So this was a call for water leaking from the ceiling, at first I couldn't find anything wrong but the problem eventually presented itself.
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All right and all this stuff is coming out of the drain guys. This is why we have to clear those things this video is brought to you by sport'ln quality, integrity and tradition. We've got a water leak complaint coming from the area of this kitchen AC. I have a pretty good feeling, that's from the AC.

It's either coming from this AC or it's coming from the refrigeration lines of one of those walk-in units. But what you can do is look over here. If the lines were all iced up, I mean that insulation is definitely compromised. That's the walk-in freezer, that's the walk-in cooler, but I don't see ice buildup on the refrigeration lines.

So you know, I don't think it's gon na be from that, but it is possible that this is also in the same area. So when I go downstairs, we'll verify all right. So the first thing we're gon na do is we're gon na open this AC up in talking with the manager, the manager informed me that their kitchen AC hasn't been working very well either. Okay, again conversations with the manager, you know we don't shake their hands anymore.

You know bump fist bump elbows, whatever you gon na, do and ask the manager how he's doing kind of get him into a casual conversation, and then I start asking okay where's the problem coming from you know when they place the service call. They just said water leak, they didn't say anything about a kitchen AC, not working, but it's that casual conversation with the manager that I had that led me to yeah the kitchen's been hot, but I haven't called because we're trying to save money. Okay, that helps me so the first thing we do before we turn anything off. The unit is running right now, we're gon na see if both stages are running, if we have any abnormal frost patterns, any water leaks or anything like that.

This unit, I made a video a long time ago about the VFD failing and the customer still hasn't approved us to replace that VFD. We put a contactor in and bypass the VFD and then turned off the heat, but this is their kitchen a/c. So that's why they don't use the heater so anyways, that's a whole. Another video, just walking up to the unit, looks like we have a first stage call first stage.

Compressors running second stage is not you can tell which one the first stage by looking at the evaporator suction line on the bottom, the operator tubes on the bottom of the first stage. Okay, so the first stage is always going to be on the bottom of the evaporator and then the second stage is gon na be on the top on these carrier units. You have to preface that with some manufacturers do Multi circuit to the evaporator, but got ta pay attention, so things are looking good so far, actuator for the Jade module kind of will tell us some information we're in status mode right now you Cana misers. So it's economizing, so it's probably calling for first stage and opening the outdoor air damper, because it's pretty cool outside right now cool.

Why one in on? Why one out on? Why two in on so we're not sending a call? Why? Because the economizers blocking it out because it's using frequently mixed air temp is 62 outdoor air tempest 62 dampers open a hundred percent okay, so we're gon na eventually have to turn off the economizer. So we can check the second stage, but before we go any further, I'm not seeing anything too scary to me right now, alright, and as I was getting grabbing my meter, the second stage just turned on so second stage is running yeah, so we know both compressors Works, we know the thermostat works. We know the logic works, economizer modules working at this point, we're gon na check the belt and then go from there. I jumped in the filter section.
First, the filters the manager told me we're just replaced by the filter changing company, the belt kind of sounds like it's loose because it sounds like it's slipping right now when I took the door off we'll see in just a minute I'll jump over there. So far, I'm not seeing any water leaks down in the ducts or anything, so both stages are still running really good. I can see down through here there condensating really well. I've got good heat displacement from the condenser fan motors, we're doing decent so far.

So at this point all it looks like we might be hitting a freeze alarm on here, but at this point I'm pretty much ready to go ahead and power down the unit and just troubleshoot. Accordingly, I'm gon na check the belt pull the filters out. So I know the unit's working so now I'm gon na power down. We got to be careful about powering it down, especially on these carriers, especially on the older ones.

I should say when they have the compressor lockout boards, because when you power it down, you reset the safeties. Theoretically, you do the same thing on these, but it is a little bit easier to check the safeties because you actually have very easy high pressure, low pressure. So if you have a unit not working, you can jump on that and check the safety really quick to see. If there's anything going on again this one, the VFD has been bypassed.

So it's non-existent in here. This belt is extremely loose, and this blower assembly has got a goal quite a bit of dirt on it. We're probably going to try to clean that blower real, quick, that's gon na be hard, though I'm not gon na pull the whole blower assembly want to see to see the best I can. This is going to be interesting and let's pull the filters and see.

