It's so important to slow down and look at the big picture, even if it's super hot and you are really busy. Take it one call at a time and get the call done right.
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This video is brought to you by Sportlin. Quality Integrity and tradition. We have a call today on an AC that's leaking water. They showed me a general area and it's funny as I'm walking by.

don't know if you guys can hear that. We got a condenser fan motor going bad on this. AC Yep, it's locked up I Could hear it trying to start but uh, from what they're telling me. shoot I don't know what JC it is.

actually to be honest with you, it could be this one or it could be this one. They're saying water leak issue so let's open up over here. have a look if we see a bunch of water. I don't see a bunch of water in there drain pan you guys can't see but it's it's dry.

Yeah, you can't see that. Um okay now let's go look at this other. AC this one right here. Maybe this is our problem.

This one looks to be more realistic because it looks like maybe there's all water right here. Oh I don't know I don't really see water in here either. overflowing. So yeah, that's a good question, huh? What is going on here? It's not gonna be this one because it's in the area specific area of the dining room.

Nice. Oh that's that's filters are plugged. Solid metal mesh filters are missing. They look like they're broken down there.

Huh? Okay, well I don't know where to start. Open this guy up I Guess I can try to climb in the Attic see I Could see a little bit of calcium Stained on the roof. um in the general vicinity where they say it was Dripping So I mean I guess I'm gonna start there I Don't see any active error codes on either of these two ACS What about belts? Thank you! Seems like a tight belt just from opening the door, but obviously we have to shut it off to be a hundred percent sure to open this guy up. See what this guy's doing? Spider webs everywhere.

seems like a tight belt. Okay, all right. well I don't know if I just got bit by a spider or what? huh? Um, let's go downstairs and try to investigate in the attic and see if we can see the water leak. Oh, they're saying that it's right in this area and what? I can see right here is what looks to be some calcium right in that area and you can see some drips where it was possibly dripping.

That's the only thing I could see. Check this out though. You come over here. Return is plugged solid.

That's lovely. Well I can't get in their attic because it's all tongue and groove and there's no access panel. So the next thing I'm doing with those plugged up returns down there. It makes me wonder if we're icing the unit up.

So I'm coming up here and I'm going through the error codes. 58 that's a gas heating one. That's the most recent code on this. AC that's not really a code I'm worried about.

So we're going to come over here and check this unit out looking for signs of of water because I don't know if this is a plumbing issue or or My Issue The likely answer is that it's my issue. but I don't know for sure. So we're gonna go to Recall right here. We go for the first error code that pops up.
Six Dirty Filter switch. That's an odd one. I've never seen that code I Didn't even know these units had a dirty filter switch. I Don't think they do.

That's odd. This is an old old unit. The next code is six. This: This unit doesn't have a dirty filter switch that I've ever seen before.

Okay, let's go over here. let's look in here. We're condensating like crazy. it.

it's got no return air because I can tell by the the pull that this door has on it and that's because the plugged up return grills. Now next thing is I'm going to look down here in this section. I'm looking for signs of water and I'm not seeing any. like if it was freezing up now.

I Know that that return needs to be cleaned, but I'm still trying to get to the root of what their actual problem is before. I Just start fixing other random stuff, trying to figure out why this unit would potentially be leaking water on the tongue and groove ceiling. I Found it. They have a roof leak.

I bet you that's what it is. look at this. I I Ramped all the ACs on and let them run for a while. now.

this guy had a dry drain pan but all of a sudden now it's dripping all over the roof and I don't see any signs of it leaking inside the unit. So I bet you it's a roof leak and just a plugged up drain. Let's look right here. Oh, you want to know something even more interesting: the drain pan is not full of water.

I Think what's Happening Here is they have a main drain that's plugged up. Oftentimes on these restaurants, several of the ACs will be piped together. It's because this drain pan in this unit doesn't even have much water in it. So I think it's another AC draining into a common drain and this is the low spot right here.

So I pulled the drain line over here and this indicates to me that it is actually not coming from the main drain and it's just from this unit because we have no condensation coming from the main and it's just coming from the unit. It must just have a dirty trap is all. So I'll go ahead and clean the drain right here. Um I don't have time today.

we're in the middle of a heat wave so I don't have time to clean every AC on this roof but I'll get someone else out here. so yeah, look at that pretty grody. let me get it wet and then I'll rinse it from the other side, but that's a complete blockage. No airflow through that.

