This thing Ices up so much and its getting kinda silly because its all the restaurants fault.
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This video is brought to you by Sporland. quality, integrity and tradition. That sounds like it's a problem. Oh man, that's some serious ice.

It's backed way up into there and it's actually not that bad here. so it's from them leaving the door open. It's just the defrost heaters are taking care of the ice on the coil, but it's not getting the ice that builds up in front of the coils. What's happening? So I'm gonna go throw this guy into a defrost and we're gonna get water hoses in here.

We'll get it pulled apart and we'll try to figure out. You know what's going on here. All right, My condensed unit's right here. I'll have to get these screws taken out, we can open it up and then we'll be able to get in there and get it put into defrost mode.

All right, Defrost Clock I Mean nothing looks too crazy in here, just a little. Dusty No maintenance done here, so clock says the incorrect time. It's off by quite a bit, but it's probably about 8 30 a.m right now, but they probably shut off breakers on the regular so it should be somewhere around there. Um, I'm gonna go and put it into a really long defrost.

We'll disconnect the X terminal and we'll let the Defrost heater start melting stuff while we're getting all of our hoses and everything ready. This has been doing this for a long time and the customer just hasn't been calling is what's been happening like they just haven't. Probably wanted to make the service call, but it's pretty bad. I Mean look at the damage like this thing is is jacked up.

Um what I'm going to do right now just real quick. We're going to do our due diligence and we're going to go through them. We're going to amp every heater to make sure they have current. so I Got to get back in there.

there's another one. so so far that's two and it looks like there's one more three. So I think there's only three heaters in this? There's yeah. I think that's it Is those three.

There's one on the bottom, one in the middle and then one in the top. So that's all the heaters. So we know the heaters are working so that's good. So at this point now we're gonna go shut off the disconnect switch and we're gonna start breaking out this ice now.

Unfortunately, because of how frozen up it is, we're not going to be able to not get the motors wet. That's unfortunate, but it is what it is, you know? Especially since they waited this long to call us all right when, uh, when we're doing this. I have a wand. but I Also use this and this works.

It's the same as the wand, it just doesn't have the length you know? But it's really nice because you can put it on the low shower setting and like carefully get around the motor. you can even put it on a Mist setting. And because the ice is so thick up on the back I put down pans down here because there is inevitably going to be water dripping down there. So I'm just gonna go to town and get this all defrosted all right.

I Went ahead and grabbed some new blades because the old ones were really beat up and they've been hitting the ice and man, look at this coil, you can clearly tell that management has been beaten on this trying to melt ice and stuff. so they beat the heck out of it. But we're gonna slap these new blades on and then get it started up and hopefully be done with it. So getting these fan guards on is a chore because there's no speed nut holding it in place like on the heatcraft ones.
This is a wrestle one so the fan wants to fall backwards so it's kind of a trick. You got to kind of thread these on one corner at a time, but we got it in. Motors are wired in, ice is all melted. It's time to turn this guy on.

make sure there's nothing else wrong. but we have a history with this one and it's such a small box and they put so much product in here. they're in and out of it all day long. They use it like a reach-in freezer.

The cooks are walking in and out all day long. delivery companies leave the doors open it just Icees up. It's just common and I'm gonna have to talk to them because they gotta stop beating it. Looks like they're beating it with a hammer trying to defrost it themselves.

It's ridiculous. I Also have a uh a Twist timer on the door and they just don't twist it. You know? I mean we could put door switches on it I mean I Guess that's the next thing. Customer really doesn't want to do that though.

I Brought it to their attention many times. so it kind of is what it is. We just come out and defrost it once every two three months. So when this starts up, the fan motor should not start immediately.

They should have a delayed reaction because it has, uh, temperature, um, delay. Basically it clicks on that won't close the power to the fan motors until the coil gets to a certain temperature to try to reduce steam blowing off the coil, water droplets and things like that also reduce the load on the compressor on. Startup So this is the correct operation and then here in a second when the coil gets to a certain temperature usually around 20 to 30 degrees, somewhere in there it'll turn the evaporative fan motors on and hopefully we don't hear that clunk clunk clunk sound anymore. All right, Evaporator fan motors are running.

