Tony w/ FP joins has a chat with Bryan live from AHR 2023.
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So we're here Ahr 2023 Atlanta Georgia It is I'm with Tony uh Tony Gonzalez from Field Peace and we're going to be talking about a bunch of Fieldpiece stuff. They've got some some new product that we actually haven't talked about yet, but we want to talk about training and all that stuff. So start with Tony How's the show going for you? The show is going insane. It is, isn't it? Yeah, insane.

Started off Sunday night at the HVAC Tactical Awards. That was a nice event. Had an opportunity to wear a tuxedo for the first time in my life. So yeah, that's actually that's not the first time in your life.

Is it an actual tuxedo? Yes. Like a wedding? Nothing. Nothing like that. No.

I was more of a suit kind of regular tie type of person and I'm like, you know what? Let's just do it. Why not? Yeah, you like rented it. Yes, okay, yeah, yes, okay, yes, I rented it and then yeah. Monday and Tuesday you know at the Philippi Booth um I've had two micro training sessions every single day 11 o'clock one o'clock there's actually one going on simultaneous right now I am doing two class.

I'm doing your podcast and that training session. it's at the same time. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah, it is pretty amazing.

Yeah, technology are you saying you have a clone? I am a club Tony and I have like this weird Jim Rome connection that's gonna go over everybody's heads. but uh anyway so you know. But I mean yeah, First time, long time. Thanks for the vine.

Appreciate it right? right? Appreciate it. Don't suck? Yeah, yeah, good stuff. Um yeah. so uh.

this yeah, this event is definitely bigger than Vegas than last year in. Vegas I mean I Haven't heard the actual numbers but it seems to me like it's bigger and it's got more going on. Is it does it feel that way to YouTube or yeah I think I think the further we get away from when the world's shut down, more people are coming out and um, yeah, it's just been non-stop traffic and really good conversation with people, right? Um, you know, talk to your customers and just have the ability to help them. You know a lot of them have questions.

um and yeah, we just love to, you know, provide that support. Yeah, so you were telling me one of the questions that you got that you never got before. So I want to bring that one out which was somebody asked you? how does Fieldpiece make such good stuff right? Like why do you make how do you make so many good tools? And actually I know this firsthand because I've had your engineers ride along with our techs and all that. But talk about that a little bit.

like what does it take to make really good tools? Yeah, so you know at first I Got to admit, that question kind of caught me off guard. That's that's like if someone asked you hey, uh Brian why are you so good looking right? it's like and the answer is I just I was just born that way I can't right? I can't help it? Yeah, right? No. but um I can actually speak from really good experience for this. So before I you know started our training department at Field Peace I was a field piece engineer for about 10 years.
So I've lived here firsthand and what we believe sets us apart is our philosophy is that we are not developing products, but we're developing solutions to problems right? And so as Engineers we spent time in the field um, understanding what the applications are, how they do things. um what's hard for them Because sometimes you can ask the technician, hey, what do you want field piece to do or how can we do something better and a lot of times they don't know how to answer that question and so when you actually get to go and watch what they're doing and then just ask questions, why do you do that? Well, why do you do it that way? Why do you do it this way and then in their own way they are telling us what their problems are right, We take those back and we design a solution which turns into a product. Yep, and um, you know we've never come out with the Metoo product. Um, if there isn't a way for us to make this a particular product, help the technician do their job easier, faster, or better, then we're just not going to do it or it's further down the pipeline right until we can figure that out.

Yeah, no, we see that time and time again. You guys think, think these things through and then like I'm not just saying that. that's been personal experience from having your engineers come to Kaylose right along with our techs. They've done it a few different times.

Um, we've had cases where they've called me at my cell phone, asked questions. That's what we'd love to see. You guys also do a lot in terms of like, you know, getting advice from the field from a lot of different contractors and then also, you're doing a lot now with training. So talk about some of those kind of initiatives.