Surprised we didn't see. uh, low pressure codes in the unit or anything. It's nasty. Yeah, that's pretty epic, huh? All came out as one sheet.

I'm gonna give it another rinse and that one's much better too. So now those units can breathe. And what the problem is? where do you stop? because their other returns are plugged up too? This one's pretty plugged up and so is this one. Not as bad, but pretty bad.

All right. I Had mentioned before that we're super busy right now because we're in the middle. It's not even really hot yet. This is just our first heat wave.
It's hitting about 100 105. and um, we've got plenty more to go. But uh, I don't have time to spend all day here. so I just took the side panel off.

I'm gonna get this drain pan cleared out real quick, get the drain blown out, and then I'll just do a quick rinse on the condensers. No coil cleaner, just make sure the drains are clear and then that's it for today. We'll be coming back because that unit right there has a bad condenser fan motor and all of these units need coil cleanings, metal mesh, filters, regular filters, everything. So when we have crazy busy times and stuff I have another guy like I have a guy that'll go around just doing PM stuff and filters and things like that and the service techs have to, you know, keep moving putting out fires.

basically all right. I blew out the drains. but I want to talk about this because I can't get to the Attic So I can't physically see where the water leak is coming from. So I'm going to use some deductive reasoning, right process of elimination kind of a thing now.

I Am very familiar with this restaurant I've been servicing it for over 20 years. I'm really familiar and they have. This is a restaurant chain. They have multiple locations that have this exact same footprint.

so again, I'm very familiar with it. There's always a chance that something's different here, but the odds are it's not I come up onto the roof. The first thing I'm doing is looking in the returns around the floor of the unit to see if I see existing water and I don't see it in any units. If a drain in the unit was plugged up and it was overflowing to the point that it was Dripping in the ductwork, there would be remnants of water inside the unit.

Okay, so that's one first thing. So then I start looking and I know there's no water lines in that area dripping. and if it was a water line, logic would tell you that it would consistently drip if it was a high pressure Plumbing line it would consistently drip. So it should theoretically be dripping When I got here and it wasn't okay, you can just see calcium from it dripping for a long time.

This customer does not do routine maintenance so after ramping all the units, the first thing I did when I got here was set them all to like 53 degrees right. It's never going to get that cold but I just want them running their hearts away and all the drain pans were dry you guys saw in the beginning but then this one started to overflow. Okay, once it started condensating. So then it starts telling me okay, it's dripping on the roof and the area that the water leak is at is actually right right in this area right here.

Okay, but there's nothing here besides a drain line in the Attic but the drain was plugged up. So my theory is that it was Dripping on the roof running down here. and there's a roof leak somewhere in this roof membrane right here. Okay, you can see like water damage right here.
So I think we have a roof leak in the membrane and it's just condensate dripping on the roof. So I went around and blew out every drain, pulled the drain pans, made sure you know again, looked at every unit quickly. rinse the condensers I'm not doing a thorough cleaning today. kind of rinse the roof down I rinse the walking cooler because the condenser was dirty I Got to put this one back together.

but other than that I see no other reason to cause a water leak I Also got to put this Union back together because I was blowing this drain out. so I see nothing else that would be causing a water leak besides plugged up condensate drains. So that's the theory and that's my logic working through this problem because anytime there's a leak I don't want to just go on the roof and assume I try to prove my theory if I can pop my head in the attic and look at the leak. okay, find it, actually see it physically leaking even if it like even if we think it's a plumbing line.

I Always tell my employees too take pictures of the leaking Plumbing line to make it easier for the plumber. that kind of stuff. So we're always looking to prove our theory of what the problem might be Whenever I run into these problems. I'm always trying my best to recreate the existing problem so that way it can prove that I'm able to solve it.

