This was a call back on a Trane Voyager we just worked on, the customers complaint was that it was not cooling.
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Don't want to call back again. This is already our second visit, so this video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition. We have a trained voyager today. That's given the customer, some problems um a little history about three weeks ago.

I had another service technician come out here and the unit was off on a blower failure. Safety. I believe, and technician went through everything couldn't find anything wrong. They called back and said it was still giving them a problem, so we uh i just arrived.

This is the first time i've been here and uh we're gon na go through and just see. If we have any alarms, there was no active alarms. When i opened up the unit, let me hit start so this is what i walked up on. Okay, the human interface is basically telling us that everything's looking fine um on 7 17 today is july 20th.

It looks like we had a drain pan overflow. Now, here's the question: whenever you see alarms or anything like that, you need to make sure that it's actually um the date is set right. So let's go into settings and make sure that the date is set right, because that really tells you everything. So it says today is 7 20 and it says it is 8 03 am so the time is correct.

Okay, so at this time it is 77 degrees in the kitchen um and let's go to the alarms. Currently the the it said overflow for the drain. Pan. Let's see if it's closed right now, let's see that's page six, let's go back.

Okay, oh wait there. It is right there condensate drain. Pan is closed. So it looks like the condensate drain.

Pan float switch is messed up, possibly so, let's look into that uh. I don't what's what's a good thing, though, was the last time i had a technician here. He said that i believe he said he saw a clogged drain, pan switch and he saw a blower failure and he said he couldn't find anything wrong. So, let's look into that, so it says that it's actually closed at the moment.

I was using that for shade, but all right, let's open this guy up we're not going to power down the unit or anything we want to see. We want to catch whatever's happening. This is a fancy. Smart unit has all the bells and whistles, although you know what this one's not crazy.

I believe this one right here has a variable speed compressor. This one only has a variable speed, indoor blower and essentially it's just a two-stage. Blower is all that it is, but all right, so we need to get in here to the drain pan and we need to figure out where this float switch is looks like it's right there. It certainly doesn't look like it's tripped at the moment, but we need to dive into it a little bit.

So what i want to do is come back over here and we're going to get in here and let's go to this condensate drain. Overflow input, i'm assuming that closed is bad, so we're going to fiddle with it and see if we can get it to open up. I guess: let's hope, that that's correct all right. Let's go ahead and see if we can't clear this alarm, it's a reset alarm should reset come on baby.
So it's an active alarm there. It goes. Did we just reset it? I just heard it click on me. It's still open there we go.

I need it turned on, so my guess is: is that the drain pan plugged up and it locked itself out it's my assumption because see it still says open. So my assumption is that yeah it locked itself out when that happened. So, let's uh, let's simulate this and let's try to make it lock itself out again: let's lift up that float switch something's clicking in that belt too. I don't like that.

Float switch either way. Okay, so i've got it uh to where the float is triggered again and let's see what happens here, let's see if we get an active closed condensate switch interesting, it doesn't say open and it doesn't say active. Oh there we go drain pan overflow, 8. 14..

I reset it again. I was getting confused between the open and closed, but okay um, i reset the alarm or the float switch and we're good and the unit's starting back up so we're gon na. Let this unit start up and then we're gon na grab. Some hoses um and check that because it doesn't look like it's a drip clogged up drain like you can see, but i also don't like that belt.

You hear the it's like it's getting stuck in the pulley or something making an interesting sound. Let's see what the vfd says it's at 38 hertz right now. I don't see a problem. Okay, we're going to grab some hoses, we're going to make sure that drain pan is clear and that the the drain line is 100 clear, too units starting back up.

It's very interesting that they don't do an auto reset on the float switch so once it triggers it's done and it locks the unit out. That's very interesting, but i'll give them credit that human interface is nice to be able to see the previous error instead of just having a flashing light. Um we're going to power this guy down. Well, i'm sitting here wondering if i actually am going to power it down.

