So the customer called and said that their walk in cooler was not temping properly, it was at 60 degrees and had been this way for a while.
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I wanted to start this video off really quick. Just to tell you guys that i do have hats back in stock, okay, the shirts, i'm currently still waiting on my shirt order to come in, but the hat order's here and i know a lot of people have been asking okay. So if you don't already know this is the hat right here, it does not have any insignia on it other than the hvacr. I purposely did that because i wanted people to be able to wear these hats at work and not you know, represent anything that they're not supposed to when they're at work.

Okay, so it's just a black flex, fit hat the cool thing. I made sure that they're black underneath okay, so that way, your fingers, don't really get it too dirty um, they last uh. This hat right here, i just retired it it's been a year. I've washed it in the washing machine two times, uh.

The only reason why i retired it - i wasn't so much worried about the color um, but again this hats. I've had i've worn it actually for over a year before i actually made them available um. The only reason why i got rid of it was because after a year and some change, it got a little loose on my head to the point that the wind could blow it off: okay, um and yeah. It's nasty like you, can see like sweat, marks and stuff like that, but that was the whole point of getting the black under brim because for me hats get ruined too quick by me, touching them so um hats are available.

I have plenty uh right behind me. Small medium and then large, wherever it is right back there, yeah you'll see them on both sides of me. I have plenty of hats: uh go to my website and let's get on with the video. This video is brought to you by sportlin quality, integrity and tradition.

Well, that's certainly not good. We have a service call on a walk-in cooler that is at 60 degrees today. This walk-in cooler also has a section over here too, so we got two evaporator coils, so we're gon na have to get uh. There's no ice down here so um.

The thermostat is back here. So i'll look at the thermostat, real, quick and then more than likely we'll jump on the roof, so our thermostat is calling for cooling, says 59 degrees. The coil does not look that bad, it's deteriorated, but yeah. We definitely got to jump on the roof.

The sequence of operation is this: thermostat controls a solenoid valve in this panel right here that opens the refrigerant flow, and the pressure control on the roof turns the compressor on and off so we'll have to jump up there and see. What's up my condensing units are over here, so that would more than likely be the walk-in freezer because it has a suction accumulator on it. Just knowing this restaurant, this should be my walk-in cooler, so i need to pull the cover off and we'll get getting into this thing. All right got our schematic here.

I've got the whole unit opened up right now, we're looking in the electrical section to figure out. Why the compressor is not running the compressor, wasn't hot or anything, it was just kind of lukewarm we're. Looking at the schematic right now and it looks like we have three phase power coming into the unit at a terminal block. Okay.
That would be this terminal block right here, so we're gon na go ahead and check three phase power, and this is gon na tell us if we potentially have correct power and or any blown fuses, uh phase a to b is 199 b to c 199. A to c 199, so we do not have blown fuses. We have power coming into at the top of the schematic right here. Okay, then, it looks like power.

Branches off goes to one leg of the compressor contactor two legs of the compressor contactor three legs of the compressor contactor. So basically, right here is our next step. There we go a to b b to c okay, so we have three phase power coming into our compressor contactor, but something isn't allowing our compressor contactor to turn on. So let's go over here and find our compressor contactor.

Here we are here we are here. We are but that's controlled by a coil, the coil voltage on the bottom of the contactor. Is these back wires back here? Okay, we need to find that on this schematic, and that would be right here. C1.

We could go to the legend and it's going to say compressor contactor but c1 is our compressor, contactor coil, okay, so it looks like one leg is running through a fuse and then going back to line two. The other leg is going through a low pressure control and a high pressure control then going through another fuse. That would be those fuses right there. So we need to check to see if any of those fuses are blown.

So we've got 208 volts 200 volts. So we are not, we do not have any blown fuses and i can prove it again by just testing across the fuse. No voltage present testing across the other fuse no voltage present, so the fuses are good. We've shown that right here.

So at this point, this fuse is good and this fuse is good, so that means that we should theoretically have power going into our high pressure control on wire number 56.. If the high pressure control is not tripped, it goes through. Then it goes to the low pressure control. If the low pressure control is not open, we should have power at the compressor contactor at 64 and 65..