No vibrations, no wobbles. That's a good sign. so we're gonna watch. We're gonna start assembling the coil, putting the side panels back on, and just kind of watching it drop in temperature.

I'll take a walk upstairs, look at the condensed unit, make sure we don't see any issues there. but I think we're going to be good. We are running and the sight glass is clear. I'll take you down in here I Don't really see a need to put service gauges on this guy because it was just iced up in front of the coil in any issues.

So I'm going to set the defrost clock I still got to turn off power, hook up the defrost termination back to it, and we're going to set it appropriately and then just watch the unit operate for a bit. I used to do a lot of writing on equipment and I don't write as much anymore. but I do like writing startup information. So for me I have a bunch of data that I took on Startup crankcase heater amps at the voltage right? because if you just have amps, that doesn't mean anything when the voltage can change because our voltage fluctuates so evap heaters, total current, individual heaters, and then down here startup, total charge, receiver level, evaporator superheat.
it would have been smart for me What? I didn't do right here because things can change right? It would have been smart to write the Box temp at which I measured that superheat and it would have been smart to measure the ambient temperature at which I measured the condensing TD Those are all good things just to help someone in the future, so that way they can know if things change. So I'm currently waiting for someone downstairs to finish putting the panels on I have the equipment turned off I fixed the defrost put uh, put it to 45 minute defrost, one long one in the middle of the night and then throughout the day. Actually, this one doesn't need to be there throughout the day. Again, this customer is just bad at uh, icing this box up all the time.

Always double check its true colors came out. this fan motor is pushing air. this fan motor is just coasting and the low speed is disconnected, but it's something's going on inside and it's running on low speed. So I gotta go get one of those.

Motors now too. This is the frustrating thing. It was so iced up before we couldn't Not, you know, Do it. Ah, frustrating.

It's funny now. this guy's spinning on high speed so it's intermittent. But I got a new motor anyways because there's something internally shorted and it could have been wet because we had to hose it down or what. But we're going to change this motor for sure.

All right. got the new motor in back up and running like it should be now on this particular unit. we actually don't even use the two speed feature because it just created a lot of issues, especially with them icing it up all the time. So we run the single speed on this so that's how I knew that motor was bad because the red wire was disconnected and taped off.

and the way that these motors work is one leg of power. The 208 volt comes in to the red wire and then it runs on low speed. So it runs on high speed if you only have power to the black and the white. but if you bring up the power leg to the red, then it goes to low speed.

So with the red wire disconnected and taped off when it was running on low speed, what I know is there's an internal malfunction in the motor. something got wet, who knows and it just caused the malfunction. so we got to change down. I'm going to try to pull the old motor apart now, but customer's good to load the Box up now.
I Don't see an abnormal amount of moisture in here. I Will say that I I broke the motor taking it out, but these wires come over and just solder to here and to here and here and I broke it. but I mean there's nothing funky going on. I mean it's an ECM motor.

so I don't see any water damage, but clearly something happened and it was just wet and it was shorting causing it to run on low speed. So but I've heard about these things being full of water. I'm not seeing that I don't see any water in there even after washing the dang thing off and look at the back of the case like I don't It looked like it was still sealed but whatever, we changed the motor. it's good to go.

Now we're going to give the keys to the customer and tell them to keep an eye on it. I Really need to get this customer on board with put and door switches on this I'm it's starting to get silly I Was at this location. it's actually been more than a couple months. It's been about eight months since I was there last, but from the looks of that evaporatorical, it looks like the customer has been trying to defrost it themselves by using a hammer or something.

which we all know how that ends right? Um, you know when it comes to doing this, even though it seems like such an easy task, you know? and it seems like I'm just going to defrost a coil. you still go through everything. still check the heaters. now.

one thing I Want to point out as I was editing the video I realized that you know that Defrost clock, being that far off in time is a little suspect. There's a little something going on there I Really think that the customer has been turning off the breaker I Think that's what's been happening and the reason why I think that is because the ice wasn't on the coil per se. it was in front of the coil and just in the back on the top. like in the very very top.