Some of the specifics of how, uh, what you guys are up to. Yeah, so a couple years ago, excuse me, you need a water no I got it. Now you got to order there. Okay, good, good cough.

drop that one. Yeah, I do. but it's in my mouth so that it would be kind of awkward for everybody to see that live. But anyway, keep going.

All right. Well, then we'll split a 50 50 once you get. okay. Fair? yeah.

Um, yeah. So about three years ago, Um, you know Field Piece is a company. We wanted to take a more proactive approach to training. Yeah, we understand that there's a huge lack of training in education in our industry and that there's a huge void of Labor Force technicians every single year.

Sorry, every single year. I'll fill it in. every single year, thousands of polar bears needlessly die in the Arctic. In addition to that, tens of thousands of new technicians are going to be coming into the field, right? And they need training.

And so we wanted to to help the industry in that regard. And so the way that we're doing it is. You know? we created our training program to train contractors and technicians on best practices. Um, on how to do the jobs that they do every single day.
just easier, faster, and better, right? And what's nice about our training to the contractors is whether they're using a field piece tool or not, they're going to benefit from just the best practices applications things like that. But as part of the class, we show them how using a field piece tool will help them do that job even better, right? In addition to that, you know we obviously have trainings for our Distributors that we want the counter people to be able to have useful and effective conversations when technicians walk to the counter because they're looking to the counter people for their they're considered the experts. Yeah, and what I find is lots of the manufacturer training in the past has been void of the technical aspects of the tool, right? right? And so when we go and train a distributor. So for example, if I'm going to train a distributor on a vacuum pump, I'm going to make sure that they understand what this point of vacuum mean right? Why is there a customer doing that and what's important to them? Because if they don't understand that, how are they going to understand the the run, quick oil change and why it's so awesome right? So so it's super important for people to have that Baseline of the the technical in order to understand how a product does that.

So the first year was by myself. let's go out creating content, training people, contractors Distributors Since then I've added two members to my team Tyler who's based near uh, right here in Atlanta Georgia uh, training specialist that does all the trainings around here and Florida Texas all that I have a wonderful trainer named Tammy she's near Chicago and we're just looking to expand our team. You know even more to be able to get that reach out there. Yeah, talking about some of the other things that you're doing.

Um, you also are doing something with skill USA right? Yeah, so uh, we are continuing. So last year we started our Master of the Trade scholarship with Skillsusa where we awarded I think it was I don't know over fifteen thousand dollars worth of scholarships and uh, we are continuing that scholarship this year and 13 High High School in their junior or senior year or post-secondary students that are you know learning HVAC and want to get into career in a track uh will receive a total of over 25 000 worth of scholarships. Wow! and so the way that that's broken up is seven of these you know, junior, senior years or post-secondary Um students that are in schools that participate with Skillsusa uh, need to submit an application. applications opened up December 1st and close on April 1st and in their application what we asked for them is to submit their resume and either a 300 or word less essay or a one to three minute video on why did you choose a career in HVAC or Hvacr.
Yes and then Uh winners are going to be announced in May and in addition to that for the National Skills USA competition. Um, six, six of the gold, silver and bronze medals are winners. There in the HVAC division will also receive part of part of these scholarships and so we're super excited to you know, team up with Skillsusa! Yeah, and um, give back to the trade. You know, give back to the younger technicians that are you know just trying to learn and get get into the industry.

Yeah, about three years ago I was able to go and judge Nationals for HVAC and skills USA I Went up there with Rses uh Eric Kaiser was there and a few a few others and uh what an amazing experience I mean just to see just the level of skill, the level of variety you know you have Uh, young people from all different markets. Um, you have them all the way from kind of high school programs. um all the way up through. you know, post-secondary So you have adults and and teenagers as well and it was a really amazing experience.

And I think it's an organization worth supporting. So I'm glad to hear. glad to hear you're doing that. Yeah, absolutely and you know a Another thing that we're doing with our training program is we have our Field Peace University which is our online learning resource.