Okay, let's go ahead and test that i am testing across my compressor contactor and i have no coil voltage so with that being said, if i don't have coil voltage at the compressor contactor theoretically, it should be the high pressure of the low pressure control. Okay, so sometimes we can just grab the wires. Sometimes we can actually open up a pressure control now, in this case, the high pressure control is an encapsulated pressure control. So, let's see if we can find wire, 56 and 72 to test across that pressure.

Control is right here that wire to that connector, and we have 200 and well 200 volts. We have an open control, the fact that we're reading voltage there means that it's not running through the control. We have an open control. That means that the high pressure control is tripped, so let's come over here and we'll see if we can reset the high pressure control.
So we come over here - and this is an encapsulated pressure - control back here right here, this guy and it has a reset button on it and we just reset it and check that out. So why would the high pressure control trip? Well, it's there to protect the compressor from basically high discharge pressure. If we have too high discharge pressure, we break down the oil and we have compressor failure, things that can cause a high pressure. Control to trip is a dirty, condenser and or a bad condenser fan motor.

Okay, the odds are that this motor is bad. What we can do is just spin it and the motor is locked up. It does not spin freely. Okay, we can test voltage too to confirm that the motor is actually bad, so we'll do that real, quick all right.

So what i did was remove the leads and look down at my meter and we have 198 volts so that condenser fan motor is getting voltage. But it is not running so we have a bad condenser fan motor. Now we don't know if that's everything, that's wrong with this unit. Okay, what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to go down and talk to the customer and i'm going to let them know hey.

We got a bad condenser fan motor. We have to change that fan motor before we proceed any further. There could be other things wrong again: big picture diagnosis right guys, i'm not just changing a motor and moving on we're going to troubleshoot the unit and make sure everything else is working properly. I got a new motor right here and uh because i disconnected power.

I can safely remove that condenser fan motor while the unit's still running because it's bringing the box temp down, so i'm gon na get that motor removed and then get it replaced and then we'll power back up and i have a feeling. Well, i don't have a feeling we're gon na clean this condenser too, because uh, even though it looks kind of clean look up here, you see all the lint and that lint is an indication that someone just kind of either rinsed it off real, quick or brushed It off and didn't get in there thoroughly, so we're going to go ahead and clean these condensers, while we're here too we'll clean this one. Also. Actually, as i do, i change my mind.

Sometimes i talk before. I think it was easier to go ahead and pull the other condenser fan motor and go ahead and clean this condenser proper from the inside out. So we'll do that real quick, give it a good cleaning and then we'll put the fan motors back in and get it running so so so fan motor is installed. Secured condenser is cleaned, um amp, clamp on there.

We're allowed to run 1.1 amps, let's go and fire it up and hope it don't blow up latest motor spinning in the wrong direction. So we need to reverse it. This is a reversible motor, so yeah that's going in the wrong direction, so we just simply unplug and re-plug to get it to reverse swapped. It should go in the right direction.
Now there we go they're, both spinning the correct speed. It's just a camera, making a look, wacky we're running .39 amps and we're allowed to run 1.1. So we're good we're good to go we're going to let this guy run we're going to go ahead and gauge up on it. We're looking good on the fan motor! I'm going to let it run a little bit longer, but something that i noticed.

While we were doing it, i don't know if you guys caught it is this contactor was missing the cover and i don't know if i can get in here or not, but yeah it looks like crap in there. I want to talk to the customer about replacing it, but let's do a voltage check across it to see if we have voltage drop so we get here, nothing, nothing, nothing! So it's still making good contact across the poles, but i just don't like the way that it looks so i'm gon na go talk to the customer, pretty sure they're gon na say to do it so i'll grab one out of my van too and make sure They're cool with it, okay have a look at that compressor. Contactor there there's quite a bit of heat coming out of there and look at how it's not even see on the left terminal number one. This is my finger right here on the left terminal number one see how it's getting hotter got.