I've seen this coil before iced up like all the way through and that wasn't the case. So I'm definitely going to be paying a visit to the customer here because this this happened this week. actually two days ago. it's uh, actually yesterday it's it's uh, April 19th right now and I did this on April 18th was when I defrosted it and changed all those parts.

Uh, On another note that ECM motor is insanely expensive. It's it's sad how much those things cost, but it is what it is. You really can't find an alternative to that motor without changing the brackets and the whole setup because of the wattage of the motor they make ECM replacement motors. even us Motors makes an aftermarket one that you can buy from the supply house, but the wattage isn't there for the amount of uh, you know, work that motor has to do.

so you're kind of stuck with that OEM motor. and I think the manufacturers of the motor knows that. you know kind of a thing. But anyways, back to it.
Always do your due diligence go through everything you know you saw that I decided to change the blades because they were really beat up. obviously they were hitting the ice and then even after I started it up. and defrosted it and everything was working. I came back in and I noticed that one of the fan motors was spinning on low speed.

you know? So that's the kind of stuff we need to catch. Don't just like knock it out and you know it's defrosted. I'm out. it's running, you know? wait, watch.

The Box come down to Temp I Did not see a reason to have to put service gauges on it again. If you're not super experienced and you're being sent out to do something like this, then I highly suggest that you go through the gamut putting your gauges on it. This is not a critically charged piece of equipment that only holds six ounces of refrigerant. This thing holds 40 pounds of gas probably or 31 Pounds or whatever it is.

It's a ridiculous amount of gas, so putting your service gauges on it or even your probes is not going to be a big deal. So I highly suggest you do that just to make sure that everything's working properly. Maybe do a pump down test. check the liquid level again.

I Marked it so that liquid level should be the same level all the time. right when it's pumped down. You know that kind of stuff now. I didn't see the need to do that again.

I took a shortcut sometimes I I take shortcuts and I take that risk that there could be something going on. but I you know I'm using my judgment I'm using my knowledge and the skills that I have and I'm making an educated guess if you want to call it that, right. So that way you know I don't think I need to put service gauges on it I didn't need to go that far because you know that didn't seem like it was the issue Now I will tell you that again. Uh, I'm gonna approach the customer and and understand something I work for corporations, right? I don't work for the local management, so the local management just calls me when there's a problem.

But if I want to get something okayed I have to go to the corporate office. So what I'm probably going to suggest is that they let me go in with something. Um, you know that's an all-in-one controller. You know something that we can, uh, monitor, defrost, have a door switch, and have it all integrated into one controller.

Maybe the defrost is built into the controller? That'd be something that I really think they should consider. but again, it's up to them, right? I have to give them the information and then they choose to do what they want with it. A lot of times in the past I've told them hey, let's put door switches on here. Let's put this.

let's put that and a lot of times I Like nah nah nah, Just you know if you got to go out there twice a year, you know they're like, that's fine. You know they don't mind doing that so it's just a game you have to play. So I'll bring everything up to them and see where they want to go with this. But I can't stress enough big picture diagnoses right? Always look at everything now.
I'm very familiar with this location in fact I've been servicing this location for over 20 years like since I was even before I was officially doing HVAC working with my father I was servicing this location with him as a little kid. So you know I have a very big history at this location and I know their habits and I know what goes on. um, and I know what you know Typically that the biggest issue here is the food delivery. They are a very small restaurant.

They do a lot of volume. They get a lot of food delivered to the point that you can't even walk in that box very easily. It's kind of ridiculous. Now, they do keep the food away from the coil.

They're good about that, but it's just they're such a small location and they don't have a lot of room for equipment as far as refrigerators and freezers go in the kitchen. So what they do is they have a small freezer, but they end up using this as a back and forth back and forth. And obviously we know that this isn't really designed for that and it's such a small box that when you open that door, it's just ridiculous. You know the amount of heat that comes in there and it's a whole issue, but you just want to make sure that you're very thorough.

Big picture diagnos OC Stuff right? You want to kind of look at everything and don't just be a knock it out and move on, you know, So just be thorough I Really appreciate y'all making it to the end of the video. As usual, it's really awesome to see the support the comments the feedback I get from you. it is really cool if you're interested. uh, check out my website and we have merchandise available.

