HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 2/12/24 I will be discussing recent videos and answering questions

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Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre. Q&A Live stream: If you're old enough, grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not, stick with apple juice. put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat and now let's ceue up the intro music.

Oh oh, welcome to the Hvacr videos live stream. Hopefully you guys are all doing well I am uh doing pretty good here I'm still a little horse kind of. um I'm not sick anymore. but it it's funny I was sick like two weeks ago and everything was good.

but then all of a sudden it's just hitting me where I'm starting to lose my voice. whatever. Got some hot tea and I'm good to go. You know it's funny because the older that I get the more like everything bothers me.

and like I can't sleep with my SE fan on in my room in the winter time because it kills my throat apparently. I I'm a mouth breather. so laying like that and it just dries my throat out every morning. Whatever.

getting old kind of sucks sometimes. you know what I mean? You know what I mean burn. You know it's funny. uh I always put like those little quotes and different movie things and you know the little bits of my personality in my live streams and my videos and stuff.

and and I do appreciate when people get it and they get the references and stuff. It's kind of funny because someone will be likeit wait, was that an Earnest reference and it's like yeah, it was. You know, like I always just put these little random things that I remember from my childhood. So but yeah, welcome to the Hvacr videos live stream.

my name is Chris uh if this is the first time tuning in I'm just a normal Hvacr service technician I happen to film myself uh I'm a little peculiar in the way that I work and uh, you know I just post it up on YouTube to let people learn something from it. Whether it be good or bad, you know you learn what not to do. You learn what to do, you know I just put it out there and try to be myself as much as possible. Um I Do have to say thanks to my buddy Jason Johnson uh, he sent me a sticker I Just got in the mail today so that's pretty cool I'll definitely be sending you some of my stickers Jason get those going on? but yeah, that's pretty cool.

Pretty sweet sticker you got going on there bud? Um, anybody out there has uh, stickers or anything they want to send me. Shoot me an email I'll work something out. we'll figure I'll get you guys a sticker or something like that. So um, you can always send if you want to send anything to me.

uh my PO Box is in the show notes of every video. it's right there. You can just send it to that address I Go by there once a week, check it and everything so it's all good. But hello to everybody.

Got a couple things I Want to cover? um before we get to this. If you guys have any questions or comments or things that you want me to talk about, uh, do me a favor, put them in the chat, but put them in caps lock. Okay, um I will say if you're watching this on other social media platforms, that's fine. Uh, we are the most active on YouTube and there's a a chat of you know, 92 something people right now on YouTube And there's a pretty good amount of people in the chat commenting.
so um, but again, it doesn't benefit me either way. what platform you watch it on I'm just saying if you watch it on YouTube you'll get to interact with a group of people. um I Did happen to see some comments from the last live stream where someone said that like their comments weren't coming up or something like that. Sometimes there's so many comments going by that I just don't see them and that does happen.

So just keep putting your questions or your comments in caps lock. Um, until myself or one of the moderators tells you to stop. if I miss your question or comment, shoot me an email to Hvacr videos at Gmail.com and I'll try to get to it. So uh, let's see what else we got going on in the chat real quick.

Uh, okay, cool, sweet. All right. So um, you know something I want to talk about and I'm not complaining I'm just more so letting people know if you guys you know I really really try to interact in my comments on my social media platforms Instagram Facebook Tik Tok Twitter LinkedIn threads I Try to interact with everybody as much as possible when people tag me and post and different things right? but it makes it really, really difficult when everybody tags me in. um, especially social media creators, Social media creators.

and I get it and and you know it is what it is like. I'm again, take this for what it is. don't don't don't assume that I'm complaining. I'm just more or less stating some facts the more people that tag me in.

like if you're a social media Creator and you tag me in every one of your posts. What it does is I know that you're trying to grow your platform and I get it. I'm not upset about that, but what it does is it fills up my activity feed on Instagram on all these different platforms with your posts and then I can't interact with my own because I don't have a lot of time like I don't stare at my phone all day long so you know, just keep keep that in mind I Don't mind that people tag me like I Get it? People are trying to grow their platforms and stuff and I I really got nothing against that. It's just sometimes it makes it a little bit harder for me to interact with people that are actually trying to get a hold of me.

Um, you know, you know, if you really want to message me, send me a direct message I'll try to get to those but even those is a struggle sometimes because you know when people tag me in their stories, then it goes to my direct messages on Instagram and stuff and it's just kind of like it's hard to get through all those but you know these are Creator problems s it's it is what it is. you know, like again, I can only do so much and I you know I try to interact with my chat as much as possible but just keep that in mind. Okay, all right, let's see. um thank you very much Corbin I Really do appreciate you watching the videos.
That's really awesome man. Uh, let's see what else? Rich How are you my good friend? Haven't seen you in a bit or maybe you have been here, but it's hard to see screen names going by. but it's really cool to see Rich that's a Gt350r in there. Rich is a really cool dude so uh, good to see you in the chat my friend.

Uh, let's see what else we got going on in here. Um, yeah, right on. Okay, so uh, you know I want to discuss something so hot coming off the imposium I already had one live stream but you know the further and further I get away from the Symposium which if you don't know what the Symposium is Brian or put together this training event called the HVAC School Symposium Okay, it's at his uh company headquarters in Claremont Florida he does it once a year. It was a week and a half ago now and uh, it was an amazing event like it was.

you know, borderline like lifechanging when I say that and and I'll try to explain it so it makes sense to everybody. But I'm coining the phrase a symposium depression right? And that's kind of what I feel right now because when you go to the Symposium this year especially I looked around and I looked at all the people that were there, all the creators, all the presenters and even the attendees. and I noticed that all of us are very similar in our personality and our character traits in the way that we interact. Uh, a lot of us have an a hard time communicating with certain people.

um but for some reason at the Symposium we all communicate really well and it really does kind of make your brain think about like it's It's an event for like-minded Ev individuals, right? That's a good way to put it. But when you go to an event like that and you spend three days and I spent three days at uh, the Animal House too, which is just this amazing you know place that I was invited to stay at. But when you spend an event like that with that many people that are like-minded when you leave that event and you go back to your normal life, it kind of messes with your head and you kind of wish. like at least for me I kind of wish like I could be around those people all the time because it's so interesting to be around engaging people that think like you do.

and you know, think about Hhc all the time and do all this different stuff. and it's not taken away from my friends at home and my family like. of course that's great too, but it's just it's just something that messes with your head. It's really interesting.

