HVACR Videos Q and A livestream originally aired 02/10/20 @ 5:PM (west coast time) where we will discuss my most recent uploads and answer questions from the Chat, YouTube comments, and email’s.
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Ah, it's time to chill out and get ready for a mediocre. Qa live stream if you're old enough grab yourself your favorite adult beverage and if you're not stick with apple juice, put your feet up and relax. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the chat and now, let's queue up the intro music yo. What's up everybody, hopefully you guys are all doing well.

I am over here hoping that I don't have the coronavirus and that I have a mild cold. So we'll see it's been what two weeks since the last stream I tried to upload as consistently as possible. I definitely uploaded during the HR thing so that worked out wrote well, you know. Well, I planned on trying to do a live stream during HR, and that did not work out well, because Internet service sucked the Wi-Fi was not strong enough cell service was not good and also I just didn't have time.

Hr was insane first off, though, let's start with Brian ores, HVAC our training, symposium, ok or read the manual fabulous manual. Sorry whatever it is, that was an awesome event. That really was a really cool event to go to to be able to be with so many like-minded people. You got to figure that, unlike most training, things that you go to for the most part everybody wanted to be there.

I think and genuinely everybody was so excited to be able to go in the different training things that he had going on. There was so much to do at that event. This is we're talking about the training symposium that I didn't even like the first day. I'll be honest with you, I was like so overwhelmed just talking with everybody and getting to meet all these really cool people that I really didn't attend very much of the training stuff.

The first day I made it to a few things and listened to a few things. The second day was a little bit better for me, you know, and it was just a really cool awesome environment - to be at getting to meet all these people. You know people that you see on YouTube people that you got to meet dick worse got to meet Eric em he's in here too, it was just really cool to meet everybody. You know so overall if Brian's event was amazing.

I could I was blown away that Brian had asked me to talk at his event. I don't think I I met my into the offer on that one. I definitely that was the first time, I've ever anything like that. You know speaking in front of people and I don't mind speaking in front of people that wasn't the problem.

It's just that you know when I do these live streams. I don't have anything structured like. I have a bullet point list in front of me and that's about it and then I just go off on it with Brian's event. I tried to like have this structured script that I was gon na follow, and I found myself stumbling over my words trying to follow the script and forgetting and getting lost, and when I finally just threw the script away and stopped paying attention to it.

I felt most comfortable and that's when I just got up there and started talking so, but it was cool, it was definitely a learning experience. We can only improve from there. At least I can. But you know it was amazing.
So then, on to HR, HR was a whole nother. Beast I'd never been to HR before I've been to local trade shows. We have a small one that maybe has like you know two thousand people, or something like that here in Pasadena, California, and it's super small HR, was a whole nother level, like first off with as much like the the showroom floor of HR, where all the vendors Are that alone there is so many people and so many vendors. I want to say that I think I was reading.

They were anticipating. Having 2,100 vendors, I think is what I read and I think they were anticipating 70,000 visitors between the three days. I don't know if those numbers were met. I have no idea, but there was a crap ton of people and there was a crap ton of vendors.

I want to say that I think there was probably I think I did the math one day when I walked just the showroom floor where the vendors and everything were at the HR show. I think I got five thousand steps just walking the perimeter of it not even going through to every booth like it was insane. So you definitely and then, on top of that, the vendors that they had, then you throw in all the educational sessions with a lot. A lot of people didn't even realize those were going on.

They were going on in the second and third floor. They had tons of rooms full of classes and different things going on some of them free some of them paid for all kinds of different stuff. There's. So much to see so much to do that three days genuinely wasn't enough time.

If you were gon na really get involved in everything like it just wasn't, so you kind of had to plan everything before and know what you were gon na do. So I was committed to the spoilin booth Monday and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4 or 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

so for 4 hours each day, and that was actually a good thing for me, because I got to see how cool the spoilin people were and Get to meet all the people behind the scenes at spoilin, and then it gave me a place to to tell people where I was gon na be at so they could come meet up and do that kind of stuff which again I was kind of blown away. When spoilin asked me to come to the booth, because I was like why nobody's gon na want to come - and it was kind of crazy to have people actually show up to the booth. To want to say hi is a very humbling experience, but it was really cool. But after I got out of the booth, then it was like trying to get to the show, and it was just like sensory overload going to meet people and see friends and meet up with other youtubers and different things like that.

