So this was a continuation of a previous video where I diagnosed the ac , we got the approval and went to town.
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00:00 TEASER
01:49 WTF MOMENT #1
05:04 MY BAD
05:26 WTF MOMENT #2

Previously, on hvacr videos, we're gon na have to clean this one for sure this guy's toasted forget the squealing sound, because that's just a bad belt. The motor is making a buzzing sound and it's not spinning properly and we have the right voltage, gee man. This is so annoying, don't be lazy, guys, look at there's no caps on either one of those. This video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition.

All right today, we're going to be repairing this unit right here, uh, while doing another service call. We found that it had a bad indoor, blower motor, so here's our blower assembly and it's really dirty, so we're definitely going to be pulling this guy to clean it. Um the blower motor is right there. The easiest way to do this is just to go ahead and pull the top off the unit, so we'll go ahead and unscrew everything and do all the wiring.

I brought another person with me, so it makes it easier. We'll get the blower assembly pulled out the motor changed out, and then we got to dive into these guys, because you know we got caps missing, i'm sure we're going to be low on charge and my quote, i went ahead and put gas in the quote, even Though i don't know, i told the man, you know the the people that if it doesn't take it, i won't use it, but so we got the top off and look at this man. It's really rubbing. That was the shroud doing that.

As far as the condenser, i mean it's dirty, it's not too bad, but we're gon na clean it anyways all right, we're doing good, we'll make sure we test to see if there's pressure in both systems before we took the top back on um just changed the Filters last week, when we condemned it or when we condemned the motor so now we're gon na get this guy out this thing's being a pain kind of crazy. If you look down here, i don't know if the k i mean it is just cape down in that drain. Pan this is, unfortunately, is a place you can't get to unless you uh pull the top off the unit, so we're gon na try to clean all that stuff out. If we can looks like there's a belt box or whatever this heat exchanger is about ready to fail, i don't know if you guys can see the color change down here, but i don't see any holes yet, but it's gon na be there very soon um.

All right, so we got the blower assembly out. We got the motor up there, we're gon na vacuum this out in here and then get back down into here. Get all this cleaned up clean up the side insulation over there there and then our blower assembly is over here. We're gon na go clean it out.

So this thing i mean stuff is literally falling out of the blower assembly right here as we're turning it. It's just caked, so we'll give it a rinse and then put cleaner on it. If necessary, this doesn't seem like grease, so it might come clean. That is a lot of dirt.

Coming out of this thing, look at that stuff man. It's crazy got the new foam! Sprayer here this thing makes short work makes it foam up really well. So it's not ideal. I've said it in a recent video too getting brightener cleaner.
You know on bearings and stuff, but when the customer's not doing regular preventative maintenance and these blower assemblies get this dirty, sometimes you got to do what you got to do so get this guy and let it soak rinse it a couple times and then hopefully it'll Be all cleaned out and give the customer probably another year or two before the bearings fail. I would guess, but you know didn't really plan for this, but it's kind of nice. The water leaks out of this thing so slow that i'm able to build up the coil cleaner and the squirrel cage is just sitting in it right now and i just rotate it every few minutes. It's just piled in there pretty cool how that worked out.

Cram. Look at that all black water, nasty, uh, chunky, mookie goobers, it's a pain over here - is pretty nasty. Look at those chunks coming out of that thing. Right now, it's from this back behind the stuff's coming out.

Now the water pressure is being funky right now they must be using their dishwasher or something look at that. I guess that's good for coil rinsing, though we don't overflow the drain pan but nasty. This guy is about as clean as we can get it i mean without going too crazy. The drain pan is nice and clear coils.

You know it's not perfect on the other side, but i'm not going to try to make it perfectly shiny. You know you can only do so much. We're still got a little bit of vacuuming on the side, went ahead and got on the condenser coil. Now this coil is pretty damaged on the outside um.

We split it here because we got the top off. We can get down inside check it out. It's not too bad put a little bit of cleaner on it got all the way around went ahead and rinsed out all this area right here and the um combustion area over here went ahead and rinsed that out too not that they're using the heater right now. Anyways but yeah blower assemblies, all dried out units all dried out.