No, i'm not not yet i'm gon na, let it run for a minute put the panels on as we're doing everything we're paying attention to what's happening. Uh second stage kicked in and my blower sped up. I'm gon na put you in there, but it's gon na be loud. Let's see right at the top, it says 60 hertz, so the blower sped up.

So what i'm going to do now is just slowly fill up the drain pan with water and see if it drains before i try to blow out the drain, because again i want to prove what's happening so so could it be as simple as that looks like It's slowly slowly draining but not very fast. I'd say that guy is uh not draining because that thing's about to shut off again. So let's follow this drain and see where it's going. Look at that unicorn.

I got a hose bib up here. Yeah! Look at that! Barely draining just took a tiny bit of water through this trap and look at this right here there you go: that's our problem plugged up drain, so i'm going to clear the drain properly and we're going to watch this guy drain now we're actually flowing through the Drain properly nice and good everything's coming out, and it looks like we got a bunch of chunks out of this thing. All these chunks came out of this guy, so yeah, it's good. Now, i'm too lazy to go get my hand nozzle.
I've only got this big one up here, so i went ahead and taped the hose to the trap closed off the trap, we're going to turn it on and we're just going to flush. This guy really good make sure that everything's cool don't want to call back again. This is already our second visit, so let's go take a look and see what we got coming out over here. Nice good flow just give it some love taps in different places to make sure that we're getting all the stuff out of it.

I'm just going to go around and just kind of kick it every once in a while, especially around the 45s, because that's where the clogs are going to happen in the 90s. So one over here. This is where it's really gon na build up. Okay, bird crap everywhere up here too.

These filters are also pretty dirty. They haven't been changed since 113., they're, not horrendous. You can see through them, but we're going to change them because some of them are pretty plugged so we'll get those replaced too. We'll probably look at the other units also what i'm noticing um.

Also i messed up that union down there the drain because of that dura block. It doesn't line up and i ended up stripping it. So i got ta run to the hardware store and get a new union so i'll put that on, but it's back uh, i'm gon na. Have it running temporarily to cool down the kitchen.

But what i noticed was this thing will trip the condensate, but after so many times it locks it out, because i've watched this thing reset itself a few times and then now i'm just going to reset it again and then so yeah it does. It doesn't just trip right away. It has a few times before it actually clicks it out. Knowing this customer, i just went ahead and uh pulled all the filters and i'm clearing all the drains and i'm gon na probably change the belts i'm getting in here.

Checking them all making sure we have spares doing all that good stuff. I already got the filters on will call at the local supply house. I gave up with a big total of them. Um these drains are plugged.

So this one right here, all these little chunks of stuff that you're seeing over here that was stuff i physically pulled out, but i'm watching stuff just pour out over here. I don't know if you're gon na be able to see it anymore, but yeah these guys. Even though guys this is just even though they look clear and they're dry doesn't mean they're clean, you know, because in a situation where we get high humidity - and it starts condensating like crazy, then that overflow switch is going to trip. This is what i'm talking about.
Look at this drain - i don't know if you guys can see this between the flash on that drain is plugged, it's plugged solid guys, but it doesn't have any water in it. So it's dry, but the stuff that i'm pulling out of there is going to prevent it from draining now. This is literally just over the drain hole. That's all the stuff i just pulled out of that.

So you've got to be thorough, don't just assume, because the drain pan is empty. The drain line's clear hands are all nasty, but look at the stuff coming out. A little bit of pm goes along the way right, underneath the hail guards for the kitchen. Ac is a pretty dirty condenser and it's greasy, even though it doesn't look.

It is it's because they i've had to clean this before they've got an exhaust fan right here. Crappy design, but um we've got some of the viper condensed coil cleaner. This stuff is safe from micro channel, so we'll use this we'll. Let it sit on there and soak and then give it a rinse get it nice and clean.