So uh, it's the Symposium depression for sure, right? It just kind of messes with your head because you just feel like you want to go back and hang out with everybody you know. Going to the Symposium and hanging out with everybody too also made me realize that I need more like real people, right? because I interact with a lot of my fake Internet friends, right? But we don't see each other very often often. But when you actually go hang out with people and my fake Internet friends, right? you're like wow, this is really cool I don't know these are first world problems to have, but it's just something that I've been like thinking about for the last couple days. Very interesting.
Uh Dave Johnson was there. you know it was really cool to see everybody you know. um and it's really neat too. Like what I really like is I recognize like I recognize Dave Johnson he may or may not have seen me before I saw him but he didn't approach me and I happen to see him walking.

you know, through the the parking lot and it's like hey, Dave you know, like go shake his hand and it's cool to be able to recognize people and be able to have an event like that that you can go to and see people you know and see your friends and it's kind of neat. See what else we got going on here? Um yeah, definitely. uh Curious hpac guy just watched one of the videos with the goose on the Roof oh yeah, uh, Bill has some pretty funny videos so Bill's a cool dude. um yeah, same thing Dave Johnson like I haven't even I've been so busy since I got back from the Symposium and from Ahr and all that stuff cuz I had a good two and a half weeks of travel I did ahr and then I came home for like 5 days and then I went to the Symposium for another five days and it was just craziness, right? Fully unpacked my bag from the Symposium yet I pulled all my clothes out because I was running out of clothes and they needed to be washed but it still has all my camera gear and microphones and stuff in it that I still got to go unpack and put away.

Um, It's kind. You know, like unpacking is like the final thing from a vacation and you tend to avoid it because you're like eh, you just don't want to let that vacation go right? It's one of those weird things. um, but yeah, I never. You know there's a lot of sessions at the Symposium that I missed and uh, I do have access because when you when you buy an in-person ticket, you also get a virtual ticket so you can watch the replays for so much time.

I could be wrong, but I would highly suggest that you guys go to the Hvacr School website, right? So it's Hvacr School.com Um, and if you go to their, you may or may not still be able to buy the virtual Symposium tickets. It'll totally be worth it to be able to watch all the sessions. Uh, because there was some great great sessions going on and there was so much going on that it was hard to see them all. So uh, let's see what else we got going on in here.

Uh Kaden says that Uh, you experience the same exact thing when you go on vacation? Yeah, for sure you know. Uh, let me see what we go here. Uh Jason Johnson said he'd love to hit Ahr than the Symposium I have to Adit Ahr Ahr for me has just become like it's cool to to see people. but the Symposium is just like this event that you look forward to because I had no obligations at the Symposium So more or less the Symposium was a relaxing and Ahr was just like.
I was scheduled here, scheduled there, scheduled here and again. these are all first world problems like I'm thankful to have these problems but it's still stuff you have to deal with. So I enjoy this! Uh Ahr. But but the Symposium by far is the best Hvacr event that I have ever gone to in my life and I plan to keep going.

Um, next year Ahr will be in Orlando the weekend before or actually the weekend after the imposium. so the Symposium next year um will be Thursday Friday Saturday in Claremont Florida and then in Orlando Florida Ahr will start Monday Tuesday Wednesday Uh, Orlando and Cl are about 45 minutes away from each other with no traffic. Uh, so you can totally stay like the very first time I went to the Symposium I stayed in Orlando and drove to the Symposium every day. Um, but I Definitely do plan on going back next year and it should be a good time for sure.

So uh, let's see what else we got going on here. Who put this in here? uh Comfort Medic said maybe next year you can do a speech or a presentation. Maybe who knows. Uh, let's see.

Um okay hello Chris how you doing doing bud? um Chris Willis from LinkedIn hello hello So again everybody that's in here, it's all good. You can watch on LinkedIn you can watch on Facebook it doesn't make a difference but on YouTube if you watch this stream on YouTube there's a huge chat with a bunch of people conversing back and forth. There's a conversation going on beyond what I'm talking about. so if you want to be part of that Community you definitely want to click over on YouTube but again, it doesn't benefit me either way.

whatever platform you watching on. So um, Brandon So this is a funny comment that uh, we had found in my comments from the last video and Brandon Cherry wanted to know if I hear Bad Motors and compressors in my sleep. So he's referring to my recent video where um I was working on a hybrid Walkin freezer and I could hear a motor from across the roof. And this goes to when I discuss with people all the time I Highly stress that you do not wear headphones on the roof and that you do not play loud music on the roof unless you have to wear headphones or something for hearing protection.

Totally understand for that reason. But when you're on a roof and you're working on something, you start to recognize the noises and you start to recognize sounds. And I was working on a walk-in freezer and from across the roof I could hear a condenser fan motor, the bearings in it going out. Um, and so Brandon was kind of making a joke, questioning whether or not I hear that stuff in my sleep.
Um, you know there's probably something there. Uh, you know there's something about my brain. Uh, it's definitely a uh I consider it to be like a neurod convergent brain because I go about things a different way than a lot of different people, right? So um, I don't have a lot of room in my brain and unfortunately, and this is a a flaw that I'm trying to fix. You know, Sometimes my family, my wife, my dad, my mom, they'll tell me things like hey, we've got this event coming up.

Hey, we've got this going on and it goes in one ear and out the other. But I can remember part numbers for you know, a condenser fan motor Um I can remember part numbers for uh a Del Field Temperature Controller a coil sensing Del Field temperature controller is a 21 94536 like I can remember that random number I can remember my address from when I was in elementary school but I can't remember what my wife tells me. that's important and it goes in one ear and out the other. uh I want to remember what my wife tells me but it just like falls on deaf ears.

Basically, you know and this is a a struggle that I have I'm curious in the chat like and I know people are going to joke and say it's like selective hearing but I genuinely want to remember the things that my wife tells me but I just don't do. You guys have that problem in the chat too I'm very curious. um or is it just me you know am I just uh 8675309 Yeah, don't call that because the person that answers that phone number is not happy. They are just disgusted with that one.

