Ben Reed, Brian Feenie and Shelby Breger discuss the concept of "Full Stack HVAC" at the 5th Annual HVAC/R Training Symposium. Full Stack HVAC is a framework for categorizing and integrating the various emerging software solutions aimed at improving efficiency and quality in residential HVAC businesses.
The group covers the 7 categories of Full Stack HVAC: sales & design, commissioning, ongoing monitoring, fleet management, field collaboration, customer relationship management, and business intelligence. They explore how leveraging technology across these functional areas can empower ethical contractors to provide high-quality building science at scale.
Key points include the importance of implementation support, getting buy-in across the team, focusing on customer value rather than just tech for tech's sake, and democratizing capabilities like design software. The discussion emphasizes supporting both people and profits through thoughtful digital transformation.
Brian, Shelby and Ben look forward to building out as a resource hub for HVAC business owners navigating the rapidly evolving software landscape. Check it out to learn more about comparing solutions, implementation best practices, and unlocking your company's full potential ethically and efficiently.

All right we are Live! Hello everyone! welcome back to the fifth annual Uh Hvacr Training! Symposium My name is Ben uh and with me today is Mr Brian Feny so uh, this is a strange uh term to put before HVAC full stack HVAC and uh actually we're gonna have somebody else that's going to join us here. um and so this is the Great Shelby Breer She's going to throw on her headphones but uh Shelby is uh with conduit she is hot off of her Booth uh she has joined us live here to be able to. um also talk about this topic here so we'll see. we'll see how sunburned I am live.

Oh yeah I I I got some color today that that that camera's like saturating your face a lot though. Good. So amazing. Amazing.

That's what I look for. Awesome! Well thanks guys it's uh, we're all here. uh um because well we really believe in the community but we also are connected with uh, you know Jim with Measurequick and so maybe we'll just explain a little bit about you know what we each do with Measurequick. So I have I have a background with Haven on the Iot side, on the air quality side, but also in the kind of marketing, market research and uh, a little bit of a training side as well.

and I am really interested in kind of social systems and classification systems for um, like to be able to help our understanding of the world around us. H and with my IT background I have a huge amount of experience with evaluating and working with various different pieces of software. So that's kind of led to this concept of full stack HVAC But I'm not going to get into that yet because I want our other folks here to introduce themselves and explain a little bit about what they do. So thanks Ben Um I specialize uh in onboarding customer success and implementation.

Um I have three core principles that I bring to the table which are: accountability, change, management, and execution. Um I'm typically connected to the space of Iot and you know software as a service and you usually the challenges that exist are being able to actually do it. You know how do I implement it? how do I get my team to want to do it? and I work with different companies uh, like Measurequick and some that you know are looking for ways to scale their products in the marketplace and then also the big connection. There is how to help the contractors and the technicians get comfortable and understanding why they should do it, Why it's important for the company, Why it's important for the the customer and um, you know it's one of the biggest challenges companies face.

today is being able to do it. And so that's where I specialize and help the community. And being an event like this really helps me connect with a lot of folks that that want to do the right thing and move the industry forward and that's that's what I'm passionate about. Thanks Bri Awesome! Well, I'm Shelby and one of the co-founders of Conduit Tech where we are passionate about building tools.

similarly to the team at Measurequick Building Tools to help contractors succeed and succeed with high quality work. Both use that as a design uh and sales tool. Right when you are doing high quality work, you build that value in front of your customer and that's what we fundamentally believe. Um, and that is very aligned with everything that Measurequick does.
So we are friends of Measurequick, friends of Brian Feny. Um, and we're happy to be here. Awesome! Thanks guys! and to provide a little bit more context around this whole full stack HVAC Uh, Idea is working with Jim Working with Haven and watching the HVAC industry especially residential HVAC companies struggle with trying to adopt new technology ology. Um is really the inspiration as to why a full stack HVAC exists.