What's going on over, there doesn't look like we have a plugged up drain, we're still going to try to blow it through it, but and the evaporator is not bad. I am going to put some cleaner on it, though, because there is a nice little grease spot from the old filters, so we'll get that off and check the trains and all that filled the drain pan up with water, and it's just sitting there. It's not draining. It's very slow, so we've got a slow drain over here.
If I pop this it'll probably go like crazy, there you go so we've got a slow drain. We need to clear, looks like for this stubborn grease right here and in the corners. I've got some of the venom pack, the blue brightener, because it really breaks down the grease really well, so we're gon na do that, one on that real, quick and then, when we're all done, we'll clean it with the evaporator coil cleaner. I sprayed some on there.

You got to make sure you are very careful, though, because this is this especially coming out of the venom pack. It's highly concentrated, so you've got to make sure you dilute it with water if you're not using the coil gun, but you also got to just be cautious because it does have a strong odor to it. It's not as strong as some other manufacturers, but you've got to be cautious about that. So I'm gon na take a metal brush and brush the grease off real, quick and then we'll give it a rinse.

The water is coming out, pretty nasty and this stuff foams up really good too well, you know with the if you mix it strong, basically, so I'm just making sure I'm getting it off and again, I'm not worried about a shiny coil per se. I just want to get that grease off of those corners and that that grease is basically where the filters the the standard pleated filters that they had before met. That's just a common thing on ACS: you won't really get that as much with the filters that they get from the filter, changing company, but that's a whole nother thing with those filters. I'm using the evaporator coil cleaner now and that's gon na thoroughly foam and really really clean the evaporator bacteria and all that crap out of there remember it does not take much.

I literally that's probably gon na, be too much and then, when we're all done, I got some of the strike back sanitizer that I already have premix from the last time and we'll go from there. Alright, my coils already saturated and we're just going to start from the bottom up, I'm running very, very light. Dilution ratio we're going on the a setting because I'm gon na go heavy from the other side. This sides just to get the surface so just gon na spray it on there work my way up.

Bottom up: try not to get it in the ducts and being very careful, there's a little bit of drip edge, but I got towels and stuff down there. I'm gon na, let that run rinse down the coil and it's already coming out the drain and then I'm gon na go a heavy concentration from the other side and then try to push any of the stuff out. So I'm gon na go on the sea setting and you can see we get a lot of foaming action, so I'm gon na get in there and do my best to get it in there push it all the way through and then we'll. Let it sit.

The key to this stuff is to let it sit for about five to ten minutes with the evaporator coil cleaner mixed properly. Let it sit for five to ten minutes, then we'll give it a rinse and then a sanitized. You can see the Queen er came through to this side because of the foaming action just pushed right through, and I can actually see light through this guy. Well, we're just letting it sit because the foams kind of building up you got to be cautious to that.
It doesn't overflow into the pan, while I'm waiting for that stuff to sit, you don't have to worry about it. It's not gon na damage, it. I'm gon na start, pre, renting the condenser and then see if we're gon na have to split this or not. I have a feeling we will but I'll get a better idea, but yeah this thing's got some pretty big buildup in here.

I started to notice that there was more water than I'd like to be dripping down into here, didn't get into the ducts yeah, but these Ducks are horrendously greasy. So I went ahead and pulled the economizer out. It was just a couple screws and then that way I can get in here a little bit better and rinse this guy. So I dried up everything I just got a towel because that's the spot where he usually drips from and then we're gon na get in here a little bit more, but it really isn't that dirty a little unconventional use here.

I've got some of the regular maximum strength. Venom pack, this stuff is metal safe, not going to hurt anything. Put it in here. We're gon na run heavy concentration on this and we're going to degrease the economizer, because it's nasty all right so we're running super heavy.

On the concentration, so it's gon na foam up a lot we're gon na. Let this stuff sit on here for a while and then we'll get in there and degrease everything I just got in here with my brush and I'm just scrubbing the heavy heavy areas that have a lot of buildup. It won't turn out perfect, but it'll come somewhat clean. Hopefully, if we just do this every once in a while it'll just you know not it'll be manageable and it won't ruin the entire economize er, it's not perfect, but it's better than it was.

