This was a walk in freezer not temping the unit had a refrigerant leak and some bad sensors on the Ke2 Therm evap efficiency controller. Once I corrected the refrigerant charge and replaced the sensors the unit was operating properly.
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So I'm out here on a walk-in freezer tonight it's got a ke to controller on it and it's saying hi super heat. So over here we got a low charge situation. We're gon na get some service gauges gauge up on the sky, bring some refrigerant with us to our fall for a we're gon na go downstairs and make sure we're not iced up on the evaporator. First, though, this is typical on a smart evaporator to have ice.

Buildup in the sides, I see this all the time, I'm not a fan of the smart defrost. This one has a ke2 controller, so basically it can skip defrost if it determines that the coils not iced up at half the time I mean they do. Okay, they keep the coil clear, so the coil is not a step on this guy. I can see through it, but the manager told me that they have had to defrost it recently, and I found this sitting in here: big old chunk of ice, so supposedly they've had to defrost.

It looks like there's a little bit of resist residual ice from what they didn't defrost inside there too, good god. The fan blades like all bent up too, because they were in here pulling these fan blades out. I think, okay. This is one of those instances where my head master is bypassing right.

Now you can physically feel it. Your discharge line is warm and it's cold coming out of the condenser, and then it's warm going to the liquid line. Okay, so my headmasters, bypassing sigh class is still flashing, so what's happening is we're starving the evaporator coil? Okay? This is one of those instances where this is this. The argument that I'm making you know I talked to people about how I head master system in the field when you're like this.

Okay, I'm not gon na brag. My recovery machine up here in the middle of the night to recover all the gas then calculate the condenser charge. Okay, so what I would do is, I would basically charge to three quarters of the receiver pump down. That's the only way I could do it in the field right now.

Okay or you can basically clear the sight glass on the coldest day, so it's like 40 40 degrees outside right now, so it can get a little bit colder up here, but I'm gon na do is I'm gon na clear this sight glass out a little bit Extra temporarily and then I'll probably end up coming back tomorrow, I'll do an elite check and stuff like that. Cuz, it's real late at night right now, so I'm just gon na get them operational. But this is one of those times where I totally appreciate using like the spoilin 90-30 one to calculate the flooded winter charge. But when you're charging a system like this and you just got to get it running, sometimes you know it's kind of hard to do that, so that coil sensor that you see right there was pulled out of the coil.

It's not very secured very well. So I went ahead and shoved it back in that could be part of my defrost issue because the things just incessantly deforesting over and over again so I'll put that back in it's coming out of defrost right now and then we're gon na test it. But this thing's been icing up and I think the customer has been blind other than Diaz me, because this fan blades bent all hell so we're gon na have to look at. I mean me that look at the difference like see how that one's in so that one's in that one's in in out customers been in here just wrenching on this thing, dummies, that's gon na fiber it like crazy, but I want to put everything back together like I said, there's still a little bit of ice over here, but we'll get to that.
Okay, so the unit was defrosting like multiple times. I still don't know exactly what was going on, but I'm not gon na spend all night here. I found that the evap sensor was pulled out of the evaporator coil push that back in where it should be. We were at 25 when I got here we're at 7 degrees right now and it's coming down to temp pretty fast.

I did have to top off the charge also on the roof, so I will be back we're gon na change. Those fan blades finish the ice in this coil figure out what the heck is going on with that controller and then go from there. But you know big picture. I totally want to think about it, but it's 9:45 at night and I just want to go home and I'm an hour away from home, so get them going, we'll come back on and think of the big picture tomorrow.

Okay, so this is the next morning I'm back out here. I called and got some information from tech support. So now we're saying excess defrost, which basically from what I read and talk to tech support, means that it went in to defrost so many times that it locked out the automatic defrost or the demand defrost. And now it's just going to go to the default.

Setting of five defrost a day so there's something going on because last night it was you know going in and out of defrost, it's obviously down in temperature. Right now everything is frozen. Solid I've got a thermometer, it's currently dropping. So we will.

You know what I'm gon na try to do is go ahead and login with my computer, because reading that scrolling thing is driving me nuts. So from what I'm told, I should be able to get into this controller right here. There should be an IP nar. Basically, an address to go to and then I'll hook up with a Ethernet, cable and then navigate to that address.

