Bill Spohn, Kevin Hart, Ben Reed, Eric Keiser, and Adam Mufich come together at the 5th Annual HVAC/R Training Symposium to discuss the grassroots #betterHVAC movement. Hear their perspectives on the challenges facing ethical HVAC contractors and technicians who want to do good work. They explore the need for collective action beyond just knowledge sharing, getting into the systemic issues holding back progress.
The group introduces and explains how it aims to harmonize industry efforts through a declaration, pledge, and community focused on continuous learning, ethical practice, and open sharing. They invite everyone to read the declaration, sign the pledge, and commit to taking action over the next 7, 30, and 90 days. The website indexes training events, responsible contractors, and more to come.
This growing movement responds to market forces working against the interests of homeowners and local businesses. It facilitates intentional collaboration to overcome hurdles and amplify the great work already being done by organizations like HVAC Excellence, NCI, ACCA, and HVAC distributors. Join the discussion and be part of building momentum for better HVAC!

Welcome to the Live stream. We're here to talk about. Um, okay, that's enough. Okay, we're here to talk about better Hbac.

That's uh, that's a conent that's been kicking around for a couple years and uh, my two friends here on the podcast. This isn't a podcast, it's a Live. My two friends here on the live stream: Ben Reed and Kevin Hart Have Been Instrumental in moving this forward many squares down the game board than it has up to now. and Adam's here too.

and Adam is also here. He he'll be jumping in in a few minutes, he'll be swapped in because uh, and we're creating a vision for this. Um, how far back do you think this went? anybody? I I say like like about two years. about four years, four years.

Yeah, cuz I looked back at the um, it was that Haven and meas quick. were going to do a cool lab together. um to make some kind of content. It was like hashtag saave gy uh and then at the same time we also added hasag better HVAC that's kind of where it started and then we made shirts for that I think it it was the better HVAC system in the true Tech office right? because we have such awful air quality that was bothering Jim Yeah, yeah, well, no it, it really was.

It really was. Yeah yeah. he went from having headaches all the time and kind of like uh, like having being low in energy because all of the particles and fumes from you know, diesel trucks and exactly they were actually they were going into his office and uh, the little mini split that he have there had in there wasn't actually doing any filtration and any no ventilation. Um and so Haven sponsored that uh that that system and that was how the B hasht started and I think that was four years ago.

Yeah and I think at this point it's changed so much doesn't really matter where it started or how it started. um and I think it probably will continue to evolve from what it is now. um but yeah I'd say in 2021 it became a big a big push that we wanted to put something together that was greater than just a hasht something that was more of a a movement. a Grassroots movement towards the industry.

Uh, seeing better HVAC be a reality and there's so much momentum like you can feel it. We're here at the HVAC Symposium You can feel the energy and all the passionate people who are trying to make the industry better and better is in the face of I think a lot of forces that are trying to work against better HVAC right there's yeah. I think there's a force of apathy too and that's not really a force that's a negative energy. um so I look at it more like changing the the CL it on things and even even the apathy though is is ba built on kind of and like this erosion over many years of let's say The the agency to to do really good work where the like if you have if you're not empowered by your boss if the homeowners don't actually like respect the work that you do because they don't like understand that HVAC is super valuable because they only see you.

you know when it's an emergency um or they when you come to do maintenance then they just think you're trying to sell them something and then they go Google it to try to get so that that apathy is I think it, it's not just something that has happened by you know people wanting it to happen I think it's it's been this like kind of a it's the the market forces yeah that's I think it's re we and the recent things that have happened include launching a website which then was super instrumental and bringing forth uh, creating a declaration which the three of us worked on and creating a pledge to to uh to commit to doing something with this movement and which I what I think is found most interesting is part of the Pledge and you sign up. It allows you to say what does better Hbac mean to you and the responses I that I've seen and you can go see them right now you can go look at the website um some of the responses I've seen are like I've been waiting for this yeah uh and even without much more definition than we've provided and not a perfect definition, people are eager. I I Received a LinkedIn message after I posted on LinkedIn and it was tremendous. It was just this is the way I' I've run my company that you're out here sharing that message.
Yeah, like this is the mindset I've been building my company on and it's good to finally see other people sort of getting behind this as not just something I do, but something you know many people do and we can all relate on that level. And I think other than apathy, there is an active force of almost evil out there where you see a lot of consolidation of companies that are putting unethical sales practices in place specifically to optimize for revenue. and I think that does not help the reputation of the industry. Trust with homeowners I Don't think it's good for anybody.