Um, my background: I've worked with uh, a lot of different Uh software implementation for all different types of Industries and there's a word for that called digital Transformation. Where it is you're taking uh, an industry uh, a company that is traditionally either analog or inefficient. They use a lot of you know either processes that are not kind of track, where there's kind of data all along the way. Um, and then you just kind of go through this uh uh I guess this adoption of the software uh of various different types of software to be able to go from you often very inefficient to being, you know, fairly efficient with those with those tools and so what? I've also noticed in the world of residential HVAC is that there's a lot of innovation happening right now.

Um, and like you know, Haven IQ is Young company. A lot of the people are not from the uh HVAC world, but they have a lot of experience in product development and in Uh software and and Iot systems and they brought a lot of those uh Technologies into the HVAC space Shelby is from uh, she's a background with MacKenzie right? which is a consulting company. um and so she's done digital transformation projects. Um, and so she she knows like some of the ins and outs about uh I guess implementation of software for for various companies to help them to become more efficient.

And so that's how Shelby and I kind of started talking about. uh, you know it's just like okay, there's there's an opportunity here because there we do have shared interests for measurequick for um, conduit and then you know with Brian for all the other kind of services that you're starting to represent with your shift logic kind of sales organization is is that the there's kind of a fundamental problem with the HVAC companies. The the leaders The Business Leaders within HVAC companies don't have it background and they don't know how to kind of manage the implementation of software. So a really good example is like you know: Fleet Management Software Um, it's There's a lot of options out there now and some of them you can self on board with.

Um, now that's not the case for all. Um, you know Fleet Management Software Uh, like even something like you know. Service Titan Uh you. They won't even talk to you until unless you're above a certain size and then even even at that point, uh, when you are working with them, they kind of have to hold your hand because there is a lot of different pieces for you to be successful with that software.
They have to hold your hand through it. They have to basically collect a lot of data from you. Um, they have to train your staff on how to use it. And so that is oftentimes a big part of digital transformation.

And now digital transformation for the sake of digital transformation just for be becoming a little bit more, Let's say, efficient eeking out a little bit more profits. That's actually not what I'm interested in for me. I'm really interested in kind of helping HVAC contractors get to the next level for their ethical practices because What? I've seen with working with building science contractors and contractors trying to implement indoor air quality? Solutions And like let's say, Monitoring Solutions Because of all those barriers to entry, they are very inefficient in the work that they do. Um, they they they they are not able to kind of do really effective let's say, building science and really effective.

uh, management of their business at the same time from what? I've noticed. Uh, especially for small companies. And so the hypothesis because Shelby and I presented on this a couple of weeks ago. Um, on the Green Home Institute Channel You can go see that in full today.

We're just kind of doing a short digest version of it. But what we're trying to promote here is that a lot of the values that are promoted that are kind of talked about here at the Hvacr symposium. It's always about like you know you're learning a new thing. You're like, this is new technical skill that you have to adopt.

Maybe a new piece of software, a new piece of technology that you're going to be, you know, adding to your Uh repertoire and it just keeps piling up and piling up. Um, yet there's all of this work that you still have to do. Which is all this manual labor? um, all of this kind of messy management of of these projects that you're working with. And so that's what Full Stack HVAC is about is about building the framework for um, being able to navigate all of the pieces required to make your business very efficient so you can do ethical work.

Um, that is, uh, kind of at the highest caliber for your customers. So Full Stack HVAC Kind of takes. uh, what? what we've done is. We've looked at the various different functional pieces of work that need to get done within an HVAC business and then we've matched them with some of the new pieces of software.