Okay, so you know I Walked up and there was no Active water leaking but I could see remnants of water leaking. Okay, so I went up there I turned on every AC I was trying to get my head in the attic to see it I couldn't get my head above that tongue and groove ceiling that they had. This particular location has not had access holes cut at a lot of the other locations for this restaurant chain. I've had access holes cut so I can get up on top of it this one I wasn't able to get up there to see where the water was leaking from so I went to all the thermostats, ramped them all on I went through all the drain pans, all the drain pans were dry.

so I started to get suspect. Is it possible there was a plumbing Light in the Attic but I know this restaurant really well and there's no Plumbing lines in that area. Okay, so I'm always trying to find the problem I don't want to go off of a theory as much as possible I want to try to recreate it to see it happening I ramped all the thermostats down and then after a little bit of them running I found the problem. Well, I found the symptom right.

it was leaking out of the unit, but that's not where the water was entering the building because there was no trace of water inside the return air cabinet like it was leaking down into the curb adapter. No, that wasn't the case. this was leaking onto the roof and they have a roof leak in the general vicinity of where I circled on there right. So whenever possible again, I'm trying to recreate the problem So that way it can prove whatever Theory I come up with unless I just have a dead giveaway.
this is the problem in this situation. It wasn't there, so had I just gone up onto the roof and just blown out a drain. I may or may not have solved the problem. You get where I'm going with that I Always tell my employees that whenever we go out like let's say, we found out that this was a plumbing line problem.

I Still tell my guys. Just because we know it's not our problem doesn't mean that I want you to stop I Want you to go take pictures I Want you to identify the plumbing line that's leaking. Mark it, Take a picture, show it to the Man manager. Make it easier for the plumber.

Same thing when we have electrical issues. you know there's a circuit breaker that's bad or or you know we think that something's going on with a broken line. or who knows. Do your best to research and dig into the problem and make it easier for the next guy.

So if you have a circuit breaker breaker that's bad What? I typically do when it's safe to do so. Don't ever open up circuit breaker panels if you're not allowed to do that. In my situation, I'll open up a circuit breaker panel. I'll take a picture of the circuit breaker.

What amperage is it? What size wire is going to it? So that way I can tell the manager hey, you need to call the electrician we need a circuit breaker, but tell the electrician to call me and then I'll give all the information to the electrician so that way he can be prepared. So same thing when it comes to a plumbing issue when it comes to whatever issues. I'm going to do my customer a service. they're calling me out there and if I find that it's not my problem, I'm still going to charge them for my time, but I'm going to make that worth their while I'm gonna do my best to make it easier for the next guy.

Okay, I can't stress that enough in this situation. I Just tried to, you know, find and recreate the problem and it. and eventually I was able to. right? So it's just.

it's all about the big picture. the big picture diagnosis, right? You're always trying to do the best. And remember, try to make it easier for the next guy. That's my two cents on that.

I Really appreciate you making it to the end of the video. If you haven't already, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. Uh, go to my website We have merchandise available: hats, t-shirts, beanies, sweatshirts, all you know methods of supporting the channel. Um, in the show notes of this video is going to be a PayPal Patreon and a YouTube channel membership link.

Those are all great ways that you can help support the channel if you're interested in doing so. That way, the easiest way to support the channel is just watch the videos from beginning to end. One last way, if you're interested in purchasing any tools, you can go to and I have an offer code. Big Picture One word: If you use that offer code, you can get an eight percent discount on almost all the items on their website.
There's a few things it doesn't apply to, but almost all the items you get an eight percent discount. And when you use my offer code Big Picture again One word: I Get a small commission from that too. so it's a great way to help support the channel. I Really appreciate you making it to the end.

Remember it's warm all over the country. We're in the middle of summer in the United States It's super warm outside. Make sure you're paying attention into your body, don't get overheated, drink plenty of fluids, and stop drinking sodas and Gatorades and sugar crap and drink water. Okay, my personal preference is four to five waters for one.

Gatorade If I'm gonna drink a Gatorade get some electrolytes and stuff, it's four to five waters for one. Gatorade Make sure you're eating food, keeping nutrients in your body, and remember the moment you start to feel the effects of a heat stroke or heat exhaustion. It's pretty much too late, so don't let your body get to that point. I Really appreciate you and we will catch you on the next one.