Luckily, I have a long enough Ethernet cable, that I can get out of the freezer and do this so and then we'll figure out. What's going on, we got something going on with the defrost, so a couple things I'm gon na change here or I already did change and I'll show you guys in my set points number one. I left the evaporator fan motors on permanent. So that means, while it's in refrigeration mode, they had a set up to only run the eve apps with the compressor.

That's a personal preference of mine. I want even airflow, so I want that evaporator fan motor running even in the off cycle, but when it goes into defrost, the evaporator fan motors will turn off okay. So I changed that, for now we disconnected there's a shutoff switch inside the box and I think that switch might be going bad. So we've disabled that that was the digital input one mode there was no door switch, so I don't know why they had a door switch on there.
We turned that off, so I haven't decided if I'm gon na take it out of demand defrost, as of yet I'm gon na, leave it in right now and monitor the situation so right now we are in the off mode because it's satisfied via box temp, but The evaporator fan motors are still running, okay, we're still showing excess defrost, but I haven't dealt with that yet. Another useful feature I want to point out is the graphs okay. What I really I forgot, I'm not touchscreen. I like the graphs, because you can actually see trends, okay and if you pay attention you can actually see right here where I'm at right now look at the green versus the blue.

That's my coil tint versus my air temp. So you notice how much lower my coil temp is than my air temp. Okay, this is the refrigerant problem issue yesterday right, but then also you can see how there's a difference. We bring the cursor right over here right here, there's a bit bigger temperature difference between evap and coil 10 versus over here and more than likely that's because this refrigerant leak has and it's big right here.

But then it gets tighter and tighter and tighter right here and that's the refrigerant leak trend, but I do like graphs for trending reasons. Okay, now, let's point out that this this multiple defrost like this is not correct. That's a problem! That's a big problem! So we're still gon na figure out, so actually, what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na go in there right now, I'm gon na go ahead and turn this off. I'm gon na go in there and D ice.

The evaporator coil remember on the left side. All the electrical was still had a foam cut bunch of ice. I'm gon na do that. I'm gon na inspect the switch and then test the sensor, so we're gon na go ahead and turn this off of them over.

So I came up here to shut this system off. Okay, my compressor down there, but it's important to understand something. I have to first off there's two breakers, there's one for the compressor and one for the evaporator, but I didn't want to shut it off until the system was calling, because I'm also gon na do a leak check along with defrost unit. So I've got it marked right.

There breaker number two compressor, breaker number, six evaporator, okay, so now we'll go downstairs, verify everything's off di set and then do a leak check. So, like I showed like I showed last night, we just got like a little bit of residual ice there in a bunch right there just gon na suck, because that's all the electrical stuff, so I've got power turned off. I confirmed it. We're just gon na slowly start melting that everything's gon na get wet, there's no way around it.
So I'm just going to deal with so I pulled the evap sensor out. You can see how I think that's from the customer. I pointed that out last night: it was a little bit more, I think, that's from them, but hold the evap sensor out and check this out. Look what I found it's broken right here, so the protective jackets broken, so that could totally be part of our problem.

What I'm told is is by ke to or kita therm. When I talk to tech support, they tell me that the differential or the the the temperature difference between the supply or the evaporator temp box temp is what puts the unit into a defrost. So if it gets within 3 degrees temperature difference, then it's going to initiate a defrost. So I'm wondering if this is our problem that broken sensor where it might work, but then eventually moisture gets in there and messes with the sensor.

So we're gon na have to change a sensor on this guy too. So to test the sensors. You want 50 100 ohms or 5.1 K ohms at 32 degrees, so I've got an ice bath. This is the new sensor, because I'm just gon na go ahead and replace it, but I'm just showing you guys and when we get the old one out, we'll test it to you.

Just for giggles just want to point something out: I'm in the process of changing these sensors and it's a pain in the butt you got to get in here. You got to run them. You know, they're gone, I'm changing the suction line. Sensor right now, there's my air sensor for my box temp and then the evaporator sensors embedded in the coil over there, but don't take this the wrong way, but this job working in commercial refrigeration, the light commercial, restaurant stuff isn't for everybody! And it's not that I don't think everybody can do this job.