The new categories of software that are emerging within the world of residential HVAC And so so as you can see there on the side, there are seven categories. Uh, that, uh, we have. um, that that that right? Now that's just the seven that are emerging that are easy to kind of cluster together. but uh, you know, moving forward there might even be more added to it.
But the whole point is to make it really clear that the um, you know that if you're trying to, uh, if you're trying to be more efficient in the work that you're doing, it's not just having you know Fleet management software and then you're going to get conduit, it's that there's these pieces that data should be flowing from the like from all the way from the top to the bottom of this stack to make sure that you have um, as as efficient of a system as possible. So did you guys want to I sorry I was monologuing a little bit, you know I I When you look at the solutions that are out there and then you and I were ideating on Full Stack early on, it was you very much about all these great emerging techn techologies, but then how do we get it done right? and I I've met plenty of contractors in my career that they have best intentions. They said yeah, we're going to do it and I see them a year later and they can't do it or they didn't do it I said what happened and it's like, well, my guys just don't want to do it I have resistance internally and there's a lot of um, you know there's a critical piece to full Stack HVAC that is the implementation part because we can put all the great Technologies together. but now, but then, what you know and that's the beauty of Full Stack HVAC that we're building is that we have the tools, the resources, the people to help and get that implemented right.

Whether it's sales coaching, whether it's implementation, or you know, training the technicians to understand why they why they should do it. You know why it's important, um, helping the technology Brands to connect the dots and get to the customer with the right value and you know, really drive this industry forward. I mean the folks I've been talking to this week. they have the hunger.

They have the desire to want to do it and to ask them to just take that heavy bag of tricks back home and just say well just go do it Just go do it. It'll be be so easy. You'll do. It's going to work.

You're going to do a great job and call me if you need me. Well, that's the wrong way to do it. but it's That's how it's been done for a long time. And you know the beauty of an event like this.

Everyone is sharing. Everyone wants to help each other collaborate. You don't see that at a typical conference by any means I was I was explaining this event to my wife and I the easiest way to summarize this: This is like the um, like the Hollywood star version of an HVAC conference. All the biggest and best folks in the industry are here.

It's amazing. You know there's a lot of inspiration. you know when inspiration drives the want to do the work to put these things in place. You know, because there's a there's a lot to take in.
Like you said, Ben and everyone's got the best intentions. You know and what I will say when you look at Full Stack HVAC in the different aspects of it. Don't feel that you have to drink through the fire. Hills You can take these things in steps you know I would look at what's the lightest lift, you know where can you get the easiest Buy in from your company and your team? Because it's not just at the leadership level, it it actually affects everyone in the business.

Every every piece of Full Stack HVAC includes the Csrs, the owner, the technician, the service manager, the install manager, the homeowner. the homeowner is the one we have to keep happy. So Fullstack HVAC actually has to align with the homeowner wants and needs. so we have had to make sure that we're doing that and that's you Know That's our vision and our plan with Full Stack Gack is to make sure that we are not leaving any stone unturned.

to make sure that you know when you do put the work in and I will stress that, put it in bold, put the work in. You're going to get you know to where I Feel is is the best part of the industry. I Think that's definitely true and I think one. There's a couple things that ring true.

One is that even it's not just Hbac that faces this problem when I was in Consulting that's a time that I've blacked out of my memory. But it was a time where we I I once led the design of an implementation project and it was the first time that I actually came back for an implementation. This is a big Fortune 500 company. I came back and nothing was done between the six weeks that I left and then I came back and I was like what is going on here and it's every company faces this Challenge and I Think in an Hbac business, there's so much firefighting on a day-to-day basis that it can be hard to pick your heads out, pick your heads up, and and be able to feel like okay I can dedicate this time Um, but I think what's really cool and and that's true in any business that's not specific to Hbac at all.

Um, but I think what's really cool is is I think there's at in this community. there's a huge amount of problem awareness and I think what's increasing is the amount of solution awareness is that people know that these are all problems whether it be sales, sales, and design taking too long commissioning, not going well because there's High back rats. Whatever it is, there is an awareness of the problem. and I think that is really cool to see and hear it talked about in the Symposium and then also hear the openness and excitement for new solutions to come into the space.

