This was a service call on a walk in freezer that had been down for three days.. the customer was very lucky...
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Got to point out the biggest flaw in this rack in the world. Remember in the beginning, I told you guys that there's a catch pan, okay and that catch pan prevents the water from falling onto all the electrical components of the compressors. You see how it's coming out of this side, all right, I'm gon na try to give you guys a shot here. All that lint that I washed out is in that catch pan.

So when that water evaporates - and it dries up all that lint goes right back up onto the condenser, this video is brought to you by sport'ln quality, integrity and tradition. We have been called on a walk-in freezer, that's not working properly and the fans are running, but it's just not cold enough in here the coil is kind of iced up in a funky way too I'll be honest with you. That looks like a refrigeration problem to me and it says 33 degrees on the thermostat so and it's set for negative 10, so thermostat is set correctly. We're gon na have to jump up onto the roof guarantee.

We're gon na have put some service gauges on this. Guy and see what's going on walking up to the rack, I can hear a funny noise coming from a compressor and to me it sounds like a compressor is bypassing on an internal pressure relief yeah one of the mess yep. It's like an internal pressure, relief State feel relief or something is bypassed in this guy. This is my walk-in freezer compressor.

I've got like a lukewarm, suction line, hot discharge something's going on, and I can hear it internally bypassing, so we need to figure out reset it now, usually that's caused by a dirty condenser. We have an evaporative cooler here to cool off this raft. That panel should be there yeah a nice plugged up, rack sings, probably been going see. The problem is, is they told me this thing's been going off since Friday and they didn't want to play overtime.

We've got to cool off the compressor reset of the bypass. If it happens too many times, it'll it'll ruin the pressure relief in the compressor and this swamp cooler just turned on on me. So it's a temperature control. Okay, let me put some gauges on and I'll show you guys what it's doing all right, like, I said warm suction line, really hot discharge line the discharge gases, bypassing into the suction line, via the pressure relief in there, the condenser being plugged that head pressure should Be through the roof and that's the problem it gets to, depending on how weak the pressure relief is.

It usually gets to about 410 415, something like that when it's weaker, sometimes it'll go a little bit higher and then it'll bypass. It's trying to save the compressor, but if it keeps happening over and over again, eventually, the pressure relief will go bad, that's just my experience. So let's hope that I can to reset it you're, just gon na shut it down. Let the pressures equalize out the pressure relief should reset and we're gon na clean that condenser and pull the compressor off.

Well, we'll just go ahead and clean the condenser and the compressor will get cooled off and then we'll see if we can't get the pressure relief to reset got to be very cautious, and you need to understand how your restaurants work. This particular refrigeration. Rack runs the ice machine condensers to the ice machine. Condensers, though, also have in to go heads downstairs and on those in to go heads they will go off on a safety if you shut off the ice machines when the heads are not shut off.
So solution is either we don't shut off the ice machine heads or we go downstairs and power down the the head units downstairs and then come up here and shut everything down and in this situation it's super easy. So I'm gon na go downstairs. Shutoff them downstairs and then come back up here, shut down the rack and I'll bring hoses up with me and we'll get this guy clean, shut off the ice machine, heads and powered down the entire rack, even at the main closed it up and then we're gon Na take every panel off and we're gon na wash this condenser from the inside out racks opened all the way through, but I put the panels in on that side and leave them out on this side and the reason why is the water will overflow? If you watch or if you ever do, one of these, the water will overflow and get all over the electrical components of the compressor worse now, it's still going to drip down, but there's a giant catch pan underneath here that keeps it from falling on the compressor. So all right, we're gon na give this guy a pre rinse and then we're going to put some cleaner on it.

Let it sit and then rinse it off. I, like the venom pack, because this is enough cleaner to do this whole rack and then some right, because if you mix it at the lowest dilution ratio, you can get eight go from this, but I'm gon na mix it higher. Because this thing is pretty dirty. But it's really cool cause.

You can just throw it in the bucket. You don't have to bring. You know three, four gallons of cleaner up onto the roof, we're starting with up three rents to give the cleaner a smooth surface to flow down. That way, you can really penetrate thoroughly and not get hung up on the dry surfaces.

