Wow talk about one thing after another this walk in freezer was beat down, but this is what the customer gets for doing reactive maintenance.
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08:09 1 2 3 PLEASE DON'T BLOW UP

This video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition. Today we have a service called a walk-in freezer, not working bungees um well looks like maybe a bad fan motor or maybe it came unplugged, but the most important thing is we're not gon na. Just stop at the obvious we're gon na big picture. This thing right, we're always looking to give the customer the best value.

Okay, so um we'll look into that. Let's have a look at the back of the coil. We still don't even know. If that's the only problem, it's a little frosty, it doesn't look too bad um.

Just visual inspections see that line set exiting the box. There's no uh p trap on it, but maybe there's a p-trap on the other side of the wall. You can't always just judge it by what you see right, because that runs out this box is outside of the building and then it goes up through the building. So maybe there's a p-trap elsewhere, um yeah, so we're going to grab our tools open this guy up and figure out if it's a bad motor or whatnot all right, my walk-in freezer condensers right here this particular system, the power for the evaporators, comes from here; okay, It comes from up on the roof, so we need to keep that in mind.

I'm also a little concerned too, because i would expect there to be ice on the suction line. Now this insulation is trashed, uh certainly needs to be replaced and yeah. Maybe it looks like there's a little, but you can see it's completely disintegrated. Yeah, that's that's just trash.

I don't even know how i could get it off um, but that insulation needs to be replaced. I guess there's some frost on there um, but uh yeah. So this is where we open it up. We open this up.

Uh the defrost clock sends power down to the evaporator. That's what turns on the fan motors is the number four terminal from the defrost clock. So this is where we need to start we'll open this up, shut it off and then go downstairs and inspect the evaporator motor. All right got the unit opened up, there's, certainly a vibration coming from that.

Condenser fan motor it's running, but it's vibrating pretty good and it may be hard for you guys to tell, but the blade is pushed too far back and it's not moving air through the condenser properly. This unit also is extremely dirty. I knew this coming up here that, because they don't do preventative maintenance right now, it's more reactive maintenance. So you know we only clean it when we come to work on it.

Basically, so we're definitely going to give this guy a good cleaning, a lot of dust in here we're going to be inspecting that contactor, because look at the white on the little plunger thing right there um. I bet you anything there's a lot of carbon buildup in there um. The condenser itself has got a lot of hail damage, but it certainly is repairable, but there's also dust buildup. You can tell by up here, but it's all inside there, so we're gon na be doing uh, washing the condenser going through everything cleaning this guy out inspecting the contactors and stuff too, but we're gon na start with the obvious, which is that evaporative fan motor.
That's not working so we're gon na go down there inspect that guy um. We can look at this motor right here too now that it's slowing down this one slows down nice and good. This one though yeah that blade is, is not oh wow. It's it's bent because if you look right here, this is sticking out, but then you go over here.

This is not sticking out at all, not sticking out at all yeah. This whole thing's been so we need a new blade on this guy too um, because of that wobble that's been going on i'd more than likely put a new motor. At the same time, this one, i think, was running fine, so yeah just big picture stuff. Here always paying attention, but let's get downstairs and look at that.

Evaporator got the cover pulled off and this guy is locked up yeah. It's got like something going on where it keeps getting stuck like and then like, and the fan blade looks like it might be. Cracked, too, so we need to investigate that once we pull it off, i am out in the southern california desert. I am about two hours away from my shop uh about an hour in one direction, away from the closest supply house.

So what i went ahead and did was, i called another technician and uh he's gon na pick up parts, because what i'm gon na go ahead and do talk to the customer about it. We're gon na go ahead and uh, replace this blade and motor and then we're to replace two blades two motors down at the evaporator and two motor brackets um. The evaporator has ecm motors and, in all honesty, those ecm motors, don't do too well in the walk-in freezers and it has a different style of bracket. So we're going to convert it to this style of bracket, so it can accept a normal motor um.