I got to meet some really cool people that I've talked to online for the over the years, but it was just a very overwhelming event. I don't know if I could have prepared any better for the ahr show. I think that the best way to approach it, the next time that I go is, is just to either accept the fact that I'm not gon na get to everything or just focus on getting to the certain things that I want to get to like. If I want to go see these booths, I just need to go to him without stopping fifty billion times, which was hard, though, because I'm walking down the hallways of the HR show and you see another youtuber and you want to go, say hi.
And then you talk for half an hour and that's awesome, or you see someone that knows me or something you know and that's a whole nother thing. This was a very interesting experience, because this was the first time on this kind of a scale that I got to go where people knew me, and I didn't know them. It was very awkward to like. I didn't know how to talk to people because people just walk up and they're like hey Chris.

What's up and it's hi, you know, but I mean it just keeps happening over and over again and it was just very humbling. It was. It was definitely a interesting experience as far as footage goes. I got some footage, I wouldn't say I got as much as I wanted to, because I was very distracted.

I definitely got some good interviews at the spoilin booth. I got a pretty cool interview at the refrigeration technologies, booth and then a couple other ones walking around the show. I saw some very interesting things which you guys are probably all seen. If you follow social media, it was very interest to see all the different vendors and I got to say there was so many, and you already know that that you know there's a lot of foreign vendors, but it was a trip to see how many foreign vendors There were at the ahr show that was very interesting and then to see the eclectic mix of people in in companies right.

I found one booth, where literally, I should have pulled up the picture, but they literally decorated their booth with bedsheets and they drew on the bedsheets with permanent markers like almost like. They didn't have their their their posters or whatever that they were gon na bring like, and they were a Chinese company that was making recovery machines. But it was very interesting because they like Giroux little pictures or recovery machines on that the the bedsheet right. But then you go to a booth where it looks like someone spent hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There was full-size chillers set up, not necessarily operating, but I mean full-size chillers and it was a very interesting experience. Very very overwhelming is a great word to say it. So there was a very interesting, I didn't see it myself, but I did hear about it and I saw it on social media where there was and again this is all hearsay and rumor. I don't know all the facts, but there was actually a booth that was shut down them by the marshal because of copyright infringement and they they had it curtain'd off and like taped off red-tagged.
Basically, like the health department came in and shut him down, and they were copying the Big Ass Fans company. It was my understanding again, it's all hearsay, because I just read everything on social media. Now I'm sure I saw the booth walking through there before it was red, tagged or whatever, but it was very interesting that they actually came into the HR, show and shut someone's booth down. That was a trip yeah.

It was. It was very interesting, so got a couple things. I'm gon na definitely try to get some of that footage together and I'll put it out. Somehow it's a it's like an overwhelming experience, so I had taken my family with me to the HR show to they didn't.

Go to the show, but we all went to Florida together, so we flew in the Wednesday before and then we flew out the Wednesday the last day of the HR show. So my family was there. I got to spend Thursday with my family and go to Universal, and then they basically went to the universal the entire time that I was doing all the HR stuff and everything else like that. So but it was literally every day was jam-packed with stuff.

It was crazy, and also too, for those of you guys that are in Florida, like as a California guy coming in there, I'm still waiting for the tickets to come in the mail because I blew through so many tolls. I got onto the toll roads and didn't even I don't know if the rental companies just gon na bill me. I have no idea how that's gon na work. Who knows I may I paid some tolls, but there's toll roads everywhere.

That was insane and then one time I tried to take it go without taking the toll road, and it took me so long in side, streets and whatever it's just. It is what it is, carry a big old pocket of change, but even some of our, I guess I could have done it over again - probably pay for whatever the services that the rental car company has or whatever. So you can just kind of like how the transponder or whatever, for the toll stuff that was interesting too and I got to come home with a cold from I don't know if it's uh, you know from the HR show or if it's from the dang lady. I sat next to on the airplane ride home for six hours, while she was coughing in my face.

That was an interesting one too. I was not happy to say the least, but at least my family didn't have to sit next to that, lady. So but here I am now fighting a cold, so oh well got some stuff. I want to talk about.

Had some videos come out, I want to cover that I'll. Definitely try to get to the chat to oh, I see gills in here. So he said, tersh took a picture of the booth that got shut down. Yeah, that's that's! It may have been tersh his Instagram post that I saw or something that was interesting, so I'll definitely try to get to the chat too and we'll see what I got to do.

Okay, guys, if you have questions in the chat, I'll try to get to them. I do have a lot of stuff I want to cover. Do me a favor put the questions in caps lock as usual, and if I don't get to you, guys's questions feel free to put them in the chat. Again.
If I miss anything, you guys can email me my emails popping up in the chat here every once in a while, but it's a CH BAC our videos at gmail.com and I'm gon na go ahead and move on down my list. Okay, let me see what's going on, so let's start with the one that I used as an example. So when I was doing the talk at Brian's event, I used a video, a clip from a video, and then I went hadn't released it on Sunday and the title of the video was a simple walk-in freezer that led to so much more, and I thought this Was the perfect one for the talk, because I was closing out Brian's show and it just kind of you know encompasses my big-picture diagnosis kind of a thing, so the video basically was a walk-in freezer call where they called me out there. They said it was kind of mixed, the customer said they think they think it had been down for a day or two which is kind of hard.