That's just my opinion, but that's how I roll nice and wet and then we're gon na apply the cleaner. Let it sit for a second now we are going to use the brightener cleaner, which is dangerous. If you leave it on too long, it will etch the coil. You just got to be careful.

Okay, don't leave it on too long, but it is high foaming. I come to this side and I'm gon na knock down the big stuff like the wand is really nice because you can get way back in there and really knock down the big stuff before we apply the cleaner. So we, the cleaner, can do a better job of getting in the inside all right. I'm spraying it on super-concentrated getting a lot of foaming action going on we're gon na.

Let this just sit there and penetrate through the coils and then we're gon na give it a good rinse. Alright rinse the condenser, it's looking pretty good, still a little bit left to go, but I got to point out the biggest flaw in this rack in the world. Remember in the beginning, I told you guys that there's a catch pan, okay and that catch pan prevents the water from falling onto all the electrical components of the compressors. You see how it's coming out of this side, all right, I'm gon na try to give you guys a shot here.
All that lint that I washed out is in that catch pan. So when that water evaporates - and it dries up all that lint goes right back up onto the condenser, see that drain hole, it's plugged up the catch pans full of water right now, because the lint is plugging it up. You got to make sure you look at the big picture, guys clean that lint out of there clean that catch pan, then the condenser won't get as dirty as fast all that lint and gunk and whatever's coming out. You can see new stuff washing up every second, and I just have the hose just sitting there.

It's gon na be almost impossible to get it all out, but I'm gon na do my best. The system is back on and running. We've had many problems, I've mentioned it in videos before my suspicion is, and I've never done the math just because whatever but the condenser is undersized door, it's marginally sized, so we've actually had to add this evaporative cooler. So I need to make sure that is working that should be blowing on the rack, hoping to pre cool it for these really hot days.

This past weekend here in Southern California, we hit about 110 hundred and 15 in my area. So it's pretty high, so everything's running the compressors reset check our compression. It's got a wet condenser, so we're gon na. Let it run for a minute.

It's not bypassing at the moment, so we're just gon na. Let it run and we'll see what happens. Let's hope that it doesn't bypass again, so the water flow was turned off. Basically it was, it was stuck probably winterized.

This probably has never been started up, so we have no water helping with the pre cooling, which would explain a lot so now that I'm filling it up with water. You can see it's already flowing water through it we're lucky, it didn't burn out the pump okay. It's gon na take a very long time that it's running now the DTC valve is working. This is the cooling valve basically take the liquid refrigerant meters it into the compressor when it goes into high compression ratio situations to help cool off the head.

We've got a clear sight glass by our for you guys to see, but it's clear. It's definitely gon na take a while to come down to temperature because that box it was at 35 and it's been there all weekend, so we're just gon na. Let it run for a bit all right, then, about 25 30 minutes running boxes coming down in temps sight, glass is still clear. Refrigerant pressures are a lot better.
Considering we're running with a clean condenser now and the evaporative coolers running, I think we're gon na tell the customer to keep an eye on this one, and let us know if they have any other problems, there's always a possibility. There could be internal pressure relief damage and that compressor, but let's hope that it's okay, when I got here this morning this the moment right here - red 30 degrees. These aren't very accurate, don't ever go by just these, but now it's reading zero and my thermometer in the box is reading sixteen degrees so give it some time, but it's working now it's coming down in temperature that weird frost pattern is gone. It's just frosting evenly now, so we'll tell him to keep an eye on it with these customers.

Sometimes you know they frustrate you and in this situation I was kind of happy. I had heard this actually heard this call come in on Saturday evening and they said hey. We don't want you to come out till Monday, but then the story even got better. When I got there on Monday morning - and they said oh yeah well, it actually happened Friday and the boss of the boss of the boss decided that they didn't want to pay overtime on it, which okay, that's fine, but I told the customer I go.

Look. I said not that I really wanted to come out here on the weekend. I said, but you guys almost ruined a potentially for somewhere between four to six thousand dollar compressor by the time you got done doing it all it's a big job. To do that compressor and I go all because you guys didn't want to pay a couple hundred dollars in overtime.

