This was a quick equipment replacement on an existing walk in cooler, sure there are many things I could have done better but sometimes the customer doesn't want perfection so you just do what ya gotta do.
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So we are getting ready to pull this guy out we're gon na change, it old old coil. So, as you can see, this coil comes prepped, heat Kraft was smart and they put a swirl in TX or TeV in there, but they used some off-brand weird solenoid valve, not a fan of that, but oh well, it is what it is so sometimes. Well, I don't like, I don't get these preps with temperature controllers, because I don't like the controls they put in him. There was a point when they didn't puts Portland TVs in there and they used some other brand and that really irritated me because I'm a big fan of the spoil and TV so but yeah.

It is what it is. So I'm gon na get the temp control. Put on and wired in real quick and then we'll hang this coil and pipe it in it's kind of nice. When you can have your vehicle right out here to be able to get your stuff temp control right here and I've got some cord and stuff we're gon na put a key heat of therm, 10 Plus defrost on this bad boy, because it's just a walk-in cooler.

So we're slowly moving along, it's like polishing the turret, this room's kind of a mess, but your line set ran the evaporator hung. I just got done piping. It we're gon na. Do a tightness test on this.

We're gon na go ahead and open up. Nitro put it through the high side, and I want to see my low side rise. It's rising, so that's good. I mean pressures coming through.

I've got a cylinder, I'd magnet on it. So the next thing we're gon na do is go ahead and change it for on the field piece gauges, we've got a tightness test that far-right top right button, tightness test press that and then we can go ahead and fill it up and at all time n. So go and fill this guy up and then we'll set a timer. If you want to put the suction line temperature clamp on there as part of their tightness test, get it up to by 150 psi and we'll call it really good back juice.

Let's, let it calm down, let it stabilize out second and then we're going to go ahead, enter each visit view of this. Basically, it says press ENTER to start yeah and it's going to tell me the deviation based on the time so we're getting there under a pressure test right now we got a phone, the holes that our thermostat wire anybody can attend so slowly but surely moving along. You ready to do a vacuum test. Okay, so I'm pretty satisfied with that.

The drop like 2 psi R psi and some change barely so yeah, I'm happy with that pressures for 818 minutes, so we're gon na go out and pull a vacuum on it. Now. I've just got two hoses hooked, we're gon na let this go. I went ahead and set the set.

It's a refrigeration and the blue vac app and set my decay target to ten minutes, so it should hold behold below five hundred microns for ten minutes. Khs we're just gon na. Let it go right now line sets running downstairs. We got ta support it.

The way that I installed it is so that way. That's our walk-in cooler right. There there's only two things left in that tiny rack, a walk-in freezer and a little like half horsepower compressor. So we're almost done with that rack completely.
The walk-in freezer is probably gon na be next. I left room right here and then also, if you look at my the way I ran my strut, I left a room to run the line set on that and then we'll just have to drill a new hole go downstairs. So that way we got room to do everything, but this guy is running right now. This one does not have a defrost clock inside the condensing unit.

The defrost is in the temperature controller in the kita therm 10 plus defrost controller, and I also installed the LDA on it, so I can remotely access it from my phone and again I'll show you guys that right now, so that way, you guys can see what It is and what I can do all right, so we're going to go ahead and log into the field. Peace app right now we're gon na. Let it connect - and this is real-time - my suction line, probe and temperature clamp are downstairs at the evaporator. So that's evaporator superheat.

At the moment, the box is still calling and running right now, so we're looking good I've seen it kind of it's bouncing between eight to twelve degrees. So it just satisfied so that's good and to check to make sure I just satisfied we're gon na go ahead and log into the key to therm dashboard, and you see that my room temperature is thirty-four point nine degrees right now and my system mode is off. So what we will do is go ahead and adjust my room temperature just for shits and giggles down to thirty, so we can get this thing to run so we're in refrigeration mode right now. So this is cool because I'm on the roof right now working out the condensing unit and I'm able to change the settings and get it to turn on and off, so we're going to go ahead and scroll back to the field.

Peace, app we're back on the field, peace app, we're gon na, let it run for a second because it just turned back on so my super heats going to kind of move around. I'm gon na give it a minute we're gon na watch. The super heat stabilize out the system is currently running a clear sight: glass superheat, it's looking good. I mean we don't see some unruly high number right now the valve probably just opened up.

So that's why it's dropping down trying to stabilize up it's gon na. Take a minute mind you, this unit has ran for a full 24 hours. We came down just about 24 hours. We came back.