Um, oh right on the fixer. that's really cool man. Uh, let's see. reading through the chat, what am I got going on in here? Uh, as a company owner, how do you hand back and forth with other vendors? I.E Water leak issues when a roofer refuses to set up a vendor meet Evan Very good question.

Okay, so um. first and foremost: I have always prided my company to be the go-to company. Customers will call me even I've literally had customers call me and say I've got aak coming out of my roof and I'll have them send me a picture of it I'll say describe where it's at, they'll send me a picture and I'll say that's not that doesn't look like it's coming from any of my equ that looks like a roof leak or that looks like a water leak. But they will still have me come out because I will identify leaks for them, red tag it, tape, put tape on it or something, and then instruct them what to tell the plumber what to tell the roofer I've even taken spray paint on a roof because I found roof leaks encircled on the roof with spray paint leak here you know? Um, so in that situation I try to do my due diligence.

So if I go out to a call, let's just say the customer calls me. They say they have a water leak and I go out there and I find it's not my problem I will grab the customer by the hand if the customer is willing. I'll tell them to climb up their own ladder, not my ladder. Climb up your own ladder, get your face up here.
look I'm gonna point to it I'm going to show you the leak I'm going to take pictures of it and I'm gonna say a plumber needs to fix this and I go 10 steps further and I say this is a main waterline and there's no shut offs on here. So you need to tell the plumber to be here. you know, before you guys open because he's going to have to shut off water to the building to fix this I don't just like walk in and say not my problem piece and bounce right I and the customer's paying me I'm charging them for my time so I'm going to give them value for what I'm charging them for right? and I'm gonna do that. now.

when it comes to vendors not wanting to do meetups, that's that's on the customer. That's not my problem. If I do have a vendor I will tell the customer hey, this is a struggle I don't want to play the he said she said game you know I'll go out there one time like it happens with me a lot of times with fire alarm systems. Um, because fire alarm systems are a great area and I run into problems with them.

so I'll go out there once and I'll look at it and say you've got an issue here I don't think it's my problem I Would like you to schedule a meet up with the fire alarm company and then the two of us can troubleshoot this instead of me saying call him and then him coming out saying no, it's his problem if I'm there with him and he says it's your problem and I could say no, it's not, Let's test it together. No, it's not, it's on your side, you know I prefer to do those as much as possible, but if the company doesn't want to do the scheduled Meetup then then you got to do what you got to do. and I just tell the customer take pictures again, document everything and say this is not our problem. Trust me, you want to do a Meetup with the company.

Here's another thing that a lot of people don't understand too: I work with a lot of corporate chains. Okay, I don't necessarily work with Mom and Pop restaurants, but it still would apply with Mom and Pops. But with the corporate chains I have a direct line of communication to the corporate office and I will usually contact them and they have people that will schedule and I I love emails because emails are great because you you schedule things in emails instead of verbal over the phone. That way there's a a proof right? So if I do a scheduled Meetup which this has happened and I've commented on it, if I do a scheduled Meetup and the other vendor doesn't show well, I've got it in an email chain that said they were GNA show right and I have the corporate office cced in that email.

um, you know. So then I'm like hey, I showed up I gotta charge you for you know, two hours of my time or whatever it is. Here's the bill and we still got to do another Meetup with this vendor. you know, and do that kind of stuff.

So that recently just happened and and I have no problem billing for that like I feel for the customer. but I don't feel for the customer in a way that I'm willing to lose money if that makes sense. So it's all about creating a paper trail. um CC the entire country in your email.
You know, making sure everything's explicitly clear in your emails, documenting everything in your invoices. And again, if they don't want to do a scheduled Meetup with me, then I mean there's only so much I can Do you know I'm just going to document everything and let them know. Um, let's see what else we got going going on in the chat, reading through the chat real quick. Uh, it's a real issue.

100% Sean says yeah for sure. Uh, that's that's funny. Um, all right. so you guys all it makes sort of sense.

We make our waking hours immersed in HVAC Yeah, that's 100% So um, why I can remember the jingle of an old ad decades ago, but you can't remember what you got up for? Oh, 100% man. I Same thing happens to me. Uh, Duncan says he blames his ADHD There's an undiagnosed thing in my head. whether it's ADHD I Like I said I know it's I know I have a neurode Divergent brain that basically just thinks differently.

It doesn't necessarily mean I have ADHD It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm autistic I Just know that the way that my my brain comes up to Solutions I can compare notes with people and it's so different than a lot of people. Um, the way that I I come up with math problems I like backwards calculate things all the time time. It's just different, you know? and there's nothing wrong with that. But let's see what else we got going on here.

Did I find a solution for the rubber stoppers on my veto? Uh Maru no I just emailed veto and they sent me a new bag no questions asked. Uh, so far they're not really too worn out. I've just been a little bit more conscious about sliding my bag when I roll it up on its top and like stopping it that way. Um, but so far they're working fine.

no issue. So um, well, right on good luck. Brian says he's taking his state exam on. uh Wednesday that's awesome bud.

Um, so uh, let me cross that one off my list. I got a whole list of stuff that I need to get through today so let's do that. Perfect. Um I already discussed that one.

See, we're working through these things you know sometimes I have things on my list and then like I'll start talking about one thing and I'll Segway into other things. Oh great question. So had a recent video working on a hybrid Walkin freezer and couple people asked me this question and it was a really really, good question. So I tend to use a universal 9721 Fastco motor for condenser fan motors and a couple people said why are you using a W or a refrigeration evaporator fan motor as a condenser fan motor Okay, let's unpack this one.

First off, when I'm working on rooftop equipment, it doesn't matter if it's Russell if it's heatcraft, if it's whatever. Oftentimes it's difficult to stock every single motor in your truck. I Happen to stock 9721 9721 is a Universal Fastco motor. It's reversible.
It's a PSC motor. Um, it. it's multivolt. It can do a bunch of different things and it's a very reliable motor.

It has ball bearings in it and it has a universal. Mount So it is classified as an evaporator fan motor, but I have had really good success with it operating as a condenser fan motor. Okay, um, so personally, I just evaluate the different options and kind of look at what's the best truck stock item to have in my truck. On the on the contrary or whatever.