So you know they were lucky and I told them. I said you know, there's no telling if there's any compressor damage, but I said times, gon na have to tell it's working fine right now, but in my experience actually on this compressor itself, I've changed this compressor on this rack three times already since startup in, like 2004 ish, I think, is when this restaurant was opened. I've changed this compressor that many times, okay and each time has been internal pressure, relief problems where the pressure relief has failed and it continues to fail and what's happening is, in my opinion, the rack. Condenser is marginally sized and it causes the system to run higher than normal head pressures on a normal basis, and it just causes issues recently this this last time I changed the compressor i finally got to the bottom of it a little bit more than normal, and I just told him I said: look we need to pull this compressor out of this rack.

Put a bigger, condensing unit, it'll be properly sized. We gave him a price. The customer didn't want to go that route. They asked for a couple other different options, so we quoted them a new compressor in the existing rack and then we added an evaporative cooler to pre cool the rack to try to bring the condensing tempter core.

That cooler is there solely for that walk-in freezer compressor, because we've had so many problems with it. Now, if you guys want to go back in the video and look look at when I had all the panels off of the rack, if you look at the three condensers on the far right side of that rack, okay, the three condensers you had the beer walkin, The walking cooler and the walk-in freezer and all three of them have an identically sized condenser coil. If you look at them, they're all the same size, but then look at the sizes of the compressors okay. So the manufacturer of this rack more than likely sized the condensers based off of basically what was convenient to fit in there now they probably I'm sure, paid attention to you know heat of rejection and all that stuff right.
They probably paid attention to that, but I'm just saying that the walk-in freezer is marginally sized. So therefore, if you get even a slightly dirty condenser or in this situation a rather dirty condenser, it immediately goes off on an internal bypass. Do it, whereas the other ones weren't going off on bypass, because the condensers were grossly oversized? In my opinion, the beer walkin in this restaurant is tiny. The walk-in cooler is a rather large walk-in cooler, but the walk-in freezer being low temp requires a bigger condensing unit.

As usual, okay, so you can just tell that there wasn't a lot of logic. They didn't size, every condenser based off of the BTUs per se, because the walking in the walk-in cooler are the exact same size as the freezer. You guys kind of get where I'm going with my logic there. They just probably have like a one-size-fits-all.

They only have so many condensers they're willing to use in here, and that's what happens so it's just interesting. You know, and I I wasn't trying to be. I wasn't upset with the customer. I was just trying to tell him like look guys if you guys have a problem.

That's what I'm here for call me in and you know, and they were like yeah, but we were told no overtime and I'm like, but it's your walk-in freezer. Like again, I really didn't want to go out there anyways, but still you know it just kind of baffles my mind right now, but everything's changing right now, guys in the restaurant industry with the virus and all that stuff. Everybody is pinching pennies in different ways and doing things that just make me scratch my head. Some restaurants are spending money, hand-over-fist right now, changing equipment, doing all kinds of things, and it's like where's that coming from you know, I'm thankful for restaurants that are spending money right now, but it also makes me worried, because I want to keep doing business for them.

For the next 20 years, and until I retire thirty years whatever it is right, but you know some of these restaurants, I wonder if they're gon na be around two years from now three years from now. I don't know it's very interesting so yeah, it is what it is. You know I try to do my best. So hey.
I really really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch this video. Do me a favor if you guys are interested in supporting the channel. There's a couple different methods of support you guys could give okay, the biggest thing just simply watch the commercials. I know it's difficult.

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I really really appreciate it down in the show notes, so this video is gon na be a link to a discord server that I've started with a couple friends of mine and we've done it in the past. But this time we're trying to do it a little bit different, so we've got a discord server going. You guys can see the link in that and yeah live streams Monday evening 5:00 p.m. Pacific work permitting so long as I can get off work.

That's it! I really really appreciate it and we will catch you guys on the next one.

