This was a service call on a walk in cooler that was temping too high, I found that the defrost clock was bad and the evaporator coil was very dirty. I replaced the clock and cleaned the coil and talked the customer into replacing the equipment.
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So tonight we have a service call on a walk-in cooler, it's Saturday night about 7 or 8 o'clock at night. The complaint is is that it was in the 50s when I arrived it's about 43 right now, so I'm gon na put an air probe in here. Get the box temp and then we're gon na jump up on the roof and check everything out, see what we can find. What we have here is an old heat craft space miser coil, this guy's, probably from I'm just a 93 ish, so we'll check it out and see what we find check out.

This badass spiderweb look at it and walk into it. Anyways I got to get back to work, but this is our condensing unit right here. It's an older master built unit. It's going to be r22 refrigerant.

The answer doesn't look too bad a little bit dirty, but nothing crazy. Okay, so the units running got a bunch of oil all over the suction line, but this unit does have a headmaster, so it can still be short on gas hope you have the winter charge be short. The time clock does not have the right time on it. It's late at night, not 8:00 in the morning, so I marked it with a marker and we're going to let it run for a few minutes and we're going to start a stopwatch and see if it holds time.

I'm gon na go ahead and apply some service gauges to this unit. So this one is a head scratcher, because my refrigerant pressures are on point. I've got a clear sight, glass. My time clock seems to be holding the correct time.

The pressure control is cutting in and out where it's supposed to be. The box is coming down to temperature. I haven't seen it satisfy yeah. I've ensured that my receiver is filled up 3/4 of the way when it's pumped down.

So that means I've got the maximum amount of refrigerant that I can put in the system. So I know that, even though it had oil all over that suction line, it's just a tiny, tiny leak. It's not enough to to make the system short on gas, so it might even be just spray for people taking their gauges off. I don't know so.

The whole point of me checking the receiver level again we're getting into the cooler weather is that nighttime season? So my headmaster is gon na bypass, currently right now, I'm running about a hundred and ninety head pressure psi and I believe that headmaster will bypass at about a hundred and eighty psi. So as it gets cooler tonight, that headmaster is more than likely going to bypass and we have to make sure that we've got enough refrigerant. We called the winter charge in the system to to properly flood the condenser and keep a clear sight glass going down to the TXV, and if you don't, you can starve your evaporator and cause problems these anyways it would be short on gas essentially, but that's not The case right now, so the compressors pumping my suction pressures, where it's supposed to be my head pressures where it's supposed to be I'm just gon na wait and watch the Box, come down to temperature and satisfy and watch it turn off and turn on. I'm kind of wondering if maybe someone had shut off the circuit, breaker and didn't tell the manager and then turned it back on, because when I got here, the box was like that 42 ish and right now it's at 36 degrees and I've been here for about 45 minutes I mean it's been steadily coming down in temp since I got here and I didn't do anything so I'm just gon na watch the box satisfy hopefully as long as it doesn't take too long and watched a little bit longer, but I'm not seeing anything At this moment, so this guy's running great, the defrost clock seems to be holding time, but I just have a gut feeling: that's what's wrong.
When I arrive, the defrost clock had just come out of a defrost about an hour and a half to two hours prior to me. Arriving and that's when they were complaining about the unit being high in temp. It's a little bit difficult because they regularly shut off a circuit breaker for the condensing unit when they do product deliveries. So you can't really gauge whether or not the clock has the right time.

You know based on where it should be, so the time could be regularly off on that clock, I'm essentially saying because they shut that breaker off two times a week, for you know two hours a day and that's normal. I instructed them to do that because of this particular location. We run into problems with them freezing up the coil because they used to never shut it off and then prop the door opening you know, reorganize the walk-in when they get their big deliveries. So with that being said, I really have a gut feeling that the defrost clock is the problem on this bad boy.

So I'm gon na go ahead and replace the clock out of precaution and we're gon na watch the you know, I'm still. I think the box is at 37 degrees right now and it's JIT should be satisfying to any moment now. So I'm just going to watch it satisfy change out that clock and then go from there. So I got the new clock installed.

I put four defrost. I didn't change it, that's how I was before, but we do four defrost a day for 20 minutes each and it's just the air defrost. All that this park is going to do is great power to the solenoid valve pump. The system down then leave the evaporative BAM.

Butters running good, mind you. This is a walking pool, but other than that, that's it. I did check this compressor contactor, also to make sure I didn't have any voltage drop across it everything's. Looking fine, the contacts, don't look too bad, so I'm saying man some of this old equipment.

You really got to appreciate it because the compressors been replaced on this. The pressure control has been replaced. That's an original contact or the original breaker headmaster. It's got the original TX B and temp control downstairs, and this is all from I guess e92, which i think is about right.

