Check out this video on why you should considered Daikin for your heating and air-conditioning in your home!
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Why should you choose daikin for your home, we're gon na talk about that right? Now, hey guys, Joshua Griffin, here serving in the middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck, wanted to do a quick video about one of our newest lines that we are carrying. We had, in my opinion, in our opinion, a hole at Griffin, air and what I mean by that is. We were kind of we offer some of the best products in the world when it comes to heating and air conditioning equipment, but there's different types of customers out there. So there's customers that are kind of looking for that Cadillac and then there's customers that are kind of looking for that for tourists and and then there's customers that are kind of falling somewhere in between, and so that was kind of the hole that we had.

We were kind of offering we still offer all the products that we've always offered those same great products, the top of the line, the Cadillac, if you will of heating and air or products, and then we've also offered those builder-grade, still great reliable products made in America And you know you know at a competitive builder, great price and you know so we're we were capturing kind of both of those customers, but what we were finding is some folks fall somewhere in between that you know they don't necessarily want the Cadillac, but they don't Necessarily want to drive the Ford Taurus either they're kind of you know looking somewhere between that. So sorry for my car analogies but anyway, so we after looking at multiple brands, we even installed a couple other brands. We came across Dyken and we think that they fill that hole better than really anyone and we're I'm gon na go through. Why.

I think that is why you should consider Dyken for your home and and and then some things about vikon that, maybe you didn't know, or maybe you should consider before purchasing your next heating and air conditioning. So, first of all what is daikin. You know sometimes a lot of folks when they first see the word. They don't even know how to pronounce it Dakin Dyke and what? What is this thing? I've never heard of it and what you may or may not know is Daikin is actually the at.

This point, during the making of this video, the largest heating and air conditioning manufacturer in the world, and not by a little but by a lot by billions and they're. Also they they hold the largest market share. If you include all their brands versus any other corporation and all of their brands during the making of this video Dyken is also the biggest as far as market share in north america. Now, why does that matter to you? Well, I think that matters for a couple of reasons.

I don't think you get to become the biggest without actually bringing something to the table. I'm gon na get it more into what they actually bring to the table as far as from our standpoint, but I think that that's something to consider another thing that I think that that helps is the fact that in comparison to some of the other, you know Manufacturers, when we need parts, whether it be under warranty or not under warranty the availability, the time it takes to lay hands on, though some of those parts. Sometimes that is a shore and so dye can kind of. Has all that figured out we're able to lay hands on parts that we need and, and so on another thing at Griffin air is.
We are offering a twelve-year parts and three year labor warranty with Dyken installation. You also have the opportunity to purchase an extended labor warranty, making a twelve year parts and labor warranty. As far as I know, I believe we're the only company in this area that offers that I think that they gives you peace of mind for the next multiple years. I have competitors that you know they'll offer the manufacturers warranty whether it be ten or twelve or however many years that parts warranty is, let's just say it's 12 years and 11 years goes by and let's say the compressor goes bad things does do happen.

Even the great products you can go, buy a Mercedes right now, drive it off the lot and it could have problems. So even great companies from time to time may have an issue well with competitors. 11 years goes by and they're going to. You know get that part under warranty if it's still under warranty, but then they'll still charge you hundreds, if not thousands, to install that product with us that 11 that 12 year parts and labor warranty you would be covered everywhere.

Everything except the refrigerant would be covered. The materials to install of the part, the labor, the part itself, everything would be covered. Another thing that we're finding is dye Kinnick is offering some of the most cutting-edge technology in the world. They are kind of leading the way with some of the products that they're coming out with, where some of the other companies are room is kind of even kind of copying them in a way with some of the technologies and things that they're coming out with other Companies are trying to catch up, and you know I'm not gon na get into all that in this video, because you may be watching this video a year from now, and those technologies may be old news by the time you watch this video, but just keep that In mind I mean they're just constantly trying to come up with more efficient, better systems, better technologies and so on.

For you bahama another thing that we're noticing is the price point. They are offering some of the most competitive pricing that I've ever seen for some of the the same great systems. The same. You know comparable systems that we're seeing with some of the other brands we're talking about premium equipment at sometimes hundreds, if not thousands, less seer ratings getting up.

You know over 20 seer, for you know at times thousands less. So that's really been beneficial for those customers. Again that you know they're not wanting that top-of-the-line, they don't wan na pay an arm and a leg for that system, but they're. Also finding that you know they don't want.
You know the necessarily the you know the run-of-the-mill. You know bottom line equipment. They want something that is, you know somewhere in between meets their needs, but I also had a very competitive price and I think Dyken does that the last thing I'll say and again this may not mean much to you as you're, selecting your heating and air equipment, But I definitely think it should be a part of the conversation and that is Dyken actually owns one of the largest manufacturing facilities in the nation. We're talking, as you know, facilities as large as companies say like Boeing, it's one of the most largest complexes under roof.

May facilitate: did that mean to you? Well, I think that that means that they're doing something right. I think that that means, if you need to speak to someone that speaks English, if you need to get a part, if you need a company like Griffin air, that is getting training on the equipment that you're installing in your house and so on this facility, has It all they, you know they make all the equipment there. They ship it out from there. They do all their training there, it's all there, and so anyway, last thing is: if you have any questions, if you're, comparing with some other brands - and you just have a question or two give us a call Griffin, air, eight, oh four: five: oh five, zero.

Two! Four seven or you can visit our website, Griffin air, that meant thank you.

One thought on “Why daikin for your hvac needs?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NewOrleansMan 70179 says:

    Nice Video. nI your opinion are Daikin products as efficient and reliable as the Mitsubishi products?

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