gone all in and we're pretty much only using that stuff. Now pretty much at my whole company, and i really do like it because they have safe products. I can't stress that enough, you know and with those venom packs the cool thing is.

I can keep two condenser coil cleaners in each truck and the guys are set they're, not gon na. I mean they're done, you know, they've got plenty of cleaners and you don't have. You know six well for two of them. What would that be? 18 gallons of cleaner, so you know i mean that stuff lasts forever.
You know, and i will tend to run it a little bit. You know higher on the concentration. So if i only get you know six bottles out of that bag, i'm still stoked. It still lasts me a long time and it's awesome, so you guys should definitely check it out.

Um yeah! That's pretty much! It guys not really a whole lot going on in this video uh, just some basic stuff, so i really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these, remember that i do live streams monday evening, 5 p.m. Pacific time on youtube, where i usually go over answer questions and that you know sort of stuff and uh stay tuned, because very very soon, i'm still working on the website. But i will have a website up and you'll be able to pick up some of that. Merch back there we have hats and shirts and all sorts of stuff, so that'll be available very very soon.

All right really appreciate you guys and we will catch you on the next one. Okay.

48 thoughts on “Some overdue cleaning”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Fernandez says:

    Just realized the owners of these places when they call him they must feel the same way I feel when I call the dentist.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Do condenser need to run while on lockdown or not because of the wear and tear of the system?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jarhead shooter says:

    I don't know about you but I had a clause put in my customer agreements that an emergency call resulting in p.m. service to restore function doubles fees! We have companies that change filters and (supposedly) clean coils. Often i have callouts for high pressure trips from filters or coils being blocked!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timothy haley says:

    Have you ever tried the water saber pro?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikael Brackett says:

    Hi all! I have been doing preventative maintenance at a small grocery store. We had a lot of hail damage this last week that undid a lot of our efforts to straighten fins from previous damage. I started researching hail guards and settled on the permatron plastic netting. The company also recommends their preVent condenser coil filters. Has anybody used these before for coolers/freezers? I am curious if they actually extend the time between coil cleanings ( with cleaning the filters periodically of course). Also, I am concerned about air flow. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Bc says:

    It's so hard to get hose water on commercial buildings in Las Vegas. Ppl just let em run dirty oh well if they lose capacity/efficiency. It's hard to get ppl to spend money and were all slammed I can hardly move been doing this since 2004. Service area Nepean??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Zapata says:

    Big picture diagnostics!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Becker says:

    Where did you find that wand? Looks nice Are you in Nepean ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jdorffer says:

    I highly recommend that you put some kind of back flow prevention device when connecting cleaner to a hose, if there ever was back pressure in the line the cleaner could get sucked into drinking water and someone could get extremely sick from it

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjermin says:

    That bag is nice because it fits my bucket with all of my other tools

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A. Koenigs says:

    Is the CRC no-rinse foaming coil cleaner any good? I'm working on cleaning up a 1981 window air conditioner that's been sitting for a decade and a half, the outdoor coil is near perfect, just so dirty that rinsing isn't enough

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benny says:

    Finally! Haven't seen the trusty wand for some time :p Love your videos!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars george curtis says:

    Love when you say heat wave at 95 ! Thats a good day here in the central valley.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zozert says:

    how many times have you been shocked by electrical components while working on HVAC? Are you in Kanata ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ates says:

    I found out that if you use the coil cleaner on all of the units they will produce more cooler air than what they produce before

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars awesome stuff says:

    "youre not a chemist"
    hvac technicians that are also chemists: am i a joke to you?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Atkin says:

    Have you got a merch line in the way ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The SearcherMan says:

    If you own the company, forget this comment. You maybe should consider getting involved with factory service working on centrifugal and screw chillers. It is much easier to walk up to a unit than climb up to one. Also, working on primarily one brand is much less stressful. Pay is better also. Just a thought. Refrigeration guys typically will not make the leap. Those who do are so happy they did. Thanks for the video.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sexual Tyrannosaurus says:

    "You don't want to cross mix chemicals" But Peggy Hill said to combine 2 common items in a powerful way, by harness the cleaning power of Ammonia, with the Whiting power of Bleach. XD

    before anyone spas's out about "muh mustard gas" its a King of the Hill joke/reference. XD

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john hummingbird says:

    Can you do more cleaning videos?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikita Stutz says:

    I am really not in that branch, but was there ever a moment where you took the cover of and sad: ''Wow, that looks perfect.'' ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan Michael Welsh says:

    Top off the Charge, I saw a system today at a site that takes a 3 Ton charge.
    What size truck do you need to top off a charge on a system that takes a 3 Ton charge?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen M says:

    My first job (way back in the day) was with a mechanical contractor in Houston as a helper. One of the other helpers and I were responsible for cleaning evaporator and condenser coils at all the KFCs in the greater Houston area. We had a great time up on those roofs! I miss those days. Great job, Chris!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Smith says:

    Why recap what we just watched? Recap what you just posted? Boring, repetitive, bet all your views skip that part. Service area Orleans??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xelaju8 says:

    just a coil cleaning but I enjoyed it. Thanks for the videos.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC Slayer says:

    Where’s hackfree at and his yellow death 💀 😂 I was against cleaners for awhile if anything I’d use some simple green. I’m really liking the viper line up, ref technologies stuff is above and beyond come on wet rag? Great product 🤘🏻

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Z says:

    0w0 cleaning em up great jobs

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed says:

    Chris don't know if you intend to bring your new conduit out of the top of the panel box but you should not come out of the top of a wet location panel. It can be done with a "Myers Hub" but I would avoid doing that

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZE KENZY says:

    Great Video. What is the Rack use for ? I'm on hvac resident , I never see big Unit like that . Thank you for sharing ^_^

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shelvin S says:

    Would you use this cleaner on micro channels too?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted E. Bear says:

    Great job cleaning the rack !!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Check It Out says:

    Stay cool man, its scorching in the inland empire right now

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Beecher says:

    Where do you get your water on the roof?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gbowne1 says:

    What type and brand of unit would you reccommend for a 8,000 sq ft manufacturing space with 12' ceilings?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blake says:

    #801 thumbs up

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave K says:

    Did I ever tell you your my hero.. you make every condenser coil cleaner.. lol.. bet you got that song stuck in your head.. I had evaporator today I could peel off the moldy hairy mess. I tried to get my apprentice to eat some for $20..he didnt do it.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sterling Archer says:

    You know it's a proper service company when the bossman still does the coil cleaning .

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TransitBiker says:

    Those are some thick coils! Service area Barrhaven??

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elijah Talbot says:

    Nice video

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JUNIOR CARRILLO says:

    I haven’t noticed, but are the shirts available now? Your video answered my question, there at the end. Thanks bud. I enjoy your videos. From Visalia Ca. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesper Ekenberg says:

    Iam gonna say what we all think. We need more pure cleaning vids. 😁 Service area Ottawa??

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MauriceNL says:

    why are some coils blue? Whats the difference between the gray one in this video and like the newer ones with blue coils?

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chin of Zig says:

    For me, cleaning is the best when it comes to this kind of equipment. I used to do night shift commercial ventilation cleaning, worst part of the job was going commando through cold attenuators, forcing meaty grease all over me, sometimes swimming in loose watery grease, absolutely disgusting! 😂 But looking at how shiny and clean the entire system was at the end as the sun was rising was very satisfying. Wish I could get another job in that area, I do miss it. Are you in Ottawa ?

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Biberdorf says:

    Before adding charge, you should check the evaporator to make sure there is no ice.

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor says:

    Nice video

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Holbrook says:

    I see there are several of these from different people but I must say I like yours much better

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars willie king says:

    Is condenser cleaner blower motor safe? Is better wrap motor with plastic?

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HughesMan HVAC says:

    It's satisfying to clean filthy coils, good video!

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