Um, that's just about a year old and we are continuing to add content. You know? But the idea is, you know, so that technicians and contractors can get on-demand training. Um, a couple years ago you you gave me some feedback of Just In Time education. Yep, right.

Contractors or technicians in the field have an issue with something. Um, provide them with the resource where they can get the education or the training that they need in the time that they need it. And so that's what our motivating factor is for that. University And you know throughout this year to continue to create more and more content on how to use the tools in the field and how to help them do their job easier and faster.

and better. If they could just go click On something that they're looking for, watch a quick you know training course on it, and you know to be able to help them to finish the job. Yeah, so where do they? Where would people find that if they want to find out about it? just? uh. Search field Peace University on Google Okay and it's easy.

It's pretty simple. Look it up. That's what I said Yeah, just look it up. Yeah.

Um so I wanna I'm gonna I Want to start? Um I Want to start? What are we talking about I Want you to tell me that's what this is about. You tell me things I ask questions I Just it's been three days here so uh I'm forgetting my name most times. Um, so the point is, if you could share some of the new products that you guys have coming out I Know you have the combustion analyzer that's been blowing up on social media. Um, looks like an awesome product.
Talk about that and some of the other kind of programs that surround that. Yeah, so so last fall, um, you know. Field Piece we release two new models of a combustion analyzer. Um, you know we got a lot of feedback because oh, does this replace your older crappy combustion analyzer? You know the sucks three and really the part number was Sox3.

but you know the whole idea was that was never meant to be a combustion analyzer. but I just thought that was kind of funny right? Um, but now we actually have you know, football and combustion analyzers that again help the technician do their job easier, faster, and better. The main thing is I'm gonna do some marketing speak right now. That's fine real quick.

Yeah, go ahead, lower the overall cost of ownership of the tool and maximize their uptime with the tool. What does that mean right? So we have some patented technology in these new combustion analyzers that one of them focuses on the sensors and the sensor life. We know one of the tricky things and some of the com and one of the biggest complaints with Technician of from technicians with combustion Analyzers is you're constantly sending back sensors and sensors dying And and the fundamental principle behind that is these combustion analyzers have an oxygen sensor and a CO sensor right? Those Sensors whether you're using your tool or not, are degrading over time, right? right? Just by being exposed to the oxygen in the air, they are degrading. So in the summertime when you're not using your tool, your sensors are wearing out.

So we wanted to make that a little better. So we came out with a padded technology called sensor Vault that when you power off the combustion analyzer, it seals both the oxygen and the Co sensor from the ambient air, thus pausing that sensor degradation. And so we provide a four-year sensor life warranty so that if those sensors go bad in four years, you get a brand new one. Nice.

In addition to that, the centers are completely completely field replaceable, so you just take off two screws, pop off a little panel, plug out the sensor, unplug a sensor, You don't plug out a sensor, you plug in it, You plug in, you plug in. yeah, unplug and plug. Yeah, there you go, Exactly plug it out, plug in a new one, and there you have it. Also, what's great to help maximize the uptime is that when you when you do need to get your sensors calibrated, which is recommended that you get sensors calibrated annually.

yeah, um, you don't have to send back your whole tool, you just pop out your sensor, send it back to Fieldpiece. We do the calibration, send you a certificate with your calibration, and you plug it back in. The Pro tip is to maximize maximize. The real time is have a second pair of sensors.

Nice so that when you send back your One sensor, your sensors, you plug in your you know second pair and you always have your tool calibers data lives on the sensors. nice and so we wanted to. So that's one of the ways where we make it a little bit easier on on the technician to, um, not have to spend so much replacing sensors all the time. Yeah, and do that.
the second thing. Uh. One of the complaints that we got about combustion analyzers was, you know, having to always remember to empty a water trap, right? So for those that don't know, the purpose of the water trap is to, uh, collect and condense the water vapor that comes from the flu and store it in that trap because you don't want that passing through to the sensors, right? For for some reason, oxygen and seal sensors don't like water. Yeah, don't know why they're so picky, right? Exactly right? So um, but what happens sometimes is in these really cold climates.