Um, and we really need a force and partially a force of Education so that homeowners can find the contractors who are doing good practices who are using Diagnostics and actually identifying the problem and knowing that they've solved the problem properly. You know we talk about the great heat pump Revolt which could happen I think partially as a byproduct of this Um, and you see all the great training and organization standards and certifications out there. and I think better. HVAC at least to me is a way to take all of these disperate puzzle pieces of what the industry is trying to do better and put them together and create a picture out of it so that people can figure out where the resources are.

I Yeah, so I'm wearing a button Kevin and Ben buttons. Okay, I'm wearing a button is man. that's all about better. H Okay, all right so shame is part of this movement.

no account, part of it. Yeah, but and we had these on our table here at the HP Symposium at CH Tech table and when someone say what is this and so I'll give my definition or description that's evolved over the last three days of of what I what I say it is I say it's um, In in our position and maybe mine in particular. I've been blessed to see a lot of resources and a lot of good things happening and and I I um pivot off of what Kevin said was he's visited contractors that aren't aware of a lot of the good things that are happening and tools and resources that are available. and I I think having a an index um, a hub for information and that's what we propose to do is to have in part have a hub for information so that it's easy to access and uh, collaborate on a broader scale.
So it's sort of uh, taking the spirit of the HBC Symposium and having it live throughout the year and and codifying it the because. with this has been something that has emerged from uh, you know years of of Brian building community and creating uh kind of something that he's passionate about and thousands of people have come out of the woodwork wanting more where they haven't found the resources that uh to be able to you know help them do their best work and HVAC school has allowed them to I guess work to find those Solutions through each other through Collective action Collective Knowledge sharing um and better HVAC is absolute inspiration I Think it's only possible because of what has been built here at within H school, um, and at the at the Symposium events and all the good work that all the volunteers that's a part of it have been doing. Um, but there is. We are at a point in our Market where uh I think there are certain things on the horizon that are moving fairly fast that are going to make it even harder for AG small age Fa businesses and well-meaning HVAC technicians that want to do good ethical work to be able to continue doing that good ethical work um and so better.

HVAC is a bit of a response to say that you know what just knowledge sharing is is good, but we got to take it to a bit of the next level to codify the values of the community that have naturally emerged and then to um create uh, kind of this urgency and action in response. And and I Just want to add that this was born out of a need, a need to see momentum. It's also not intended to be competitive to anything that exists like we did a analysis. Does this exist like it is HVAC School it is NCI It is Ac, Service tech it.

And the thing is that there's so many great organizations and this is not about competing with any of them. it's actually about amplifying what they're all doing. it is it is not a replacement for anything. It is trying to fill a gap that we see.

and um, that that Gap is partially we. We were at the High Performance hangout at Ahr and you saw this great name of different companies that are all aiming to do high performance. HVAC for example. Um, and you know there was a movement that they were talking about and there was momentum.

And so I think this fills the gap of explaining what the momentum, what the movement is and and that's a gap in the industry and then we can identify specific areas where we can add value and collaborate and merge people's weaknesses and strengths so that we can. You know for example, Target home in our education. Yeah, and we're gonna just do a swap right now so that Adam can jump in. Okay, but uh, so the what this really means is like because I presented this earlier in one of my Um presentations where better HVAC is a like it.
It is in the emerging state where um, we've been I I guess we've been trying to Source feedback from all of the industry leaders that are here. even before the Symposium we getting amazing feedback um from from a big group of of these industry leaders that have said that well this is this still needs a lot of work because it's it's for this to actually it can't fizzle out. It can't just be kind of like a like a um what's the term where starts up and then just disappears flash flash in the pan. We can't have that.

um because it has been other iterations of this has been attempted before. um, maybe not quite in the same way. And so we're trying to be very deliberate and creating something that is different and that is very much in response to the current market conditions, right? So um and Adam like so myself Kevin and and Bill like I've never been in HVAC Tech I've been I've been in the field doing field work Kevin has had some electrician work um spent a lot of time working with contractors over over the last couple of years. Um, but like a lot of the DNA of this is that the front lines, the small business owners, the the building practitioners that want to do building science that the the hypo.