So i have the technician picking all of that stuff up. In the meantime, i'm not going to sit around and waste the customers time and money, i'm going to go ahead and start cleaning this guy. So the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to hose everything off, but the first thing i'm going to do is just attack this with my blower get in here and go to town cleaning all that stuff blow out the condenser too. But i'm still going to rinse the condenser but hit that guy up you can see the dust the california desert beats it down, but again we're just trying to give the customer the best bang for their buck right, big picture stuff and there's no point in me.

Going to get parts because i can continue cleaning while someone else is bringing me all the other parts and it's just more efficient, because i'm going to look into that contactor, you know i'm going to go through everything all right pop, the top off of this guy. There's a lot of like carbon build up whatever you want to call that in there the contactor it's going to be hard for you guys to see. But it's pretty pitted, i mean it's not horrible, but there's some buildup going on in there and there's a lot of that white carbon dust stuff building up um. I pulled the cover off this one.
Let's try and get it off this one actually looks great this one right here is just the defrost contactor, so i get it to focus this one right here is just the defrost contactor. It's not gon na focus in there, but this one looks great. I don't see any problems with this one, so this one's fine we're going to put the cover back on that and then we're going to go ahead and replace this contactor and then finish cleaning the rest of the unit. So this contactor has a auxiliary contact on it.

It's just a bolt-on right here. Okay, i carry them in my truck. They typically in this situation. What they're doing is it's a defrost lockout so let's say, for instance, that the pressure control isn't cutting the compressor out.

It's not going to let the defrost turn on until this contactor disengages, so there's a mechanical action. When i push it in, you can see that it also opens a contact on the auxiliary contact. Now this one has a normally open and normally closed, so you got to choose which one you want to connect it to, but essentially it's to make sure that the defrost contactor doesn't pull in when the compressor contactor is pulled in that way, you're not just running The heaters and the compressor at the same time didn't take me long. Just took a couple pictures to make sure just in case i got confused but understanding how these systems work is the key to working on them right.

So um wired in the uh auxiliary contact, everything's back where it's supposed to be um yeah one, two three please don't blow up. Oh look at that disconnect switch is bad there. It goes we'll do i don't have one of those but we'll be talking to them about that, but yeah it didn't blow up it finally turned on. We also need to look at that we'll clean the contacts of the disconnect switch because it's not it could be making um a bad connection and and we can have burnt wires and stuff in that guy.

So it's always like we heard the action there. Let's see we're not hearing the action, there goes, it just went, but it's a delayed reaction, so you always want to watch out for that stuff, um big picture kind of here right now. I don't have one of these. Nor can i get one today, but uh we'll make sure we clean the the knives out and um, maybe figure something out again i mean when you're out in the desert.

This equipment takes a beating from all this sand. Where do you stop look at try to turn this guy? It's not it's, not turning. Okay, the clock is barely doing anything. Try to turn it with my fingers.

It's not going there. It goes good josh, but it's getting stuck so the customer. I still don't know what their complaint was. I mean they said a fan motor wasn't working, but they also said that it wasn't temping correctly and um the uh, the um evaporator, wasn't iced up right uh.
So there could be something else going on that defrost clock could be part of it. You know so always looking at everything on these, so i pulled the contactor apart to get a better look at it. Look at the points on the inside of here. You can see they're pretty corroded and then the same thing down here, pretty corroded and then right here.

So this is an oem contactor. This equipment is probably from the 2006 is what i'm thinking era somewhere in there and uh. That's pretty good life for that contactor. But yeah it's time and again it wasn't bad in front of us, but it's one of those things that it's a preventative measure we're here right and this is a walk-in freezer.

This is a critical piece of equipment. This particular customer is okay with me. Taking care of critical stuff and making sure that it's working right, and on top of that, like i said earlier, i'm out in the southern california desert i'm hours away from my shop, you know hours in a round trip from a supply house. The last thing you want to do and in fact last night was when i got this service call and - and i puckered a little bit - it's like.

Oh no, please not a service call out there. You know um, but luckily it was just you know they were able to wait. So we come out this morning and it's okay, we're gon na take care of this and we're gon na make sure that when we leave things working to the best of its ability all right, so we got the motors pulled out sitting over there temporarily we're going To give this guy a good old rinse and then we'll get some coil cleaner on there deep down inside there most of it's going to be sand, but we're still going to give it a good rinse get in here, rinse the compressor off, obviously paying attention to What you're getting wet you don't want to damage any components, but we're going to do our best to really get this guy cleaned up, give it a cleaning - it probably hasn't had in a long time and or won't have for another long time. But look at all that sand coming out all nice and dirty so we're gon na go to town on this guy.