I Actually don't allow my employees to use the 9721 as an evaporator motor because they're too long, the shaft is too long, there's way too many wires, and in my opinion, they never get tied up properly as an evaporator fan motor. and there's too much potential for something to short out, too much potential for something to get wet. so we only use um, you know, uh, definite purpose PSC Motors Basically for evaporator fan motors or regular uh, shaded pole motors for evaporative fan motors. We don't use the universal 97 21s for an evaporator fan motor now in a 911? Sure.

But what you're going to find with a lot of the evaporator manufacturers, especially the old ones. If you try to put a 9721 in there, the back of the motor is going to rub up against the evaporator. It's a problem. Um, people need to cut the bolts off the the studs off the back.

That becomes a problem. and there's just way too many wires. So I Personally only use the 9721 for a condenser fan motor and that's it. Um, I'm still paying attention to the horsepower, still paying attention to the RPMs uh and the current that it is uh, pulling.

basically. um, so it all still Falls in line I Find that the 9721 operates perfectly fine as a condenser fan motor I mentioned in the video. that and a lot of people commented about it I Mentioned that they only last about a year to typically a year to 18 months is what? I get out of those 97 21s that is the same lifespan that I get out of the OEM condenser fan motors. Um, some people are also asking me, you know, why don't I go Because I'm in a Sandy environment.

Why don't I go with a totally enclosed motor? Well, with the totally enclosed motor in the high ambient temperatures that I operate in, it just doesn't jive. Uh, the motors just burn up even faster I like the open ones where the air goes over the motor and helps to cool it. Um, you know when you're working in the harsh environments of the Coachella Valley which is where you see most of those condenser fan motor failures, where they have sand and they have 20 plus degree temperatures in the ambient temps outside? Um, it's just expected that you're going to go through Motors and different components on a regular basis and there's not a whole lot you can do. You know you can buy super crazy encapsulated contactors and and all this different stuff, but the customer doesn't want to spend that much money, right? Um, and I don't stock that crap on my truck just for that location.
It just doesn't make sense. Um, so you know it is what it is. We just do our best with that. Um, and also too.

you know you just got to kind of look at everything if I go back with the factory OEM motor which I love using OEM Parts but there's certain instances that I just don't see the the value in putting in the OEM motor when it costs almost $100 more than the 9721 and it lasts just the same amount of time if not less. That's a situation where I'm going to try to look after the customer's best interest and go back with the Non OEM But I still try to go OEM on um, you know, like package units and stuff. um, but on little walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers. you know if if it's not a big deal I don't mind going with a Non OEM on that situation.

Uh, chain of Lake says what symptoms would you expect to see on a carrier weather maker with a clogged metering device? Um, there's a couple different things that you can notice. First off, some trends that I noticed on a Um so I'm assuming. Okay, so let's just say this: a carrier weather maker assuming it doesn't have an expansion valve. If you're talking about a fixed Orphus metering device, what you're typically GNA see is you're going to walk up to it and you're going to see lower than normal saturation temperatures on the low side.

Of course you need to make sure the air filters are clean and the air flows correct across the evaporator. Return air grills are clean. Once you know that's all good. Uh, then you know, obviously gauge up probes and everything and what I'll tend to notice is uh, really, really low saturation temperatures.

Um, higher than normal superheat And uh, then you start to think, okay, maybe I'm low on gas. You might add a little bit of gas and find out that you're subcooling, just just continues to rise. But your super heat just continues to stay high. and uh, basically you know you just have lower than normal saturation temperatures.

Another good thing, if it still has R22 in it, a good way to test it is. um, start the system up on Startup If you tend to notice that immediately your suction pressure goes way low and then slowly builds as it runs longer and longer I tend to notice that's a pretty common Trend with R22 that's still the systems now. something. I will tell you if you have a system that has an alternative to R22 like 407c.

Um I Noticed that with 407c on a perfectly operating system on Startup they always have a hard time and they pull very, very low on the low side and then it slowly builds up. But I don't notice that on R22 systems that were meant for R22 when they're working properly typically. I Just noticed that on systems that tend to have plugged up metering devices, you can can also notice on the fixed Orphus metering devices, you can hit it with a thermal camera or you can just visually look at it. When it's running, you'll notice weird ice patterns where the the feeder tubes are going into the fixed Orphus metering devices.
You'll see little patches of ice just on the spot where it's going into the system. Um, and then you'll tend to notice weird freeze up patterns on the evaporator. Now if you're talking about a thermostatic expansion valve, well, it's going to be very similar symptoms. Obviously, you can pay attention to your superheating your sub cooling on that.

um, but you can tend to notice, you know, just watching the system operate. So I don't know if that answers any of your questions, but you know, Um, that's what I got for that one. Uh I can't stress enough? Um, the people that are constantly telling me in my comments that I'm a horrible person and I'm going to kill someone because I don't cut my zip ties off properly Guys, if we can't as technicians operate in a system that has high temperatures and moving conit fan blades and all this different stuff and we're you know, worried about a zip tie like I mean come on right, cut the zip ties off and just be careful when you're sticking your arms and things. uh I Personally don't carry flush cuts on me if you do, so be it.

That's great. Um, but I I don't see the need to spend all that time using a flesh cut. Um, just to make sure that the zip ties cut is short as you can. Someone in my comments made a really good point that even if you use flush, Cuts there's going to be a little in sticking out.

and uh, they said if you really really want to get technical, grab an old set of nail clippers and use the nail clippers and you can really get down in there and get it really well. but still I mean we're splitting hairs trying to go that crazy with systems I mean we have as technicians have to operate in dangerous environments all the time. So I mean come on a zip tie I I I but maybe I'm Wrong send me your pictures if you got a picture where you're your artery got cut from a zip tie. hey man Maybe I'm Wrong completely I don't know.

Um, if you know someone that bled out because they got cut from a zip tie I'm sorry, you know, maybe I maybe I'll I'll retract my statement if you can send me those pictures. So um, let's see what else we got going on here. Uh yeah, they do start freezing up for sure. So uh, let's see.

your kid asked you what she who she was and you told him her name I don't know, you must having a conversation there. Um yeah, train has a double orice. Uh, carrier has a double orice too. So let's let's point this out.