The hypothesis is that they they don't have the resources that they need um to be able to kind of resist a lot of these like kind of. you know things that are either currently in Motion in the market or things that are coming down the pipe and so love to hear from you about. like what your perspective is, what your take is on what better Agac should be. Um, excuse me I Uh I Think there's like definitely like a Line in the Sand and it's like a distinct Line in the Sand right? Um, you look at a lot of the you know this Symposium here and it's a big group.

It's a community. This is a community and everyone's a part of it, right? Um, but then there's other communities within the HVAC realm, right? Um, and they're very different. There's there's like very sales oriented things like you were talking about before. where, um, it's it's only looking at numbers, you're not.

You're not focusing on anything else and you know I have um I have worked with technicians that have you know I don't want to name any names but they've dealt with some of these like bigger sales organizations and their company training is strictly sales. That's it. There's no Technical Training whatsoever. Um and I run into on a daily basis.
like serious Comfort complaints and they're they are challenging the to fix and I would say that uh, most people are probably not qualified to even start the process of trying to address it. So I think like education is number one and then people actually um, people actually like making a commitment to to try to make a change and make a difference. And I want to get from your perspective because if education is number one there there is. There's HVAC Excellence there's NCI there is HVAC school.

there is all the Distributors that you know have their own training there, there are manufacturers that provide training, there are there's a massive amount of YouTube and and other materials out there for education. and so um, is that problem not being solved d by all those other avenues I don't think it is and I'm not saying there's a problem necessarily with any one organization right? and I think they all have their place and they all do. You know there's great individuals that work for every one of the organizations that you named before um and they're all doing their part. But like everyone needs a louder voice, everyone needs to be heard and I think everyone needs to work together to make a difference and in harmony right? That's that's actually been Get trying to get some Harmony at the beginning of this but uh the like I think that the kind of the joint efforts of of trying to be trying to choose like hey with all like there's a lot of big things happening like Kimberly was up on stage for the electrification panel and I could feel the despiration coming from from her as she was up on stage because she has seen a certain side of the market.

she she has insights into stuff that's going on that um it's not being solved and uh it seems that a lot of other people don't understand the the scale of of response that's required and so like I could kind of feel her heartbreaking a little bit from by like by this not not being understood this urgency that's required to be able to um overcome some of these challenges and to me that that is one of the big pieces is the because everybody that's doing good work here it is doing good incremental work in their Um in in their field of expertise which in like in a standard Market that's exactly what you should be doing but you need but you need to string these all together in in your own way what you need for the the work that you're doing. um I'll just relate a little personal story um back I think it was around the time of the first Hbac. Symposium uh just before that my sister who lives alone in um you know by herself in witch um Kansas she said uh hey something's wrong with my furnace. you're in Hbac Who do you? Who? Who do you know can you send me someone I'm like I really don't know how how you know I could look somebody up but I really don't know what I'm doing when I do that So I had this idea of the responsible contractor Network and I gr up.
not quite a Manifesto but maybe a Dos requirements like some bullet points uh and then actually, uh, floated the idea at the first Hbac Symposium and didn't do much with it, just sort of like ran out of steam and then uh, fast forward to sometime in 2022 and I see corporate Lansford has a a page on his uh, home diagnosis. TV site about Cont: contractors who use science basically, who do low calculations, who do lower door tests to test air leak leage you know, follow certain kind of standards and protocols and um, I was like wow, that's exactly what I was thinking so that that's where the the harmony struck for me. and then as I looked down the list um I was looking for Kansas see if I could help my sister out. she did find someone that did work out for her.

by the way, uh as I look down through the list I see someone from Pittsburgh and I live in Pittsburgh and I didn't know this person so there's literally somebody in my backyard lived in my old neighborhood Who pledge that and I got to meet him interview my mik podcast and I was like there's a lot of people out there like this that need to be connected Yeah, and so from your perspective Adam the what's the type? What are some of the actions that could be a part of this? Because we have a lot of people that agree that action is required. But then as we've gotten feedback from some very smart people, okay, what? Because that's that's always the hardest part, right? Because we're at the stage where momentum is building and now we're going to be hitting a window within the next couple of weeks where we have to decide on what kind of action should be taken right. And even if it's that we don't have enough information, then maybe the action is just doing more research to get to a point where we have certainty, even if it's imperfect, action is important. I'm gonna throw something in.