Um, but you're completely right. The next step is how do we actually implement it and I think that's the most important part. Um, and it's It's one of the things that as technology companies come together and this is something that we've been so privileged to learn from the Measurequick team specifically, but also from Smart AC and a handful of other folks is just how do you think about implementing and supporting the teams that we work with to be successful and saying hey, we've seen this work XY is at you know, hundreds of other companies. Here's how we can take this same processes for implementation and replicate them for you because that's what we've seen work and be successful And I think it's been really cool to see not only this solution awareness emerge but at the same time collaboration among the technology players there to try and support our users and our teams who are trying to figure out how do I Implement when it is constantly changing it is super busy every day.
yeah and so to me that kind of the first step was the the language um of being able to have that type of you know the classification of of the work that's being done because it I I don't I haven't seen that before in the world of residential Hbac. So if somebody has actually seen something like this, um of the uh, let's say breakdown of various different types of software providers in this space I'd love to see it I just haven't seen it before and so that's why we're like okay, well we're just going to start playing around with this language. We're going to start trying a test to see if this resonates and so that's kind of like we're We're still in this early stage of of testing the market to see uh, if this is something that as we explain it to other HVAC contractors especially small HVAC contractors because that's where I think a simplified framework is is really important and necessary is to be able to show people that it's like instead of it being like I need to stress myself over looking at every piece of software and I don't know what each one of them is capable of doing I first approach it from that type of the problem standpoint kind of the functional standpoint about looking, stepping back, looking at my business and just thinking about like if I'm a small business owner like where am I bleeding out Am I bleeding out I do I not is is it my sales process that's chaotic? Is it the fact that I don't have any like I'm not using any uh Bluetooth tools and then thus I'm just uh, like pencil whipping things. it's taking a lot of time I I don't actually know what I'm in troubleshooting or my text, don't know what they're um, trying to fix? um is it that uh you, uh, always get stuck at the design phase of of a system and so then you just kind of eyeball it or use a rule of thumb.

um because all the friction that it takes to try to find Solutions in those categories when you have those problems but you don't have experience in in kind of the software side and and understanding what's available in this turbulent Market of all of this new innovation. Um, then you just kind of look at some of those those Innovations you might pick up and start using Measurequick and you think that measurequick is like you know it's supposed to be just this diagnostic tool for Tex but it's designed to be a commissioning tool um that has a very different business purpose. um but you know going into it unless you knew that it had a different role in your business then you would you. you kind of would be ignorant and no fault on you because this is just all so new on both sides as a business owner with no it experience but also as um, you know just because all of this is emerging all at once right now.
I You bring up a great point there and I think the other piece to be considered is you know I've Got Friends In this industry that have been through three Crms in five years, that's pretty alarming. That's a lot of wasted money. It is a lot of wasted money. And I think what? What's happened in our Indust indry up until this point is, companies fail to really Pro like help the customer.

The contractor who's the customer understand the value all the way through the chain of why they're doing what they're doing. You know, if you, if you buy a field service management platform, you really need to understand the value of It's more than a dispatch tool, right? it's It's more than a a marketing tool. It's more than you know what a lot of them do. It's actually what does it do for your customer? Does it Delight Your customer and make that connection with them meaningful in a lifetime relationship Because at the end of the day, that's what it's about.

And when I look at Full Stack HVAC and the technologies that we feel fit the mold for that. It's all about driving value to the End customer. Ethical Value. Ethical Value.

To your point earlier about the the ethical side of this. It's not. Snake Oil is not going to cut it. The shiny new toy.

You know, the contractors today, the business owners today see right through the shiny new toy. If it cannot bring value, it's not worth looking at. and so you know I Think just. you know a lot of companies that are coming into the space or or Technology Solutions that are coming into the space really need to think really hard about what that value chain looks like.

What? What are the value drivers and how they getting all the way through the organization because there's value internally as well. What's the value of using software? X And using software y like, why should I care? You know? Why should I do this? And and I Think that's the utmost part of how we accomplish this movement. You know, making the industry better and helping contractors win and prosper I Mean that. That's that's our goal, right? That's why we're doing it.