For me, too, I mean, do you think it was down or was it down like? That's you know, but whatever we got to deal with that stuff sometimes so walked up to the unit in the disconnects which was off okay. That was an interesting one, but again, like usual, we don't just turn the disconnect on so before I turned it on. You know I approached those things assuming that someone shut it off for a reason. Looking for fan motors hitting things making noise things sparking couldn't find anything inevitably turned it on.

The unit ran. Okay, I could have walked away, but looking at the big picture saw that the unit's sight glass was flashed and every once in a while saw signs of oil on a discharge, access line, access valve and ended up fixing a leak on the box. Okay, the the whole point that I wanted to make with that video was, I wasn't cheating the customer. I had the customer in the loop, the entire time.

You know I was trying to investigate everything and I ended up finding more problems that led to more revenue. Basically that I was able to bill for that was legit. I wasn't ripping anybody off. I wasn't creating any problems and again I was communicating with the customer the entire time.

So you know the whole point of big-picture diagnosis. Not only benefits me as a company, but also benefits the customer, because you know I'm looking out for their best interest, while I'm looking out for my best interest right. So I thought that was a really a good example and I'd actually been sitting on that video. For a couple weeks, because I thought it was perfect for Bryan's event, the next video was the salad table upgrade so it's titled, a much-needed salad table upgrade.

That was another one that I wanted to bring up. A good point is that you know I remember this stuff, I don't just walk into these calls and just you know, fix them and move on and forget everything like I try to remember stuff about the calls. So the point that I'm trying to make is a couple months later after I had worked on that salad table. Okay, do you know how to leek? I had worked on it.
I think I di stood a couple months ago, something like that and then I had a service called. We went out there and it was low on charge and we found a leak at the receiver King valve and it was the packing and it wasn't replaceable or anything. So we had to change the receiver, but I had remembered that in the past in the summertime we have overheat issues on that unit. They have poor circulation and they put trash cans in front of one side of the box and it does invent the discharge.

Air. Very well so, with that in mind, when it came time for the receiver upgrade because it was leaking anyways, I decided to put in a bigger receiver to give me a little bit more pump down capacity right and a little bit more storage capacity. But then, on top of that, I decided to add some cooling fans and again I brought this all the customers attention and they were part of the decision-making process right. So I threw in those cooling fans and again it was in the middle of the winter when this happened.

So really I didn't need to put the cooling fans or a bigger receiver. It didn't affect me at all during the winter, but in the summertime. I remember that we have problems, so I addressed those problems when a repair came up, so sometimes the customer. You know you can bring things up to the customer and they don't want to fix it right then in there.

But I do remember things and I sit on it and then, when a repair pops up, I say hey. This is the perfect time. Why don't you? Let me upgrade the system? Why don't you? Let me add some cooling fans. Why don't you? Let me add a bigger receiver, you know, and the customer was game for it, because we had to do the repairs, anyways and it's gon na save us.

Some service calls in the summertime okay again looking out for the customers. Best interests benefits me too, because I'm looking out for my best interests and I'm making money selling the customer, something that they actually need. You know and that'll benefit them so that we don't have these overheat problems in the summertime. Okay.

So I'm gon na look at the chat and see if I'm missing anything real quick, see you later Gil and it doesn't I'm looking for capslock guys in the chat. So if I miss, if you want, if you got questions or something you need to put them in capslock, because I can't go through all the whole chat so and alright and I'm gon na go ahead and go ahead and go back to my list of stuff To talk about here, so the next one was an interesting one. This one has been a problem for me for a very long time, and this has been my exhaust fan debacle right. I've talked about this.
You guys have it's a very popular video where I've run into this fan, and this just led to you know it just seems like it can't go away storm. Don't let me forget, actually I'm gon na answer your question real quick storm before I go off on a tangent, so storm asked me: how can you tell old oil marks from new oil marks? That's a good question. The best way to to to get away from that problem is that if you have a refrigerant leak or something like that, try to clean off the old oil marks, because it is difficult to to tell what's old and what's new for the most part, though I Mean if it's covered in dust - it's probably older, but I mean you know it's sometimes you know you may have new oil there and it's easier, but it's just important to try to clean that stuff off. So that way, you prevent the problem of finding old oil marks, and what he's referring to is my walk-in freezer video, where there was an oil mark on the side of the condensing unit and it was covered in dust and that kind of led me to look Into more problems - and I found a refrigerant leak at the Schrader valve, so you know the best thing and another thing too, if you ever use nylon for service caps for flare, nuts and everything night log is essentially refrigerant oil right.