Look at that yumminess coming out of there just plain dirt: okay, it's all dirt! I got hot water too. So that's the cool thing. Look at a little bit of brightener cleaner from refrigeration technologies mixed with some water got the foam sprayer from refrigeration technologies, got my safety glasses on and go to town getting that stuff in there. I love how this stuff, just foams right up, so we'll get it all in there, get it from the other side too, make sure it penetrates and then we'll give it a good rinse, we'll get it from both sides.

This guy, though, is coming out. Look at the gunk the downside to having hot water on your hose is it's burning the heck out of my hands right now. It's running right through my wand, i'm having to hold up on the foam, but we'll get it from the inside out, make sure it's nice and clean and then finish rinsing the whole condensing unit out all the metal and everything. This thing will look pretty darn good when we're done all right.
This whole defrost clock. I went ahead and replaced it. You can definitely see that this thing was getting hot um but yeah. It just does not spin man.

I am trying everything i can and then this one right here just effortlessly moves. So i like going back with the grasslands. I know you know. Sometimes grasslands aren't the best in a sandy place because they get gummed up like that, but you saw when i walked in that bungee cord on the door.

They constantly ice these coils up, so we tend to run aggressive defrost. So, in the middle of the night i have a bunch of defrosts for a half an hour and then just standard ones throughout the day. So i always start with even every six hours and then usually put in a few more now. We also have a defrost termination, so it's really only going to defrost if it needs it, so we're good there um and uh yeah we're just waiting for the motors to get here they're just about here.

I got this one put back in um yeah, we're just waiting kind of cleaning some stuff up, and i look down here what the heck is this. I hope those aren't live, i'm gon na tape them up looks like maybe on startup. They ran. I don't know.

Sometimes you never understand what's going on with these units, i don't i don't get it, but we'll tape, those up just to be safe, never noticed that before all right now, these blades are reverse airflow blades. This is it right here notice that the hub is on the other side. You see that, so you got to be careful. You can't just assume it's a normal blade.

They're called reverse airflow. All right, we are back up and running. Both condenser fan motors are in there the blades good um they're, both there's no more major vibration. You know just ever so slight on the unit um we're currently uh gon na have to let it come down to temperature.

It's gon na be a minute, but yeah everything's good. We are gon na have to set the time on the defrost, the job link, uh manifold or the the field piece. S-Man 480 manifold is uh connected downstairs and it is losing connection, but the cool thing is: is that it reconnects so 25 degree box, temp, 42 degree superheat, but that's gon na drop. As you know, the box temperature starts dropping.

So it's really high at the moment and that is evaporator superheat, so we're gon na. Let this thing run for a little bit. I'm probably gon na take a lunch um and we'll go from there. I really can't make this up, so i went and did a lunch we came over here.

I have someone else here. Working with me. We did our best to straighten out the fins, make it look a little bit better. It's all hail damage.
You can see this one pretty beat up the thing about straightening. The fins too is once you do it. They're super weak and they're going to get bent again, but so i come back from lunch and i'm like why is it not running we're sitting at 23? Psi, let's test this pressure, switch pressure, switch is set to cut out at 15 psi cut in. I don't know that pressure switch is all out of whack, so we're going to try to adjust the pressure switch.

I don't know if we've got. This might be. Why i haven't messed with it? This might be. Why uh they said it wasn't maintaining temperatures too, because basically, it's shutting the system off.

So all right, i'm going to try to adjust this and see if we can get it to turn back on. That's weird, though, because you know what else is when i had gotten here too, i noticed that um, it pulled into a vacuum before it shut off and i was like. Why is it doing that and i really didn't think much of it so now it didn't. Take much okay so looks like we got a pressure, control adjustment issue or something i don't know, but we got ta watch it because yeah we're gon na have to watch it we'll let it run for a little bit longer.