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46 thoughts on “This walk in freezer is a pain”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EXTRAORIDANARYEXPLORATIONS says:

    I've been doing this 17 years and it's not worth it go get a degree and get a nice slack shirt in a banker office where ypu won't tear your hands to pieces and have to deal with the most dangerous chemicals known to man just take a look in your local supply houses not too many model guys running around there lmfao more like crackhead ex felons

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Piedel says:

    I’ve removed the termination on the defrost clock before in high traffic walk in freezers. Just let it go the full 30-45 mins Are you in Barrhaven ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOURADEEP BISWAS says:

    Wow Nidec Servo BLDC (ECM) motor.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mumma & Riley H says:

    Walk in freezers sure are a pain especially if they’re iced up

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farm_fab says:

    Chris, I've seen situations where the manufacturer of equipment will have motors or parts made to their spec so that one needs to get the parts from them. This only makes service calls more expensive for parts, and can delay repairs since they usually have to order the parts rather than being able to stop at an HVAC supplier and get it off the shelf.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RyanI says:

    A simple ke2 with defrost can work good to stop frost buildup

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Hunter says:

    Are the hammer marks rounded, if so are they using a ball-pein hammer on it?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Purcell says:

    I very much appreciate all the info you provided in your video’s. I enjoy watching and learning how you approach each call, even if you think your cheating a little bit with some of the diagnosis. It allows us to to see and decide how we can approach the same situation. Keep up the great video sir

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Mercil says:

    First as a disclaimer, I will say that without the customer we wouldn’t have jobs.

    Now with that being said, sometimes the customers are absolute idiots. We can explain to them certain important things like “it’s important to not leave the freezer door open so this won’t happen again” or from my experience, “keep your filter regularly changed and don’t run the Tstat at 60 degrees in the middle of the night in November so this doesn’t happen again” and they still don’t get it. And they do it again and wonder why they keep having the same issue. 😂 Service area Kanata??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrElemonator says:

    I’d bet the person leaving the door open wants a Tesla so they can waste more energy for everyone. Service area Orleans??

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markus Schwarz says:

    Have you ever said about or tried a steamcleaner to melt the Ice?

    Is that good or bad, does that any harm

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Harry says:

    Lol we had “”3!”” Customers like that ! An we finally gave up an just decided hay!! It’s their money their poring down the drain and in to our pockets. YESsss it is extremely frustrating to the Teck on ridiculous preventable returns, but? You can drag a camel to the water hole, but you cannot force him to drink.. So I “FULLY” understand your frustrations, but ultimately it’s a customers call they own the equipment an can do however they want 🤦‍♂️ all we can do is try

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjermin says:

    Nah, I see this everyday, my customers always tell me that the coil just iced up yesterday.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew van Leeuwen says:

    DUDE i would love to work for you !!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Latitude67North says:

    or the defrost probe at wrong place, or at wrong stopping temp

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JR Exwing says:

    Drip cycle, fan term, superheat! With this ice pattern, did you look at these? I suspect water is blowing off that coil on startup after defrost.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scorchzzz says:

    Quite a tricky one huh, it's difficult to even see a solution to this one due to the space they have – I dont think there is any other solution other than a bigger box or bigger coil (but obvs, that's a can of worms too) other than a digital timer with battery backup instead of an analogue clock and most importantly a sit down with the staff and management for a bit of a strategy agreement – with the overbearing 'clunk' of keeping them as a customer at top priority

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pretty cure Forever says:

    If they want it fixed nothing else just do it you'll get more money coming back if they don't listen to you they probably ignore those switches

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pr0dz says:

    Do you know where to find the brand of a walk-in cooler? I'm trying to look for it in my mom's store.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Smithh says:

    Would put a door switch on the door turning off the system! Customer doesn't honesty doesn't CARE at all!!!! It's plain as day !!! Let the customer beat the unit to death and just shows they LOVE to spend lots of money on equipment!!! !