I mean there's still some grease in some places. I'm gon na take some of the sanitizer and spray it down with sanitizer and then the evaporators done so we're gon na spray that down with sanitizer to as we're removing everything I've already got a mix. I think I've shown this on other videos as we're removing everything or, as I'm putting it back in I'll, just spray everything down. It's not gon na hurt anything completely say it's just again.

You know there's still grease on there, but definitely on the evap will spray that down get the whole thing nice and coated with sanitizer I'll get this little metal piece of wipe down. This just you know, adds a little more comfort to make sure that it kills. The bacteria and stuff that can be on that coil and viruses and all that fancy stuff. But absolutely do I not claim that this kills the viruses that were worried about and stuff it just kills viruses in general, I'm not going to make any claims that I can't substantiate with a hundred percent for it.
So this is more or less just for peace of mind. I sanitize all the surfaces when I was done did my best to get the stupid filters back in and not a fan of these. They, like hook around this side like shove in there, that's how they had it. Don't like these at all blow this out.

It just comes up this and if I plug this up, when I plug all three up, it comes out there, so we got a plug. Dump me the kitchen AC is the low spot. So look at all that stuff that I'm blowing out of there right now. All those big chunks just came out of that drain, so we definitely have a plugged up main right now.

So what I'm gon na do is go ahead and finish on the kitchen. Ac tighten up that belt. I'm sure that's gon na solve the problem of the unit working and then we're gon na have to blow out the main and that's a whole nother thing. This one was a little bit more difficult to split.

It's not horrendous, but it's definitely dirty in there. So we're gon na give it a quick rinse. It's not going to take much, and I just use this to be careful. You got to make sure you don't dig into it.

It's kind of a pain. Let the cleaner sit on there for a bit, and then we can get in here with the wand and really give it a good scrub from this side and then we'll get the other side got a new belt installed. The other ones were in a 49 X 49, but they were worn out pretty well. I happen to have an 848 on the van and a X 48, so I dropped a size down.

A little bit got a tensioned up right, nice and snug down. I have nothing to clean this blower assembly right now. It's not horrendous. It's just starting to build up so I'll, bring it to the customers attention.

I'm gon na probably need another tech and just to be safe, we'll pull the top and pull the blower assembly out. So yeah, that's it! I'm going to put the blower panel back on start this guy up and make sure everything's good all right as far as the drains go. These drains were all piped together underneath the roof deck, and I can prove that. But when I blew up in this one, it came out over here, so we've got a main drain plugged up now.

I know this prototype. Okay, we have the high end of the roof over there and it all drains into the kitchen area over the restroom area. Too, so what we're gon na do is we're gon na tape, these off with electrical tape, disconnect disconnect us tape them off. Then we're going to go start and we're going to tape every one off that one right there.

I disconnected every drain, we'll go start at that unit and we'll tape the hose to the drain line and just let it go for five to 10 minutes and then we're gon na keep moving down the line. Okay, so that one that one that one this one and then we'll do the kitchen and when I blow through them we're taping off all the lines. So that way, it's not coming back up into another AC and we're blowing out the main and then we'll probably be able to go downstairs and see where it's all draining they'll be a big drain snake coming out. I'm sure this is my crude drain cleaner.
Essentially, it's taped on it's running. All of them are taped off, so it's being forced down, so we're gon na go downstairs and see if we can find where it's draining out of every one is taped off all the way over here. All right and all this stuff is coming out of the drain guys. This is why we have to clear those things, so you guys see what I mean about, how nasty that was all that stuff.

We just plugged up the whole water heater room me and the manager just squeegee all that crap out now we're gon na switch over because there's still got to clean, clean the lines you know as we go so we're still working on it. Here we go again. These old, chunker's and stuff coming out of this, this is the crowd coming out of there just years of not being cleared properly, all right, the drains are all back together. Now I have a little bit of an unorthodox method here, and this is just how we roll, I don't use a union.

I just use a coupling and we just feed a piece of black tape on each side. We do that so that way we know we don't have to fight anything and if I was using the Union and be a little bit more difficult to tape the hose and stuff to it. So, okay, we've got a ten-ton package unit. This is the first stage superheats a little bit low or scrolling through right now, temperature splits a little bit high.

