This was a service call on a Walk In Cooler that wasn't working properly. I found that the unit had rotted out evaporator coils that were plugged up, the compressor had weak valves, the headmaster was bad, the fan cycle control was bad and so on.
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So we've got a service call today on a walk-in cooler. That's not working right! I'll! Show you guys pictures of the evaporators right now that thing's pretty dirty and this condensing unit is pretty messed up too. So we're going to get going on it and see what we can capture on video okay. So these Eve apps are in a really bad shape, very dirty and they have the doors open right now so have not applied surface cages yet.

But I do see oil everywhere so before we apply service gauges, we're gon na look for a leak because it's obviously a big leak right in this area. Currently the condensing unit is running and the fan cycle switch has turned the condenser fan motor off. I do have an air probe in the box. It's like the lower temp is our that's.

Our 44 degree box sent right now, so we will see but yeah, so we're getting a leak, detector right now and then we're gon na do a leak check on this. Then we'll apply service gauges and check out the rest of the system. Okay. So what we're gon na do is we're gon na start with a leak check and we're gon na start on the places I'm doing this before I apply service gauges and the system was running when I shut it off, so I'm assuming it's not pumped down.

That's assuming that the low pressure control isn't bad and just causing the unit to run in a vacuum. We're just doing a quick thing: we're not spending hours on this. So what we're gon na do is we're gon na leak check the spots that we got to put our service gauges on okay, before we disturb that area, so we're basically gon na run around the cap and then we're gon na run around this cap and see, If we can find a leak, so we're picking a belief so we're going to bring our leak detector back, I'm using the D tech select, let it zero out, then we're going to take it back to the source and see if we can pick up that leak. Again, so picking it up right around this cat now it could be down here, but up here this is all gon na fall.

So there's no point in really doing any more leak, checking below that until we've determined whether or not this cap is leaking. There's quite a bit of oil, so so we're gon na do now is we're gon na hit it with the soap bubbles and when we use the soap bubbles, I'm going to use the big blue just the normal microlight detector. We're not gon na spray like that, because we don't want bubbles. We're gon na.

Do a steady stream like that and we're just gon na soak that cap see if we can pick up leaks, we might as well soak the whole valve again trying to spray without getting the bubbles. Okay, we're picking up all kinds of leaks all on this valve packing and out in the port and everything not really ones that the bubbles are showing up, but there's leaks all in there. So we know that's a problem, so that's all I wanted to do was leak check that we're gon na go ahead, and we put our hoses on here and we're going to open up the refrigerant valves but notice that these ones have a packing nut. They got the two flat spots, the same thing on this one.
We got to loosen those packings before we try to turn that valve, so basically, but your wrench on their ever so slightly loose in the packing nut its anything on this one ever so slightly loose in the packing that you don't got to go crazy just enough To give it flow without messing up okay, we got 75 psi and obviously my high sides open close the valves. Let's go ahead and purge my low side. Okay got the air out of the lines same thing with the high side, I'm gon na go ahead and basically crack the stem. Okay high sides there: okay, we're good to troubleshoot.

Now we are going to go ahead and remove all this stuff up here, because we don't it to vibrate off and then we will turn the system on sounds healthy, sounds very healthy. Okay, we're gon na watch the system operate now. So while I was running, we had a clear sight glass, but what I did was I bypassed the fan cycle control. Sorry, if you're in the wind and drop my head pressure way down.

Let me turn this back on. Right now might have press all the way down to 130, and what I'm doing is I'm testing the headmaster right now. So this is our twenty two refrigerant go to the side. Glass sight.

Glass is flashing right now, so what we are going to do is we're going to test the headmaster to see if it's actually bypassing right now. I believe it is so we're going to use my temperature clamps we're going to change the view. Okay, so I changed the view so where now we see suction line and liquid line? Okay, so we're going to use the clamps in a way that doesn't make sense, but we're going to basically take one of the clamps put it on the liquid coming out of the headmaster and then we're going to take the other clamp and put it on the Liquid drain coming out of the condenser, and we should see a difference there and we really don't see much of a difference at all 68 67. We should see more of a difference and what we'll do we should see? I'm gon na put I've moved my clamp to the discharge line and now we're gon na see a major difference.

So we have 128 discharge temp. Basically, and then we have a 69 degree. I mean ow. So we're not really.