I think someone just turned the twist timer, but look at we're pulling into a negative pressure and the pressure control is set for like zero, so this thing's kind of all out of whack, but this shouldn't have pumped down it actually pulled into a vacuum um. This thing shouldn't have pumped down those dodo heads down. There probably turn the twist timer, so i'm sending someone downstairs right now, all right, i'm watching this guy and on the the s man 480 manifold. We're able to look right here.

So look at my liquid line. Temperature, it says 71 degrees, 72 degrees, okay, that is actually the uh temperature coming out of the head pressure control valve. If we go to this one right here, the liquid drain, coming out of the condenser, what we're going to see is that it's 58 degrees. So what that tells us is we're uh we're, basically bypassing the head pressure.

Control valve is bypassing right now. Okay, if i get my discharge line, temp right here - 164 degrees, okay, so discharge line is running through it's throttling the refrigerant coming out of the condenser and it's putting uh hot gas into the receiver to try to elevate the head pressure because we're running really low Head pressure: okay, but here's the thing it's not doing. I think it's got a restriction in it. I think that the uh without the original um charging instructions - 7.1 pounds - is what they want.

You they've calculated the flooded charge, but uh this guy right here is not fully bypassing, so it should be, but we're not elevating our head pressure high enough um, and so what i think is happening is i think, that there's a screen or something something stuck in This valve and it's not allowing it to bypass properly because it's cold coming out of the valve going into the receiver right now. It's really cold right there and it's cool coming right there, which you can see so 71 degrees right. There 161 right there 67 right! There so it's letting some refrigerant through, but not enough and we're starving the evaporator right now, which is why our suction pressure's so low when our box temperature is uh high. So if we go right here, so our box temperature right now give it a second.
Is six degrees, so it's coming down, but we have a failed head pressure, control valve and or it's not bypassing enough. Basically, so we are going to have to replace that. I'm thinking that we're going to get by right now, but we definitely need to address that. Um and that's probably why that pressure control was kind of acting wonky too well, no that doesn't make sense about the pressure control, but this head pressure control valve is not working properly.

Another thing we want to point out is it's about 56 degrees outside right now. Okay, ish, you should see about 30 degrees over condensing temperature right so um or 30 degrees over ambient, approximately okay, you know and granted we're flooding. But the other thing i want to point out is: i can see liquid moving in this valve. You can see liquid.

Okay, so that means that we are full of liquid right, so it's not like we're low on charge. We've got liquid in this system. It's just that valve is not bypassing correctly all the way it's bypass, it's allowing the flow to go through, but not as much as it should so there's some sort of a restriction in the valve. More than likely there's contaminants or something stuck inside of it and that's what's happening, and this is probably leading to their issues.

Now i will say something we are dropping in temperature in the box. Let's give it a second for the uh, the probes, the probes, we're slightly far because we're running through the building outside of the building. So it takes a second for them to uh to connect it's four degrees inside the box, four degrees, and we have it set for negative ten. So it is working.

It's just we're. Not flooding correctly is what's happening. Here is our biggest problem. What i did temporarily was disconnected that fan motor, because i wanted to see how the system operated we've now, driven our head pressure up to 193 or 86 degree condensing temperature, my liquid line temperature or liquid drain coming out of the condenser is now 80 degrees because We're actually feeding refrigerant through the condenser.

My superheat is dropping um, basically we're making the system operate. The way it's supposed to that head pressure control valve is not working properly, um, it's friday at 2, 30 in the uh the evening or afternoon. I really don't want to uh. It looks like we're just satisfied too.

I bet you, these dodo heads. Yes, they just twisted the twist timer again downstairs and shut it off. So what i'm tempted to do? Uh, because i don't have one of these and again i'm out in the boonies, i'm tempted to go ahead and throw a fan cycle control on here and then uh, basically just get it so that head pressure, control valve doesn't even bypass um and then that way We can have a pressure differential across that valve as the outside air temperatures drop and again, where i'm at right now, it'll, probably drop the lowest might be like 15 degrees at nighttime, because we're out in the middle of the desert. So when that happens, you basically have no.
You don't have a big enough pressure differential across the expansion valve for the expansion valve to work properly and more than likely that's what's going on here and why the customer was having all these issues so um again, it's gon na take some time to get the Customer to approve the head pressure control valve and stuff, so i'm gon na throw a fan cycle switch on here, we're actually gon na disconnect. This fan motor um turn this one back on and then uh. I think that'll probably get us through all right. Take the tiniest bit of nylog just put a tiny drop right there and then a tiny drop right there: okay and then just spin this guy a few times and then we'll thread it onto here and tighten it on.