It looks like air flows low, but we do know that the indoor blower squirrel-cage is dirty, and I bet you anything. The return air grills are dirty too approximately 120,000 BTUs all right. This first stage is doing as good as it can right now we're going to jump on to the second stage. Okay, so this is an interesting one, because the second stage, the super heats looking pretty good, which is interesting.

It makes me wonder if the second stage has a leak, because we know this unit has low airflow very interesting, all right. Well, the unit is working. I don't like the low super heat on the first stage, but I need to fix that blower assembly. First, we're not gon na mess with it too much.

Oh, you know what I will say. I will say that since we're pulling outside air they're pulling quite a bit of outside air - and that does go into the second stage, so it's possible that the first stage is getting a little starved. But still we know we got air flow issues. So all right.

We're gon na wrap this one up, talk to the customer about getting approval to come back and pull that blower assembly and clean it. The call started as a water leak coming from the restrooms, actually the women's restroom, and when I went into the women's restroom I wasn't able to get good video in there. There was nobody in there, but it just there was music playing in the restaurant and stuff. So I couldn't get good footage, but there was no water when I arrived, but I can definitely see where the paint was peeling from the restroom ceiling.
I went ahead and popped my head above the ceiling in the restroom, and I immediately saw the return air duct from the kitchen AC. I was a little bit worried about refrigeration lines, possibly the walk-in freezer lines condensating, but they were nowhere near where the water leak was. It was clear and night or it was totally clear that the water leak was from the return air duct. So when I came up onto the roof, I noticed that there was no water in the ducts which was kind of strange.

You know, but you guys saw that I ended up seeing it was a slow drain. So we had a couple things going on here. Okay, we had a very loose belt. Alright, the cleaning was just as far as the evaporator in the condenser.

That was more of a preventative issue. The real issue was the loose belt and the plugged up main drain the way that this was happening. You know I know this prototype of this restaurant very well is that every AC was condensating and backing up into the kitchen AC and because of the way that they piped these a sees, the the vent is higher than the AC. So if the drain backs up it's going to back up into the air-conditioning unit before it comes out of the p-trap vent, you get what I'm saying be the way that it's pipe so without repiping the entire thing.

I can't fix that at this time, so I went ahead and cleared the main guys saw how nasty that was. Okay, that's my crude method. You know, I'm not a plumber, I just kind of run with water and that's my only tool that I have so. I just made sure that I started at the highest point and then blew every a/c out from that point forward.

Moving from the next level next level, next level, all the way making it to the kitchen a/c, and we actually plugged up that drain a couple times during the process. There was actually a cook down there. Every time. I'd start a new AC it'd blow out a bunch more of those chunks and then he'd have to clear them out, because the drain would get plugged up and we went down there and used the water hose and blew it out a bunch of times.

It's kind of a mess I've seen that you got to be cautious about that too, because I've seen that happen inside of a restaurant. This particular prototype has a couple different locations where that drain can terminate, and in this one it was in the water heater room, but I've seen it happen in the dishwasher area and I've seen it happen like over by their walk-in coolers and one time it happened In the dishwasher - and it was just as nasty as this one and I came downstairs after I blew out every one and the manager was like what are you doing what's happening? There was water everywhere because that slime actually plugs up the drains, cuz, there's usually screens in them and it just started overflowing and it was going into the dining room. So I learned my lesson on that one and I always try to go downstairs after I start the first one see if I can figure out where the waters draining and then make sure nothing was dirty or plugged up like this situation, so went ahead and make Cleaned up the rest of the unit, like you guys saw you know the economizer wasn't horrendous. The evaporator wasn't horrendous, but a little bit of prevention right now prevents it from being worse later.
So that's why I went ahead and put cleaner on everything and then the sanitizer at the end. Again, it's just like on an ice machine. We use sanitizer and an ice machine to sanitize this the area as we're backing away from the machine right. So you clean it with a cleaner and then when you're done is you're, then you know you're you're, stepping back in Reverse and you're sanitizing sanitizing sanitizing.

That way, you've done everything in your power now, of course, this units still dirty, of course, that still has grease, but I know to the best of my ability. You know, with the time constraints that I had, that i sanitized everything coming out of the unit, so that way you know I didn't create any problems. At least that's the the peace of mind that I have walking away from this. So I've started instituting using that strike back sanitizer on all of the ACS that I do cleanings on it just makes me feel better.