he asked you the question, but I'm gonna cut you off for just a second. but so hold us thought um I I Think a way of finding a common ground amongst the people that have made the uh, especially with contractors and technicians is, um, problems. You've challenges, you've faced, challenges you've solved, and challenges that remain open. and I'm uh, optimistic that a lot of the open challenges are some of the solved challenges of others.

and it's in sharing those that kind of information that could provide could provide perhaps immediate right impact and benefit. Nice. Um I would say say like biggest thing for me is you know I I was on your podcast I don't know. six months or so ago and I talked a little bit about like my journey and like how I wanted to give back and try to help the trade.

That was a big deal you know. and recently I have been trying to help out Hbac School writing a lot of Articles doing a little social media and that and like my articles I I I didn't what to write about it first but then it was like things started coming to me just by looking at social media you know and it was like kind of like a responsive type deal and I think I know everyone probably is not comfortable writing or they don't have the platform to write or something. you know? uh but everyone can do something. There's somebody that works in their company that they understand a subject matter better than the person they work with and they could help them out.
I mean the you know High TI Rises All Ships right? Um, and that's the whole thing. and I think if everyone looks at things in a responsive way and when they see a need, give a helping hand and just try to do what you can, that's kind of the action item I would say and also Rec like as you said, you've been on a journey um to to get to where you are and where did where did that Like we don't have to you covered it in your podcast bill but that that? Journey uh you started somewhere where like what did that look like? What did you look like when that Journey started? um I didn't know where I was going and honestly I still am not 100% sure where I'm headed I just know that I'm like ready to go and I'm on my way right and dissatisfied. Um I mean I'm pretty happy like I I if you would uh, you know if I would go back and talk to myself and say where you know, explain where I'm at today to myself 10 years ago, There's no way I would ever imagine you know I would have been able to accomplish what I have, uh, professionally, um, and you know, socially I think it's a big thing too. You know I know social media is like a weird type thing, but I think it's like a necessary evil almost.

Uh, because a lot of people learn from social media. It's a big deal. I have made so many great connections and met I've met you I've met, you know all three of you in this room, um, and countless others. You know everyone here at the Symposium and these connections you know you.

you do this networking thing and um, you you're able to learn and grow. and and that was actually some of the inspiration behind this idea of like, uh, intentional communities of of practice. Um, because on you use the term social media is a NE Neary evil. uh I'd Interpret that as being that there's there's a whole bunch of things like the the platforms are owned by big companies that kind of want you to share.

Certain things behave a certain way and maybe there are some behaviors that our society has adopted that has maybe devolved a little bit. but we are naturally very social beings and we want to help each other. We wants to like we. We thrive on sharing knowledge with each other.

The the act of being in Social olation is one of the worst tortures that you can do to somebody. And so the communities of practice is so important. especially for a trade and a trade that's in trouble HVAC School has that. Except that the reason why there's a website that has tools is because those those social communities um AR Like we don't have control over over the the features that they have.
um and so through better. HVAC Just one of the many pieces is to try to like Be like. Okay, what types of resource formats? What types of tools like? Maybe an event? uh, finder where we have an index of every single event throughout the industry across the entire continent that everybody can submit to. It's really easy to find an index and filter.

Um, and everybody who's an HVAC professional is able to um, access it and see just being like Oh I Had no idea that the distributor was offering IQ training in In like you know in the next town over um so like things like that about like just having that and that's like a part of the Pledge is to have that social oblig or to have that social accountability of of like if you see something that's going to help somebody else then just take a second and be like if it were me looking for this problem that I'm going to solve right now, maybe I can help solve it for somebody else, which HX school does that. A lot of the creators do that, but then on social media, it kind of just disappears into the Blackness of social media without being indexed and organized and prioritized and moderated right. and Kevin Ben and I spent some time discussing how we would present this and streamlined it into I. Like to think three main thoughts: um for now because it's still in evolution.

uh and that would be uh to uh, learn continuously to do ethically and to share openly and that really resonated strongly with me I think it has with other people. um and we feel that that's a that? that's a good place to start right? Yeah, I think for the longest time um coming up in residential HVAC you you kind of notice that a lot of knowledge is behind like a a skill wall. I guess I would call it You know what I mean like uh people that have been in the trade for a long time they like hold on to and they guard their knowledge a lot of times when that really is not helping anyone, it's not, it's not helping themselves, they're not. You know they're not.