But there's key pieces that have to be there and it's one of the things I struggle with because I'm not really like. There's a lot of people that I know here who put their kind of I guess their values their their um, their morals, their ethics before making money. So like these are a lot of the people that attend this conference. they're the types that would even if the customer saying hey, there's this really I've heard about this Remy Halo or this this uh product that is supposed to magically clean my Air and then the contractor would say like most of these contractors here they would stop and they would say like that sounds interesting I haven't seen the actual studies that prove that that works or not.
so like I can't tell you I don't it's I am uh I don't I cannot take a stance morally or or or ethically on whether or not I should ex SEL that to you So I need to at least let you know about that and then like I'm not going to stop you from making a decision but uh it is the they will make the decision to forego certain like monetary rewards in exchange for ethical outcomes because it's like there was another like it's a in in Joe's presentation this morning. he's talking about how an H it was a quote by um I think it was Bud Offerman who talks like who he's legendary IQ researcher who kind of coined the the phrase that the HVAC contractor actually has a much higher impact on somebody's Health than their doctor does like. Think about the gravity of that and and like in our society we believe that our doctors are kind of the ones keeping us healthy but like if your HVAC contractor is not providing ethical solutions for your for your home and like they don't really, they're not checking for moisture, they're not, They they don't uh uh observe. it's just like oh, you're just hacking cough all the time and the the homeowner is just like yeah as soon as I moved into this home I just like I'm pretty much bed written it that that's a there's this, it's it's an ongoing discussion about like you know what is the extent in which an HVAC contractor should be? Con: like you know how much responsibility they should be taking? Um, but in in general the the outcomes that we're looking for are aligned with this community where we're not promoting this for the sake of profit is that if for somebody to really actually get invol like to get access to the full stack HVAC resources which we're kind of setting up right now they need to sign the better HVAC pledge and so that we're talking about better HVAC later today in a couple of hours on a different live stream but uh kind of.

the it's just codifying the values of this community where it is more about people before profits and so. but the the problem is that a lot of the people here that are very good at that then just they're not very good at at at the profits part and so then thus they can't be effective and so that's really my argument is that to to kind of again do to implement building science at scale and to have time for all of the good work that needs to get done for all the homeowners that need it. All of you ethical contractors out there need to get better at doing all of these other pieces of work and that's where like coming from a software background of understanding kind of the um, uh, the exponential nature of these of these platforms, that if you just are equipped with understanding how to navigate them, then you can kind of uh, get the best of both worlds. That's our hypothesis I think I mean I think the two very much go hand inand and I I think every everyone I've met at least in this industry is very committed to doing right by their customer.
um that is a consistent goal and so I do think that profit and people uh go hand inand. it's the best. People are committed serving providing the best work and I would say that's every contractor I've ever met. And then on top of that, um, they get to see enhanced profits because they're retaining their team members, they are equipping their team members with all the tools and Technology they need Um and by not seeing huge amounts of turnovers by keeping their well-trained labor force um and by helping serve their customers in a positive and great way and a tech Ena way.

they're seeing the returns to all of that and it's It's so cool to be here because there are a handful of really successful and large businesses here as well who have been able to pave the way and show like this is how we can have a really incredible company um, building off of these features and these pieces and I think that's everybody here is here to grow and to learn and to drive quality and also is very open to using Tech to do that. And I think that it's exciting to see that there are models increasingly out there that bring all all of them together. Um, and so I'm I'm really excited for this next generation of contractors. Many of who are here who are taking this by uh, taking it and and running with it and saying this is the different types of tools in Tech that I can give my technicians that I can give my service manager I can give my sales team to really support our customers in the best way and then also Drive the quality results um that are going to keep our callbacks low, keep our expenses low, and then also Drive Revenue because we are serving our customers and our customers see that and that drives conversion If I could add to that.