Not that in Florida and California this one happened to us, but I hear in other parts of the world it gets really cold. Yeah, yeah, I don't know about that. but yeah, some people say that. Yeah, um.

but in those um, theoretical areas, when you leave the water trap filled with water overnight, water freezes. Yeah, what happens when water freeze, it expands, cracks, a water trap. and now you got some warranty issue that you got to deal with, right? So for our higher end model which is the Cat 85 motto, we have another patented technology called Hydro Cycle Pump. So in the actual handle of the probe probably should have had one here.

that would probably be a good idea. You stick it in the lithu, you have the handle there. So the pump is pulling the exhaust gases um, from the flu and it's taking the water vapor and it's condensing the water vapor in the handle and instead of storing it, it just spits it back out into the flu. So there's no need for a water trap and there's nothing that the technician needs to.

um, you know, remember to empty or replace nice or things like that nice. And um, you know there's actually I do Okay, so I know this works where you ask me a question and then I answered and asked me a question. but now I kind of want to ask you a question. Okay, so that's fine.

I'm excited. Yeah. so I've done trainings on actually no. First this: Do your technicians in the okay, you guys have gas furnaces, right? We do.

We don't have that many. but okay, yes. pole heaters, right? Yes, a lot of stuff like that. Yes, Okay.

Do your guys typically perform combustion analysis on a pool heater on whatever is it? Yes. Or do we typically We Do It Generally, when we're commissioning a new piece of equipment, okay, again, there's there's in our Market There's not a lot of them. Um, but yes, we do it. We can do it.

and we and we have the tools to do it, but not as much as obviously other markets. So I I get that same when I do trainings in California Arizona Nevada But what? What is your opinion of in those climates where combustion is not really commonly done Or combustion analysis of a contractor using combustion analysis as a service to provide their customer to separate themselves from the competition thus increasing their business? Yeah? I Like it I Like it I mean I think I think only now our companies like Fieldpiece really making it easier for contractors who you know aren't having in the past been super familiar with combustion analysis and kind of the calibration and the sensors and all that. That made it difficult because it wasn't just The Upfront cost of the tool and obviously they're not cheap, they do. They do a lot.
but also it was very difficult to get that all done properly. So I think helping to solve some of these problems make it a lot easier and make it a lot more likely that a contractor would use it for that kind of differentiating service. Yeah, so you know. So that's the message that you know I Train these contractors and the technicians on I Understand, you don't do it now, but is this something viable for your business to be able to distinguish yourself? You know from your competition and provide your customer with those warm and fuzzies that their system is performing uh, both safely and efficiently.

Yeah, you know what I mean Yeah, one of the challenges that we still face and this is uh, there's you know we've got Tech tips on this, but a lot of techs have a hard time knowing how to do combustion analysis when they have beef and flu and a lot of markets, there's still a lot of 80 furnaces and so be vents. very common or some cases even be vent with the flexible or the flexible portion in it and so that's always kind of a kind of a difficulty when you're talking about PVC Um, obviously combustion analysis is a little easier. It's easier to drill a hole in PVC and put a plug in. um, but or with traditional single wall.

it wasn't It wasn't too bad, but with B-vent that's always been kind of an issue with the two with the two walls. But you know we've got protocols on how to do it. But I think that's also one of the reasons why a lot of people haven't adopted it. which of course has literally nothing to do with what we're talking about.

But you know, since you brought it down No. I mean yeah, but I'm used to that, You know? Yeah, okay, you're used to me at this point. Yeah, yeah, it's fair. You know.