They would have an easier life in an easier time if they shared what they knew and yeah like the gatekeeping is is uh sometimes just a sign of you know some people that have been through a lot of hardship and they don't really know how to um I guess reconcile the the the struggle that they've been through and then to be able to know that that like that if they had that help that they could give to that person then the cycle could be. You know they could cut that cycle off and like when when we talk about when you talk about that guarding is not in relation to all of the really great organizations where you have to pay for training because like to be able to do high quality training and like some of those high quality materials you have to have a business model around it like like we we we're not living in a Utopia where we just can all um do whatever we want and then magically all the resources are given to us. So um and and yes not meant there is no intention as as Kevin had said, no intention to replace any of the of the tools out there. but it is to lower that barrier of Entry to all those people that are looking for those solutions that have been previously solved.
And um and the other part of it is really trying to take um, trying to take action. So one of the next things that we want to do with this is that we're inviting everybody to take the pledge to be able to read the declaration, take the pledge, um and uh kind of go through the materials on. even on the website we have a list of you know features that we're planning to roll out. um like that events.

uh kind of list like the you know contractor finder for homeowners maybe even a Blog for homeowners where people like Adam can not only write an article but then can collaborate with 15 other people from all over to kind of like give edits and to um refine it and maybe even find some people that like myself Kevin and Bill might know that have like great copywriting experience that then can tailor it to the audience in such a way um that will really resonate and act as like a like one of the top resources in the country for being able to solve a homeowner's problems and so that's like to me it's a to be able to overcome all of those like just generic people that are throwing information out on the internet to make super high quality stuff together. Um, but back to the features and the the actions that we want to take. Um over the next couple weeks we want to be planning some more conversations. We want to start having some let's say, Zoom sessions possibly weekly on being able to, um, give you know on a time that works For most people, Everybody that signed the pledge is going to be contacted to say that, hey, we're in the process of, uh, you know, scheduling a zoom meeting.

Let's get like you know, crowdsource the times at work, Schedule them, We get together, we start having talks, maybe if it's a big group, we start doing breakout rooms and we really start diving into being like. you know what does this mean to me? What are the problems that we've You know that I've solved before that are you know somebody else might have problems with and then also, what are the bigger problems in the industry that, um, we might all come to a conclusion in that alog. Together we can make a bigger difference. So it's not just helping somebody solve a technal issue like I'm seeing in the in these um in the YouTube comments a couple of people are putting in like just questions about refrigerant or or like some sort of, uh, like like things related to technical stuff, right? And there's a huge amount of people that are always looking for those answers.
But this isn't just about it's this is not that rep like that is what HVAC school is is for is to be able to facilitate that open kind of uh, dialogue for like that technical answers. But this type of collective action for big impact is a little bit different and it's it's not really been. uh I I Haven't seen another model like it like we've said and so um, like. as for people that want to become a part of this, uh, it's going to be like you signed the pledge.

There's literally three questions at the end that says I promise to do something over the next seven days I Promise to do something over the next 30 days and then something over the next 90 days and so like you are now promising to take action And so that's what we want. The people that are like really committed to this is that we're going to get to a point where we can say that hey, we're all going to figure out what those things are that could have a bigger impact if we had enough people working together to solve them. Any other interesting comments in the the chat let's see a couple. well yeah, a couple a couple of people that are saying um, items like this about how uh, a lot of it's based on competition like so that's probably to your point on the guarding.

So what would you have to say in response to uh, you know, maybe competition with other local Um technicians? That being something. so um I actually try to give a hand whenever I can I Our office is out of Illinois and we have an Hbac company right next door to us. Their front door is 2 feet to the right of our front door, right? Um, and they always have new Young technicians coming in and I would say there probably are competition, right? but they come to us for help and advice in certain situations and I give it freely. you know because I I believe if you do good work, there's plenty of work to go around for everybody and I would rather compete with somebody who's On My Level So it's a fair playing field than um, try to.

you know, have competition that's you know, uh, playing dirty if you will or you know, fighting the the the low trying to, you know, pick the low hanging fruit. you know what I mean So there's two examples of that U that I've encountered. One was a gentleman named Alen given uh with Parish services in Manasses Virginia and um Tim Bergman and I were both working for Testo at the time and he invited Jim in to train his team how to use some Advanced test equipment. He also invited in five of his competitors, but he paid for Jim to come in and and wanted because it was.