46 thoughts on “The ac is leaking water, how hard can this be ?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken S. says:

    Your Customers are Extremely Lucky to have an Overly Efficient Company handling their HVAC needs. Glad to hear your Employees are taught to Document. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian T says:

    after being in the trade for 40 years the easiest things are the hardest

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keep6ix says:

    preach! trades Service area Orleans??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colby says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colby says:

    random question am i the only one that has had a broken AC ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Turney297 says:

    I've seen plugged relief airs cause issues with drainage Service area Nepean??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben McBeen says:

    If you suspect a roof leak, do you also suspend unit cleaning until you can confirm roof integrity? How do you prioritize.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Efficient Heating & Cooling says:

    I do a lot of work in move theatres where the returns are too high to get to. Our solution was to get a long paint roller and wet it. Is allows you to โ€œreverse paintโ€ the dust out of the grill.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skedar Itou says:

    So 1 compresor fan bad , 1 main bearing going bad for the sound of it, and a pluged drain , besides all the dirty stuff Service area Kanata??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren C says:

    If there were more journeymen like you back in the day, I probably would have stuck with tinbashing. Great videos.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Dion says:

    That's funny I work for a roofing company and we always get the leak calls, even when its the roof top unit backing up.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ravu says:

    Great advice on hydration – thanks. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    if you find a leaking plumbing/water leaking, not only take pictures/video of it, mark right near it with colored electrical tape and leave a large piece dangling! do the same at the drop in ceiling grid location if above something removeable or at the nearest attic access panel. nobody will be upset about that, just don't use dust tape or something nasty to remove. lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    I'd guess duct sweating, after seeing the ac units appear to be working OK. something like low air flow and maybe high indoor humidity or both.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    "how hard can this be" and "leaking water" in the same sentence = impossible ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Hunter says:

    Fault code6: that AC was picking up the totally clogged return inside.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul-IE-Repairs says:

    the painters strike again….

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitch Attwood says:

    Jesus those vents were so blocked ๐Ÿ˜‚

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theboyx3 says:

    This happened at the grocery store I work at. We had skylights in the roof and water was leaking into the store from near one so they assumed they had a roof leak. After a few weeks of this leaking and nobody figuring out where it came from I asked If I could go up on the roof and look around since I'm known for being Mr. Fixit around the store. I went up expecting a pond of water but the roof was bone dry….except for a small puddle under the corner of a air circulation unit. I open the side and sure enough the drain pan was 110% full of water and was spilling over into the unit which leaked down under the roof and into the store. I also checked the drain line and it was full of water all the way across the roof to another unit. My store director agreed with the discovery and she called the AC people and the guy they sent out did not agree and gave me the "I'm a professional and you're not" spiel. Somebody else eventually went up and messed with the system and the roof stopped leaking. Jump to about a month ago they removed the skylights and resealed our roof and the leak came back. Once again nobody knew what it was and I told one of the new store directors about the drain. A few days later a constant stream of water was coming out the gutters behind the store….they had came back and redid the ac drainage, I had been right all along.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emptech says:

    You say that you saw calcium, do you know what calcium is and where it could possibly come from? Some people think it's the white stuff in milk. Some impurities in the water, but calcium?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kangenpower7 says:

    I can recall a funny event. I was told to go to a certain address, and when I got there, a mechanic from my company was already there, trying to get the rooftop units to all drain. All of the roof top units (about 15 of them in the 10 ton capacity range) drained to only 1" line at a floor sink in the janitor closet. So I put a vacuum cleaner on that line, and was not getting any water. The boss said "Never shoot CO2 into a drain line. Well I wonder why?

    So I shot some CO2 into that drain line and was talking to the guy on the roof with a cell phone. He was laughing and said IT was very funny to see all 15 units have a geyser of water shoot out of the tee into the air! If they had been split system above a drop ceiling, then those gallons of water would come down all over the ceiling. So that is why the boss says no CO2 into the drain lines! But this water landed harmlessly on the roof.

    When I was done, I found 4 marbles in my vacuum cleaner, so someone had put a marble into several of the HVAC drain lines. I can only wonder why? Maybe that is why we now have the maintenance contract, and the old company might have made a huge amount of money cleaning drain lines? Are you in Nepean ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blood Bath and Beyond - Pop Goes Metal Covers says:

    "Make it easier for the plumber" = "Get more billable hours, so the plumber gets less" haha
    Then again, the clients know what they're getting into when they pay a YouTuber to make a video on their roof ๐Ÿ˜‰ Service area Barrhaven??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Presson says:

    Water leaks are tricky awesome video

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DashCamAndy says:

    I love the thick mat of debris blocking the returns… The poor system can't breathe!