It's that. I think you know. How can I say this lightly. You got to be cautious and you got to be realistic if you're, a big boy, it's gon na be hard.

I'm a big boy already, I'm almost 200 pounds and it's hard for me to get into this stuff, I'm currently sitting on top of a shelf that I probably shouldn't be sitting on. I'm you know weaseled in here. It's definitely tight on. You know tucked back in here, you got a watch, and so I mean you got to be realistic and understand that this isn't always for everybody, okay and whether you're big or not, I mean you got to be able to get into tight spaces.

So things like this fire sprinkler literally inches from me. How do I get up here without I mean someone's already bent that fire sprinkler, so you got to be cautious about that stuff. It's tight cramped spaces not trying to be a punk or anything, I'm just trying to be realistic and explain its people. This says: there's certain aspects of this trade.

Restaurants, especially are kind of hard because oftentimes we're working in the cooks line in tight little places. So this this is looking really good. Now super heats getting dialed in box. Temp is almost down to ten looking really good we're gon na let this operate for a couple days.
I'm going to bring back some evaporator fan motors and then we'll do a trending graph. When we come back to see if our defrost problems have been solved, this is today - and this was because I shut the unit off that - wasn't a defrost. It just came that by so we'll see see how this goes. Hopefully, we solved the defrosting problem.

Refrigerant pressures are looking really good, it's about sixty degrees outside and it's negative nine in the box right now we're running a clear sight, glass. So that's a plus, so I will be back to follow up because we're gon na change, those evaporator fan, blades and we'll follow up with everything returned today to go ahead and replace these blades got some new ones right here, those swapped out and then we'll check On the controller and see if we have the defrost and issue continue, I noticed that we've still got a little residual frost on the top of the coil. What I did was my defrost sensor. I moved it higher or my coil sensor.

I should say it was down lower, so I moved it. One run higher in hopes that we can maybe not terminate defrost so fast, so we'll see what that does and we'll monitor it. I don't think it's anything. I need to worry about too much right now.

You see how fast that Scrolls, it makes it really difficult to service that unit. So this unit, I just turned it on because they were doing. We were loading the box, the chains leave. I parameters, how much better than running.

Without library they see how to hook up sensors, Ethernet cable run it all the way out of the box. Okay, so we are back in and we're going to test to see if we've been having our consistent defrost issues. So what we're going to do is go on me, trying to remember we're gon na go to graphs. Yes, that's much better than the previous, so you can obviously see that there was something going on there like where then, maybe it was iced up or something from them, leaving a door open, but look at our defroster so much better as opposed to where it was Like crazy, crazy, consistent before isn't much better much better, so we're looking good.

So overall, I really dig this this controller once you can get into it with the computer. You can basically see everything so we're in refrigeration mode. My room, temp, is nine degrees. Coil temp is negative one.

It shows you everything. Sensors are looking good, such and pressure saturation. The only thing that would make this perfect is if we had a discharge line transducer on here. That would make it even better or liquid line transducer.

So then you can see the refrigerant pressure's, high and low, it would be kind of cool. But again you wouldn't have a sight glass showing you. You know whether or not you have a clear full of liquid going. I guess you can probably see that in some some kind of sub or something but yeah, so this is looking good so far, so we solved the problem.
So what we did last time was we. I went ahead and changed all the sensors for the coil and it looks like we solved our defrosting issue because remember it was defrosting like every 20 minutes before so that's a much better defrost situation, a much much better. You can definitely see there's some clothes together. Defrost right here, but but it's doing much better, much much better.

I like it. I like it a lot - and this is today over here on the left so right now, they're loading a product delivery, so they've had the door open for quite a while. So that's why the temp came up so high, so more than likely it's going to go into a defrost soon! Oh, it's bitchin, alright guys. So this was a service call, obviously on a walk-in freezer.