The things he was presenting to his customers were just so far out of the Matrix that they didn't believe anything about what he was saying. So he used it as a form of customer education so that his competitors were talking about the same things he was talking about. and Chad Simpson is doing that now. and with Simpson salute and the FasTrack lab Uh, in Ohio he's doing the same thing where he's training anyone that'll come to the lab and there's something else that I'm going to talk about which I think it's okay to talk about because we talked about it in the live stream with Brian uh the other day uh, yesterday which is related to the trend where a lot of people that are attracted to the HX School are a part of smaller companies that have refused to sell out to private equity and large consolidation like you know, groups.
Because what happens in those situations is that the work stops being about the community. It stops being about the homeowner and it stops being about the work. It stops being about the technical work. It stops being about the outcomes that are related to what everybody wants here.

Can I add often often Yes, it's absolutes are really hard in the world I I Agree, there's a but there's a um kind of the term that I use where it's like the the the extraction the the value use of of of a of a body. Like where if you have an entity where their values are to take resources out of an ecosystem and give them to somebody else. like then now with when you have a small company and that small company has local technicians and that it is local ownership then a lot of the the, the money and the care and the resources all cycle through that local community. It's a little bit meta but like it it has to do with like a any most local or most healthy communities have a very resilient local ecosystem and a you start seeing problems when the wall mortification of an industry happens.

Uh, when there is basically all of those local smaller businesses get edged out by this this uh kind of consolidation because now it is no longer about you know being able to make that decision. To say that I'm going to help out my competition I'm going to help out this person next door because they need it because that's how we've lived for thousands of years. Was that like we we lived in proximity to each other, we had to offer like we needed to help out the person next to us because if we didn't do it today then when we need help we won't get help and so that's a that's an interesting take that I believe needs to be examined as a part of this because like the that whole kind of consolidation uh is just going to it. The attempts for massive consolidation just keeps on growing.

So something that I see is important to just uh to talk about as a part of this. um but uh but yeah. so the and the actions could be like. there could be quite a lot of variety to the action too and and a lot of it is about being strategic where.

um one of the conversations I had was talking about somebody that was passionate about uh, you know, teaching in trade school and they said that like all these instructors and our local trade school are so old they don't really know what they're doing and I'm just going to go in and I'm going to become an instructor and it's like that will have some impact but also like there. But if let's say as a community we'd be ble to take step backs and try to look at systemic issues. And so to some of the people in the comments, it's not about like just being like okay, what's the technical um you know, trade related uh, skill that just people don't know enough about. and then we focus on those technical skills it is.
Actually it's a step above it. Is it a systemic issues that better AG Fact I think is about. That's what it is to me and again we're all still in the process of becoming. So this is not the guarantee of what it is, it's just to me, the systemic issues are what's not being solved.

Yes, and forming, storming, norming, transforming. Yeah, yeah, we're in the forming stage. Yeah, um, but uh, back to that trade school analogy is to take that step back. Maybe a couple people having a conversation just being like, well, why why is that trade school suffering from that kind of that current Paradigm where they have all of these old instructors? Um, like instead of assuming that it's just because, like the the instructors are making decisions to be bad, it's like let's start let's have a conversation.

I'm going to go to that trade school and I'm going to start talking to some of the people that are in charge of the program that are in charge of the curriculum. That you know to say that okay, what's what's your struggle like? there's we've. noticed that like when I try to hire out of your trade school because you're in charge. Like the instructors aren't really in charge of making the decisions that make the trade school run and make the curriculum run.

they're They're given some Authority in what's taught, but a lot of the outcomes is still made a step above. And so that's what I talk about like That's an example of the systemic sort of approach of going to look Beyond just that obvious symptom and then go above and be like okay maybe it's because there's like there's this lack of awareness that there's all this new technology and changes and so that administrator who literally they decide what what kind of you know the high level curriculum items are going to be. They just had no idea that there was all these changes and then they're the ones that need to be changed and then all of a sudden that Cascades down so like uh there's there's going to be many examples like that um where the treating the we talk all the time about treat the like. we don't want to treat the symptoms, we want to actually treat the problem and I think that this is this is just a metav version of that where there are so many problems that because we're we're very much just like solvers.