Some really hot connection points there. 121. 110 105.. All right.

Let's test power, nothing, nothing, nothing and then we'll check the ground; nothing, nothing! Nothing all right! So we're good to get in here and swap out this contactor real quick make my life easy. I'm just gon na number. The lines shouldn't take me long at all, contactor says to torque down to 25 foot pounds for screws and 40 foot pounds or 40 pounds for uh luck. So we're gon na go 25 ready that click there.

You go. Click click uh! No, i don't think i clicked right click there you go, that was good. Contactors installed, everything's tightened and torqued down properly. Hopefully, nothing blows up when i turn it on it's working, i'm gon na.

Let it run for about 10 minutes, and then i'm gon na throw the thermal camera on it and show you guys the difference. All right. We've been running for about 10 minutes and to be completely fair. I pulled the cover off of the new contactor, because the old one was missing the cover, too.

You can clearly see a difference, how it's not overheating on that number one leg and we've got good: even temperature differential or temperatures across the whole contact. You can see it by the color scheme, so we're looking good. We definitely save the customer, a potential problem by changing out that contactor all right, everything's, looking good it's about 90 degrees outside we've, got a clear side: glass, refrigerant pressures. I don't see anything scary there.
Looking okay box is still pulling down in temp um. It depends. These are thermostatic expansion valves, so it's got a 20 degree evaporator coil right now, but they could be opening and closing kind of flooding down. All right.

We're going to go downstairs check on the box. Temp, i'm not going to watch this come completely down to temperature today, because it was 60 degrees when i got here and uh from the feeling in that walk - and it's been like that all night, so it's gon na take a long time to bring all that Food temperature down, so i'm just gon na tell the customer to keep an eye on it. You know, as far as i know, i'm gon na get a million questions. What are they gon na do with the food? I have no idea.

I got no control over that, so that's at the customer's discretion to do what they will with their food um yeah. That's it we're gon na wrap this one up, nothing too crazy. Again, looking at the big picture, cleaning the condenser notice, the contactor always always always look at the big picture, because it'll potentially lead to more sales too right, i sold them a contactor that wasn't necessarily the problem, but it was going bad. You know i wanted to point out the fact that that condenser is jacked up, and while i want to comb it, the condenser is disintegrating.

So there's really no purpose. When i get in there and try to move it, it's just disintegrating, so we're just going to leave it be and they'll just have to deal with it. It's working, so we got in here to this beer walk inside. They got two sections and this guy's pretty dirty.

So what we're gon na do is i'm actually gon na talk to the customer and uh we're gon na come back. I'm gon na have someone come back and clean both of these evaporators, the other one's not as bad, but it's currently 45 degrees near so that'll give us a good opportunity to do a follow-up and make sure everything's working too. I tried to step back a little bit on that video. I know.

Normally, when i go through things, i really don't show schematics. I don't show you know walking through that stuff and it's partially because um i just forget sometimes - and i just blaze through it and be like oh just push the high pressure control. I certainly could have just pushed the high pressure control right when i got there. Okay, because i kind of already had a feeling, but i wanted to walk through on camera, show the troubleshooting procedures.

You know when you become more experienced and more advanced, oftentimes yeah, you will skip certain steps. You walk up, you don't hear it running. You'll just go over there and push the high pressure control, but remember we also need to step back a little bit and be careful about that. You know pushing resets and different things like that.

Can cause problems okay, pushing in contactors different things like that, can definitely how many times can i say, different things like that, but anyways pushing contactors can um can cause issues. You know, especially if it's like i've mentioned it on linux package units that have a vfd bypass. You push in a contactor on a vfd bypass or you push in the wrong contactor you're, going to send line voltage to the load side of the vfd, and you can potentially have a big boom, so be very cautious about resetting things. Unless you absolutely know what's going on, but other than that we went through everything, i showed you guys with the thermal imaging camera.
You know the differences in the heat, and you know in the first image or video that i showed with the thermal camera on the left number one terminal or i guess that would be the load terminal on the left side. Um the number one load terminal. It was uh, it was getting really hot, you know, and that was because of the contactor wasn't making good contact on the inside. It wasn't causing enough of an issue to cause a voltage drop yet, but maybe as it got hotter and hotter, it would have you know.