    At Colonel Harland's Chicken Shack, we once had an issue with water dripping from the ceiling, from one of the lighting troffers. I dug out the ladder, popped the (soaked) ceiling tile out of place, and what do I find? The flexible duct mostly-disconnected from the vent. Nice, cold conditioned air blowing around in the hot, humid attic, causing insane condensation problems. It's not always a problem on the rooftop. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sharkey086 says:

    The total lack of preventative maintenance and dust on those returns was beyond disgusting and unprofessional. If they lack that cleanliness, imagine their kitchen sanitization. Makes you realize that's a place you'd never want to take your family to eat.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melvin Stevens says:

    I watch you from time to time. Never comment but I must on this one. You say you are very familiar with this restaurant and you've been servicing it for over 20 years. As their refrigeration company, how is it you let these unit get so bad without at least yearly maintenance/cleaning?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillotines For Globalist Scum says:

    Any more black widows on this roof??

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Sanders says:

    Watching other people do it l o l

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Sanders says:

    I do this c*** and I'm sick of it every day. But yet I find myself on my optimal

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Trevett says:

    Wow that mat of greasy dust was impressive.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richardc1983 says:

    Customer needs to understand basic maintenance such as filter clean and return grills at a minimum

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j w says:

    great psa at the end

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kurtisallenb says:

    Looks like they need to do a better PM on the units, more then changing out filters and run.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'm Snowman says:

    god i love myself a dirty trap

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Another fine production Bud …Thx

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nighthawke70 says:

    Pretty pathetic management has not taken the time to call in their filter maintenance company to do their filters and ductwork. pathetic.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Goldie says:

    Really want to buy one of your hats but I'm in Canada and it's $30 in shipping and $30+ for the hat… Anything you can do Chris??

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Der SieBORG says:

    Water is always exciting.
    Little Story from Berlin/Germany
    Note: The cold room is in the basement in a typical (typical for Germany) apartment building with an later declared commercial unit on the ground floor (Altbau).
    Call: "It's dripping in the cold room" and yes it is dripping… not from the "piggyback refrigeration unit" but from the cold room ceiling, more precisely between two ceiling tiles – wonder how this could have anything to do with the unit..oh there is also water dripping from the basement ceiling onto the cold room….
    As a refrigeration engineer, I only found that water was also dripping from the ceiling above a radiator on the first floor. I then did not check the residential units above….
    By the way, they try to refill the water of the central heating system but canยดt get pressure. Wonder if anyone wondered where the water disappeared to and how often they refilled the system….

    To be fair, sometime I do avoidable mistakes myself (…fail to properly test the condensate drain of an air conditioning split system and cause a small flood because a small edge prevents free drainage… Shit happens)

    @HVACR VIDEOS I love to see that you take your time. Good work.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Underwood says:

    I think the plugged returns were the issue. The building was unable to get rid of hot humid air, but the rtu was making cold air non stop. The hot humid air was condensing on the ductwork and dripping down onto the tongue and groove. You got the returns unclogged, and that humid air was able to get out. Thatโ€™s my theory.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Ramos says:

    Off topic question but whatโ€™s your take on tool body trucks vs the vans ? Do you prefer the vans for the organization and security it offers ? Are you in Orleans ?

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Cortez says:

    Sometimes the hardest part is explaining to the customer that the issue is in fact a roof leak and not an AC/R water leak.. at least for supermarkets lol

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivory Johnson says:

    When the trades work together we all win

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Woodard says:

    Gee I think you discovered another customer that would be perfect for your mandatory cleaning services on a regular basis. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jb gaud says:

    Just one thing, you do not prove a theory, you prove a hypothesis and create a theory. Are you in Ottawa ?

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Key says:

    thanks for the PSA. another great video

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars byrd203 says:

    Best way to find Waterleak put a Dye in the water system of that AC that Glows under UV light

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