So if you put it on there, you know, especially when it's really hot, outside you'll come back and that fitting will be covered in oil and you'll. Think you have a refrigerant leak. So it's very important when you use nylon to take a wet towel dry. The fitting off really well anywhere that the night log has been so that way, you don't think it's an oil leak or refrigerant leak.

The next time you come out to okay, I'm gon na go and get to some of these questions, and then I'll finish talking about my last thing. So let me see how can you tell cause I already got to that one? Did I ever find out why that switch was mysteriously turned off? No, I did not, and that has been two or three months since that service call. So no did not figure it out. It has not happened again and I don't know if I expressed it enough in the video, but there is no access to that roof without using an extension ladder or climbing up an eight-foot wall like that.

You know the customer, it's almost impossible for the customer to even use their own roof access to get onto that because their roof axis, I kind of explained it uses a attic style ladder like you would have in a residential system or an intial home. But it's in the in the way of their restrooms, so they can't really get up the ladder when the building is open because they would block the restrooms from any customers using them. So it's a really crappy situation, so the customer would know if someone was on the roof. Basically, so nope never figured out.

Why does anybody know of a good ductless mini-split condensate pump? I don't know of a condensate mini. You know, I don't know, there's a bunch out there, but I don't have one that I prefer that I recommend, but I'm sure some of the guys in here I'll chime in so what made me want to be an HVAC are tech. I grew up in the trade working for my father and then I out of high school, though I actually went to work for a body. Shop working on cars did that for about two years and then one day just looked at my boss and he was a really nice guy, but I just looked at him and I was just like man.
I just don't see myself going any further with this career. Working on cars in an auto body shop and just decided to come work for my dad. I asked him if I could come work for him and he said yes and the only requirement he had was that I went to trade school and you know here we are now as a kid I hated this trade. I hated the heat, I hated the summertime, but you know Here I am now so let me see, do I ever speak? Did I speak at Brian or Z vent? Yes, I did speak at Brian or Z vent.

I spell spoke on the second day. I closed out the show I didn't. I do not have footage of my speech, but trust me, you don't want to see it cuz, it was a disaster. So let me see what else do I use two different types of gauges for a refrigerant series refrigerants like no, I do not use multiple refrigerant gauges.

I don't get I've just never been into that. Okay and the very beginning, with all the the four 10a and our 22 stuff people were saying, you had to use different gauges, oil contamination - I have one set of service gauges in my truck and that's all I use never had a problem. I don't really buy into the the oil problems and stuff like that that they preach inside all the books. It's it's really not that big of a deal all right.

Let's see what else, let me see a lot of customers asked for used equipment. What's my opinion on used equipment storm as a contractor, I do not sell used equipment, it's just not beneficial. For me, the liability is too high, I'm nothing against it. You know I service people's equipment that they buy used.

It's just you're, just inheriting other people's problems. Really I mean if you have a used refrigerator, there's a lot of stuff that someone can do to it to make it work half as good, so you can just plug it in and it comes down to temp unless you have a contractor, come out and verify That everything's working properly - I'm not a fan of that. So I I have the opportunity to refurbish used equipment and resell it, but I don't I just take it to the dump dispose of it. Get my 20 bucks for recycling it and move on.

So, just my personal preference, let me see what else what does chingus mean? Chingus is the word that I use for anything. I can't remember the name of so it's derived from the word chingadera, which is a Spanish word, which has nothing to do with what I'm using it for I live in California. We speak brokens, but I don't speak any Spanish, but we use a lot of broken Spanish phrases and different things like that. So it's all integrated into my my house, but chingus is just just what I use for whatever I don't know the answer to so thanks Steve.
I really appreciate it Steve's, my biggest fan guys so steve has told me that I did a great job multiple times and I appreciate that. But I am my own worst critic and I wasn't a fan of it. So all right, yes storm! You got that one quick, but yes, it is, but but actually it's not the ridic movie, it's ridic that says it, but it was pitch. Black was the movie.

So all right, let me see what else they got in here. All right, I'm gon na get back to my stuff that I want to talk about so the the video that I released last night yeah today's Monday. So last night was the just doing what I'm told video and that was the exhaust fan video. So, to recap, last year some time we had an exhaust fan that failed over a weekend and had a bad motor.