It doesn't look like the Headmaster's bypassing, but I think it's bypassing a little bit because all of a sudden when I brought the head pressure down in this low by putting the screwdriver and the fan cycle control, the head pressure dropped in the cycle. I started flashing. So so, yeah we're gon na we're gon na go ahead and clear up that sightglass and then we'll we'll check and see what our differences across that mess for them. As I'm charging I'm paying attention to everyone, Somali shut off the gauges and make sure it's not clumping down, because you don't want to fill it up.

While I was trying to pump down, we are getting close to set point because that's my box, 10 39 degrees via the air temp row, but yeah we're not pumping down yet so we're just adding gas. I'm clearing the site BOTS, which is probably difficult for the camera, to see, but it's almost clear, but this is that doesn't mean it's enough gas because it's well. You know sixty something degrees outside right now, so just to clear that on a sixty degree day doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be enough gas. So I added a little bit of refrigerant and I'm still my Headmaster's barely doing anything it's slightly bypass and it's like the filter screen in the headmaster head pressure control valve is plucked up because look at my differential between those two lines right there.
It's barely anything. So we've got a restriction in the headmaster, so it's not doing its job, so I'm not gon na even add too much more refrigerant because it's usually not going to be this low. We're gon na go ahead and pull that screwdriver out the fan I'll end up. Shutting off here in a second and we'll, so we are currently trying to do a pump down test on this, because I wanted to see and this compressors proving that it has weak valves.

So this is leaking too, but I've got this guy front seated all the way, so the refrigerant flow to the liquid line has stopped and it's been running for about five minutes and we won't go lower than thirty-eight psi. It's barely going lower. So this is proving this thing should be pumping down a lot lower than that so yeah. This, this system is just done for this customers not going to this is in our twenty two system: they're not going to want to put all this money into this.

Those evaporators are hammered they're, definitely gon na consider replacement on this equipment, but I'm just trying to see if I can get it to work. It looks like we're maintaining 40 degrees in the bar so knots even after they just had a delivery right now. So I don't think that I put 13 pounds and I didn't that's just because I took my scale off my tank off. I think I put, I know I didn't even about three pounds.

I think it's because I took some calm. It's at two pounds a minute ago, but ya see this thing. Still it's running my pressures still sitting at 34. It's just roni roni running and not satisfying.

Basically, it's it's done. Four valves are shot. We're gon na go and open this guy back up and I had tried shutting it off via the time clocks back and so what I did was. I did the time clock first cuz, the time clock controls is liquid, cylinder valve and I noticed nothing was happening.

It's happening, and so I manually use the valve so we're coming back up and running again, but as you can see the other thing I noticed too, I don't know if you guys caught it. When I pulled the screwdriver out of that fan, cycle control, it didn't shut the fan motor off and the fan cycle control is stick and I just took a wrench and whacked and control and it turned it off. So it's just like a million things wrong with this thing, so I think they're gon na maintain all right. We had a service call on a walking cooler that just wasn't maintaining temp properly.
What we found was that the unit had a series of problems that evaporator coils were plugged up. This customer does not do a normal, routine preventative maintenance. We had multiple leaks at the condensing unit on all the different valves. Okay, I didn't even leak check the evaporators because at the same time the evaporator coils were deteriorated beyond repair.

So there's really no point. Okay, then, on top of that, we had a compressor that had weak valves, so it wasn't pumping properly and the unit had a bad head pressure control valve okay. So because we could not get the head pressure control valve to Val to bypass, then I actually the time clock was stuck, it wasn't keeping time and the fan cycle control was sticking also, so it was just a huge list of problems. Okay, so we brought that all up to the customer and they actually opted for replacement.

So we will get some video of that when that replacement happens. Okay, cool have a nice day.

44 thoughts on “Walk in cooler not temping”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel says:

    That’s Chris’ setup before the shelves full of hats and stuff.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Costa says:

    Time for a new unit for sure just too much wrong with it

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:

    Maybe a few evaporator filters?? LOL

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Schaefer says:

    Really enjoyed seeing the head master in action (or lack of action) with the temp probes. Sweet video!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Sykes says:

    service valve champ lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cj C says:

    I usually attach the high side line first and open the high side to the low side on the manifold and purge from the low side line only, if you open the lowside rota lock port before purging and the system has pumped down to a vacuum your gonna suck in all the air from your lines.. just personal preference really Service area Barrhaven??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geoff Fender says:

    “Replace not repair”. Every HVAC tech’s motto. Replacement has a higher profit margin anyway.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MotoTenacity says:

    Not sure if you’ve done it in some videos but at the end can you give a time frame. Just curious how long it takes on those Friday night calls sometimes 😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave K says:

    Hey get yourself an H10.. waaay better than that infinicon.. that is a system in dire need of replacement.. where has the maintenance been???? Man I get tired of talking people about it too. HAVE to maintenance your equipment. Do you yourself never take a shower or bath??? Dont kickbout that piece of wood out holding up the what a shit show.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Aguas says:

    Great video Chris! Wow, you already have the new Fieldpiece SM480V, they look great!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tblock says:

    really helpful, thanks

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Mashione says:

    Nice to have temp probes on the gauge screen Are you in Barrhaven ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars david1700000 says:

    the old system has multiple issuers for sure, only to tell the owner what part is still working next time, lol. Good video and explaining! I use to watch your video for two times at least because they are very helpful!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars latrobenut66 says:

    Why does it have both a head master and fan cycling control? Won’t they fight each other? Especially with single fan condensor

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Great job again

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    Master-class in the field. For newcomers in the trade: THESE lessons worth its weight in gold. So, pay atention. Service area Kanata??

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Grant says:

    Well that compressor did not sound to healthy

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GREGO B-TEAM says:

    Nice job of diagnosing.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Moir says:

    Singing "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose."

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pedro jardim says:

    perfect video

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Vander Waal says:

    Ready for the replacement video!! That stuff was in terrible condition. Preventative maintenance is key.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Ramzan says:

    The whole system needs to be replaced…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maui Kawi says:

    what a shit box moma

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars -HaZe- says:

    Good video man. Dude I just worked on that same exact condensing unit last week. The receiver was stoped up and that’s a vertical one in there “they” used as a horizontal. Also had head master was stopped up. Took me 3 days to get the system cleaned up. That’s crazy.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whites heating & air & appliance repair says:

    Who one the give away? Service area Orleans??

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. ICE says:

    Why have a fan cycle and a headmaster?.. unless your using hot gas defrost seems redundant.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Deeter says:

    If customers approves a change out, what would you go with Chris?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Dickson says:

    Nice job 👍👍👍

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris M says:

    thanks for the video chris, hopefully they sign off on a pm after the new install lol

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    Great video on the head master leaking and a bad evaporators. HVAC ON!!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars heliboy112 says:

    Hey Chris great vid brother got a question the manifold you are using with the wireless ability do you know when that might be coming out from FP I am so tired of mine with the wires all over the place…LOL.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rick w says:

    I was wondering why I didnt get a notification.. and somehow I was unsubscribed?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Poole says:

    what would be a routine preventive maintenance besides coil cleaning both condensor and evap??

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigJoe941 says:

    Another fantastic video!!! And congratulations on hitting 20k it won’t be to look till your cracking 100k actually in LA going to a chiller class always gotta keep learning

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim D says:

    What model gauges do you use? I never seen a fieldpiece with wireless clamps. Service area Nepean??

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Young says:

    Im new to the trade but ive noticed how often thoes service valves leak. And ive learned alot from your videos such as the head master, im much more confident in my understanding now. Are you in Orleans ?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Nieto says:

    Hey great video I’m an hvac/r tech in ct and I see crap like this all the time lol but I had a question what or where can I buy that manifold I always see the corded ones but not the wireless probes? I have the testo 4 port with corded probes and there always getting in the way or won’t reach

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeafHVACR SoCal says:

    Nice work on explaining about bypass and leaking check. Thank you for sharing, Chris.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    How dare you pick vacation over live stream … Lol … Good vid Bud … Enjoy vacation … Are you in Ottawa ?

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Embree Smith says:

    nice job !!
    rotten equipment !!
    that's why I quit most commercial refrigeration
    even Walmart has junk on the roof

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACR Survival says:

    Perfect video to show what order to check things to save time, prevent false leak signals and how to test the components👍👍 That thing was toasted.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Gutierrez says:

    Hey Chris question why the system have fan cycle control? Also have head master valve too? The old condenser have to different control but you mentioned in the video head master was not working I guess that is the reason why have the fan cycle control? Thanks Chris you’re Hvac/r pride. 😎💯

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Halili says:

    Sounds healthy

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Montalvo says:

    Man that was a lot of things wrong on that system. Glad they went with the replacement. Hopefully tonight you can go over the expected temperature differences on the headmaster control. Haven't really ran into any issues with them so not familiar with troubleshooting them. In the 2.5 years of doing refrigeration of my 12 years in the field I've mostly ran into leaks and electrical issues.

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