This is the next day after the install and we're just doing a follow up to make sure everything's good right on these are good numbers, so I'm gon na go ahead and set this back where it needs to be. I'm happy with the superheat readings right now and I did not have to adjust it at all. We're gon na go back into the kita therm dashboard and we're using a ke, 2/10 + defrost controller and we're going to go ahead and set my box temperature you're. Gon na actually set it for 36 degrees, as it was set for 35.
We've got four defrost a day with a three degree differential. So that means that the temperature controller is not going to turn on until it gets three degrees above the setpoint. So 36 37 38 39. It turns on.

Then it comes down to 36 for defrost a day for 15 minutes. Everything else is pretty basic: we're good to go: logout, okay, so walk-in cooler, equipment, replacement. We went ahead and replaced an evaporator, a condenser and then ran a new line set to it. To obviously you know, nothing's perfect, my work isn't perfect.

There's always room to improve okay, there's things that I don't like. There's things that I do like it is what it is. Okay, a couple of the cool features that I really like: I'm really diggin being able to use the field piece app with the Jopling probes in a situation like this, it's really nice to be able to get evaporating heat while you're on the roof, and then also, I use the key to therm temperature plus defrost controller, along with their LD a communication device which makes their simple temperature controller communicate with your smart phone or wireless network. In this case, I do not have it connected to the restaurants network.

I just connected it to my smart phone, so I do have to be on site with the way that I set it up. If, if the restaurant, you know wanted to go ahead and let me connect it to their network, then yeah week, I could you know access that controller from from my home. Basically, okay, but this is just the simple controller. They make a couple different ones.

This is a fairly inexpensive controller. Just gives you basic functionality of a temperature controller plus it has defrost built in and obviously with the LDA added to it. You can communicate or you can monitor the control via your smart phone, while you're on site and, like I said, or you can connect it to a network if the customer chose to do so. But you know you can get their fancy controls the evap efficiency controllers and the rack controllers that have you know, graphs built into them and trending data, and you know all kinds of stuff.

With the big fancy controllers you can control superheat from the electronic expansion valves. You know and doubt it out at all: you can pretty much launch a space shuttle from those big ones, but you know this is just a basic controller and there's a situation. You know my customers, I can't always sell them, something really big and fancy. They just want a simple control and I want to be able to have a digital control, so this is the perfect mix and the cool thing about this controls as I'm able to eliminate the defrost clock.

So you do not have a mechanical clock on the roof anymore. We've just got a digital clock, essentially that's built into the temperature control. Okay, you know one of the things that I'm not a huge fan of on the temperature controller. I shouldn't say: I'm not a fan of it's just kind of you know.
I is that you, you can't do different times on the defrost with that control. Okay, you understand so so. Basically, the only questions you get when you're setting it up is is how many defrost do you want a day, and how long do you want the defrost to be so with the mechanical control? I will say that one thing I like to do is I like to typically run a 45 minute to an hour, long defrost in the middle of the night, when nobody is in the restaurant. So that's one thing that I'm not a super fan of with the digital temperature controller that has the defrost built in.

But you know, as long as you have a place where it's not a big issue where they're not you know consistently having freeze-up issues and different things, then this should be more than adequate and you know I'm gon na start using these a little bit more. I actually have another job. I'm gon na use this same controller on with the LDA device. Also so anyways, I'm babbling now so that's it on this one guys, you know check out some of these other channels.

I recommend right now and if you haven't already please consider subscribing to my channel. Ok thanks, sir thanks for watching again, and I will see you guys next time.

39 thoughts on “Walk in cooler equipment replacement”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOURADEEP BISWAS says:

    Wow. Heatcraft use lg compressor like haier do

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electroimpex says:

    For witch reason is this P-Trap on the low-side of the Evap-Coil?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Augie Marsh says:

    Great work!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N C says:

    Great job, I love the KE2 brand. Been using it a few years with huge success.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco Sevilla says:

    Chris, are those new fieñd piece Sman's? Are you in Nepean ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Nice install Bud … Love the new technology … Wish they could of had it back in the day … Much appreciated …

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adulvit Promsri says:

    Great video!
    btw LG Compressor ? it runs quiet.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rookie Refrigeration says:

    Great video Chris. We've been exposed to a few more KE2 systems and they are great.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Great job again like always

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darkassassin 07 says:

    It would be really nice to have a time-lapse camera setup for these kinds of jobs so we can see you actually do the install without having to upload a multi-hour video

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Dog Data & Electrical says:

    Cracking install.. great job..thanks for the vid

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luther Fairley says:

    Your like a genius. I wish you would do a podcast.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiwi HVAC says:

    Isn't there a custom on that particular controller? I'm going off of memory, so I could be wrong… I think there is a option for "CUS" for custom on your defrost time.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whites heating & air & appliance repair says:

    Nice install Chris. Appreciate you sharing the install. Chris are they replacing 404a with hydrocarbon?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Weidenfeller says:

    Have you had any issues with temp controls mounted on the coils? I never mount on the coil anymore. Too many issues with vibration. The past year or more I am actually mounting the KE2 external of the W.I. at the entrance. Super nice to adjust when not in a -10 box. Less likelihood for condensation issues on the controller itself. And, customer sees constant temp and hears alarms more often. You do have to order the longer com cable but it’s cheap! Very neat and clean install!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Weidenfeller says:

    Very nice. Glad to see a pee trap in one of your installs! Service area Ottawa??

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:

    Great job 👍👍👍

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Superior Comfort Heating & Air LLC says:

    What the Hell, why is there a thumbs down? Is there a Troll following you? I heard you say there was stuff you disliked and stuff you did like on the install, is there Moran’s criticizing your videos Are you in Barrhaven ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars firefoxsimpp says:

    Get a frickin iPhone!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars -HaZe- says:

    Chris. Great video. Speaking on your superheat. We’re you measuring SH at evap or compressor ? And if it was evap SH. Did you also check compressor SH. ?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Octavio Delgado says:

    Another great job done.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Are you using the fieldpiece sman?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay B says:

    Very clean and professional work Chris. Beautiful job

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Cool install Chris. I catched the Welbilt Digital Literature app in your phone. Has it a good selection of service manuals?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Small Fry says:

    Nice and clean double 👍. I replaced an evaporator in a mortuary unit and had to cut out existing solenoid valve after the sight glass because replacement Evap had it inside as well. Had to rerun wiring. Worst part no back up for the morgue so if i was to get a guest id have to work around them. Luckily no guest only the initial service call, ya awkward

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Deeter says:

    Awesome work

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blake says:

    #67 Thumbs up! Service area Barrhaven??

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trever Kirk says:

    What type of clamps did you use on the suction line? looked like it gripped around the insulation, "Klo-Sure"?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Mack says:

    Nice job. Check out klo-shure clamps for the suction line. Grabs the pipe great and you spray foam the insulation into the clamp.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ever ayala says:

    on 20611ke2 temperature controls you can actually set a specific time for defrost. where you choose to set defrost.take it up to custom,custom is after 12.then you can choose the specific times and duration.

    hope it helps

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fél ypc says:

    You can actually set the time for your defrosts, I just pulled up the manual to confirm: you have to set the defrost per day (dpd) to Custom (CUS). From there you will see the time of day (TOD) parameter and d1 through d12 for your defrost times. (those are from the controller, I don't remember how to set that on the LDA interface)

    That's all we've been installing on or WIC and WIF for a while now, so far they've been money savers and have been pretty reliable, I think we've had one failure out of +-20 or so temp and lowtemp controllers over about a year.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Tinieblas says:

    That’s an awesome tool drawer stack. Where did you get from and what brand is it. Thanks Are you in Kanata ?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    Nice work Chris. I can see why that KE2 is more easy to dial in via phone without manually adjustment. its more benefit for us. What's con and pro of having KE2 ? it will more repair especially with sensor, sir ?

    And for new FP manifold , I like what I see with probe that clamped at evaporator coil at walk in cooler while you're up at roof. what's limit of range of probe ?

    Thank you for sharing as always 👍

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adventurish says:

    That solenoid is poop

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ButchinTheGreat says:

    That's all I install on any cooler that needs a replacement thermostat or new install that does not have a defrost clock Service area Orleans??

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greenan Growin says:

    Trenton is selling the evaporators with the ke2 already installed. Think it's like 3-400 bucks more. Haven't tried it yet but want to.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FERNANDO vega says:

    What fieldpiece sman is that?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ACE ACE says:

    Awesome!!! Your work is great wish I was able to learn more from you.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Burnett says:

    Nice little install! I like that temp/defrost controller. Thanks for sharing that Chris.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ASAPHEAD SHOT says:

    Love the videos

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