Your spa is like a giant bathtub: regularly wiping down the surfaces is important to keep your hot tub clean. But eventually, the water gets old.
So how often should you clean your hot tub -- and when do you need to completely drain and clean your hot tub? Here’s everything you need to know about how to clean your hot tub the right way.
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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction to How To Clean A Hot Tub
00:21 - Hot Tub Cleaning Supplies
00:40 - The Right Weekly Hot Tub Cleaning Schedule
01:42 - Why You Need To Drain And Clean Your Hot Tub Every 3-4 Months
02:32 - When Else You Should Drain And Clean Your Hot Tub
02:52 - Step 1: Flush Your Hot Tub Lines
03:33 - Hot Tub Care Video Course
04:13 - Step 2: Drain Your Hot Tub Water
05:06 - Step 3: Clean Or Replace Your Hot Tub Filter
05:36 - Step 4: Clean Your Hot Tub Shell
06:16 - Step 5: Refill Your Hot Tub
06:43 - Step 6: Start Up Your Hot Tub
07:24 - Step 7: Clean Your Hot Tub Cover And Cabinet
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Your spa is like a giant bathtub regularly wiping down the surfaces is important to keeping it clean, but eventually the water gets old. So how often should you be cleaning your hot tub and when does the water need to be completely replaced check it out before we start cleaning, you need the right. Hot tub, cleaning supplies you'll want bleach, white, vinegar, a hot tub. Cleaner, a hot tub cover cleaner, a hot tub filter, cleaner, a hot tub plumbing or line flush, cleaner non-abrasive, sponges, soft towels, a sump pump and a garden hose.

The first step to keeping your hot tub clean is sticking to a simple weekly cleaning schedule. This means wiping down your surfaces, rinsing your filters and balancing your water once a week. You'll want to do the following one test: your hot tub water check, your alkalinity, ph and sanitizer levels. You'll also need to test your levels again after you adjust them two sanitize and shock your water regularly shocking your hot tub, recharges your sanitizer and keeps your hot tub healthy.

Three rinse, your hot tub filter with water. A clean filter protects against cloudy water. Funky smells bacteria and algae blooms. Four wipe down your spa cover, cleaning the cover inside and out protects against mold mildew and nasty smells use a 10 bleach to water solution to keep the mildew away 5..

Wipe down your shell jets and scum line with a sponge and some white vinegar wipe away any debris that might throw off your water chemistry and don't forget to wipe down the head rest now, while weekly cleaning will help with most hot tub issues every three to Four months, you need to drain and clean your hot tub, so why do you need to completely drain your hot tub? Well, every time you use your spa. Contaminants like hair products, sweat and body oils, get into the water and pass through your filter and plumbing. Unfortunately, the filter doesn't capture everything and all those contaminants pass through your pipes and they start to build up and create a layer called biofilm. The longer that biofilm stays stuck to the plumbing the more contaminants stay in the water and over time it can affect your water flow and your filter.

So the only way to get rid of biofilm is to drain your hot tub and use a special line. Flush. Cleaner plus draining and cleaning every three to four months keeps the biofilm from building up and protecting your filter and plumbing system too. So when else should you drain and clean your hot tub besides regularly draining it every three to four months, you'll need to drain your hot tub.

If your spa is giving off foul odors, the water won't clear, no matter what you do, you've been using your spa. More frequently or you've had people use it more than usual or you haven't used your spa for a long time. So here's how to drain and clean your hot tub step one flush, those plumbing lines before you drain your spa, add a line: flush cleaner to break down any biofilm, follow the package instructions and add the right amount based on your hot tubs volume once you've added It let it circulate for at least 20 minutes now, if you've never used a line. Flush cleaner before or your hot tub hasn't been used in a while.
Let that line flush circulate for a few hours or even overnight. The line. Flush cleaner may also cause gross. Looking foam to form on the surface of the water as it circulates through your spa, that just means it's working and pulling all that nasty biofilm out of your hot tub's plumbing system, real quick before we continue.

If you're looking for an easy to follow tutorial. That'll answer all your hot tub questions go check out our hot tub handbook and video course you'll. Get in-depth video lessons, plus a step-by-step downloadable guide, covering everything that you need to know about: hot tub maintenance, it's packed with money, saving tips, so you can save money and time keeping your hot tub clean. This is the ultimate manual for every type of hot tub.

The best part is we always keep it up to date, so once you buy it, you have access to the latest and greatest version for life. That's, spa and use the promo code. Video step number two drain: the water. First, you want to turn off the main breaker to your hot tub and cut off all power to your spa.

You'll also need to decide where you'll be draining your water. If you don't have direct sewer access, you can run your hose into a utility sink in your home or into your lawn or garden, but just make sure that you've, let your hot tub chemical levels dissipate before soaking your plants in chemically water. Now there are two options for draining your spa: you can connect a hose to the spa drain and let the water slowly drain out and just move your hose around every now and then so that the water doesn't pull up in one area of your yard or Garden or you can use a sump pump to empty your hot tub more quickly, just be sure to keep an eye on the water level, because if the pump continues to run once the water is gone, you can burn up the motor. You can also open up your hot tub drains to remove any remaining water step.

Number three is to clean or replace your filter, while the water is draining from your spa. Now is the time to soak your filter grab a 5 gallon or 20 liter bucket full of water. Add the proper dose of hot tub filter cleaner, give the water a stir to dilute the cleaner and submerge the filter, leave it to soak for 24 hours. Now, if you remove the filter - and it's still really dirty it's time to replace it and be sure to rinse your filter thoroughly with clean water before placing it back into your hot tub, step number four clean: the hot tub shell once your spa is empty and You've removed the sump pump it's time for an all over surface cleaning spray.