I have some videos and I don't have them. do I have? hold on just one sec. Look it, you guys reminded me. So this is a a cutaway of a fixed Orphus metering device for a carrier unit.
So these, uh, we call this an accurat metering device. It's been sitting over there so it's kind of Dusty Okay, notice something. There's two dimples, right? You see one here and one here. Each one of those is a metering device.

It's a double metering device in there. If you look right here, let's see if I can get the camera to focus and it's going to have a hard time focusing each one of those little flat pieces right there right there. One and one each. one of those is a metering device.

So if you cut away a carrier fixed Orphus metering device, there is a double Orphus in there. There's two sides to that guy. So with that being said, oh, here's a perfect example. This one right here.

Okay, so this is the one that I did the cutway from. and if you look right here, you can see the little orice right there, right? and this is the other side of that. So there's two orices and they're about a quarter of an inch part. Okay, so that goes right there.

and then that's where you would see the double dimple because there's two orices there. With that being said, I Know everybody says that they love to say that you can clear a fixed Orphus metering device by heating it up and pushing nitrogen in both directions. But I Really, really would like to know how you push something through two orices because once you get it through one orice, there's going to be a pressure drop, right? So then you'd have to build up the pressure high enough Again, in between those two orices to push it through another orus. I Don't think it's really doing what everybody thinks it's doing when they say that they're clearing the orices.

Um, once they get once the oil what typically in my opinion, causes these fixed orice metering devices to plug up. If you guys don't know what I'm talking about on the carrier, especially the R22 package units, but they do this on the 410A units too. You won't see an expansion valve on some of the systems and you'll just see a liquid header like this and it's just. each one of these has double metering devices in it and each one of these goes to a different circuit on the evaporator.

You know, how do I know that stuff, right? How do I know that thing has a double orist? Because I just got curious and started cutting things apart. That's all it is, right? I'm You know, before I even started this YouTube thing, it's like hey, I'm G to cut an expansion valve part I Want to try to figure out how it works right? because everybody tells you all the voodoo magic and all this different stuff and it doesn't make sense. My gosh. when I went through trade school and they tried to explain how an expansion valve works, they make it so flip and complicated that it's it's completely difficult to understand right? Go get a flare valve.

This is a flare valve. Put it in a band saw and cut it apart. Okay, simplest way to explain this. we don't need to get all complicated.
You have a diaphragm up top that has pressure in it that's pushing down on a needle. Okay, it reacts to temperature. when that thing pushes down on a needle. it opposes the force of a spring down in the bottom that lifts a seat right there right and the liquid comes up through here goes through the valve but then it sits at a little Orphus right here and when the high temperature of the suction line builds the pressure in this power head and pushes down and opposes the force of that spring, it allows refrigerant to go through the valve on this valve right here.

If this power head loses its pressure charge, this valve no longer longer feeds. it completely closes because the spring pressure on the bottom seats that and doesn't allow refrigerant to go through it anymore. I'm sorry but when I went through trade school and they start trying to tell you all the different forces and they start to confuse you if they would have just cut aart a valve and showed me and said in you know explain to me with with small words how a valve works it would make so much more sense than just trying to give me theory of you know all these different forces that act on the valve and it's like hey just cut it apart and show it to me because I'm a person that likes to see things. My brain just processes things differently.

Okay, um, let's see what else. Black magic? That's right. Um, let me see what else we got going on here. All right.

Uh, I already covered that one. I'm covering or marking some things off my list. Um, oh yeah, we already covered that, man. we're we're moving through these questions.

This is awesome. Okay, so again, you guys have questions or comments or things you want me to cover. Throw it in the chat, put them in caps lock I'll try to get to them and uh, you know if I miss your question, shoot me an email. Hvacr Videos Gmail.com So um, Freightliner 66540 Hey, if you guys think about it, when you guys send me a comment, sometimes your screen names are like so long it's silly to read them in your comment say Chris Bob Steve or something like that.

just so that way. I know your name. Um, but uh says he prefers changing Motors and Blades together when he's changing condenser fan motors I Agree I wholeheartedly prefer to change Motors blades together. Notice: if you see me working on a package unit, a lot of the times I change a motor and a blade because often times when I'm working on package units, it's not a 911 situation.

When I'm working on refrigeration equipment, we have to get it operating and running within hours. We don't have time to order parts, you know and wait for things to come in majority of the time. In a perfect world. If I could just have all the parts in my truck, I would stock condenser fan blades for refrigeration equipment and change them out when I change the motors because that is a good practice.
but you know it's hard to stock blades because they get all destroyed. Hell, it's even hard to get a good non bent fan blade from a supply house like that's actually something that I've talked to several manufacturers about. I was just uh going back to the factory when I was uh tour I went to Um. Tiffon Georgia with my friends from Heatcraft Refrigeration and I went to their Stone Mountain plant too last year.

but I just went back and we were talking about parts and different things and I was telling them like one of my frustrations is supply houses. You know they just order these blades in bulk and then they just throw them on the shelf and they're all bent. You can take you know, 12in evaporator condenser fan motor blades from a supply house and just set them on the counter and look it. Make sure all the the blades touch the counter at the same depth and everything and and they never do.

They're always out of balance and it's because the supply houses order them in bulk and just have them in a giant box. I Appreciate that. Like Heatcraft. Refrigeration When they ship their blades, they put them in an individual box and you actually get them in a box.

And that's a good thing. But whether or not the supply house keeps them in the box is the question right? Um, let's see uh, what else we got going on in here? Um, you love to fight with the rusty shafts to pull blades? Yeah, you know, just when you walk up to something that's rusted out or someone cut it off with a grinder and it's mushroomed out. Just remember that take some sandpaper and a file up there with you and some penetrating oil whatever brand you like, dab it on there. Use a uh, crescent wrench on one end of the the flat end of the blade and then or the shaft and then spin the blade with the you know, hold the shaft with the crescent wrench and spin the blade around and slowly after you've sand of the blade, just slowly start working it off as you're spinning it.

most of the time you'll get them off pretty good. Sometimes though, it's impossible and you have to change them. You got to do what you got to do. Um, all right.