47 thoughts on “Walk in freezer was down for 3 days…….”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OperatorIHC says:

    Only a couple months late to the party, but:
    Swamp cooler pumps won't burn up from running dry; there's no seal on the wet end.
    Yeah, it'll make some angry noises when it gets air in the impeller but that doesn't hurt it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    Your right about that cleaner.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOURADEEP BISWAS says:

    Why do these units alive in 2021

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Ortega says:

    I let the commercial play!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WeirdGamerInc Xpected says:

    Why isn't it possible to add a second condenser for the freezer? Sort of stack them but leave space between them for air and cleaning porposes… Or even put a second fan in for that extra condenser even my window unit has issues sometimes in that department lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad says:

    I think he does get kick back from Viper.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heath Roberts says:

    gotta pay for a compressor because they can’t pay for overtime. gotta pay for a service call because they don’t pay for preventive maintenance. and what does it cost if the contents of that freezer spoil, or they have to shut down for a few days because they have no freezer… Are you in Ottawa ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reflected Miles says:

    Is it normal for commercial refrigeration components to malfunction or die as regularly as is described here and in other videos? I tend to think of recent residential equipment as being more or less guaranteed to fail frequently because of the consumer's cost constraints along with desperate competition to price for that while still making a buck, but don't commercial/industrial customers demand better?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars billybbob18 says:

    How do you know if a compressor has an internal bypass? Would it be on the label?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ice0275 says:

    Another question, in my area the servicing companies take care of the filter changes. Is there a law in CA that changes that?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ice0275 says:

    I take it the restaurant doesn't want to pay for preventive maintenance?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trae K says:

    I really enjoy your videos. As I live in an area where it takes an average of one and a half hours to get here from any HVAC repair/supply service. The cost of service just to drive here is outrageous as well. I am learning a lot and I have been able to service my 20+ year old Central Air unit and keep it working really well. I was afraid that it was gonna need replaced this year because I thought it was going out, but it works like a champ now after seeing that a lot of the cooling issues were the heat dissipation on the AC was clogged up, I didn't know that would be such an issue and cleaned it out. We have had a few days of 100+ degree temps too and no disruptions in cooling. Thank you for the informative videos.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Campbell says:

    Penny wise and pound foolish, ya save a few hundred on overtime. But if all the stuff that’s is junk, blow out compressor thousands of dollars and so one. Yep I save 300 bucks.., but lost thousands saving it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jhp110 says:

    Great video you know your equipment was wondering we’re you get your training how long you been doing this? Thanks Service area Orleans??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin says:

    I've been watching your videos for a while now. I have a question regarding cleaning condenser coils. I assume you don't pressure wash them because of possible fun damage.
    What is the most pressure you think you could use for cleaning them without damage? Sometimes the 60 psi or so on the city supply just doesn't seem high enough to do anything

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jyv Ben says:

    115 F = 46 Deg Celsius

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorventus says:

    Ohhhh I love the look of that wiring so clean!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr.Andy Hill says:

    Even as an informed amateur I noticed the different compressor sizes but apparently same sized condensers. Didn't realise the full implications though.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Knuth says:

    Great videa. Watched all 15.39 but not a single ad came on. Thank you for this video!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars feargodonly says:

    By far, this video had some great content!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    They have a condencor unit for a refrigerator?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Nice job and video

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lenawee Trekker says:

    We lost quite a few restaurants in the initial shutdown in Michigan. Now that some have reopened, they are all looking for the cheapest fix we can give them.

    We continue to give the best advice possible, but it's frustrating that the restaurateurs are not making wiser choices.

    My old boss tried and tried to get a simple fact through my head. "We are responsible to the customer. Not for the customer." It's a simple truth that I still struggle with after all these years, and even more today. Service area Kanata??

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malcolm Mackenzie says:

    Hey i have a question for you.
    What would you recommend would be the best cleaner for exhaust fan filters (stainless steel) from above a grill and two friers. Very oily

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Wilson says:

    So what you're saying (if I understand it correctly) is the manufacturer sized the condensers based on Physical Volume of the Rack, not how much Heat the Rack had to pull out of the Coolers/Freezers in the building…
    VERY stupid decision on the part of the Designer/Manufacturer…
    Until you look at how much extra the manufacturer is making in sales of replacement Compressors etc…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike PETER says:

    Greedy is brother of stupidity imao ^^ Service area Ottawa??

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Hawley says:

    What part of so cal are you in?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Majiksmoke says:

    My dad and his dad both were in the HVAC field. I've always been indoctrinated into the nu-calgon coil cleaner products, but today I placed an order for some of the Refrigeration Technologies Viper condenser and evaporator cleaners to try them out at the house and at the inlaws units. Long run-time season is upon us in NE Texas. Keeping that head down to spec operating range via clean coils was a key that my pop drills into my head to this very day. "If you don't schedule PM's for your equipment, the equipment will eventually schedule a service call..usually at the worst possible time, and at 10x the cost."