The customer did complain. Apparently we got some water dripping down into the ducts, but it's since stopped um, i'm just trying to wire the new motor right now, um and then i'll set it up like we had before. Oh the other thing, too is we need to vacuum out in here. We'll get to that, but i'll set the motor up there set the blower assembly in so we're just wiring it all right now, so we got the motor wired and ready, but i wanted to show you guys something i don't know if you guys can see this Or not, but this whole cavity right here is bowed in and that's one of the things that i've always said.

I'm not a super fan of on these carrier package units. Is they don't make the areas and the brackets and things with the blower assembly strong enough. So this because this is bowed in you, know, nothing's ever going to be straight on this thing, so you can only make it so perfect. Blower assemblies back in it was kind of a chore, but we got it um everything's kind of coming together we're going to put the pulley on the new motor.
So what i do is i take the old one and i match up the opening to the new one and then we'll see where that gets us. I'm trying to get a ballpark and you guys can see that see how the motor pulley is pitching in and it's just all out of whack, and that's because the blower assembly is just all out of whack. These carriers are never, and this is even the reinforced. Sometimes it's because of this bracket, but this is the new reinforced bracket, so it's got to have something to do with that whole cavity, caving in all right, we're good.

I set the pulley depth. This is not gon na be perfect, but it's as good as we can get it um. It's not. I don't know if you guys can see that or not it's not absolutely perfect.

It's still pitching in a little bit. The problem is, is like, i think. Okay, let's go ahead and shim these, but you got to take this whole assembly off because the nut keeps spinning on the or the bolt keeps spinning on the back of this. So it's a pain in the butt, so i'm not gon na spend too much more time on it.

It's about as good as it's gon na get we're just gon na work on securing the wiring. So it doesn't rub out now all right as i was pulling everything out of here. This limit switch fell apart in my hands for the heat, but we're not gon na use that right now so we'll deal with that later. I just secured the wires over here, but what i wanted to point out is we secured everything, so the wires are not zip, tied, they're, zip tied to a zip tie.

So that way the wires are not going to rub on the all thread. They're secured safe they're, not rubbing on any metal right here. You know we we do that to try to prevent any other issues in the future, so everything's, nice and snug belt's, nice and snug we're gon na start, putting things back together, slowly putting the top back on and all that, putting everything together and the run cap For the condenser fan motors i figured i tested and it was low. It was only reading like eight microfarads on each side and it's supposed to be a 10..

So i sent someone to go, get a new run cap for it um those contactors. I mean they. Don't look the greatest, but i don't think. Oh no they're, not that bad.

It's not really part of my quote we'll test them. Where i got the blower running and it's running in the right direction. I confirm that. But here's the problem we're over amping we're allowed to run 7.5 amps.

I match that pulley exactly to what the other one was. So why why are we over amping we've got three phase power. I did test that. What we need to do is we need to walk right over here, and this panel is still off guys.

It's so important to make sure the panels are on the unit when they're running, if you're trying to do a pm on a unit - and you have a panel off like that. Now - that's just half ass on, but it's probably good enough. It's going to affect the operation of the blower motor notice, how the current draw dropped immediately, and it's still dropping i'm going to put that panel on the rest of the way same thing would happen. If we had this panel off, it's set up to run under a certain static pressure.
Okay, and if the static pressure is too low, the motor theoretically could over current okay and that's what was happening. It was too easy. There wasn't enough resistance across the ductwork and we're over currenting because of that now we're under current we're allowed to run 7.5 amps and we're good, so um we're going to fire up the cooling. I got to figure out what i got to do.

I probably got to log into their internet thermostats fire up the cooling and we're going to proceed to check first and second stage. I guarantee they're going to be low on charge because those caps are missing. I went ahead and sanded up the line. So that way, my clamps, because i use the field piece job link probes with the rapid rail technology thing, so they got to have clean copper for it.

So i cleaned that up. While i was waiting, yeah we're just moving along oh and we're flashing. Because of that limit switch, so i do have to fix that too. So so right off the bat.

This is the first stage and it's not looking all too bad. I mean the super heat's a little bit on the high side, but i'm still giving it time to stabilize out got a 40 degree. Evaporator temperature - this is r22 um. Temperature split is decent.