It was a direct drive motor. I made a video on it, you guys are probably all seen it. It was a Astor couldn't change the motor in on-the-fly because I couldn't find a motor. It was a captive air exhaust fan.

Luckily I happen to have that identical exhaust fan for another one of these restaurants at different locations. Sitting at my shop went out. There changed the exhaust fan: okay, now, let's rewind a bit even before that the restaurant was built about nine years ago, and whether or not they used an existing duct that was already part of the building, because there was another restaurant in this location before or whether Or not, they just completely undersized the duct work. The restaurant has been running for like nine years, with an under sized duct system, basically for their their burger cooking exhaust fan.

Okay, I want to say it's either a 16 or an 18 inch exhaust duct, that's square, and I want to say that it's damn near 75 to 100 feet long and it basically is just too small. So they have always had smoke issues in that kitchen. So flash-forward back to the beginning, when I put the exhaust fan back in okay, put the new exhaust fan and they had always had smoke problems from there, but it was just the customer realized. Like hey, you know, and I brought it to their attention to that.

It's not normal! So since that day that I put in that exhaust fan, I actually got the manufacturer of that exhaust fan involved and they have their own service techs and because I already had an idea. What was wrong with this hood and I brought it to the customers attention like look, I have a feeling the manufacturer is going to come in, and they're gon na tell you that you need to replace all the ductwork, but that's not something I would do personally. Anyways - and I wanted the manufacturer involve just a second my opinion, basically because it was gon na be a very expensive repair quote so manufacturer confirmed my suspicions that the ductwork was too small. They verified by taking air flow calculations and looking at the static pressure drop, I think it was running like two point: nine inches of static pressure drop across that exhaust fan, okay and the fan itself was rated for two inches of static, so it was rated to Pull the proper amount of air at two inches of static.
We were running 2.9 or something like that. So the customer was given a quote by the manufacturer to replace all the ductwork and the customer opted to go a different route. The manufacturer came up with a solution and that was to install a bigger motor. Okay.

So keep this in mind. The existing exhaust fan with the three horsepower motor had almost just under three inches of static pressure, total external static on it, okay and they could not get proper air flow down at the the hood filters. Basically, the air going through the hood filters. Okay, so the customer had the manufacturer, calc everything out the manufacturer came up with the solution.

We were gon na use the exact same wheel just put a bigger motor. The reason why they went with a bigger motor was because the bigger motor had more room to speed up the fan. So, basically, with the existing three horsepower fan, I couldn't run the VFD at full speed because the motor would overload so by putting in a bigger motor, I had more room. I had an extra like two amps or something like that of room to speed up the fan.

Alright, so once we put the new motor end, that was a whole debacle that I showed in the video just again, there's like it's almost impossible to get that fan apart right and I tried everything that everybody suggested in the comments flipping the fan over holding it Hitting it with a hammer heating it up. I didn't even show everything because I wanted to cut the video short, but I mean I tried everything because I wanted to save the old motor because it was still working and I wanted to have it as an emergency replacement for another restaurant. But long story short. I had to cut the the motor off basically which destroyed the motor, which is fine and we were able to salvage the wheel once we cut it off.

We were able to put the the existing wheel on like a plywood setup that protected it. We were able to pound the remaining shaft, but I mean we even had to work to get the dangeraffe tout. We found a socket, pounded it out, so we do have the wheel. It is slightly bent because I did show that in the video that it was slightly wobbling, it's really important, though, that, like I said in the video that we approach that replacement like I did because you know when I went out to the first time.

It's you know I could have gone in there and destroyed that wheel very easily and then Bend up a creek basically and not been able to get the restaurant operating that restaurant absolutely and not operate without exhaust fan. Okay, if that exhaust fan is not running, they we'll set off their fire suppression system. That is how critical it is that they have. Basically, they have no redundancy built into the the hood system.
They only have two exhaust fans, one for the fryers one for the burger cooker and that's it so there's no room for error there. So I had to make a decision the first day that I was out there and that decision was hey. We got to a point we haven't destroyed anything I don't think we're gon na succeed with this, stop what we're doing put it back together, start it up, and I ordered a wheel. I had a wheel.

Two days later went back out. There tried to remove it. Couldn't ended up chopping it off, so the exhaust fan is running with the new wheel, so once I put that new wheel on there and the new five horsepower motor started it back up called tech support. They help me program it, but I was confused because we had a bigger motor running that well, let's just say we had a bigger motor.

We had the same wheel. We had more room for effort for to basically turn the frequency up to speed it up. But yet I was maxed out on my current draw and I was running lower static pressure, meaning that I wasn't putting as much pull on that duct work anymore. So the new motor and the new drive with the new wheel was not pulling any more air.