The trick is to knock all the big stuff off. You know these guys don't make it easy to get inside and really really clean. But, as you can see, you can really see through pretty well we're just trying to get the grease off. So we're gon na knock all the big stuff off from the outside and then once we do, that we'll put some cleaner on there and again, the trick with this viper knits coil cleaner, is let it sit for literally longer than you're comfortable with it's not going To etch the coil, it's not going to eat away at the aluminum, just let it sit there for about five to ten minutes and then rinse it so we're starting from the bottom and we're working our way up.

Okay, i'm just gon na. Let it sit on there, i'm on the sea, as in charlie, setting we're just gon na. Let the stuff sit get it. Let it sit right in there start on this one, nice and good.

I ended up doing like four coats of cleaner stuff. This grease is no joke, but anyways we're good. Now we need to uh get all the water out of the condenser it'll go off on high head pressure when we turn it on and it'll make a bubble factory. So i'm gon na use my blower blow it through tap it and then we'll turn it on.

Look at all the bubbles that are coming through. Look at that so important that you uh even no matter how much you rinse it all the soap and everything gets stuck in this micro channel, so you've got to get it off, see the inside of that all those bubbles. Those are all bubbles on the bottom. They all just came out so real, quick recorded uh august of 2019.

I had a video on the same ac and the opening intro clip was the bubble party coming out of here, and this is why i tap these condensers and try to blow them out. Don't try this at home. I don't know if you guys can pick that up, but this is what you got ta be careful about it's a bubble party in there, that's just all the cleaner. You got to be cautious.
It's like a damn night club in vegas. That's why, if you can blow that stuff out, you should, but so we're gon na fire, this guy up and uh, we'll probably still get some bubble party action going on. In this thing i get the panel put it on and we'll keep an eye on it. All right, i'm back with the filters um, the hardware store, didn't have a union, so i had to just grab a shark bite fitting, which is fine, because this is just a drain line.

I normally wouldn't use those, but all i have i'm up ways away from my shop and i really didn't want to go: try to find a plumbing supply house so lowe's, that's all they had. So i just redid the 90 put a straight fitting put it on there real quick. So it's good to go and it's removable with the shark bite, so um all right, we're gon na slap, these filters in and hopefully wrap it up. My unit is back together, got the stupid, hail guards back on um.

I've heard all stages, turn on of every unit got new filters. New belts, uh fix the drain and we're back in action all right. I said it in the beginning of the video. This was actually a callback.

This was our second visit, so the first time that we went out um, we couldn't figure out what was going on with the unit the technician that was there saw the vfd fault and saw the drain pan fault, but didn't catch. The plugged up drain line - and it is an easy mistake - because making an assumption that, because there was no water in the drain, pan all was good. This is why you really really have to, and life happens mistakes happen, but you really have to think past walking in the door and solving a problem. You really have to know the restaurants that you're working at you need to ask questions you need to quiz.

You know dispatchers, whoever sending you out to find out history in this situation. This restaurant hadn't done any sort of preventative maintenances since january it is july. So you know going into that. You know when you go up to the unit, you know and just your casual checks.

I always look at the filters. Look at the belt, you know, and that tells you a lot if the filters haven't been changed since july. Okay, then you see uh overflow. You know and then you go wait, a minute wait a minute and then you see an empty drain pan.

You know it should be sparking things in your head going something's, not right here. You know and looking into it further looking at the big picture right. So in this situation we missed a problem, but it wasn't a big deal. What i ended up doing to be fair to the customer was, i told him, i said, look the amount of time it took me to clean the unit change the filters change, the belts.

It wasn't my technician's fault that your filters were dirty, your belts were bad and your drain was plugged up. I said, however, we were here once before and we didn't catch the plugged up drain issue. So what i did was i discounted my travel time to the customer's job site, all the time to make the repairs, change the filters and all that stuff. That was billable time in my eyes and even the customer understood when i explained it to them.
So basically, i gave them a discount of one hour of labor, basically traveling back to the job you know and then just build them for the rest of the time, because i always want to be proactive now. I certainly could have gone to my customer and just told them the problem and not even addressed the fact that we were there a couple weeks before this. This particular customer wouldn't have said a single thing to me: okay, but i have to be able to sleep at night. That's what makes me feel good to know that i'm not ripping people off okay.