So i brought that to the customer's attention and you know, got it changed out and you guys saw the difference once i changed the contactor and let it run for a while to be fair. You got to make sure you let it run because when you first turn it on it's not going to overheat as much so let it run for about 10 minutes. And then you know it's got nice even temperatures across the contactor now so all was well. Okay really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch these videos.

Like i said in the very beginning, the hats are available now um on the website. Hvacrvideos.Com the uh, the shirts will be available soon, but the hat order came in first, so i just went ahead and threw those up real, quick, okay, uh yeah catch, you guys, uh monday, nights, 5 p.m. Pacific work permitting i'll be doing the live streams. Uh the hvac overtime show this coming friday, uh beyond there as usual on the hvac overtime, youtube channel, um yeah.

I think that's all i got to plug right now, so i really really appreciate it and we will catch you guys on the next one. Okay.

48 thoughts on “Walk in cooler is at 60 degrees”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SMITHโ€™S HVACR says:

    loved the troubleshooting walk thru.. dude youโ€™re awesome, thank you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Duffster says:

    Very good explanation for all novice techs out there ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Are you in Barrhaven ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big StR33t from the L.V.K. says:

    I love the manual voice activated screwdriver torque click that happens. Touche' bro hahahahhaha Are you in Ottawa ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Larsen says:

    Chris, do you guys get hail storms in Cal? That condensor looked a bit banged up.
    They need a source to buy dry ice for emergencies. Up here in Minnesota it is available and not so expensive. Dry ice gives 270 btus of cooling per lb plus it would be easy to spread the cold using a box fan and getting the dry ice in front of it. Ice also would work in an emergency 144 btus per lb, but it would be harder to spread the cold and one would have to contain the water.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sara Llewellyn says:

    Kind of crazy that they waited so long. The moment our cooler gets above 40 we know something's wrong.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pamason9191 says:

    Anyone else triggered by the hat? Why is the V (down arrow) red and the A (up arrow) blue. Swap the colors and it matches a thermostat!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars junk man says:

    Black hats are too hot in the sun

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigHuff2316 says:

    When I first saw this I spent 30 minutes looking for the klein insulated torque screwdriver.. lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D D says:

    I know I'm a year late, but I appreciated the walk through and the troubleshooting. Thanks.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark cristello says:

    I noticed every time you clean the condenser coil you never clean the fan blades a dirty fan blade moves less air just don't understand why

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ezekiel Lackey says:

    Thanks for showing the schematic and the process of elimination. Im a new tech. Got my epa last spring. Learning a lot and loving the trade! Service area Kanata??

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirDeanosity says:

    What FLIR camera are you using? Cost?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AJB says:

    Thank you for explaining . please do that often

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walker says:

    Ladder diagrams make troubleshooting 100% easier.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flavio silva says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Jackson says:

    Im halfway through the video, & gotta say the troubleshooting details you giving are just exceptional. I'm really following and understanding .. keep up the good work man

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torrens transit enthusiast says:

    Very modest Are you in Kanata ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Harrington says:

    I loved that very high tech screwdriver , must come off a. Snap on tool truck ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ the video put up is just outstanding please keep up the wonderful

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jayman twothree says:

    12 years ago I tried turning a fan blade with my hand and my mentor smacked me in the back of the head.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Frederick says:

    Enjoy watching the videos very educational.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snigby Life says:

    Thanks for the way that you walk through the troubleshooting steps. You'd be an awesome mentor.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dacke says:

    * click *

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonas A says:

    Who made the contactor in the circuit diagram look like (and named like) a capacitor?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Bollinger says:

    Donโ€™t stick your finger in a powered fan and try to unstick it. Youโ€™ll do that until you actually do free one up and it spins and chops your finger. Either do it with it off or use a stick.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve sanchez says:

    Great breakdown on vid

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Watchur says:

    Torqued to AvE specs I see.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Good says:

    Hey Chris, I am not a HVAC guy but I have watched many of your videos and enjoy watching you tackle a problem and fixing it. It seems that you are very methodical and thorough in your work. Keep up the good work.