One thing you brought up are you know sometimes um, you know things that people don't understand and you know we can help the industry with is you talked about sensors right? right? And um, there's just some confusion on you know, between sensor life and calibration of the sensor. you know I mean So just to make it like perfectly clear if people are not aware is that when we're talking about the sensor life of a sensor, what we're basically what a combustion analyzer OEM is saying is that how long can that sensor output a signal in order to generate a reading on the screen? Right? right? So, but that has nothing to do with how accurate that that signal is, it's is it able to send out a signal Because when it can't that's when the sensor is dead, right? Yeah, yeah. And then calibration is just more of getting it back to be accurate all the time. because sensors do drift I Don't know why, but they just tend to drift over time.
Yeah, they're just. they're lazy. You know they have a bad attitude. Yeah, yeah, sometimes you just have to whip them into shade.

Yeah, you do. That's what you do back in the lab. Yes, Give it a whack. Yeah, we just give it a good whack.

Okay, yeah, we're joking. Okay, this is a joke. All right. keep going.

I Mean it sounds like raising kids as well. Okay, now you're the one who had to say that. All right. Fair enough.

Um, but yeah. so so so there's always those little misconceptions that you feel that you know it's just gonna clear for people. Yeah, yeah. so when you say for your life, that's the sensor actual life of the sensor.

But then they still recommend yearly calibration and that's where, um, doing I I and I Didn't know this until you said it I Think that's really cool where the calibration goes with the sensor and you could actually be rotating two sensors. Um, and for companies that are making it part of their just basic service that they provide, which is a really, really good thing to do I mean it's it's definitely a best practice. Um, having that as part of the regular flow um is huge and so yeah. And so um.

in addition to all of that, the Cat 85 combustion analyzer um, can measure live a live draft pressure. Okay, so so while you're performing the combustion analysis, um, it could also measure your draft pressure so you can verify that. Obviously, that would only pertain to well, that just would not pertain to a natural draft furnace, right? Because you take those measurements in two different locations, right? But for your eighty percent, ninety percent? Um, you measure draft and combustion at the same location and you can all have that. Um.

In addition to that, the Cat 85 also has to help the technician do their job a little bit easier and faster. A dual Port manometer uh, built into the bottom so they can measure the gas pressure Inlet Outlet of the regulator, but also which some people don't think about. You could also use that manometer to measure static pressure so you can test your total external static pressure on the furnace to making sure that you don't have excessive restriction to the airflow. Yeah, um.

so all that's built in the Tool uh, really large screen. Again, this would have been a lot better if somebody would have just had one here. mainly me. It's easy to find.

All you have to do is go to the Fieldpiece website. Oh, you got to go and you have all the information right there. No, if only there was a place you could go. All right.
No other place. I'm sure everybody who's watching this is literally here at Ahr just waiting. Like but Tony Where do we go next? Wait. So there's more people other than this huge live audience we have.

There's only 40 000 people here all watching just us right this second. All right. Um, so good. No, what is the booth number again? Uh.

1960. Yeah good. It's a good year 60. it's a good year, Not the year I was born.

Yeah, me. neither. Not even close. Um, but yeah.

or like you said, Um, you can check it out. Yeah. feel these products on YouTube Instagram Stuff like that? Cool. Anything else that you're excited about that you want to mention while we're while we're chatting? Yeah, so um, what I'm also super excited about is I know we filled you in a couple years ago on on our Ambitions to launch a Field Piece Ambassador program.

Yes, and um, just give you a little an update about that right now. So so what that basically is is our training team. It's myself and I have two trainers. We can't get to every single location all the time so the idea was to build out a a team in a network of independent trainers that we would recruit train them on Um to become experts on Clp's products.

We put them through a course by Esco called Teaching Methodologies because just because you know something it doesn't mean you know how to teach it right. True! And so they take this course with Eugene Silverstein and then they take an assessment where they assessed on their knowledge of Filthy's products, on their teaching capabilities and their field knowledge. As well. Individuals that pass that on onboarding program become Field Peace Ambassadors and what that is is you know we use our Ambassadors to give training classes to contractors to technicians on behalf of Field Piece So it expands the reach of our training department to get in front of more technicians and more contractors to teach the same best practices Um to how to do their jobs easier, faster and better.