I have changed this valve right here and I'll. Tell you a little story about that. If you look at that valve, it's actually installed backwards. I got all done doing the job.
This was 15 10 15 years ago. I remember doing that, but I got all junk done doing the job and I realized that I installed the valve backwards. Now. It still works just fine, but when you front seat this valve into here it basically is supposed to be facing the other way.

So that way, you can read the pressure on the compressor side, so you can do a pump down test on the compressor. The way that I installed this when you pump it down or when you front seat this valve, this pressure is from this side. Now it's supposed to be installed the other way with the valve sticking up and the rotor lock going towards the compressor. So I still functional you can still see suction pressure.

There's nothing wrong that, but I just you know I prefer to be the other way, because then you can do a pump down test on the compressor checking the suction valve. So the box is still in about thirty seven degrees. I checked the thermostat, it seems to be turning on and off where it's supposed to be the evaporator coil. It concerns me, though, because it is dirty inside, and I also notice that my my TD across my coil, that is the suction saturation temperature difference from the box temperature, is about 15 degrees ish somewhere in there, which is a little bit on the high side.

I'd like to see it closer to ten, but we need to clean up that evaporator first, so I'm not going to do that tonight. The box is working, I'm on overtime right now, so I'm gon na go ahead and return and we'll do a evaporate. Well, clean and we'll set the superheat on this expansion valve and go from there. Okay.

So at this point we went ahead and returned and we clean the evaporator and the evaporator was deteriorating very much inside the coil. I actually wasn't the one to go back and clean it, so that's why I don't have video of it, but just like we thought you know, this equipment was really starting to deteriorate. The coil was rotting away and we, you know, talked to the customer about it. This is one of the customers.

I work on all the time and they're very proactive on replacing their equipment, so they decided to go ahead and upgrade all the equipment put a new evaporator and condenser in so we didn't really have any more problems after we cleaned it, but they just wanted to Go ahead and get ahead of the game, because this was an old r22 system and you know it was from 93, so they just wanted to be safe. So we got the approval and went ahead, went back out and replaced all the equipment all right. We're gon na be doing an equipment change out today. My walk-in cooler that I was having some problems with old equipment time to replace.

So we went out with the master bill. It's a nice old unit lasted forever. We're gon na go in with a peek wrap unit, so see what we can get on film masterbuilt condensing unit here we're gon na pump it down at the King Gulf on the outlet of the receiver. This is an older one that actually are not older, but you don't see it a lot these days on this smaller equipment.
This one has a Queen valve on the inlet of the receiver and a king valve on the outlet. So there is a difference. The Queen valve is coming out of the condenser on the inlet of the receiver, and then the king valve is on the outlet of the receiver. So the king valve is the one that we're going to use to pump this guy down once I get it down in my trailer I'll recover it at my shop, we're just gon na that way.

I don't got ta drag my recovery equipment up here. Here's the old coil we're gon na be pulling this out right now, all right! This is scary. Look at this! There's no wood up there. That's a two and a half inch lag screw just going into the sheet metal.

There's it's just foam in there. That's all that was holding this coil up. Ok, we've got the new eve, opportu coil up we're still finishing up a few things. I got a button up that insulation.

We've got to we're currently vacuuming the system down right now. This is a new heat craft unit with the quick response controller. It was a little difficult to get in here, because it's tucked away back in here the cool moon right now it's got an electronic expansion now all right. So this is our new condensing unit.

It's a 404 a heat craft unit. We just have the quick response. Controller on the unit downstairs. There's no communication upstairs nothing fancy we just like to keep it tight, simple and clean charged.

It up went ahead and charged to the maximum unit charge, which is 14 pounds per. He Kraus recommendation for this because it's a microchannel coil. They recommend that you just fill it up to the maximum they publish for this unit. That's four! It's pretty much! It units operating fine, we'll, go downstairs and check the temps, but it's going to take a little while we got the box him up to about 45 46 degrees.

What we were changing the coil everything went good so far, Koya looks good, okay, so just to do a little recap. We had service call on a walk-in cooler that wasn't working right, pretty confident that the problem was the defrost clock went ahead and turned off. I mean I replaced the defrost clock, but then, when we returned to clean the evaporator coil, we saw how damaged and deteriorated it was so the customer went ahead and gave the approval to replace the equipment. So we put in some new equipment, the customer supplies their own equipment in this situation, so they Specht out the the heat craft, qrc, equipped, evaporator coil and then the heat craft, condensing you know they just supplied it to us, and then we went ahead and installed It other than that you know that was pretty much a straightforward to install nothing fancy.

We were working with existing equipment. The one thing I will point out in reviewing the video. I noticed something that you guys probably are going to catch. Is that there's no suction line P trap on the inverted section of the suction line, and there actually is.
This is an exposed, walking cooler, so it's outside of the building, so the riser is actually inside of the building. So I did confirm that there is a suction p trap on it. It's just located in the the kitchen area, so basically there's a very small little cover over the top of the walk-in cooler. There's about six inches of space out there and the suction line comes up from the inside of the walk-in.