Uh, so that was a good point that Freight Liner had made. Let's go to the next one here. Okay, so Mark had asked me a really good question and unfort like I would would love to talk about this more and this is something that I've always wanted to figure out how to do but it's almost impossible and that is to record my interactions with the customer because oftentimes you guys just hear me say that I brought it to the customer's attention and they agreed with me. I would love to be able to record my conversations with the customer in the way that I educate the customer and let them know what's wrong and get their approvals.
but it's just not one of those things that you know customers don't want to be recorded, they don't want you getting permission for that stuff is just a giant nightmare. Okay so you know when it comes to talking with customers um Mark had had a really good question and then Apache um Fpv said he struggled with it his first year now first year to and that's interacting with customers but Apache made a good point. He said once you become confident in your knowledge, you know when you're communicating with the customers, it flows and there's very. There's a lot of Truth in that so once you really start to understand the way that something works, when you go down to the customer, it's a lot easier to explain it.

But okay, what about those customers that when you walk in the door they think that you've done something wrong? because I have those customers still. To this day, it's about confidence when I go up to those customers. First off, um, I'm not being rude I'm not being condescending, but I'm skating a line of going in and saying look, uh, you know when a customer is really really upset I'll say heyy hey like I get it I know you're upset I know we've been out here two times but I'm here now. let me get up there I'll get it figured out and I'll let you know what I find right? I'm not going in there saying I never apologize.

Okay, that's that's number one. You never walk into a customer and immediately apologize. Okay, oftentimes customers want you to apologize, but then customers take that as you're admitting guilt or admitting fault. Don't ever do that.

Okay now always be honest with your customers. If you guys screwed something up, own up to it and be fair and be honest with them. But I never go in and say I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm here now I'm going to fix your problems uh Michael Meer thank you very much for that Super Chat man I really really appreciate that bud. Thank you so very much.

Um, you know I always go into the customer and I say look I'm here to fix the problem. Let me get my eyes on it I'll let you know what I find and we'll make it right. Whatever we got to do. Okay, so I'm not saying we're going to give it to them for free I'm not saying we are wrong.

I go up and I evaluate the system and I'm going to be honest with you a good majority of the time. it is not our fault. There is sometimes where it is something that we messed up and I always own up to the customer in that situation. Okay, but even owning up to the customer, sometimes you need to be cautious about things.

Okay, because you know, Uh, let's just say that one of my technicians I I'll give you guys an example. Um, so probably about 20 years ago we had a service call where uh, it wasn't a service call. I was working on a walk-in freezer and I was changing a door with my then Senior mechanic I was an apprentice at the time. Okay, I was changing a walk-in freezer door I had a senior mechanic there with me.
We were there all day day long and then we left the job and we left the disconnect off at the condens unit. Okay, they didn't notice until the next day. so we left the walk-in freezer off that afternoon 2 o'clock in the afternoon. They called us the next morning at 7 am.

and they said my walking freezer's high in temp what happened and then we went out there and we found that the switch was off. the customer was out there with us. we turned the switch on, it started working, and the customer said we need to throw away all of our food and you have to pay for the food. Okay, so we had discussion with the customer and we politely said, look, we made a mistake.

We left the equipment off, but you can't fault us for you guys not doing routine temperature checks. So what we ended up doing in that situation was we split the cost of the food with the customer. Now that still cost us about $7,000 at the time because they threw away about $14,000 in food. Okay, but the customer agreed.

Okay, I covered half. They covered half. We were. You know, we were square and we still work for that customer to this day.

So we always try to be fair, but we always try to make sure that they understand that like hey, there's some fault here on your guys' side too. Yes, we left the disconnect off, but you can't tell us that. it's our fault that you didn't check the box temp and you didn't call us an hour after we left two hours after we left. Customers need to be checking their box temperatures and you know, doing that kind of stuff.

So don't never walk in and just say it's my fault I'm gonna, you know, pay for everything. No, you evaluate everything. Always be honest with the customer. but be fair to yourself too.

Okay, hopefully that makes sense. that's that's some weird situation that I would always try to make right with the customer. but once you gain knowledge in something, it becomes a lot easier to discuss it. But be very, very careful because when you do gain knowledge, sometimes you can step up on a pedestal and you're on a high horse and you're like I have so much knowledge.

I'm gonna tell you all this stuff and you make the customer feel dumb. Okay, because you're like talking down to them. I'm a very very open person when I go to my customers and when they ask me a question sometimes I'll stop and I'll think about it and I say okay I'll tell the customer I don't want to make you feel you know confused I can give you a really technical explanation or I can break it down in a way. but I don't want you to feel like I'm dumbing something down for you.

You tell me what you want and then I'll let them say well I want a tacnical explanation? Okay, here's what's going on and I'll give it to them and then they're like that doesn't make sense, Can you kind of make it a little more understandable? and then I'll break it down and give them some analogies and explain something. Okay, but I always give them the option because I don't want them to feel like I'm just going to go in there with a bunch of technical jargon and make them feel dumb to where they approve something because they don't understand it I want my customers to always understand what I'm saying because I don't want to work for this customer and make five grand off this job and never work for them again I want to make two grand off this job and work for them for the next 20 30 years and continuing doing these kind of jobs for them right? I want them to trust me and I want them to have faith that I will make things right and explain things in a way that they can understand it. Hopefully that makes sense to you guys. So let's see what else.
Um, uh, no politics in the chat. Yeah, let's keep politics out guys. Okay, please. um, let me see what else we got going on here.

Uh, do I do my customers know I'm recording the job? Uh, the answer to that question is yes and no. So I work for a lot of corporate chains and the corporate chain themselves typically know, um, the higher ups, but the everyday end user that's working at the restaurant? Yeah. I don't really make a blatant like hey, I'm recording in here. That's why you tend to see me recording more on the roof or in walk-in boxes.

Uh, recording ice machines is always difficult because there's always music playing around me. So I try not to make it really obvious what I'm doing at the same time I have to remember something. My first priority is to fix the customer's equipment I have to do that in a timely fashion and oftentimes I have to Discount my bills if I end up spending a lot of time filming I usually don't because the way that I troubleshoot I literally talk to myself so it's really no different just holding a phone while I'm troubleshooting something, but at the same time I have to keep that in the back back of my mind and I try to make it right for the customer because I don't want them to ever feel like I'm ripping them off because I'm making a video. Um, on the flip side, yes, my customers do know I've been contacted by several of them because uh, they appreciate the fact that a lot of the things that I work on are the exact same problems that they have in locations all across the.