So that way, we'll still have a service, fitting i'll put a schrader in there and then we'll put the pressure control on that one. I'm actually going to run the head pressure a little bit higher, because i want the least amount of attempts to bypass that the head pressure control valve in a perfect world. I pull it out of the system and bypass the whole head pressure control valve, but i really don't want to have to go through all that trouble right now, so my fan motors should be kicking on here any minute i have it set right at about 275. 280, so i'm in there these things are never 100 accurate either.

So you always got to pay attention to that, but should be turning that fan motor on here any minute there. It goes just turned it on at about 290 and then, let's see where it turns it off at so i have my differential set for about 50.. So that means we're going to run an elevated head pressure through the weekend. So, let's see what's happening here there we go.

It just turned off about 240, so um, it's gon na run higher than normal head pressure. Because again i want it to try not to bypass at the head pressure control valve and i thought maybe hey. Let's clip the tip and let the pressure out of the dome, but i'm also afraid that the diaphragm is bad inside there and, if that's the case, it'll leak out the refrigerant. So i'd rather not have to cut the tip off of that.

If i don't need to so we're just going to let this thing run like this, we're going to put it back together and then we're going to talk to the customer, i'm going to be honest with you um i mean. I know we put a lot of work into this today, but they may want to consider replacing this equipment because i have a feeling we got some sort of a restriction down in the coil too, because we are running a little bit lower than normal suction pressure And the super heat's rather high for a four degree box, so i'm gon na go downstairs too before we leave and see. If there's a strainer on that txv that i can try to clean because we could have a restricted, strainer um or you know it happens. On this equipment that valve could be size wrong.
Who knows? You know it's just a giant dumpster fire here so all together we still need a head pressure control valve. We still need a disconnect switch and we know we have some sort of a restriction and or again another possibility is that coil is massively oversized or this condensing unit is massively oversized. There's so many variables here. The van is a disaster right now, but i keep the spoiling bq kit right below here.

Perfect always keep an extra strainer um. I have a bunch more too, but uh, because what we do is we're doing this we're doing a hot swap. So i have it pumped down and then i shut off the condensing unit at like eight psi, so i'm gon na pull this off real quick, throw the new one in, even if the other one that way we can pull it out. Put this one in and then call it a day and again i think we're gon na be okay, but i don't want to keep throwing more parts at this equipment because there's so much going on so um.

If, if it wasn't running and we couldn't have it operating, then i would change the whole valve or dig into it further, but i don't think we're going to need to go that far. So the strainer was a little bit dirty, but not enough to restrict it really yeah, it's just a little bit dirty in there, but i swapped it out. Anyways there's. Definitely some sediment in there, though again it's kind of hard for you guys to see, but there's some stuff so uh we swapped that out for now, but i don't expect there to be a huge difference here, but we're gon na put this guy together.

I think we're gon na be fine through the weekend and we're going to talk to them about where they want to go with this all right. So it's running it's like negative 2 right now, so it's coming down it's just it's not working as good as i want it to be, but another thing we have to remember too is that that compressor is massively oversized because we're hitting extreme temperatures right so in The summertime that condensed unit's size for like uh 115 degree ambient right and right now we're getting 20 degree ambient at the low, the extreme low right now, it's like 50 degrees, but um yeah that happens and uh. You know. So it's it's not really set up.

The way it should be um i'll have to look at my footage too, because i can't remember when i was in there. I don't think that's a balanced port valve either, and that would help a little bit, but it's all operational. They should be fine for now and we'll talk to them about some big picture quotes all right. Forgive me.
I kind of sound like a frog i'm getting over whatever the heck is going around right now, so um took a couple days off work just to kind of clear. The air and kind of you know my whole family like swept through the family, but anyways we're all good. All's, healthy and stuff just still got like a frog in my throat, but so, first and foremost right this video was hectic right. There was a lot going on here.