It was actually pulling less air than it was with the three horsepower motor okay. So I was baffled at that point. I'm like wait a minute. This doesn't make sense again to clarify, with the three horsepower motor I was overloading the motor.

I had that thing running so fast that I was overloading the motor I was. I was past r-la and I was pushing into the safety factor of the motor okay, but with the new motor it was running, lower static pressure, pulling less air. You know - and it was like very confusing to me so called the manufacturer. Had the service tech come out because I had told them from the beginning, I wanted them to measure air flow after I was all done so the service tech came out, he measured air flow and he proved yes.

This thing is running slower, okay, but they did their voodoo magic and they had some magical powers. Now a lot of people said in the comments, and this isn't what they did, but a lot of people thought that they basically just took past. He hurts and that's not the case. Okay, I think we still left that exhaust fan, even with the five horsepower motor we couldn't max it out to 60 Hertz.

He did something in the drive. I do not quite understand what he did, but what you know basically, and my understanding from how it was explained to me - was there was something in the drive he had to tune the drive to the motor, and it was something about like it sounded to me. Like they were zeroing something out, it was really weird, but basically when they left, they were able to tune that drive and we were able to get more airflow while still running. Basically, the same current draw, I think, an amp higher or something like that and we weren't over overloading the motor anymore and we had higher static pressure.
That is where I got frustrated, though, because as a normal service tech that doesn't have those manuals in front of me and doesn't know, you know it was very confusing, and it just leads to me being frustrated down the line, because I'm afraid that you know if We ever have a drive failure. We're gon na have to go through all that programming again, and it's just I mean it is what it is. This is what we have to deal with, but these are the struggles that we run into. So that was a very interesting one.

It was definitely a headache. Let's see no see in this case, yeah anyways, alright, um, let's see what else I got going in here, Dubai, oh great, great question: Steve: do I charge customers for destroying tools to fix their junk? Yes, I do so in that case, in all actuality, because those airbag tools that I was using, I basically destroyed the airbag tool. So, yes, that price was put into the the repair price, a replacement price of that exhaust motor and stuff yeah. I charged them if they, if the tools are destroyed and it's not just normal, wear and tear.

I am honest: I will charge the customer for that. So for sure, let's see what else I'm missing in here right now, alright, so I'm gon na get to a couple more things I have on my list tomorrow. I doubt any of you guys are local to me, but I do want to remind you guys that this is training season. We have right now.

This is training time. Okay, I myself am going to manage walk ice machine training tomorrow here in Riverside, but I encourage all you guys all the ice machine manufacturers right now are usually releasing this time of year. They're releasing their training dates just go to their websites. They have a training, tab, click on that get enrolled in your local training stuff, because there's lots of great information to learn out there.

Okay, let me see no, there was no Poli Steve that was a direct drive, motor and Ren. You asked if I was wondering if I would have pounded the wheel towards the motor then got the key out, then pulled the wheel. There was no room to pound the wheel towards the motor because of the the exhaust fan. Yes, that would have been a good method to get the key out for sure, but I got the key out but yeah because of the the way that they designed the system.

There was no room to push the wheel up because, where the hub the hub, was on the wrong side, it was up on the top of the fan. So basically, the hub was pushing up in basically the bottom of the wheel that you would see from the bottom of the fan was flat, so it was just a nightmare scenario and also to give you guys, information uh-huh. How do I say this without sounding? Like a cocky ass, when I called the manufacturer to order the wheel, you know they were like well, no, you should be able to change the motor and they're like. Let us get you on the phone with our tech guys and I basically told them no send me the wheel, your tech guy's not going to tell me anything.
I don't know. Ironically, the tech guy ended up responding through email and his email said. We've had a lot of problems changing those wheels, it's usually easier, just to cut it off like I did, and he said, but there is another alternative and that's using an airbag tool, and he mentioned that they saw it on a YouTube video, where someone used an Airbag tool to separate their wheel from their motor or on their exhaust fan, so I'm not trying to sound like a cocky dude, but those guys watched my video last time and bought those tools for a crap ton of people at their company. So it's frustrating because when you're dealing with the manufacturer and you you called them for answers and you find out that you know they don't even know how to fix their equipment.

That's very frustrating - and I do like that manufacturer and I don't blame the manufacturer for the problem that I'm having here with the duct work and all that stuff. But this fan in general is just a ridiculously dumb design. I have been told by people at the company because they do comment on my videos and communicate with me that they are changing that fan they're, putting the hub on the other side and they're doing some things to make it easier to replace the motor and the Wheel, that's what I've been told. I have yet to see it, but yeah anyways.