It started out as an overtime service call and the first part of the video. You know I just got the unit operational, so I found that we were low on charge and what happened? Was it got really cold outside it's unusually cold for here in California and our head pressure control valve bypass, but when it bypassed, we didn't have enough refrigerant in the system to properly deliver liquid refrigerant to the expansion valve okay. So the expansion valve started to try to feed vapor and when it started to feed vapor, the temperatures inside the unit just basically fell off the map. So I arrived, I got the unit operational by topping off the charge temporarily, then we came back out the next day and next morning and did a leak check.

Now I tore that unit apart and for the life of me could not find a leak. That doesn't mean that a leak doesn't exist. Okay, i leak checked the condensing unit really thoroughly and leak check the evaporator thoroughly and found nothing so that does leave the line set, but I didn't have to add very much gas okay, so I'm not gon na tear apart the line set at this time, we're Gon na let this one go because it was just the winter charge and I don't even know that it was the full winter charge. It was just some of the winter charge that was low.

So excuse me so we're gon na monitor it. This is a customer of ours that we do routine. Preventative maintenance is so we're just gon na monitor the system, and if we find the need we'll go ahead and do a leak check on the line set, but that's pretty into our invasive. We've got to tear all kinds of stuff apart, so that's why we're gon na wait for that to become an issue? Okay.

So when I talked off the charge everything was working. Fine then I dove into the other problems I needed to figure out the defrost issue. The defrosting issue, as best as I could tell, was because we had some bad sensors. Now let me tell you that tech support was very, very good and they were very nice, but they could not figure out the the excessive defrost issues and I was a little concerned about the sensors.
But I was kind of told by tech support and the sensors. Usually are either good or bad. Well, I just wasn't really buying that one okay, but like I said they were great guys. I just I investigated a little bit more now.

I did make some adjustments to the settings inside the unit which tech support very much helped me do that. Okay, I found some weird things like someone had a door switch on this thing, but it didn't have one someone had a coil switch on there, but it actually didn't have one that was disconnecting it the way that it was hooked up and then so I ended Up replacing all the evaporator sensors and then also you guys saw that I ended up going back and replacing the bent fan blades to also ended up moving one of the sensors, because even when I came back on my final follow-up, I found that I was still Getting a little residual frost on the top of the coil, and that is basically because the temperature or the coil temperature sensor it you know it needed to be moved higher. Basically, so I moved it up. One rung we'll keep an eye on that too.

Okay, you guys kind of saw this one as I was running into it. I've never really worked with these key to therm temperature controllers. Overall, it's a great controller, if you, in my opinion, if you have access to it via a computer. Now, like I said that night, I was trying to access that controller from the display on the controller and my gosh.

If I had to try to do everything that I did through the display, I would go crazy. Okay, so definitely do not appreciate those four the display that they have but being able to access them via computer like it was like a game, changer, okay, but luckily I was able to get Ethernet cable. That was long enough. I think that was like a 50 or 75 foot, Ethernet cable.

So luckily I was able to pick one of those up. They do make some other options and I'm gon na investigate some more on how to hook up like a router and different things. I do know that the controller that is on my particular unit is their version three and it's a very old version. So I got to talk to them a little bit more to see if there's a better way that we can access this controller other than that guys.

I really suggest you know if, if you have the right setup, I think that this controller could really help you and save some energy for sure. So definitely think it's a good thing think that they're worth trying out they seem to have a very solid product. I don't see anything hokey on them, so you know, I think it's a cool product, so check it out. I mean I'm imagining get about your normal suppliers or anything, and I got to make it clear.

I have no affiliation with Keita therm. This is the first time I've walked into one of those I've seen him before, but I've just never worked with the evap efficiency controller, Ivan they're, tiny controllers on like reaching coolers and stuff, the ones that have a temperature and defrost built-in and stuff, but anyways. So hey really want to say thanks a lot for taking the time to watch. My video really appreciate it.
Please consider subscribing to my channel. If you haven't already and popping up right now, some other channels, I highly recommend you guys check out. Ok, do me a favor guys leave me some feedback down in the YouTube comments. Let me know what you think: okay, alright catch, you guys on the next one.