Your hot tub, shell, with a hot tub, cleaner, diluted, white, vinegar or diluted bleach be sure to get all the nooks and crannies where mildew, algae and bacteria hide out use a soft towel or non-scratch nylon scrubber to remove residue rinse. All the surfaces well and drain. All the rinse water to prevent foaming when you refill your spa double check that all your jets are open. After you finish, cleaning and rinsing.
This reduces the risk of water pressure problems from trapped air step number five refill the hot tub. Now, before you start, adding fresh water make sure the main breaker to your hot tub is still off and be sure to close all your spas drains insert the hose into the filter, compartment and then turn on the spigot. This helps to force any trapped air out of your plumbing system, preventing a hot tub air lock and be sure to use a hose filter to reduce impurities like calcium and copper that may affect your water chemistry step. Number six start up the hot tub turn your spas main breaker back on then add your sanitizer and other startup chemicals turn off air valves so that they don't disrupt the chemical distribution.

Then you're going to want to test the water by adjusting the ph alkalinity and calcium harness, if necessary. Now, after letting the chemicals mix into the water for about 15 to 20 minutes cover your spa for 24 hours to allow the chemicals to circulate and let the water heat up to at least 80 degrees, fahrenheit or 27 degrees celsius, but no higher than 104 degrees. Fahrenheit and 40 degrees celsius retest the water to make sure the water is balanced if it's not make the necessary adjustments. Step number seven clean, the spa cover and the cabinet, if you're, using a hot tub cover.

Now is the perfect time to wipe that down with a 10 bleach to water solution. If your hot tub is outside, you may also want to apply a protectant to the cover to avoid sun damage. Then clean your cabinet. Now most cabinets are made from wood, so use a gentle wood cleaner or a soft towel.

Now that you know how to drain your hot tub and how to clean your hot tub, the right way, you can avoid lots of hot tub issues like cloudy water and scum, and if you keep your water balanced and your filters clean, you should only have to Do a full drain and clean every three to four months. If you missed anything or have any questions, please leave a comment to. Let us know hit the like button below if you found this video helpful and if you want to learn more about hot tub, maintenance and troubleshooting subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one and check out the hot tub handbook and video course at Spa don't forget to enter that promo code, video to get 10 percent off.

That's it thanks again and happy soaking.

15 thoughts on “How to clean your hot tub (beginner’s guide) | swim university”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remrie Arrie says:

    Further clarification on what you mean by "let your chemicals dissipate before draining tub into yard" would help a lot.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NJVINYLCORP says:

    great video Service area Ottawa??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shoemaker AKC Boxer says:

    Thanks for info, if on vacations what are tips to look for before go in post covid world or per covid hotel pool or hotel hot tub seen web site cleaning hot tub. I seen little info. test PH level, Test Total Alkalinity, then your calcium harness

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Kobunski says:

    How much trouble am I in if I let my hot tub sit, fully drained, for the past 3 months without using the pipe cleaner before draining it?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bishal Halwai says:

    Great video. Detailed information

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Mc says:

    Should I take the filter out before using the pipe cleaner?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sammy steward says:

    I am a commercial CPO.
    this is a very good example of regular maintenance on a residential level. this is an extremely thorough process, but definitely demonstrates an effective way to keep your hot tub absolutely spotless. However, it might be a tad Overkill. Simply draining the water on a regular basis should work Wonders on its own. Service area Orleans??

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Altimari says:

    Will pipe flush also clean the surface of the shell or should I also scrub that clean before flushing?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack SANCHO says:

    He didn't say about not Blending Bleach& Vinegar …its DEADLY !!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Autumn Taylor says:

    My hot tub kept getting air in the second pump so half the jets were only working periodically but the other half were running regularly. When I turn the jets on high on the half that weren't regularly ran I'm getting scum bubbles and a brown ring that is much more prominent on that side. Is there a chemical imbalance I could fix or do I just need to purge drain and start over?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nature's Hot Tub Treatment says:

    Thanks for the great info. We recommend our customers to your website all the time : )

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Carmel says:

    Please help!! See previous post!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Carmel says:

    I need some advice. I have an above ground pool. I moved into my house and it was in bad shape when I moved here. I followed all of the directions to get it clean. Nothing was working. I ended up draining it and washed the liner and filled it back up following the directions again. It was finally clean. I kept up with maintenance. I was vacuuming 2x a week. And I still started getting algae on the pool wall/floor. So I added chemicals to kill it and vacuumed and scrubbed. Nothing was stopping it. It slowly turned green despite me following exact directions to stop the growth, kill the algae and vacuumed. All the leaves started falling and I couldn’t keep the leaves out fast enough. We have a lot of trees with large leaves in the yard above the pool. It was obvious I needed to start over AGAIN. I drained the water, cleaned out the leaves, sprayed it down and emptied again.

    Now what? Do I need a new liner? If not what do I clean it with? I can’t keep going through this process. I understand pools ARE hard work but I feel like this is beyond typical pool upkeep. Please help me!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpankDaddy22 says:

    My hot tub salesman said because I would be using saltwater, I could keep my water for up to 1 year. Is that true?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Cox says:

    Wow so I need 3 full days to do this? I guess I can't use my hot tub tonight…… Are you in Kanata ?

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