Propane has a lot of qualities that a lot of those refrigerants don't. Some of the refrigerants that we've seen banned in the industry that are harmful to the environment. they actually have ozone depleting qualities. Propane doesn't do any of that.

r290 doesn't do any of that. It also has a very low Gwp rating compared to a lot of these other refrigerants. and that's the big thing going on right now as we go from 41A refrigerant to R32 or R454b A lot of the concerns revolve around the G Ewp ratings: the global warming potential and Propane it's non-existent I mean I think I've seen some studies where they said it's as low as three, some of them saying it's as high as 20, but in comparison to the other ones that we're seeing on the market where we see hundreds if not thousands as a rating for the Gwp, this is minimal. You know it's it's non-existent Basically,.

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