Alright, let's see what else I got here, yeah, there's all kinds of interesting stuff. You know I could use yeah heat. I tried heat and again. Everything that I showed in the video was just clips.

I tried for a long time doing that stuff. So Brandon, I don't think I've answered your question. I have a couple more things right here to talk about so I'll get to it. So what trade school did? I attend Mount San Antonio Community College in Walnut.

California was where I went to trade school all right. Let me take a drink here before I die all right. Do me a favor guys hit the thumbs up button. It really does help the stream really appreciate it.

When you guys do that, we've got a lot of people in here tonight, so it'd be awesome. If you guys can go over there and hit that thumbs up button, give the video some likes. That would be cool um. Let me go through the list here and see what I'm missing, what is the best way to detect a bad airflow and under or over sized ducting? That is a very loaded question, but there's a lot of information there and a lot of things you can do to detect airflow, but there's a lot of symptoms of low airflow or high airflow.

Your your temperature differential from return to supply tells you a lot, but it doesn't tell you everything: okay, there's so many more factors that can go into airflow issues. So the best way you the best thing to probably just send me an email, hvac everybody is at gmail.com and i can probably answer it a little bit better that way. So, alright, let me see what else um. Alright, i'm gon na go ahead and get to a couple more things.
So i had a question about adjusting the belt tension and alignment on exhaust fans, and/or, blower assemblies, and someone was asking me for tips on how to make sure that exhaust fan pulleys that are belt driven or air-conditioning, pulleys that are belt driven or aligned properly. So, first off I got to tell you the proper ways and that's to use a belt tensioning tool. Okay, you can find belt tension tools. I actually threw in in the show notes of this video and it's basically a tension tool.

That's gon na test the deflection of the belt. Okay manufacturers usually publish their deflection rates at what they want, depending on the pulley sizes and the diameter difference between one pulley and the center point of one pulling in the center point of another pulley. So a belt tension tool is a really great tool. I would highly suggest looking up, I believe, browning power transmission company has a lot of they have an app and they actually have a lot of great information.

Just google search HVAC belt tension and you'll find some information on using that tension tool. It's a very, very valuable tool. The next thing is pulley alignment. Pulley alignment is huge.

Now I don't work in crazy, heavy industrial stuff. Okay, when you get it, especially once you get into the big heavy industrial stuff, pulley alignment is so important because it leads to vibration problems. It leads to bearing problems, leads to belt problems, all kinds of things. Okay, you know, I don't use any of the scientific methods, laser alignment tools or anything like that, but they are very important.

Okay, very, very important. My stuff is more like commercial, so for the most part we're just kind of using basically a straightedge. You can usually eyeball it if you can get your eyes in there too, but I highly suggest that you do things the right way. Don't necessarily do it.

The half-ass way like I do a lot of times just do some research on it, but definitely get you that deflection tool and then definitely try using a straightedge to line up your pulleys. Okay, usually what I'll do is I'll line them up by eye sight? First put a belt in there look at how the belts riding and the pulleys put a straightedge on there fine tune it that way. Oftentimes too it's not just a matter of adjusting pulleys in and out. You might have to shift motors left and right.

There's all kinds of different adjustments you can make sometimes motor brackets on the carrier package units can can bend over time and they can flex and that can lead to improv or pull the alignment you need to change motor brackets, there's a lot more into it. So it's not just a matter of throwing a belt on something and calling it a day. Okay, if you have loose belts, it can ruin pulleys. If you have misaligned pulleys, it can ruin pulleys faster and that can lead to downtime on your equipment.
So it's very important to make sure that your equipment is properly aligned as far as the belts go and the pulleys go. I thank you very much keep. I really appreciate that super chat man that was awesome all right. Let's see, let me see what else I missed in here mm.

I got some more questions. I want to get to yeah large fans. You can use a string brand head said, that's another one. How much airflow did the exhaust increase going to three inches Sean? I don't have those numbers, the manufacturer did send me the tech data, and I want to say, like I'll, have to look at the tech data.

It wasn't huge. We definitely weren't over delivering on the airflow. We were like right at the airflow and you also have to understand that there's a margin of error, because the tools that they were using to measure airflow is basically a flow grid. And you know those aren't a hundred percent accurate.

But there's always a margin of error in there, so I'm sure we could possibly still be under under pulling a little bit on that fan, but I mean as far as their numbers go you know it delivered. Inevitably, the customers gon na have to replace that duct work on that exhaust fan. That's that's inevitable. I mean it's just gon na have to happen eventually.

So all right do I treat my side ja. No, I don't do any side work, but I not to do side work because it just is not worth it. It leads to more headaches than anything. So let me see, let's see what I'm missing in here, all right, I'm just going through.