Um, one little nugget of thought is if you're listening to this and you're an owner of a company or a manager of a a team, you need to start thinking about. If there's resistance to this effort, you might have to make some tough decisions on how you're Staffing your organization. That's the most fearful thing we we we hear in a lot of these breakout sessions about the technician shortage skilled labor Gap Technologies Here to serve the skilled labor Gap I believe I believe it can bring in Greener or lesser skilled technicians giving them the proper tools to Excel and to develop quickly and have you know speed to development. But the other issue is you might have to get rid of some people in your company that don't want to go along for the ride and that's the biggest challenge that that I mean I Heard it this week.
I've heard it for the last you know, 15 years at least I've been in 30 but the last 15 years being connected to some of the you know Iot and and such is when you're getting resistance to the change of well I got old school guys you know I Nobody wants to do it like well. maybe they don't work for you anymore because you you can't not go this direction and you know my My words of encouragement are you have a choice to make You either embrace the technology in front of you that's coming because it's not going to stop. So if you want to do things the old way, it's probably not going to work out too well. and I'm not trying to inflict fear, but it's the reality of the situation.

And and I do want to kind of add maybe a little bit, uh more of a positive uh spin on that too In in starting with something that maybe sounds a little bit more negative, but it's this is where like all the larger companies that might be um you know I guess giving you a like a run for your money and your current market they are implementing tools like these just oftentimes different tools at a bigger scale and so the the whole point of what we're trying to do with better HVAC um is to build up the resources and and the guides and maybe even the the implementation support. um so that smaller companies then have access to that same um kind of toolbox of of all these different uh pieces of software like that's you know with with with with cond conduit A great example of this in in that what you're building is something that is basically you're democratizing um the the design uh process to so that you can get really good designs without needing to have one or two expert designers with expert design software in your company. It now becomes something that is accessible to every HVAC company if they decide to adopt it and that's that's another role of Technology Brian is to try to eliminate some of that pain that friction in adoption. um and I think that over time the software will just keep getting better and better to the point where um it the the pain won't be as bad and and the process of adopting the these new um Technologies it it'll just end up being kind of there'll be a lot less friction.

Um, you and Shelby and I were talking about this yesterday. You know when you look at conduit as an example when I was running HVAC business even when I was selling in the field I would only do a load calculation when I needed a permit mhm and that wasn't every single job just because of how we did work And why wouldn't you do it all every time you know it. Just and most a lot of companies don't do load calculations as an example on every single job that they sell because they're afraid of putting in the work and not getting the sale whereas or they just don't have a good best practice in place because it could be cumbersome or it's hard to find someone to do them or I don't understand what I'm doing And when you start to simplify and leverage technology, you know the same thing can be said about Measure Y. All we're doing with Measurequick is digitizing the checklist in a very you know structured way so that you don't miss a beat and you're able to commission a system and know that it's correct and get the success of no, you know less callbacks and happier customers you know with with conduit as example like I'm a big fan and you know the reason why is it's because it can be an everyday thing, not an occasional thing.
Yeah, like all the technology, Well I use Measurequick Sometimes what does that mean Like why wouldn't you use it every day Because if it, if it does what we know it does, that means you're not doing the right thing. The other times you're not using it like I don't understand, you know and I think I've seen that with a lot of different types of software or Iot products where it's an occasional activity versus a standardized activity or part of the DNA of the company. and I think that's what's going to set people apart to really Excel and stand out from their competitors and those that Embrace this full stack GAC type of mentality are going to be the next generation of winners in my opinion. I think this is such a good point.

Again, about like implementation which is it's about supporting people through that process so that they can see why it benefits them. It's it's very daunting I Think about this myself. We introduced some random design software to our team and I was so resistant. This is for our software engineering process and I was like I don't know how to move these boxes this is a dumb platform and I was listening to myself and I was like this is this is bad um or I switched brands of computers and I was like the the MacBook is the worst thing that's ever happened to me I'm like six months in I'm finally coming around to it but it is I think part of it is patience but a lot of it is support in that process of actually seeing this is going to work for me.