I still got to flip over to the second stage, but airflow is decent. Someone was asking how i calculated airflow and measure quick, it's a a calculation that they figured out using the um, the psychrometers, so there's no special tool. It's just an estimation for airflow, let's flip over to i'm not going to add any gas at this point. Let's flip over to the second stage, give it a second to catch up.

I don't know why it takes so long for it to catch up, but okay, so the superheat's still a little high on the second stage. Again, we're going to give it some time to stabilize out, but these numbers aren't looking horrible. Remember the sub cooling on these things. You got to be careful because it's using discharge line pressure instead of liquid line pressure.

So it's not an accurate sub cooling. So you got to take that carefully. All right we're adding a little bit of gas to the second stage, because we're still running a little bit high on the superheat and everything else is looking pretty good to me. So we're just adding a little bit of refrigerant.

Throttling it in nice and slow charging with my smart probes, so you guys ever have uh. This is a brand new cylinder of 22.. We had a um, even though it's in a recovery cylinder. We had one of those where the the the cap got stuck and uh.
I wish i would have gotten a video of it, but i've had it happen a few times where the cap is it's broken off. So what i do is just take a screwdriver and get it really hot and melt it into the the on off cap thing. And then you just got to put it into a recovery cylinder because you can't close it anymore because you're using a screwdriver. So but we are looking good second stage, i'm not going to put any more gas in it i'll find out in a minute how much, but i probably put about a pound or two in there.

Um second stage is the one that was missing the caps. The first stage didn't have to add any gas that one was fine. So all right, we are going to uh wrap this one up, take our gauges off close it down and then we're gon na double check to make sure we get screws in all the panels and everything, but this one's looking good. All right, i turned off the gas turned off the gas valve disconnected the heating here.

So that way, the heater won't try to fire um, put new caps on all of these guys, new brass caps. So we're good to go we're putting this guy back together and that's it all right, so it wasn't too difficult. This was a follow-up, obviously to our original call, where we came out where they were complaining, the dining room was too cold and the thermostat had fallen off the wall. That was the you know.

This was one of the units that i found while doing that. So we got approval and we came back in and went ahead and pulled the blower assembly assembly. Obviously, as you saw, what i want to point out is how important it is. Obviously, i'm always preaching the whole big picture.

Diagnosis: thing: okay, but how important it is to try to think ahead. You know when we find a blower motor, that's failed or going bad or whatever you know, look around like in this situation. I looked at the blower assembly and the blower assembly looked really dirty. So that changed how i quoted this entire job, because if i was just changing a motor, i would have just brought one service tech, but because that blower assembly was really dirty.

I decided to bring another service technician with me, and that was part of my quote. So as a service technician, when you're out in the field, you know, if you're not doing your own quotes, someone in the office probably is, and they don't know everything you know, and it's really easy for us text in the field. You know when we're out there we're thinking in our head, yeah i'll quote this and i'll quote that and then, if you're doing your own quotes, you sit down and sometimes you'll, remember the stuff that you're, like oh yeah, you know we're going to need a second Person, but if people from the office are doing the quotes, they don't know unless we tell them. So you got to make sure you look at everything and say: hey.

You know what this thing's going to be an all-day job. We need another tech, we got to pull the top off. You know it looks like it's low on refrigerant and again the whole big picture thing um. You know i kind of looked at it and i said you know what there's caps missing from that compressor.
There was no way for me to check the charge before, but i was able to you know, add a little bit of extra refrigerant and put a caveat in the the quote. Saying: hey, you know what some caps were missing. It might be low on charge. If i need it i'll use it, you know, and i try to do the whole big picture, diagnosis thing and try to give the customer a big picture quote and on this one they bit and they let me go ahead and do the repair that i wanted To do in hindsight, i probably should have gone and changed those contactors too um, but they were okay, they tested, okay, they didn't have a voltage drop or anything but yeah.

You know it probably would have been a good idea to go and get those out of the way, but we'll keep an eye on it. You know the customers starting up their pm program. They actually just ordered pms for all of their restaurants in our area. So you know it'll be nice to be able to get a running list of things and i'll add that one to my wish list you know but yeah.