Last year uh was the first year that we were really you know, getting it rolling. Getting it started we we had over 70 classes that were given by our our Fieldpiece ambassadors in different parts of the countries. We have about 45 Field Piece ambassadors right now that have been on board in nice and the biggest challenge frankly is filling their dance cards right. right? It's it's working with Distributors It's working with contractors.

It's working with trade schools to put trainings on the calendar to deploy these ambassadors to. So if you are a distributor, if you are a contractor or if you are a trade school that is interested in Technical Training From either one of us from the Field Piece team or one of our field Piece ambassadors reach out to us. Um, reach out to training at and we would love to work with you. Yeah, and um yeah.
We love working with our field Peace ambassadors and it's and it's and it's going good. I Remember you said which? I totally agreed with is that we're looking for unicorns and that and that unicorn it is. It is. It is.

It is hard. Um, but you know we feel good about where we're at. Uh, we feel that we are able to spread knowledge even more by way of our field peace ambassadors. and if you're interested in learning more about the program, also reach out to that training at and um, because we're still recruiting in different areas of the country for different field peace ambassadors.

You're going to be responding to a lot of emails now because you know all the special unicorns are going to reach out to you. Actually two of our filthiest ambassadors look for Kalos Wow, Really? I know? So Jessica Jessica and her husband? Okay, Nice. Yeah? Craig yeah awesome yeah Jessica and Craig um you know went through the onboarding program and um yeah, they are excited to or they're chomping at the bit to start doing I told them they can do them at Kalos but uh I don't know how many people are going to want to send uh, their technicians to my company? you know? Uh, but yeah, no, it's it's great. What? I love about that program in addition to the importance of training is also that it gets people doing training.

uh who? Maybe in the past weren't um used to doing that? So I think it's it's great for it's a great opportunity for the ambassadors themselves to actually get in front of some people and get some experience. Get some reps on training because no better education than training others. Yeah, what else you got in your list? I mean I was looking at this but I don't know. Oh I do we do have one question from the audience? Oh nice, yeah, we have actual questions for the audience.

so Uncle Jesse Uncle Jesse I don't know if if that's the real name I don't know if maybe his first name is Uncle it's possible. Yeah, uh, it's French Yeah uh well the new refrigerant be detectable among the older test equipment minus the ultrasonic which we know is comparable across all. That's the question. So I guess he's asking with your whole with the older heated diode Leak Detectors will they detect newer refrigerants and I I do not know the answer to that, do you? So both both the models of our Leak Detectors the infrared Dr-82 and the heated Diode I guess Dr58.

It's a lot of numbers to remember. Um, they are both capable of picking up these newer refrigerants. Um, and it's just a preference of sensor type for the technician. and I mean yeah, we can go a little bit into that in the differences of between an IR sensor and a heated dial sensor because there's a lot of confusion there.

Why not do it? So you know heated Dow sensors have been around for a really long time. Typically they have a sensor life of about 300 hours. so depending on your use case, um, you might have to replace them every one, two, or every three years. But the big key is that the reason they have to be replaced is because the sensor degrades over time.
So even if you're at your Half-Life Let's say like at 150 hours, your sensor is less capable of finding small leaks as it was when it was brand new. But the sensor is still perfectly fine and you have like another 100 hours left on it, right? So that's one of the downsides. So whereas on an infrared sensor you have a life of about sensor life of about 10 years. but the key is that the sensitivity does not degrade over time, right? It stays the same.