So i'm always upfront and honest with my customer own up to our mistakes. That way, when i do make a mistake, i hope that they take all those other potential mistakes that i already told them about into consideration kind of get where i'm going with that integrity. Honesty, that's what i'm trying to portray to my customers as the way that we operate. I think i said that right but anyways.

So the problem on this and i was getting confused on this unit too. Okay, train um. They have a, let's just say they have a unique way of doing things. Okay, so when the float switch was closed, it was saying open on the human interface like, and that was what was confusing me so like i was testing it with my meter and it had continuity.

It was a closed switch, but then on the human interface. It would say open and then i i don't know if you guys caught it, but i mixed up open and closed a few times like i would be looking at the human interface and i would be saying: oh, it's still closed when it said open and then I would say: oh it's still open when it said close. Like i don't know what was happening. Dyslexia was taking the best of me or something i was getting mixed up, but the problem was just the float switch.

The float switch on that unit was plugged up now. The interesting thing is - and i was reflecting on this when i was done with the job in the past. We didn't have float switches. Okay, we didn't have any of that fancy stuff.

We would get a service call of a water leak in the kitchen and we would go out there and we would see an overflowing drain pan or we would get a call of a water leak and we'd say: wait, where's the water coming from, and then we Would find the um the plugged up drain? You know it's interesting. You know that we have to deal with. This float switch thing on the commercial side. We don't see, float switches that often so it is a little different.

Okay, i'm not trying to make excuses. You know my technician did make a mistake, but it's all good. It's not that big of a deal. It's a simple mistake and we all move on from that stuff.
Okay, you guys need to understand that everybody makes mistakes. Even i make mistakes. Okay, life happens. We move on from it.

We just hope that we learn from it. That's the biggest thing. Okay, i think we need to embrace our mistakes, because you know they are what make us the people that we are right. I mean that totally makes sense, so um but again didn't just stop at the drain issue.

You know i looked at the filters and i said now: we need to change those filters and i went ahead and changed the belts. I went ahead and left spare belts. I changed the filters and all the other units blew out the drains on all the other units. Okay, of course, i let the customer know what was going on and i went ahead on the kitchen ac.

The other acs were fine. I rinsed off the condensers, but the kitchen ac. I had to go ahead and use condenser coil cleaner. I can't stress to you guys enough how important it is to use the uh, the blower or to tap off the condenser after, because you can rinse that micro channel condenser all day long.

It doesn't matter what cleaner you use. You're still going to have bubbles coming out of it, okay or even, if you don't use cleaner, you're still going to have water and i've been getting. I keep saying this in streams and different things like that, and people just can't grasp the concept, but on a micro channel. If you have a fully saturated coil, it will go off on high head pressure.

I know that's hard to understand, but on a tube and fin condenser, it would be just a wet condenser, but it never sealed itself completely with water. Okay on the micro channels, it literally stops the airflow and it just won't let that water out and it'll immediately go off on high head pressure. I've seen it so many times, and all you have to do is clear: the water, the water like it. It almost creates like a vacuum and gets trapped in the micro channel condenser.

Okay, so then you add a detergent or a soap into there right a cleaner and then you get the bubble factor and then you get the crazy bubbles. You know that's just nuts. What can happen there, but anyways so customers happy everything's back up and operational and uh. That's it.

I really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these videos. Okay, um. Do me a favor uh, consider subscribing to the channel all right. I've been noticing that the viewers are surpassing the subscribers now.