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shine says:

    👍🇺🇸💪❄️ thanks for sharing

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CorDawgYT says:

    I'm pretty sure those motors couldn't get any wetter so… Are you in Kanata ?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William M says:

    R448? In a freezer? Nice toasty discharge

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walker says:

    Good job Chris.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mizu Sockmender says:

    Hey man, I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do. It is great to see that there are tradesmen out there that still care about doing a good job and Ive learned a lot from you. I run a restaurant in NYC and was always getting fed up with techs that their answer to everything is " its low on freon" and I ask where the leak is and if they fixed it there just give you the run around and you end up paying 500-1000 for $20 of gas and maybe an hour of their time. or another one that I just got from a company called Day and Night here was they were too lazy to find the leak so they just said "oh the leak is on the coil and you have to replace the unit because they dont make replacement coils for that brand anymore…. Everything I know about HVAC is from watching your videos and talking to my HVAC friends and I was able to figure out that the leak was from the connection going to the expansion valve and that leak came about because there was a kink in the line and caused over pressure… anyways, thanks again your videos have save me lots of headaches and money (except now I spend my money on HVAC tools XD). have you thought about doing Udemy classes or something on basics of HVAC? Like a lot of the things that you show in your videos but in a class format? I would definatly sign up for that, while I can now do a lot by myself there are things I do not fully understand like finding your target superheat, etc.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan McAnaney says:

    At my company we call it “swag”… somewhat educated guess lol

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Seneca says:

    I use a steamer to defrost Ice all the time.great around wiring to use and motors.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GrayWolf says:

    Hot gas defrost with air switches. The customer probably turns the breaker off to "defrost " it.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silas Marner says:

    I know I'm a harsh critic of some of these restaurants, but I will try.. try.. to be more loving in this comment – first of all the wiring upstairs we VERY clean and elegant. But shouldn't the manager be punished corporally for their negligence? Either terminate the manager, or make sure they train, warn, and then terminate the employee if the employees are guilty (a 50 buck camera pointed at the handle will insure the perp is caught), or at LEAST rap their knuckles with a steel ruler? Am I wrong here? Please tell me I'm wrong!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abraham Vasquez says:

    Customer inheritance 😂 Are you in Nepean ?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Presson says:

    Awesome video

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett says:

    I've found using a flat head screwdriver to hold the bracket in place while you get the fan guard on makes it super easy.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouShouldPracticeSelfImprovementAndNotBeOnYoutube says:

    So they just keep paying for service calls every 2-3 months instead of fixing their issues…

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R NICE says:

    I just had two evap fans and defrost timer go bad but my sight glass was good and it sounded good never did put gauges on and they still running cold job was three days ago

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel Grenier says:

    A real pain in the –SS Is a food supplier with 2 25×50 freezers 3 units each " hot gas defrost with the staff in and out all day

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rambozo Clown says:

    So put in 1000 watts of defrost heaters and set it to run the first 5 or 10 minutes of every hour.

    Do any of these use a hot gas valve for defrost, like on ice machines?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Gonzales says:

    I have worked in hospitals and they put their frozen food in the cooler before cooking the next day

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deineroehre2012 says:

    For being so expensive, they should at least be IP67 classified, so you can rinse these motors of without any problems. I don't get it why manufacturers don't know that a freezer can freeze up and needs to be rinsed with hot water to get it back working in a reasonable time – it is to be expected so they should put proper motors in. Are you in Ottawa ?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Semi DVDCDT says:

    Always big pictures Diagnosis 💯 🎉

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Woodard says:

    I would tell these people that constantly leave the door open that your next service call will cost you twice as much. If they wanna get a discount, they must abide by keeping the door closed. I would not put up with some of the people.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Kennedy says:

    Be thankful that they use a hammer to defrost, last week I got the privilege of paying for the repair of a coil defrosted with a screwdriver.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Thompson says:

    Is ECM an acronym for extra cost motor Service area Ottawa??

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rust blade says:

    yep, run it until it grenades

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AKStorm49 says:

    The amount of cooks and managers that think they can be technicians is comical. Some are decent due to past mechanical experience but the vast majority barely know anything. Service area Nepean??

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monkeh says:

    It's sad that the motors are so expensive. Okay, so they're relatively high voltage, but brushless motors aren't exactly a new or expensive technology.

    You should send Clive one to dig into for fun, if you haven't already.

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Arellano says:

    I suggest retrofitting with KE2 defrost controller, door switch auxiliary and KE2 Smart Access.

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