So after year one, five, or seven, your leak detector is still capable of finding those small leaks as when it was brand new. And another big bonus of the IR sensor is that it minimizes the false positives to oils and the soap bubbles. There's nothing more frustrating than looking for a leak and you have your leak detector going off on just bubbles or just random oils that are because you're so excited you think you have a leak and then I got it? You don't Yeah, Yeah, oh, that only pales in comparison to when that excitement of when you're using your valve core removal tool. Yeah, and you unscrew the stem and you know you got it out.

and but no, no, it's not there I know I hate that feeling I don't know about you but I am I never take out that valve the first time I'm more of a four or fifth time Kai guy kind of a guy I don't know what it yeah I'm the same way I did it with so it was really annoying too because I I worked as a technician longer than Jim Bergman did okay I don't know if people know this but I worked as a technician for more years than Jim Bergman did And Yet when we were together and I was removing a core, I tried it like six times and I couldn't get it and then he did it the first time. They're really annoying. You know some of these people they're just unicorns. You know someone should make something where you could actually see inside the Vcrt.

Yeah and see if you got it. Yeah, does anybody make something like that? No, they don't Oh I Thought you were like in a really I thought you were teeing up a new product am I it's all I'm gonna say okay, all right, but fair enough. that would be a great idea. It would be a great idea.

it would be yeah I like that idea. you're a smart guy Tony it would. It would also be nice if it can combat as you're trying to unscrew the stem or the valve from the service port. It'd also be nice if you can not have to be using all your strength right to hold the stem in while you're trying to rotate.

It's a very unnatural motion. Yeah, it is. I do the whole I do the whole like hold it down with my palm and then twist it this way and yeah like yeah like it's a very weird. it's a you probably can't see this one.
It's a very weird way of doing things. Yeah, it's also very weird that I'm demonstrating that on a live video now. but um, you know we're on video. We're living our best life right now.

Yeah, it's just a couple. It's just a conversation between friends. That's all that's happening here. Yeah, absolutely all right.

So uh. booth number again 1960 I Remembered it 1960. that's a good year. Listen: over 1960 HR 2023 Field Piece Fieldpiece is a great partner in education.

They make good stuff and I cannot lie. Uh, and it's because of their great process because of their great process and making sure they actually find pain points from the field and then creating Solutions Not just a bunch of Metoo products. That's something I always love about Fieldpiece Um, working hard on the training side. You guys have made a lot of strides on the software side.

just done a lot of really good things in the last couple years. So congrats on that. and uh, and it's always good seeing you likewise. Yeah, yeah, and uh.

You know at the end of the day we just want to make training synonymous with Field Piece. Just as great products is synonymous with field peace. And that's really what I'm driving for right? when people think of field peace and we want them to think of great tools. But we all also wanted to think.

as you know, they provide quality training to the industry and we are working our way towards that. Yeah, you know. So so I myself and Phil peace, we look up to the great Educators Right now you know yourself Eugene Eric and all these other people that I'm blessed to be able to get to know become friends with, and learn from. and um, we just want to do our part.

Yeah, you know for sure. Well you, how come you didn't put yourself on that list of great education? Oh, because I don't think I'm there I would have put you in first on the list so that's just me. Well thank you I appreciate it. Yeah, you're welcome.

All right. So who's driving So uh, you had to take? yeah, you did not suck. we'll see. So rack up hands rack him I Got wrecked.

probably the first guest ever racked on the Hvs. It is true. It is very true and literally nobody knows what we're talking about. All right, All right, thanks Tony Nice.

nice talking to you likewise. Thanks Brian.

4 thoughts on “Tony g. w/ fieldpiece live at ahr talking training and combustion”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. Knight says:

    Jim Bergman is the Chuck Norris of the HVAC world. Schrader cores remove themselves when he shows up.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. Knight says:

    But does it connect to MeasureQuick? What does Jim B say about it. I canโ€™t make decisions without his input. I bought the BluFlame. Love this content though.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Satish Babu says:

    Give me request job please

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vinnie cabano says:

    Training for fieldpiece 680๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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