Okay, i explained in the beginning of the video i was way out in the boonies. Okay, there's, there's no supply houses nearby, so um. I found it best to have another employee come in and bring me the parts that i needed in the meantime, i started going through everything the entire time i was going through this. I was keeping the customer in the loop okay, so they knew what was going on.

They approved everything that we did as we went step by step and again, because this customer doesn't do routine maintenance. They do reactive, maintenance, okay, so when we go out there, they want us to pm and service this equipment and bring it up to par. Okay, it's not the best thing in the world. You know, of course, and they know it, but on a corporate level, it's just long story: they just they can't get the approval to do proper, preventative maintenance.

Okay, even though to you and i it doesn't make any sense - that's just how it works with some of these corporations. The budgets don't add up. Okay. So with that being said, i brought them through this step by step, they understood.

Okay, i was bringing everything up to their attention. They were okay with it. You know we made upgrades to the fan motors because i stock normal um. You know refrigeration motors in my van but those weird ecm motors.

They don't and you i can stock those. But i don't have very good luck with those in freezers, so we find it better to go ahead and replace them and put in the psc motors the standard, refrigeration style motors things like the four inch ones or whatever they are um. So we went ahead and did that converted it over so now you know we can easily change the motors out and then you guys saw the the evolution of events, the pressure controls out of whack adjusted that got it dialed in okay. Those pressure controls do drift over time, but this one was pulling the system into a vacuum.

I really want to change the pressure control, but i made temporary adjustments but at the point that i got to the pressure control, that's when i was like look. I already put a defrost clock, a time clock. I'm sorry. I already put a time clock.

Uh fan motors, uh contactor. You know - and it's like okay, we're putting the brakes on here. So i adjusted the pressure control rather than throwing another one on there, because i knew i'm like i need to keep going through this system. Okay, so then i found the head pressure: control valve was not or was restricting the system when it was bypassing.
Okay, so went ahead and uh put a fan cycle switch on there temporarily. So that way, the head pressure control valve, wouldn't even attempt to bypass, because i found that it wasn't restricting when it was in normal flow. Okay. So there's a lot of stuff to unpack with this one right - and i know you know for those of you that don't understand the way the refrigeration system works and stuff.

You know maybe it's kind of confusing, but there's a lot going on here. Yes, i could have clipped the tip on the power head of the head pressure control valve right and theoretically, it would have stopped trying to bypass. But if you guys have ever experienced this, sometimes when you clip the tip on the top the little pressure relief on the dome when you clip that, if the bellows are damaged in the head pressure control valve, it can actually leak out the entire refrigerant charge. Instead of just the gas charge, that's in the the the power head of that head pressure control valve okay, so i didn't want to run that risk.

So, instead of that, i threw the fan cycle switch on there, and i proved my theory by just disconnecting the condenser fan motor and then testing the the temperatures across the head pressure control valve to make sure that we weren't getting that restriction anymore. Okay, so put a fan cycle switch on there temporarily elevated the head pressure, so it wouldn't even get close to trying to bypass the head pressure, control valve, okay and then just gave the customer the laundry list of problems and said: where do you want to go With this okay, it has now been three weeks, and i let them know: okay running that high of superheat, that is a compressor killer. Okay, deadly compressor, killer. That compressor is on life, support all right.

It's not going to! Last long again, i gave the customer all the information and they're the ones that make the decisions on where they want to go to this okay, i highly suggested to them that they go ahead at a minimum and just change the condensing unit. Okay in a perfect world, they go ahead and convert the entire system over new evaporator new condenser change it to 448a and be done with it, but it's their decision to make okay. So i'm there to do a big picture. Diagnosis right! I want to go through the system i want to, you know, bring it up to tip top shape and and halfway through this, i started to feel guilty and even driving home, i'm feeling guilty in in my heart right, i'm thinking man.