    I love the content, and it's good to see someone else's work procedures and tools they utilize.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Baldwin says:

    I'm not in the trade but still enjoy learning these insights into the behind the scenes details. Thank you for the content!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Morgan says:

    was the the top of , i think the 6th filter dryer from the left disconnected and soldered off? Or am I seeing things.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 808 Bandit says:

    Hey man I love your videos! I’m in the same trade as a apprentice and watching your videos really helps me with my trouble shooting and becoming a better tech. Much mahalo for the videos and the help!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Storer says:

    Geez and I thought bakersfield was hot. 115?? That’s just not right lol

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Storm Huffman says:

    Great video Chris. Something you didn't mention (or I'm too dumb to know otherwise) is the importance of PMs. The customer had this problem because of a dirty condenser (and the other slew of problems). Service area Nepean??

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Botson says:

    Hi, I watch your channel from UK. I have been looking at Trutech tools but unfortunately they do not deliver overseas. Is this correct? Regards Steve Are you in Barrhaven ?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethereal Rose says:

    Equipment question: what are the larger lines you use for your manifold? Throw up a link. Really worth the upgrade for you?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prjndigo says:

    A lot of restaurants think their "pandemic insurance" is valid… it isn't.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saltiness_ Incoming says:

    Man for you I will watch the commercials from now on no more skipping the ad do you enjoy watching your videos I love the big picture diagnosis keep up the good work

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OcRefrigeration , Hvac & Electrical Video's. says:

    good Vid. Frankly i'm suprised that u have not gotten away from R-404A and Use a Lower Presure refrigerant in your area ( the Gates of Hell ) . Pt chart for 404a at 115 ambient is no good even with a clean coil. id Recommend not using 404 in your area and use a Refrigerant similar in pressure to R-22. i Recommend R-422B. i use it for Walk-in coolers and absolutely Love it for Medium Temp. i Would Have no quams about using it For Low Temp. and it's cheap now . price is coming down alot. u can reduce your head pressure by 100 psig in most applications. Your other option is Have a 2 Row condenser made to fit above the existing condenser slab. measure it up. have american coil inla make it for u.just screw ti to the top of existing coil. it looks like u have plenty of room. another option is add a ice machine Remote condenser across from unit and pipe it in. another option is next time u change the Compressor see if u can install one 1/2 ton smaller in same place barring that evap is not too big.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sedated By life says:

    Out of pure ignorance – how come these units (or all) don't use a coarse pre-filter for the louvered panels to catch dust and dirt to avoid this kind of situation? I mean ya you would need to do a regular maintenance check for the filters but it seems to me had they been on a regular maintenance schedule this would have been avoided

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nathan cradic says:

    Love your videos been in the trade 7 years, 1 year maintenance, 3 year installs and 3 years of service worked with alot of older guys and your information is just as good as their's really appreciate your vids

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quarnozian says:

    Wouldn't the swamp cooler cause dust to be more likely to stick to the moistened condenser fins?… which would cause it to clog up way more often?
    Need to install an automated sprinkler system to rinse the fins for 1 minute every night. 😆

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abel Urrutia says:

    More like ten years. Are you in Nepean ?

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Broski says:

    Asked my wife if she wanted an HVACR shirt, she said she would wear one ONLY if it says 'the walk in cooler is down' with your HVACR trademark on it lol.. can you maybe do some of those or your usual quips?

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Broski says:

    Lol throw the product out because its ruined, idiots… Are you in Kanata ?

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Scholze says:

    Letting it sit over the weekend, what about the food in the walk in freezer? Saving it has to be worth a service charge

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zoroark720 says:

    I have youtube red now baged as premium

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen M says:

    Obviously, the manufacturer failed to properly size the condenser for 110*F ambient air temperature. As mentioned in other comments, they should let you size and install a properly sized remote condenser on that system. If not, I would suggest installing a manual reset high-pressure control. Hopefully, doing that would not only get you out there to clean the condenser coil, it could save them from having to change out so many compressors. As always, another "big picture" resolution!

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