I really don't sell it, and I know you guys could okay, but it's not really a selling thing for me because I'm dealing with restaurants on a facility's level and they really don't see that value. But if you were dealing with mom-and-pop restaurants, this would be a great value to let them know like hey, I'm sanitizing your equipment. When I'm done, I know it seems kind of silly that on a corporate level they don't really care about that. They do.

But it's just I'd, be beating a dead horse. Trying to you know, sell them like hey, I'm doing this fancy sanitizer and stuff. They just don't see the value and that as much I don't know if that comes across to you guys, but I still do it, but it's more or less from my peace of mind so anyways. I really really appreciate you guys checking this video out.

Do me a favor come check me out Monday evening, 5:00 p.m. Pacific. Hopefully what my internet works unlike last week, I'll be doing. My live stream will talk about these videos and then also keep in mind that, if you guys are considering purchasing any tools - and you guys choose to use true tech tools, you guys can use my offer code.

Big picture. One word to save eight percent on your order, and it gives me a small commission, so it's a way to help support the channel and soon very soon I was just emailing. With my website developer. We are getting very close on the launching of the website, where you guys will be able to get all that merch.
I always never know where my hands gon na point, but all that merch right back there will be for sale very soon, so keep an eye out I'll, definitely announce it on all my social media channels and everything so really really appreciate you guys and we will Catch you on the next one: okay.

43 thoughts on “Water is leaking from the ceiling”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJ's HVAC JOURNEY says:

    Chris is the definition of a thorough hvac technician!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark cristello says:

    When you install a new txv valve the sensing bulb is saposto be mounted at 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock not at 2 o'clock or 10 o'clock it tells you that in the literature that comes with the new valve

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua C. says:

    I think this is like the first time I've seen an economizer that actually works.
    They fail so often in your vids that I actually didn't know what they were supposed to do.
    Seeing one not only functional but actively doing its job clarified that!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walker says:

    To blow out the drainage line with an air compressor.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walker says:

    Try using a cheap pancake air compressor that they use nail guns or air tools, good job. Are you in Nepean ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UNEXPLAINABLE says:

    IT was my birth day JUL 2 Service area Kanata??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Ledford says:

    Whats the reason for not using a standard drain to roof vs this complicated and expensive interior drainage system ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwayne Doxilly says:

    Funny you couldn't get video in the wash room lol.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHOMAHOMA says:

    If I were you, I wouldn't flush the A/C that way. That may get you in trouble.
    What I have done is reroute the drain pipe (if possible just for the sake of cleaning it) and hook it into an 1 1/2" pvc pipe to take the water outside. At the end you put it where it was. You don't have to glue the fittings (in case they are needed). Just put them together and they will do the trick. Make sure nobody trips on it though.
    I am also thinking that a flexible hose (bigger diameter) may work better though. I will check into that.
    Thank you for all your videos. They are helping me a lot.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FIDEL ALGARIN says:

    I've used a ShopVac Wet N' Dry to assist clearing plugged mains. They will suck the heck out of the pipes, sludge, rust, gunk, debris, everything goes into the vac rather than choke up the drains. You can attach it on either side, once the gunk partially releases it's grip, it'll start flowing and follow up with the water hose. Also seen CO2 cartridges and regulated nitrogen used, but I never dared since PVC drains are often used locally, and I wouldn't like to blow up a pipe full of gunk and slime in an occupied store 😂.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Ghiardi says:

    Have someone down there with a shop vac, large. Are you in Orleans ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spacelicious says:

    Why does water need to thru these tiny pipes? I guessed you could just let it flow on the roof and let it vaporize into the air, where it came from.
    Must have some important reason…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frederick Kriesel says:

    Happend to my buisness a few years ago except it was a PCP pie that, for some reason, didnt have a cap on yo prevent air pressure preventing flow and on top of that having it do a weird shape that Is easyer to say in person. I fixed it myself . Are you in Kanata ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pensive69 says:

    Another thing. We do a lot of work with plumbing in general.
    The theory and design of drains isn't done well from what we see.
    Most drains are undersized from what the results show and are
    difficult to service and purge or clean.
    We don't service kitchen slime's and thank God for that.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pensive69 says:

    Love your VIDEOS! Very well explained and sequenced.
    I'm not a HIVAC technician but when we do
    mechanical work on them we take a good WetDry Vac along.
    There always seems to be water and drainage issues with
    that type of equipment. Thank you!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Parker says:

    The biggest reason for that sanitizer is for legionnaires a dirty air conditioner can spread its faster than you can ever believe. Especially when it's been dirty and has condensation.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr J says:

    Nice to see someone take pride in their work.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Brockmeier says:

    Reputation is EVERYTHING. Kudos to your honesty & professionalism with the client. I've developed good relationships with my clients to the point that they trust no one else to service their HVAC equipment throughout metro Manila here in the Philippines. You work on walk-ins. I focus on air conditioning (chilled water systems & freon). Only a slight difference between our practices.

    I enjoy watching your professionalism & thoroughness. Service area Orleans??

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Gregory says:

    Wow comerical condensers are much bigger then a home condenser

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StijnNL says:

    Never understand why people trying to save a buck on maintenance, until ist broken and cost much more…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max webster says:

    Restaurant owners take care of their cars in the same manner. I feel your pain.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diener Christi says:

    It’s interesting to me that the colder temps desired results in a smaller condensing unit.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Robertson says:

    Great job again like always and great video

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jw '46 says:

    Corporations only see cost, not value.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Wolfe says:

    when I put in pleated filters I tape them together…prevents air leakage and can help removal and also keeping them in the holder frames. Also I have seen where the duct work in the ceiling can leak due to sweating up….duct leakage.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars compactc9 says:

    I'd imagine sanitizing everything also helps deodorize things.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Izzynutz Restorations says:

    My brother used to work for sporlan valve in Washington Missouri Service area Barrhaven??

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike PETER says:

    You always say that you are not a specialist when you are doing things not directly related to hvacr, but i can tell you that you almost every time did better that the specialist themselves.
    You are a modest man.
    Because you are very good in your work.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drcovell says:

    Shows why you should go to Mom and Pop restaurants, NOT corporate ones.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matheo Carrasco says:

    Just subscribed 👍🏻

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Mac Ewan says:

    I have a ecologix air handler I had the ac moved to the garage from the attic because to change the filter for a home owner would be a pain. And we were getting water from it in our home. It same to be a lot cooler last year .we set the temperature at 72 farenheit. And it takes all day or more to cool down. Any idea? Thanks Steven.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jack harrelson says:

    tie a nylon pantyhose onto the pipe outlet to catch the crap coming down from the roof

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sterling Archer says:

    Insane in the main drain …

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars knockitofff says:

    Any reason why they piped rooftop unit condensates back into the building?? Seems like it's just a problem waiting to happen.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fitter542 says:

    Are you union?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robbie says:

    I'm not sure why asking what people earn is taboo. Does this job pay over 70,000 a year and would you recommend doing this as a profession. Service area Ottawa??

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robbie says:

    Oh shit dude you said "virus" say goodbye to any sort of monetization.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kardall says:

    I just want to say … I have NO idea what half of the stuff you talk about is… But when you've been coding and working on computers all day, it is amazing what happens when you just sit down and watch something completely different. Learn some little tidbits and interesting aspects of other peoples jobs.
    And you realize, your job isn't that bad when you have to deal with chunkers like that … LOL reminds me of my old high school days in the late 90's where I would have to clean the grease trap at a Dairy Queen every week. LOL.
    I find it extremely soothing to watch you do your job…

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Nelson says:

    Looked. At your website. You got a good start. I've used a little of your knowledge I gained resently thanks you for the good videos.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A j says:

    Been watching your vids for the last few days on and off, and enjoyed your professionalism and methodical working practice, I would love to know enough about this service sector to work in it it seems to be a bit of what's causing the issue, ok now lets fix it, my fav kind of working practice. I'm too old to be starting a new career at 60yrs old but if I had my time over I would enjoy your kinda work, a combination of practical and electro mechanical work which I've always enjoyed. Keep up the good work, nice to know there are some honest people out there. Thanks from the UK.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Dowler says:

    What watch do you have? I'd like to get one of those

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Brantley says:

    Good stuff bro, really enjoy your videos!!!

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MKOMKONNNN says:

    oh man did u fall for the groove ring hype and the big ass watch no comment //lol all it takes is one swipe on the sheetmetal bye bye watch

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