I spent too much money on this man. I shouldn't have done that man. I should have done that, but i have to stop and remind myself, because this customer does reactive maintenance. This is what they get okay.
This is what happens when they don't maintain their equipment. They send me out there. They want me to do whatever you have to do to get it going, so you start going through it. Okay and you think, okay, it's just going to be fan motors.

You know so i'll just i'll go ahead and upgrade the fan motors. Okay, it has a defrost clock. Okay, i'll, throw a defrost time clock. I mean a contactor.

Okay, no big deal, you know, but then it's like okay, wait. Pressure control head pressure, control valve disconnect switch. I mean yeah in the grand scheme of it. If i had known everything was wrong with it from the beginning.

I just said: hey, let me just patch this and you guys can replace the equipment, but it doesn't always work that way right. I can't fully diagnose the refrigeration system. When you have evaporator fan motors that aren't working right, they all have to be running right and in the meantime, while i'm waiting for the parts i'm just continuing on with the diagnoses, you know. So this is not an ideal situation.

And while i do not encourage anybody out there to just go start, throwing parts at crap right, but there's a reason why i went through all these steps and again with the customer's approval, with the customer's permission. Okay, so they haven't done anything yet um. You know. I i give them everything and they make the decisions.

The equipment's still working. I've actually been out to the location multiple times for other things and checked on the equipment. They're they're they're like oh, it's working great. You know um on a corporate level, though this is also not one of those places that they'll never fix it.

No, they will change the equipment um and in all honesty, now that we're in the new year this had started before the new year. So now that we're in the new year, um, i'm pretty sure they'll go ahead and approve the the equipment replacement. I don't think they're going to approve any repairs, they're going to tell me just go ahead and change out the equipment because they're very proactive about changing their equipment. So you know it is what it is um it's it's kind of crazy.

When you get these calls, you know it. I i start to feel guilt inside of me as i'm driving home thinking. Oh man, that's a lot of stuff to throw on there, but you know what no we have to remember if they don't maintain their equipment. This is what happens.

You know we go out there to do. One thing: it's dirty hail damage. You know bad contactors, bad, disconnect switches, that's that could have all been taken care of prevented cleaned. You know so, then i could have literally just gone out there for a true service call where it was clean.

You know the contactors were in good shape. The time clock was in good shape and i could have said. Oh, my gosh we've got a bad head pressure control valve, you know it could have just been a simple repair but because they do reactive maintenance. This is what they get.
So you know um. We still have to be honest. We still have to be fair. I built for all my time i didn't discount anything and they they're totally okay with it, but we just have to document everything right and be super thorough, and we can't be going into this.

This is why it's really dangerous to send someone out. You know like send an apprentice or something to go. Do service work like this. It may seem like a simple.

You know they called saying a fan. Motor wasn't working i'll, just send the apprentice he can take care of that. But you never know we need to have an understanding of how our equipment's working so that way we can, you know, because we may walk into a giant disaster. Dumpster fire like this was right, so i really appreciate you guys making it to the end.

It's so humbling happy new year to everybody. Hopefully you guys are healthy, safe, remember. We got a couple really big events coming up. We have the ahr convention in las vegas nevada.

I will be at the ahr trade show at the sporland booth. I will be doing time at the sporland booth. I will also be doing time at the refrigeration technologies booth. I will also be there with my buddy brett wetzel from the advanced refrigeration podcast.

He will be at the sporland booth. We will be doing a live stream together on monday evening of ahr at the uh sportlin trade show, i'm sorry at the hr trade show we'll be at the spoiling booth and then also um. I will be at the kalos uh hvacr training symposium in um uh florida uh, coming up at the end of february 2., so uh hope to see you guys there. If you're going to be, there remember be kind to one another and we will catch you guys on the next one: okay,.

5 thoughts on “This was epic, and the problems kept coming”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blake says:

    Ohh 17 Thumbs uP!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chingus & BIG Picture says:

    Yeah Are you in Orleans ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the_youtube_guy_1985 says:

    Where are the Bungee-eraticuss-cutterers at when you need them

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RELIABLE HVACR says:

    Yo โœŒ๐Ÿฝ actually early this time

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electroimpex says:

    Greets from Germany

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