Um, because there is so so much um to learn on any one of these platforms to get the maximum value out of it. Um, but ultimately for all of these Solutions There is a real reason that there are a lot of power users. Every measurequick has super users. Cond: We have super users.

They're using it on every job because they know that it delivers the value whether it be through reduced callbacks, whether it be through increased sales conversion. Once you start to see those benefits, it it becomes very sticky for users and so it's helping them see them. Um becomes the role of managers. It becomes the the part of the responsibility of the technology provider themselves.
Yeah and I don't know how many people can kind of see this clearly but uh like to your point on those power users uh be if when these Solutions are in kind of an early stage you're you're kind of going to have this adoption curve where uh a the power users often times they fit a very different mold than than the majority Market um and the like helping people through that process of kind of like because the majority of the uh residential Hpac industry like like there the amount of them that have uh it backgrounds or they they have worked. Let's say in an office where software is normalized and that's literally all they do is work on pieces of software like that is the that is a complete flip to what the typical HVAC Contra uh technicians daily task are and so the amount of support that they need is is quite a bit and it's no fault on on kind of you know the vocation of being a HVAC technician or even being an HVAC business owner. It's just that that it just hasn't been normalized yet and this is so what we're trying to do with Fullstack HVAC is trying to get the the mark, trying to help the market go through that type of transition um so that uh you know at the end of this it the outcomes are a lot more a lot less painful um than they are right now. So that's that's what we're going for.

What's going to be available on the website uh in the short term is uh, like right now it's just kind of like a sign up your like express your interest on on the page. Um, but very soon we want to be able to provide uh, kind of a series of features such as being able to offer comparison. So filling out all these categories with various different pieces of software, you can explore those C categories of software. you can explore the the pros, the cons.

you can compare them to each other, you can identify what it is that kind of fits your business needs and then from there uh you can. you know you can walk away and just kind of use some of that knowledge that we that we've shared that hopefully can can help you get to the next level or when you go to if you need help because a lot of companies like the if you TR if you try something yourself I've worked with a lot of teams and I've done it myself before when trying to adopt new new new software. Um is first you think that oh I can do it myself and the and then like, sometimes that works. there are some pieces of software that are intuitive enough that you can just kind of like flow into it and uh, it's not worth having somebody else help you get through that.

Um, but with a lot of these pieces of software, that's not the case. and so that's that's why you know. Bri Your approach Brian I think is really critical to this is is the kind of uh, holding people's hand through this and as they encounter that pain and that friction, you can grab them and be like you know what you got this like like we other people have done this before. um and I I believe that you can do it too and so then you help hold their hand through that transition.
Yeah, and I mean and we've talked about this before: Ben you and I Um, when you you I spend time at service Titan and what I would see a lot of when you know customers buy it. it's expensive. Oh yeah, right. and when you spend money on something especially a lot of money on something your expectation is much higher.

You just even as a consumer, you have a higher expectation the more money you spend. But when you're left to your own devices to implement and what we've been talking about is it is not expected than if you're an Hbac business owner that you're a tech expert. So when you think about implementing things that are foreign to you and you don't have a ton of support, your much more susceptible to push back throughout the organization. you know I Saw that with Sensei predict years ago when I was at Emerson where you know technicians will sabotage any great idea an owner has if they don't want to do it.

and it's usually because they don't understand why they're doing it. You know when you have a you know software platform like service Titan Did anyone explain to the rest of the company why they're doing it? Or are they a part of the onboarding process? they're not. It's left to a champion? Well, is that champion skilled enough or educated enough to be able to convey that message to the rest of the company? The key stakeholders and key stakeholders go all the way down to the install. Tech The service tech can't ignore them.

They're one of the most important parts of the machine. If you don't have their buying in support, whatever project you try to implement is not going to work. It's so funny. you say that because one of my favorite things that happens when we do demos of our software to business owners, it's almost always the GM the business owner who reaches out to us.