Cooler goes over in the 90s into the building and then once it 90s up to the roof. That's where the suction line p trap is at for oil return reasons, so so yeah, that's pretty much it guys. Nothing fancy really appreciate you taking the time to watch the video check out some of these other channels and thanks again - and I will see you guys on the next one - okay.

41 thoughts on “Walk in cooler temping too high”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MEGACAB JUNKIE says:

    You could install a door switch breaking the LL solenoid and they won't have to turn the breaker off anymore and forget to turn it back on😉

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Yesterday my boss said eventually I see you being a service tech I was like that’s cool I told him theirs a lot I need to do to be service tech but I am learning a lot from you Chris and Steve

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Murphy says:

    How did you solve the mounting issue?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electroimpex says:

    Sadly, that the new equipment will not last half as Long as the old one.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Goodale says:

    Was wondering where the oil traps was Chris,on ya mate.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph M Orost says:

    I had a Traine home unit outside from 1988 – 2019!! Service area Kanata??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg M says:

    I usually leave defrost duration at 40 min. I feel that the clock is a backup to the defrost terminator.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaymes Rod says:

    Chris! What was the part number for the nozzle you use to defrost the coils? I need to order one.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Very nice stare up Are you in Ottawa ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Richard says:

    Kind of a weird question, but what's the oldest refrigeration system you have ever worked on?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars glendasue70 says:

    Question? Do we replace the copper refrigerant lines or not on something like this? Sounds like a pain in the butt or almost impossible on some systems. Are you in Kanata ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wade hicks says:

    Dang I bet that helicopter trip wasn’t cheap that’s really cool 😎

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cj C says:

    How do you check the level in the reciever? Is there a sight glass? Service area Barrhaven??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leroy Green says:

    Get in the crane lift. Nice!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Johnson says:

    I always like watching your videos. There not to many guys out there that are as thorough as you and take pride in there work like you do. Your making all us refrigeration guys look good. Thanks for the videos man keep them coming

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Good install Chris … Your starting to catch on to this trade … Lol … Much appreciated …

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kim Ånonli says:

    No oil lock on the suction side? Not disrespecting, just curious as to why not

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koos Eerden says:

    Why not use a digital defrost timer with an internal backup that keeps the time during a power failure?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prime time says:

    well you could install a door limit switch…. the door opens fans shut off.. you could hook it up to the solenoid as well..
    to me its strange that Clients buy refrigeration equipment that doesn't really happen in Toronto or at-least to me

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crfor Freedom says:

    What about installing industrial PVC louver strips on the inside of the doorway as opposed to shutting off the breaker? Could that be a viable option to preserve the time clock and still negate coil freeze-up on delivery days?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dallas Fan says:

    I'm curious as to why the customer chose R 404A? What state was the equipment installed? Are you in Nepean ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jan van der Vloet says:

    Couldn't it just be a power outage that they did not know off?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACR Survival says:

    Great install! FYI your link to me is going to some site called FEED?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STONEDay says:

    Can never be too HIGH! 🔥🔥

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Vera says:

    Incredible Job!!! congrats!! like always nice clean Job!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Tugwood says:

    R11 ? That was banned here in the UK over 20 years ago!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Merrick says:

    Did you replace the entire line Set ?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Phillips says:

    I like slope suction line on roof. very professional

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashton Lanier says:

    What do you check the receiver level with? Any kind of torch? Are you in Orleans ?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeepjones85 says:

    How do you go about checking the receiver level ? Awesome job

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay B says:

    Finally a relatively easy night call for you lol good video brother

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade Life says:

    There’s a few Frischs restaurants around here with that same equipment and setup. Old stuff.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACR Technician says:

    What are the requirements to have a p trap? And did u reinstall a head master valve?
    Thank you!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conserv Tab0008 says:

    what is your thoughts on a long time off defrost 2:30am -5:30 am

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Todolí says:

    I knew the King Valve, but didn't know that in the receiver inlet is knowing as the Queen Valve 👍 Service area Ottawa??

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Giampietro says:

    Being that you were tight on space hang the evaporator coil did you use toggle bolts what how did you fasten it to the ceiling?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe HVACR SoCal says:

    Niceee . How about pumping the system down , and watch the sight glass to quickly rule out the refrigerant charge . Headmaster valves can be a pain . 😃🤭

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 404 Refrigeration & HVAC Services says:

    I’ve had calls like that. Good video. Thanks.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Artic Air Refrigeration says:

    Chris, Did you guys install a new line set or use the existing

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Bond says:

    Wow, that indoor coil is ancient! Did you have to perform carbon dating on it?

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC/TRUCKER Rodney says:

    At first it looked like a crane had a package unit. Had to rewind lol. Cool video thanks for sharing.

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