A lot of if you're doing technical work all the day, you're very good at solving and so as a group being able to take that step up, step above and say like okay what maybe that's not the actual problem that needs to be solved. let's go to the next level up and ask ask why so Adam or or Bill do you have any other examples of like a you know being able to take that out of the box thinking to to go to examine what could what could be another um area that people could kind of see themselves taking that kind of action I Like to think that examples uh provide a lot of uh confidence to to make change. So I I think by presenting a lot of uh examples of what we think is better, what individuals members the organization think are better uh to others and let people adopt it at their own pace right? I I I think um I like your point and I think that it could have a lot of different faces and it depends on the individual that's involved that wants to. You know um that wants to make his Mark or his difference his or her difference right? Um, so it could be.
You make a YouTube video because somebody in your company is struggling and then share it online. Um, you could make a post on Facebook Um, you could do like I do and write an article. You could volunteer at maybe a local trade school. um maybe you could have a talk with a high school.

um you know a couple seniors in high school if they have like a career day type deal. Uh there's a lot of things you could do. There's a lot of aspects that can help maybe not you directly but your your local community and the HC Community as a whole. yeah and another one just that came to mind which can actually be quite beneficial is the you know local news program needs experts that to be able they need to have like what they do is that to Source experts for let's say whether it's radio or TV they often create a Rolodex of trusted contacts and so if you were to kind of call them up and be like hey I have experienced like I'm an experienced uh you know HVAC uh you know company owner and I practice building science and stuff like that so anytime that you guys have a I like a um let's say A Story related to this add me as a source that you can contact and then because like because they have dat they have contact databases that they that then when a new new story comes up then they just go to look to be like okay who do I contact and so then if let's say that that's you know everybody who signs the better a act pledge just starts doing that as one of their you know pieces of action then all over the country now you have ethical practitioners that have injected themselves into the attention of of their local communities and Beyond just saying do it Here's how I did it.

Yeah because there may be some Nuance to it and and the approach and you don't have to do it from all of this you shouldn't have to do it from the ground up that that's the other idea is is that there's a a path or a recipe you can vary from, but there's something you can use to begin to act because it's more. Most important thing to do is to act. Yeah! so if you want to act, there's a website yeah and that website is scrolling. Let me see if I can follow this as it moves There we go scrolling along the bottom of the screen better Um, it's it's just in its beginning phase.
So go to the website, sign the pledge and share it with with your network so that other people can kind of get exposed to it. You tell them what Better Reack means to you and look to see there's a map there thank you Ben that shows who signed uh or shows the locals of the individuals that signed and you can also read their little Snippets of you know who they are and what it means to them. uh and see if that resonates with you before you sign. We're not just telling you to sign.

Yeah, read the Declaration because we it is unethical of us to be like hey, like just just do this because Bill spone and and other people said so. but yeah we're getting folks from all over. So like you know, we do have folks in Canada folks in the US we're not indexing in you know, other like the UK or anything right now because like I'm not familiar with anything outside of this continent right? Like I know the Canadian and the US market to some degree. but that's it.

Yeah, all right. Okay well everyone just want to say Bill Really appreciate all of your help and support on this Adam Awesome for like jumping on board and giving us help and Kevin same thing like that's like since the beginning the brainstorming that we've always been doing and can't wait to bring in all these other great people that are interested in just making this something that they believe in and can take action in. Do you want to reference the harmonization or lack of lack thereof why that was brought up? Go ahead people. want? No, you do it.

It was. It was your idea. Oh, Ben Shared some notes beforehand in slack and said let's talk about singing The Pledge He just transpose the G and the N. That's all that is all all right.

Thanks guys! Bye.

3 thoughts on “What is betterhvac? w/ bill spohn, kevin hart, ben reed, adam mufich”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @VisionTransition says:

    I’m watching each video you guys put out from the symposium. I’m sooooo pissed I couldn’t make it but I’m at the next one for sure. I’d love to learn as much as humanly possible from you guys

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @donaldbakerakathedonaldaka5261 says:

    Good afternoon gentlemen

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @donaldbakerakathedonaldaka5261 says:

    😊 Service area Barrhaven??

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