I really really. You know, try to give them all the information and try to remember all the information myself. So that way we can come in and do the best job. We can i'm not perfect i'll, never be perfect.

I never pretend to be perfect. I just trying to do my best. You know with all the information that i have, so i really appreciate you guys making it to the end of the video. Thank you so much.

If you haven't already, please go check out my website. Hvacrvideos.Com hats, beanies sweaters, shirts! Any support would be great. You don't have to, but i mean, if you want to check it out, also other ways you can support the channel if you're interested in purchasing any tools check out, there's a link in the show notes. If you use my offer code, big picture, you get a discount on your order and i get a commission a small commission.

It doesn't change your price and if you guys know what you're going to purchase too shoot me an email and i can actually generate an affiliate link and the affiliate link helps me a little bit more. You still get the same discount and everything it just. You know helps me get a little bigger commission. Basically, um live streams monday evening 5 pm pacific on youtube, work permitting and then also we go live on the hvac overtime channel about 6 05 pm pacific time on friday evenings myself, bill adam and joe.

We kind of recap the week and you know just kind of talk about everything i missed the last show because i had to work, but you know sometimes it happens, but hey really appreciate you guys and we'll catch you on the next one. Okay.

43 thoughts on “The dining room ac is not working”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Belding says:

    I understand wanting to replace the contactors, but I have to wonder – do you carry an emery board? When working with car distributors, a way to fix things to get you to where you can do a replacement was to buff the contacts to remove the corrosion and smooth out the arc pits. It seems like you'll leave a scorched contactor in 'original' condition if you can't replace them right then and there.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Conway says:

    In this video you checked the contactors, you decided not to change them. What are your thoughts on trying to get some sand paper on the contacts to clean them up a little? I've done it, not often but I've done it(mostly residential units). I've only done it in a pinch to get equipment running until we can come back. And I always explained to the customer that it's not a permanent fix, that it could be a problem, that way there's no surprises. Especially on older equipment. You often say at the end of your videos how much you appreciate us watching til the end. I hope YOU know now much we appreciate what you do! You are the Norm Abrams of refrigeration! (New Yankee Workshop, This Old House). Love What You Do!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Golden says:

    I know nothing about hvac or refrigeration, but i work as a manager in food service, and I actually find it pretty interesting to see what my maintenance company has to deal with and how these repairs are actually done Service area Nepean??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francis Piché says:

    i'm not sure i understand why the subcool reading isnt all that good ''because it takes discharge pressure and not liquid line pressure'' . Isnt the high side pressure equal up until the TXV ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Rednexican says:

    A co-worker and I were checking amps on a package unit and it over-amped and blew the fuses. Reason was we left the blower door open to long which had it running over the nameplate amps. We learned that day that the motor is designed to run with a load just like you said. Thanks for that great reminder!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hayden UK 19 says:

    Great work and thanks for sharing this with us take care

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Sweeney says:

    Let me repeat what I’ve previously said. I have nothing to do with your field of work but I am utterly fascinated watching you at work. Your methodical approach, your common sense and system knowledge is impressive.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars surf A says:

    I always look forward to your vids man great content i been in the trade for 2 years and had no one to turn to for advice learned a lot from watching your vids being able to connect what i read in my modern refrigeration book and being able to see it in practice was super helpful

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Bennett says:

    You really do quality thorough work. Great job.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Good vid Sir …

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dbinok says:

    Do you use any kind of customer management software? I was just wondering if you have a way to be able to lookup the maintenance history for a customer and equipment. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe head says:

    Main power coming into unit spliced before making it into the control panel area? Splices forming into a drip loop? What's up with that?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor Diana says:

    I don’t know why they don’t replace those units Service area Ottawa??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    dirty blower wheel will move less air and underload the motor, it or pulley was likely changed in the past and adjusted with the wheel dirty.
    but beware yet, because as you showed airflow changes and static pressures can also majorly influence things. for example, high negative building pressure and economizer opens wider? lower blower current will result, because air is being pulled through it and it has to work less. opposite for positive pressure building and economizer opens, suddenly blower is working harder to push the air in(same as you leaving return duct panel off).
    it's a catch 22, customers roaming in and out, exhaust fans cycling, other HVAC units modulating economizers and cooks fiddling with MAU/exhaust. what looks great one minute can change a mile in a few minutes. (I guess this comment is more into engineering and very advanced troubleshooting levels, but such has gone all industry as of late)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farmer bob says:

    Just curious but do the other employees not want to be on camera?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Belcher says:

    Belt looks loose. What do you set the tension to?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pepsicolachao says:

    You have great content on your channel!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vann Berg HVAC says:

    Nothin' scarier than a Carrier lol. Awesome work. Great point on the static pressure and fan overamping scenario.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars More350Power says:

    That intro is awesome ! Thumbs up!!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Another great video!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph santos says:

    Did you put new caps on the service valves? Lol didnt catch it Are you in Kanata ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny says:

    How do you select different stages in measure quick, not sure how you do that.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Holmes says:

    Nice vid one thing I find interesting you seem to swap contactors quite often which I suppose is good practice.

    I find the vast majority of contactors I see here in Australia are of the sealed varieties and are quite difficult to inspect.

    I have often done thermal checks and contact voltage drop tests but I find even when I have removed even 20 year old contactors the contacts have all looked quite good.

    I wonder if there is more of an issue with the open contactors being of lesser build quality as I have had those look fairly shabby even after a few years and I have noted a significant cost difference to a sealed contactor in for example 3 pole being 3 or more times the cost.

    I generally use top quality sealed contactors that are admittedly quite pricey bit I never hear boo out of them for the life of the unit.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diddleshot says:

    Very satisfying video

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the everything channel says:

    What video was the on previously vid at the start

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riley Briggs says:

    Gotta say, I love the content, love the channel, and love how you run your business. Just got my HVACR Videos shirt and I’m proud to rep it! Also, the recap was great👌

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natsumi dragneel says:

    If I had a dollar for caps missing from cars I work on I would own a tesla model s plaid. Service area Orleans??

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ATS says:

    You cant blame that on professionals. The maintenance guy making 15 dollars an hour even looses 1 bolt cover for the toilet, at least 1 screw in every electrical box, strip marks on all the chrome fittings, only one clip holding several light diffusers, and ah yes, the cap from the service fitting. He didn't gauge up. He doesn't need to, to check the charge. He just depresses the schrader valve with his bare fingers and lets a little just burp out to see if there's enough to get them buy. If he can't duct tape, flying splice, or glue it back together he calls you in to fix it. He hates having to call in a professional because they are usually know it all kinda guys. Are you in Ottawa ?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flying Adventures says:

    turn on fan motor

    Belt: "SCREEEEEEEE Im here!"

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete says:

    I wish I had your commercial knowledge!! What’s the standard subcool and superheat on package units??

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mathew Russell says:

    Note to self. Dont watch chris' videos with headphones on, I think my ears are bleeding

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GamblerMarco says:

    That was a great story about the R22 valve and reason for filling the system from a reclaim bottle… I need to remember that if EPA ever stops up on a roof I am working on…..

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave K says:

    Just like having to change a contactor for a new compressor. Do the same for a blower motor. Do you take a poop and not wipe your azz? In Ca. Bad why burn up a fam motor if the old contactor burns 1 pad and gets stuck or not make contact at all. Pet peve for me

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel says:

    Love the intro! 😂😂 Are you in Nepean ?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ackel Sylvester says:

    the teaser makes it seem like i'm watching a tv series,

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan M says:

    Couldn't you shim the motors mounting base(that slides up and down attached blower housing) to help correct alignment? Not ideal, but an idea.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:

    Nice job 👍

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walker says:

    Good job.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fidik Vien says:

    Would you ever get to the point where you'd show some of your guys? I think to some extent it would be neat to see the team effort, if in nothing other than a wide-angle timelapse.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FlugPoP says:

    Production value just went up another notch. 🤩

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Hamilton says:

    Man there's some haters on here. They must be new. Cuz I feel like Chris should be a poster boy of professional in this industry. Don't listen to them people hating on you man keep up the good work and the great videos

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Young says:


  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DragonRider425 says:

    That belt be making an AWFUL noise.
    the "previously on" is a neat touch.

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