What is HVAC Well, it stands for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning I Always joke that the trade should probably be called Haac and remove the V because a lot of guys have never even installed any ventilation equipment. They don't really even understand it.
For sure we know ventilation because the number 1 thing in HVAC IS AIRFLOW! 400 CFM/TON, if we didn't know this and we didn't know airflow, we would be changing coils like lunatics! Ventilation air into a furnace room is a must and also depends on what size BTU appliances are in there! 2 dryers inside a furnace room with a CV TANK for sure needs ventilation.
I mean, ventilation is how much air you need to move.
Pretty simple lol
If you change the name then you just become a giant HAC.
Ventilation is the ducting and air mover. Its one part of Heating/built into the air handler, and A/C is the combination of a condenser and evaporator coils. Duh. Service area Barrhaven??