United States that I can't service and other technicians that work in those same locations get to watch How I fix the problems and then they can duplicate that and it helps the restaurant chains in general all across the country. So the restaurants do see that value. Um, and appreciate that. but it's just one of those things you know, the on-site management they don't really understand.

but I don't technically work for the on-site management at any of my locations. I'm respectful and polite to them. but I actually work for the corporate offices and the corporate office is the one that approves everything I do Um, the on-site management is more or less just a supervisor to make sure that I show up and actually make it work and then they report back to the upper management to say yeah, Chris fixed it, You know, and that kind of stuff. So um, can I explain what a hybrid freezer is? Yeah? Simon it's just a technical.
it's just a term that I made up really. Um, a typical walk-in freezer that I work on cools the temperature down to -10 degrees. What? I Call a hybrid freezer I mentioned in the video maintains about 28 degrees inside the box. so it's right below freezing.

so it's below 32 degrees, but it's not not -10 So I call it a hybrid freezer because it's right in between. Um I Recently had a technical rep from Copeland mentioned something. You know? Uh, you know that's not a hybrid freezer, You know? whatever. I don't know.

he had some jargon that he called it and I call. He was saying that a hybrid freezer is typically a freezer that can be a cooler or a freezer. and I don't see that to be true because we would call that a dual temp box. If you have a dual temp box, then it could be a cooler or a freezer with a flip of a switch.

I Don't consider something that's maintaining 28 to be a dual temperature box or a hybrid. I Mean yeah, a dual temp? No. So anyways, hopefully that makes sense for you. How long does my battery last while filming? well? I film with my phone.

So um I keep my battery charged all the time. Uh, honestly, batteries aren't my problem. Uh, it's hard drives. All my phones have to be one terabyte hard drives and I usually have two to three videos stored on a phone at any given time.

Um, but I can only keep about two to three full length videos on there because I Ally fill up the one terab hard drive that's on the phone with that because I film in 4k 60 frames per second. So it films up or fills up the phone super fast. So uh, does Hot Gas Defrost function like a heat pump? I Mean there's similarities to a heat pump, but it's not necessarily the same. Um, you know, in a hot gas, defrost is not meant to run that way for long periods of time.

Okay, Hot Gas Defrost is only meant to run in defrost mode for short lengths of time. Uh, typically doesn't have to defrost as long on an electric defrost system. on a walk-in freezer. We're typically going to defrost for 30 to 45 minutes on a hot gas defrost.

Uh, because the the hot refrigerant is dumping into the evaporator, it's typically going to defrost in a lot faster. sometimes 15, sometimes 10 minutes. something like that. Um, the theory is similar, but on a hot gas defrost, they typically just open a liquid line oid valve that dumps discharged gas into a a separate line depending on the type of the setup that it is.

So a heat pump itself completely reverses the flow of refrigerant and is meant to last and run that way for extended periods of time. So even with hot gas defrost, there's some other things we're going to have to factor into consideration. and you may or may not have to have d d Superheating expansion valves on hot gas defrost because you need suction gas coming back to the compressor. That's cool, so you know you may or may not have to do that depending on how fancy the system is.
Basically, would I consider doing a bloopers real for my videos Daniel um I mean I do them every once in a while. you just have to pay attention. There's several videos out there that I have bloopers in the end of the video. Uh, but I don't have like one specific video that I can tell you uh, just every once in a while I get silly and kind of throw them in the end of the video.

So have I ever had to clean a really really nasty exhaust fan that I never want to clean but have to? Um, you know, sure. but I actually don't clean exhaust fans? That's not part of my business model. I have had to somewhat clean an exhaust fan to like change a motor and stuff like that. but there's professional exhaust fan cleaning companies that come out and I let them stay and do the job that I can't do.

Essentially because when you're cleaning exhaust fans, it's not just a matter of spraying off the exhaust fan and putting a Degreaser on it that Degreaser has to be cleaned up and thrown in the trash. it's not really supposed to go down the drain and then you have to use special chemicals that don't damage the roof. There's a lot that goes into exhaust fan cleaning and it's not just cookie cut or spray it de grease or rinse it and move on because you don't want that grease going into the roof drains or anything because then it's just going to plug up the roof drains. So um, yeah, I let the exhaust cleaning companies take care of that.

Do I plan on installing an Erv in my house? Yeah, that is more than likely going to be what I'm going to do for my fresh air in my house. uh I've changed the air conditioner of my house if everybody doesn't know yet and I made a whole series uh, Hvacr videos home HVAC series or something like that. it's on my channel. Just go look in the playlist and you'll see me go through the entire process of changing the air conditioner of my house.

So I have it running. Everything's good. Um, two things left to do: I need to install fresh air because I did design my system accounting for a fresh air and a very, very good probability I'm going to use an Erv to bring that fresh air in. Um, and next I need to do jumper ducts in every room to relieve the room pressurization issues.

My master bedroom is the worse. I Think it might be pressurized to like 12 pascals at this point and that's a bit too much to where when you actually shut the bedroom door. when the room pressurizes, it no longer allows the air to come out of the supply duct because it's pushing too hard and there's too much pressure in the room so it slows down the delivered Cfms coming into that room. Uh JJ Services Hvacr thank you very much for that super chat I Really, really do appreciate it.
Uh Christian says what sources do I Recommend to learn makeup air systems oo that's a good question. H I Don't know if I know of a book that teaches you how makeup air works? You know makeup Beir has always kind of come to me. Um, uh man, that's an interesting one. I Would lean on the manufacturers of the equipment, but I mean let's just break it down into the simplest fashion.

Okay, you have a building that has an exhaust fan. Think of that building as a paper bag. If you put a paper bag over your face and you inhale, the bag is going to collapse. Okay, if you cut a hole in the bottom of the bag, the right size hole as you inhale the air is going to pass through the bag and it's not going to collapse anymore.

So think of your building right. So basically you want in a restaurant, you want to have slightly positive pressure. Now there's an actual number that you want to have, but you want to have slightly positive pressure in the building. You don't want to make the building negative because what you want to do is you want to slightly over pressurize the building to the point that you're exhausting out what you need to.

but you're bringing fresh air in at a rate that it's not going to suck the doors shut. but it's also not going to positively pressurize the building to where the doors push open. it's a very, very fine number that you need to do. It's also not as simple as just saying positive pressure.