So do me a favor subscribe to the channel turn the notification bell on uh. If you're interested in purchasing any tools there's a way you guys can support the channel go to look at their prices. If you like what they offer, if you like, their pricing, use my offer code, big picture to save eight percent on your order, and i get a small commission from that - helps us support the channel. You guys can also, if you're interested, go to my website and i have merch available um.
This video is released on this sunday coming up uh, let's see it'll be sunday, the 26th of july. I should be getting my new merch order with hats and a lot of the larger size shirts that i've been sold out of for a while. I should be getting that sometime this week. I believe so.

Hopefully i have to do a qr inspection or qc quality control make sure everything's 100. I go through every shirt to make sure there's no damage um, so i have to go through those and if i have those all done - and you know get to go through everything - then i'll go ahead and release them, i'm hoping by the end of the week. So those will be up on the website soon. Okay, really really appreciate you guys and we will catch you guys on the next one.

48 thoughts on “Trane voyager call back”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreas Pandega says:

    This channel taught me a lot about ethics and integrity a business and as an individual besides of the HVAC stuff, and i thank you for it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Lamson says:

    Y not have a wall guarding that condenser from that vent ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toprevent Retaliations says:

    My helper doesn't learn from his mistakes and even if I explain down to the molecular level what the concept is! He still makes me look bad, Chris! I will pay you to get him out of hair, oh! Yeah, he is Union… Service area Kanata??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Newman says:

    You gotta love that touch screen system. I, as a customer have a Honeywell touch screen, color model. While it CAN be useful. It’s a pain when it stops working. Like mine did on me two weeks back. Had 24V at controller. Voltage and correct settings at the actual thermostat/gateway. But it wouldn’t power up. Tech is making us all dumber. lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Parsons says:

    Hail guards in SoCal? Why?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aeternus Doleo says:

    That's an interesting drain. Any reason why you can't just drain straight onto the roof? Having half a mile of pipe to me seems like asking for a blockage.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simpleman Steve says:

    Water supply on the roof is the first Win on this call. It seems every kitchen vent fan has a package unit within 4 feet lol.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rece says:

    I like the blower idea on the condenser. good job

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC EXPLAINED says:

    A lot of people don’t realize how many moving parts and electrical connections along with miles of wire there are inside of most equipment. It’s pretty damn amazing more things don’t go wrong! To me a call back is a slap in the face but sometimes there are those nuisance calls that just happen.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOURADEEP BISWAS says:

    I enjoyed the bubble party 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grtap says:

    Looks like a compressor has been changed.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco Jimenez says:

    I had a voyager unit that had a fancy contactor which the setting the amp protection safety was turning off my unit and i didn't know till a tech showed me the little dial and it wasn't amping crazy either so I didn't catch it the first time.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco Jimenez says:

    Usually when asking customer questions you get an idea of what could be wrong with the unit.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clayton Kendall says:

    Wind band extension for that exhaust fan

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arcadeuk says:

    Urgh the UI on that thing is painfully slow

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demonitized Boi says:

    But Chris, a bubble party in the kitchen would be epic

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AVAC VIDEOS BR says:

    You could show one day installing this equipment, it would be really cool !!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Munoz says:

    Hey Chris, one time I accidentally made a leak on the condenser with a self tapping screw, I had a choice of telling the customer that it was leaking already, but no I said I was washing the coils and accidentally made a leak when putting it back, so I didn’t charge any extra, I have that costumers for 10 yrs and happy, integrity always wins!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerald Schilli says:

    For a little bit of insurance, you should throw in 5 or 6 pan tablets into the condensate pan. Also , why is the drain line vent pipe higher than the top of the drain pan? That is a no-no.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael Miszcak says:

    They are using wireless controls too Are you in Kanata ?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael Miszcak says:

    I was waiting for the the drain pan flush then drain line flush

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael Miszcak says:

    There’s a condensate float switch
    Also there a fan proving switch

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Poitras says:

    Adapt and evolve,this is the key

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Mccarthy says:

    Love the bubble party! I totally get the owning up to mistakes, I’m the same way. Service area Nepean??