But I can tell so much about that team when they bring one of their sales team members on that call. And it makes a huge difference because not only is that sales team member feel like they're part of decision, maybe they're not part of the decision at all, but they were there to be to be a witness to it, to ask their questions, to feel like they were part of it. And typically those managers I think are making their teams part of that decision process and those are some of the most successful users because even if they don't bring the whole team, there's somebody who's excited about it then that spreads the word across that team. And so I think that one thing I I love to see is when you you have these management teams who are really thinking about their team member to even the technology decision even if that end decision is going to be we're doing it.

Either way, there is so much that just when you bring that person into that process that there's so much more. Buy in and um, honestly, it reflects so well on that management team. But it also shows that they respect their team members. they know hey, you're going to be using this I want you to use it, but you're also going to be using it.
You're part of this too. and I I love to see when that happens. Um, because it just it. It brings that level of that organization already automatically up.

I Already know that this is going to be more successful for them. Yeah, it's And to expand on that, we that's actually part of our onboarding process. Now for measure quick is we are making sure that we have like when I meet a new customer who else needs to know who else needs to be involved for this to be successful in the I I I Know but I'm asking them if they know. Is it the service manager? Is it The install manager ownership usually will always buy into something that's going to help.

You know my presentation yesterday. They're the dreamer. They're the Visionary or on two days ago. but the owners time.

Yeah, time is a concept. Um, but the owner of company is typically the Visionary the dreamer, the cruise director I'm driving the bus. Here's where we're going and they have to focus on working on the business and a lot of times they see it and they go. Yeah, we got to do it.

Okay, great, but I need to talk to your service manager I Need to talk to your install manager I need a couple of your key technicians on that call as well for demo who are working in the business who are working in the business because you need alignment and without alignment, nothing in full stack. HVAC is going to work right. It's just it just doesn't happen. I've been with too many companies over my career.

I mean I'll just bluntly say it. they suck at doing this stuff. We're here to help. I Mean that's the best part.

We're here to help And and that's why I Love it so much because the help is there. Yep, and so that's that's what we're trying to do. It's this is very early on. so what you guys are getting access to right now is a bit of the kind of the emerging of of what we're trying to build here.

um, myself and Shelby we did a webinar a couple weeks ago on uh, the Green Home Institute uh YouTube uh channel so you guys can go and check that out for like a say an hourong Deep Dive into this. It's very information dense. um, but it's a great reference if you're you know, super nerdy and you want to learn more. Um, but uh, kind of.

Over the next little while we're going to be kind of creating our resources on the Um fullstack so you can go there right now. you can fill out your express your interest. um, but um, be on the lookout for more content probably. you know, some in conjunction with Measure quick, some in conjunction with you know conduit.

Um, and uh yeah, we're We're looking forward to kind of going on this. A bit of a strange Journey because there there isn't really a model for this in the residential HVAC world yet. Nope. First of its kind.
All right guys. anything else to add to that? No good. It's fun to be here. Awesome.

Well thanks. We got a couple good comments in there. Thanks guys for uh uh for adding your thoughts to the stream and uh, enjoy the rest of the imposium. Thanks Ben.

4 thoughts on “What is full stack hvac? w/ ben reed, brian feenie, shelby breger”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @customvaclimited4991 says:

    looking forward to seeing where this project goes Are you in Orleans ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @VisionTransition says:

    Man you guys are seriously committed. Iโ€™ll for sure be at the next symposium. I hope you guys donโ€™t slow down

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jerome58 says:

    Embrace the change or get left behind. This is the most impactful takeaway to me. Everything in life must evolve. I am a first year apprentice and Iโ€™m trying to learn all I can to be my best for the company and clients. Great video, I appreciate the perspective given from different positions within a company.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rafaelandreano says:

    Do you have any advice for a service technician that wants to do a transition to control.

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