    Just one question, why are you wearing headphones in your studio? I work in radio so I know why on-air personalities wear them, but why do you? Seems strange to me since you are alone in the studio.

    Anyway, thanks for enjoyable videos.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Herber says:

    nice video again

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Perez says:

    Quick question….. i do automotive repairs. I know its not your type of repairs. But are you allowed to pressure wash the condenser without damaging any components for a more cleaning effect??? Example using a 3200 psi pressure washer ??? Including other components???

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Sanchez says:

    You are the best. God bless You. Am new on the trade and I had learned a lot thanks to you…

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Suitor says:

    As far as the food goes, most of your bulk items will be fine. First thing in the morning, prep cooks are going in and out, maybe even propped the door open for 20-30 minutes while they were setting up. As long as the call is made while the food in still in temp theyโ€™ll be fine.

    Iโ€™m really enjoying watching these videos. Was in the restaurants for 14 years and I have NEVER a HVAC guy put this much care into their units. And I was the guy that would call and tell you I had a fan motor not turning or a bad belt and send you a text with model numbers.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nhaskell says:

    Since you are teaching a bunch of new people on electrical safety it is a good idea to also throw a LOTO on that main breaker when you were changing the contactor.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars madmax1984 says:

    Loved the washing was nice to watch, I'm surprised you didn't ask to swap the other motor out at the same time just to be safe, but yea good call on the contact heating up Are you in Orleans ?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My ShadowKungFu says:

    You're a Pro, Sir. Invaluable is the service you provide by your channel.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aleric Johansen says:

    Personally I LOVED the walkthrough steps for the electrical system. It REALLY helps me to understand the system and how easy/hard a job like this can be. If you can, I personally would want you to do that often. Learning how things can go wrong is actually really fun, plus I can know questions to ask for if something like this happens to me.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E L says:

    I wish I could move out there and work for you. You have helped me to understand more about HVAC than textbooks or manuals.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Green Lint says:

    Nice, clear, logical description of the troubleshooting process. BTW, best way to wash a ball cap is in the top rack in your dishwasher. They sell holders meant for this purpose, to retain the shape of the hat, but I just put them on an old plastic colander that I don't care about. Gets them nice and clean and they don't fade. Service area Barrhaven??

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dysan27 says:

    Don't think I've seen you check that the power was off after throwing the disconnect before. Ever had occasions where you still had voltage afterwards?

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Campusizzle says:

    I love your videos man. This is such a great example of knowledge and professional work

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Schultz says:

    If you hear somebody saying a cooler 60 degrees 99.9% of the time it's frozen up.
    And the first thing you check is defrost timer, if it's a mechanical defrost timer it will be hung up just before termination .

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P51ride says:

    Do you use a dielectric grease on the connectors to prevent corrosion ?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I A says:

    That coil cleaning part of the video you should you copy and paste make it to 2 hour ASMR video

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Magallanes says:

    Thank you so much for the
    schematic lesson. Please show more teachings of that please. Service area Nepean??

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Marrin says:

    Subscribed ๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Marrin says:

    You don't mess about do ya,, it's great to see a professional who cares about his customers and wants no recall work unless it's a service,, and if that's how you approach a fault you can bet your maintenance service skills are the same, great stuff I'm not your dad but I'm proud to be watching your work โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Marrin says:

    Brilliant diagnostics,, potential difference that's led you to find a control problem excellent stuff,, I'm a security and fire security engineer, these principles are fundamental to all aspects of electronic/electrical engineering, love watching your videos,,, GBโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Clark says:

    Good video.
    I wash just about every condenser coil,depending.
    The camera don't lie.
    Good call!

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars winkhvac says:

    where you get the thermo cam? Service area Orleans??

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