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eru mara says:

    A fully computerized wonder repeatedly brought to it's knees for want of a $5 mesh screen! Way to go Trane 🤦

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph H. says:

    Subbed…I had to fix bubble parties on dishwashers when customers used Dawn, etc…had to hand-bale cold water into the tub and let it agitate at ( the long wash) multiple times .Finally some genius found that a dryer sheet thrown in will clear it pretty quick…. Are you in Orleans ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amner Jonathan says:

    I really enjoy your content. I have been in school for 2 years for this field and you provide an exclusive insight on what to expect. I got a Van, I got my tools. I can't wait to start. I appreciate how Genuine you are, diagnostics, and sequence of operation of the applications is entertaining. I can seriously watch this…. like all day!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Houston says:

    That Milwaukee blower is on sale at HD, so I'm going to grab one. I also still have my Simpson 260. I see you have one as well!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars geoffrey young says:

    A good alternative to 90s is two 45 I,m sure you know that. just a stupid comment

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason unrine says:

    Why do ACs use such small diameter drain lines? Seems like they are constantly clogging. Why not use a little bigger pipe?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liviu2004 says:

    I find head pressure switches so old technology. State of the art industrial ac use pressure transducers, plc processing power, rugged displays, variable speed controlled compressors, variable speed condenser evaporator fans, alarm system with remote diagnostics, ok, different price range, I got it, but still … it’s 2020.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheMike8057 says:

    I do not understand why the drain needs to be that long just let it run onto the roof.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Martinez says:

    Do you shop at United refrigeration in Ontario?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars movax20h says:

    You can contact Trane to improve their user interface to be a bit less confusing. It is probably something they can do very easily for future models. Maybe call things but their functional state, so in this case maybe: "High level", "Low level".

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars movax20h says:

    For purely greased (organic oils and fats) coil, you should use heavy duty degreeser that do have some enzymes. It works very slow (can take even few days), but is safe to leave alone and do its magic. Good to use after cleaning from the dirt first.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars movax20h says:

    Nice to see a relatively clean unit with clean condenser and relatively frequent air filter changes. I mean in the desert you probably should replace these filter every 4 months easily. But overall, nice to see well engineered unit with a lot of internal pipeing easily accessible. The screen with diagnostic is also really nice, just a bit slow to respond. You need to be patient with it 🙂 Service area Barrhaven??

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars belfast boy from oz says:

    Integrity + honesty = RESPECT = FUTURE CUSTOMERS Service area Orleans??

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I can’t Say what says:

    Gotta love tranes. They definitely have their own way. I use to have a 50 ton package for a clean room. That unit was the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever had. And it was a brand new unit

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Delgado says:

    Can the bubbles damage the electrical at all?

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cosmos Loaded says:

    I have got to the deep part of the interenet and i love it

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SaltyTubers says:

    I do this with everything I maintain, everything. Take the time to clean the pan so that the future is good service from the unit! Replace a car battery? Clean the battery tray and sand/paint anywhere there is rust or corrosion. Make it last! Nice work man.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HEWfunkingKNEWit says:

    Algae build up in drip tray. Theres too much light hitting the water.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Salas says:

    Fuck man. I could come work for you after I graduate from YouTube university 💚

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Brockmeier says:

    40k views in two weeks. Wow!

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Youngbl33zy says:

    Is your all caps button broke?

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Herber says:

    Nice vídeo, those ultimate technology units, are hard sometimes. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Christian says:

    When they add those display/interfaces in the field, what is on them and how accurate they are is up to the guy that programs them. Are you in Ottawa ?

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Wolfe says:

    In regards to a plugged drain…..I don't like to assume….you know what that spells….it usually comes back to haunt me. Also I don't like the size and run of the drain. I guess that's due to the difference between copper and dwv pipe.

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