44 thoughts on “Walk in freezer with too many defrosts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hvac01453 says:

    one thing I noticed….Was it bypassing, yes….the question I have is,… why is it higher than 180 PSIG ?…. it was like 217. That would be telling me, the headmaster is opening too much.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Arellano says:

    Have you tried using the KE2 Smart Access? The customer would need to purchase the Smart Access license for $2 a month, which would then allow you to access remotely without having to drive to the location. Service area Nepean??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 907 250r says:

    Bet you could build one hell of a system to keep a PC cold.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Is that someone thing anyone should know how to do change the capacitor?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CES Service department says:

    Good video, do you use and recommend K2therm controller?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Robles says:

    If it's based on IP address all you need is a wireless router that can be powered you plug in the ethernet cable to that and hook up to that router with your laptop then punch in the IP address into the web browser and it should pop up. That's wifi, make sure it's got 2.4 gig and 5 g

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy McGuffin says:

    Hey Chris, did that controller have 2 coil sensors. When I wen through the KE2 therm training, I was told to just use one coil probe, but after talking to tech support, they strongly recommended using 2 coil probes in 2 diff locations.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Monroe says:

    Just a thought to protect your client. Remove the IP ADDRESS and the Mac Address from the video. Having a DoD Clearance and knowing how simple it is to hack systems for malicious reasons….you get it.
    Thanks for the videos and time you share on your call outs. Take care.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Myers says:

    Seeing you weazled up in that freezer had me giggling Service area Ottawa??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Andreassen says:

    Keep warm last thing you need is a cold. Take care.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars metal gear says:

    Greatly appreciate and truly enjoy your video.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Thorman says:

    Hate when people bend fan blades…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherwin Alvarez says:

    Where did you get a laptop with an ethernet port.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy mack says:

    I liked the old vintage system with mechanical controls, but last 5 or so years, all systems were upgraded to computer, & pissed me off so much I sorta gave up trying, all used components from other closed stores, that kept going out, they have a master computer control box, but I never took time to learn how to work it, it has a main scrolling, there are a few modes to get into, but not as good as what you get on your computer, I do have access into main store computer & can see all case temps & see the trends, which is through "alarm" system they have in case temp get too cold or hot, & no one notices, but even then so many false issues it isnt funny. with well over 100 cases, 30-40 compressors, and breakers spread all over the store, main panels, or electrical room, or, back wall inside the deli, I have personally marked ones to affect my dept, but idiots have no breaker map for what goes to where. 35 years in meat dept, and talking to different maintenance guys throughout when other depts had issues.

    those shelves will easily support you, until well over 600 lbs is where the locking tabs start bending, ask any meat dept how much beef they can stack on, however the shelves will come out easy enough. and can stack the boxes somewhere else, seafood cooler we have to pull shelves to get to back to defrost it, which luckily only been a few times, I know I mentioned about drain pipe disconnecting & getting warm air in, in another of your videos, that person was claiming we left cooler door open & we wasnt. Service area Kanata??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Mercil says:

    When I used to work at Target as a grocery clerk, there were times when I had to spend almost an hour in the walk in freezer. Now that is a miserably hellish kind of cold, even when properly layered up. Those freezers are no joke!

    Also, I'm 5' 10" and about 185 lbs, I could handle those tight spaces. 😁 Are you in Ottawa ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p horner says:

    Not only hard to fit in the freezers but….they're cold.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy P says:

    Worked on walgreen walkins with these controllers but didn’t get much experience with them. Ever work with beacon II with HEATCRAFT electronic controller?? Same setup but can access and set all parameters on the smart controller. Good video 🤘

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eddiewhaler1 says:

    Restaurants… Been in it my whole life. It like a bad virus or defective chromosome that keeps you in it. You are so right. I have jumped and danced over techs while thy are repairing something on the line in the middle of service only because you need that piece of equipment bad. I love when owners/ managers decide to try and correct a problem and do more damage than good. Hence the bent Fan Blades. Surprised they didn't puncture the evaporations. coil. Nice Job as always. Wish you were on Cape Cod. Always nice to see you clean up after your repairs.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars retrospective001 says:

    Are those evaporator fan motors frequency driven? I can hear a bit of a whine that reminds me of a VFD?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Rivas says:

    Thank you Chris for your videos ! watching them and taking notes really prepared me on what i will find in the field. I just started in commercial Hvac/r

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Toy says:

    Why do leave the fans run when the unit has satisfied ? Never seen this type controller

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dads , Cavaliers says:

    Penn dpc's notorious for leaks in the bellows, I see A lot of them on federal self-contained sandwich cases. And there only a yr. Old.Even mfg's will admit P170's have had some bad batches.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Basco says:

    What was blanked out on the controller ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ishmael Virata says:

    Paragon defrost timer and defrost thermodisc simple and effective

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Razzouk says:

    Am a new hvac tech. I think i need to get a general electric course to know how to deal better with three phases, mono phase is not a prob. Am only working on domestic and light commercial fridges, dispensers, and A/C.
    Watching your vids am getting a better idea about many parts, and what they do like txv, S.V, sighting glass, H.P.C and L.P.C. I will never see those in what am doing now, but am i right to get a general electric course?!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big N8, Aged Student says:

    As a 6' 7" 325lb service tech I can attest that small spaces are difficult.

    Upside is that I can sneak my long arms into places that he cannot easily reach…

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Stappers says:

    Hello Chris , is it normal those wire connection with no insulation protection ? I see this on almost all evaporator in walk in freezers in your repairs ….

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Zeigler says:

    He is right about being a big boy I am and worked in a lot of restaurants and had problems getting in to tight places

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Irwin says:

    Basic question time. What exactly do you mean by "The sight glass is flashing."?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reynaldo A Cortez says:

    I hope one day becomes a Tech like you 👍🏽

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Weaver says:

    Guy is just being honest. AKA Tellin it like it is. 🙂

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Fabian says:

    Oh man, im 5'5 and 135 on a good day, so you can imagine the places the guys stick me into to install duct, or go in duct!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mojoe Murphy says:

    As a rather large guy, I don't have any trouble working on restaurant equipment. It seems the real tall guys have more trouble than the wider guys. I am pretty physical for a fat guy

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Har says:

    those type of controllers are pretty much a norm now elsewhere in the world. We use the televis system by elliwell as well as the danfoss system, pretty amazing technology, can pretty much sit at your office and put a unit on defrost other side of the country or adjust a set point. The hvac technician is really having to expand his expertise into fields he would have otherwise avoided a few years back.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Cooley says:

    Pretty cool Chris, can you now monitor the system you worked on? is there an alarm built in? Great explanation bud, thoroughly enjoying your channel. Really good content much appreciated.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faisal Razzak says:

    Through this video I understand about new thermostat and about walk in freezer I am a HVAC.
    Good video to clarify bit more

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ba Jackson says:

    Great videos. I hate spending more than 10 minutes inside of the freezer.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morales Refrig says:

    I totally understand what you mean by tight spaces . I’m 136 lbs so I’m on the skinny side and I still have trouble getting access to the Evaps and side panels. especially when they only leave enough space for a stubby nut driver on the sides of the evaps on walk ins or they just have racks full to the ceilings lol . Great work on the videos BTW have learned a lot thanks to you !

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B May says:

    I'm not an HVACR person, but I am pretty good with learning about this kind of thing. Your videos are quite good! No extra junk, just straight to the point and informative. I'm glad I don't own a restaurant, as fixing these units looks quite expensive.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N C says:

    KE2 has great training videos and plenty of reasearch on how to install and service there product. It’s up to us (technicians) to saturate ourselves in the technology to properly understand its full potential. I have now installed 20 or more evap efficiency controllers with huge success. The KE2 evap efficiency controller (using demand defrost and a RSV EEV and door switch) is a game changer.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vipleather says:

    Good job. Haven’t seen this controller yet but love the graph cycles. Are you in Kanata ?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessie M. Hadaller says:

    what computer do you have in this video? Are you in Nepean ?

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorenzo Ontiveros says:

    That’s one off the things about refrigeration everything is very thigh they don’t leave any space for working on Service area Orleans??

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MotoTenacity says:

    Watch one video that showed up now I’m sucked in 😂. I’m learning somethings from ya. I charge by suction pressure on refrigerators tried and true for me keep it up Are you in Barrhaven ?

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