Depending on the type of building, the type of restaurant, you need to make sure that you have positive pressure in the right spaces, right, and you need to make sure sure that you don't have too much air passing across the the pass out line where they have hot food because you don't want cold building air pulling across that to go to the exhaust fanss. so it is a little bit more and you want to pressurize the kitchen to a certain extent. And you know you got to do a lot with fresh air in the AC units too. But um, as far as learning about Makeup Air systems, that's a really good question.

I I Honestly don't know where to tell you to go to completely learn about fresh air systems. I'm curious if the chat has any recommendations on where to learn about. um, you know, Makeup Air systems and stuff. That's a really good question.

Uh, what brands of Makeup Air do I work on? Um, there's a lot of swamp coolers. There's a lot of dry coolers. Captiv A Green Hack, Acurax, Um. Cook? Uh, there's a lot of off brands that I work on.

I Mean there's a bunch of different ones. I Don't typically get into the fancy modulating gas direct fired makeup A units I have like three or four of those, just a handful of them. Most of the time we don't have um, heated makeup A units. They typically have some s of some sort of evaporative cooling to them.
Um I do not have any DX cooled Makeup air units. That's the ones where they have an air conditioning coil on them. I Currently don't have any of those at all, but I can think of a million different restaurants that could utilize those. Um, I Think that the answer to a lot of our problems is Doas units.

Uh, the problem with the Doas units is they're rather complicated. They're rather expensive. but but I Feel like a lot of these restaurants should be installing one to two Doas units in the kitchen, sizing them appropriately so they don't have to have non-conditioned makeup air units on a Doas unit? It's a dedicated outdoor air system and a lot of those units they can either be just a straight package unit or they can be 100% outside air. So that's really good because you could throttle it to a point that you're pulling maybe 60% outside air, but you're still pulling 40% building air and they can still cool the building air down to good temperatures.

and they would would satisfy the need for a dedicated makeup air unit. Uh, if you have it built into the package unit, um, let's see what else we got going on in the chat. Uh, uh what? Okay, I already answered that question Cool Okay, let me get to the chat. uh or let me get to my list of questions.

Um, so uh I am G to mention that on my website Hvacr Videos.com Too many hobbies Jeremy Actually made a comment on a Youtube video? Um, thanking me because I lowered the price of my zipup hoodies. So on my website Hvacr Videos.com We do sell merchandise. we have hats, beanies, sweatshirts, t-shirts, stickers um, couple different styles of hats. and we have zip-up hoodies.

So I like slash the prices of my zipup hoodies down to $25 I Want to say it was like $48 Okay, um I don't really make a lot of money on my merchandise and I spent a lot of money trying to buy a really high quality sweater. Uh, but in all honest y, the sweaters don't sell the way that I want them to. I've had a massive inventory of sweaters for over two years now, so I basically just slashed them to my cost because I just want to move them out. We're not going to be restocking the sweaters I Will tell you they're very high quality, comfortable sweaters.

They're a full zip up hoodie. Um, I don't have one with me right now, but if you go to my website, you want to support it. I drop the price down to $25 within the United States that $25 includes shipping I'll ship it to you anywhere in the US if you're in. Canada there's still going to the Canadian shipping fee because they just slam on a bunch of money to be able to ship things to.

Canada Um, but the base price is 25 bucks and that's that's basically cost. Probably a little bit below cost, but I just want to move them out. Uh, we are doing the same thing for the t-shirts we're going to be moving the t-shirts out I Don't think we're going to be bringing t-shirts back I Don't think we're going to be bringing sweatshirts back. We're going to just stick with what sells which is the beanies, the hats, and the stickers.
Um, you know I never planned on doing merch that was never my thing. Uh, bunch of people asked me. so I decided to do it and then I went a little crazy with some of it. Um, but it all is high quality stuff.

I put a lot of effort into making this stuff. so if you want to help support things, go to Hvacr Videos.com So um, and we do have women's shirts too. So uh Freon Leon says been wearing my hat for two years now. washed it about four times.

still looks damn near New Yeah! I I Love the hats. Um, there's a couple different designs. Uh, the most popular hat is this one right here. This is the Flex Fit hat.

so I put a lot of effort into this. What you can't see is that I can see light through this hat. but it's not a trucker hat. Okay, it's not a mesh hat, but it's very breathable so the sweat you you sweat a lot less in this hat.

black underbill. that was really important for me because we get Dirty Fingers We go home I Want to wear my hat personal time? Whatever. um I Personally purposely didn't put my logo on this hat I just put my color scheme and the Hvacr acronym because I didn't want it to violate any uniform policies. People buy these hats and use them for their work.

Hats They're not necessarily advertising my brand, they're just supporting my brand right? So we purposely did that. We put a lot of thought into these. Um, they are a flex fit. Now we do have snapback that are Flex fit that are flat bill.

We have those ones too available on the website and we have a dad hat for those people that have really short foreheads and are bald. um but unfortunately the dad hat if I put it on this much of my forehead still sticks out because I have a giant forehead. So um Jason Johnson you had mentioned sometimes you wish you had a van because I did a van tour recently. uh so that you could fit all your tools in it.

um and then he could buy more. Uh, but he says other than that he loves being in a truck with a utility bed. So I drove a truck I had a a Chevy 2500 with a uh uh extended cab with the doors that open

9 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream originally aired 2/12/24”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hvacrnortheastern2110 says:

    Great video youโ€™re absolutely right my office is before in enter the utility plant l know what is happening in the plant by listening. Yes Chris my wife does get mad when l canโ€™t remember simple things but l could remember thing happened 10 years ago ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    Big picture

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    It's 930 in Florida lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    My hat is outstanding

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    Nice Are you in Nepean ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    Hvacr survival has a new video with his voice messed up Service area Ottawa??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @christopherarellano8043 says:

    Chris, itโ€™s not always the designers fault when systems are difficult to service. Sales people push us to get a numbers out to the customer, even if I advise them that it will be difficult to service. At the end of the day, sales managers get the final say unfortunately

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    How is the infinity unit working for you you?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @keithpeterson751 says:

    Hello from Pompano Beach Florida

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