Remember guys, if you got questions or things you want me to address, put it in caps, lock and I'll definitely get to it. So all right, let's see how much did the trip cost? Are you talking about a HR mm? I use airline miles for my for my tickets and I bought a package, so I bought a package for the entire family that was like my kid's Christmas present and all that stuff. So I want to say overall, the trip probably cost me: 1500 bucks - maybe 2000 somewhere in there, something like that. That was like my vacation for the year yeah.

So, let's see what else? What should the average humidity you have? A walk-in cooler be Hasan een. Thank you very much for that super chat. That is awesome man, very, very nice, for you guys to do these super chats. It's very cool of you guys! Thank you.

What should the average humidity of a walk-in cooler be? What really depends Jeremy depends on the product being stored inside of it okay. So if you have, if you're trying to dry aged meats, you know you got to be a general product, walk-in cooler. I would say that the the humidity is probably gon na be 5060 percent, but that's just off the top of my head. I don't know the exact numbers.
You know. The humidity levels basically need to be determined by the product. So if you've got flowers in there, you don't want. You want to run high humidity.

If you've got lots of cardboard boxes and a beer walkin. You probably want to drop the humidity down because you don't want the box is to get all soggy. So it really just depends. You know it depends on what you're keeping inside the box.

So alright, what kind of belt do I recommend cogged or not, and why AC tech? I run cog belts as much as possible. I've heard a Joe thank you very much for that super chat man. I really appreciate it. You know I've heard over the years that cog belts were much more efficient and I never really bought into that, because they were usually a couple bucks more, but over the last probably ten years, I've started using cog belts and I noticed that my replacement of cog Belts has gone down tremendously and most of my preventative maintenance is, I don't do a lot of preventative mean and so's with my customers anymore, but most of them our belts are included in my p.m.

price. So, basically, I'm giving the belts out for the cost, but you know I mean you know what I you know what I mean: I'm not charging the customer anything extra than the p.m. price and I have to include belts basically, so I have noticed a significant drop In belt replacements, by using belts and also paying a lot more attention to pulley alignment, making sure that they're aligned, so when it all possible, I use cogged belts, but there's also the times where you can't so but yeah. I try to use cog belts as much as possible, so um.

Let me see what else what kind of HVAC system do I have in my house? I have a piece of crap oversized: four-ton comfortmaker, no arco air gas heat. You know standard cooling system in my house the the heaters way oversized at short cycles. The cooling is oversized it's. What came in the house and I moved in.

I have been seriously thinking about doing a video series on replacing my air conditioning system and I thought about like going crazy with it, because I am NOT a residential air conditioning guy and I've thought about doing a whole series of redesigning my system doing duct work. You know basically coming up with a system relocating it to my attic. I'm really been thinking about this lately, so I think I might be doing that one soon and it'll be an interesting perspective, because I'm not a residential guy. So I don't deal with that stuff.

Every day so you'll see some commercial twists. If I end up doing that on the way that I do things and I've got all kinds of crazy ideas. Spinning in my head about the control system - and I want to put any Cana miser on it - and my head is spinning right now with ideas. So I'm working on that one.
Let's try to see if I can get a manufacturer on board with that. That would be awesome, so if I can get a manufacturer on board that would give me equipment that would be pretty cool and then be able to showcase it. Let's see I'm thinking of that one right now huh, but yeah. So my system is just destroyed.

It's crappy. I actually have a leak on it too, because I've been noticing, as I pull in my side yard. I posted it on social media, I think last summer, but there's a there's, an oil spot on my condenser, so yeah it's it's time that it needs to be replaced. So all right, let's see what I'm missing here.

Where can someone get certified in our 290? If that's even possible Freddie, there is no certification in our 290 that is legally needed. You technically don't even have to have an EPA license to work with our 290. As far as I know, but the best place to get training for arching 90 is lean on the manufacturers. Okay, true manufacturing in delfield manufacturing, both have really good training, also look up our SES org, and that is a great resource that has a very interesting training program.

They have just a video series. It's it's a small little video series. I've also got some videos on our 290 stuff you're, not gon na get any certification certificate or anything like that by watching my videos, but it basically covers everything, you're gon na hear and all that stuff. So, let's see what else um looking through the chat right now yeah, I David I'm definitely gon na.

Do my system, but hmm all right there we go Steve. You want to come out and help me with my system. Yeah, we'll see how that goes. Man, I need to get a manufacturer on board.

First, I need him to donate some equipment so yeah I could have like an epic system. We can fly youtubers out from all over the country and help me do my system. But you know what, after after attending Brian's event and talking to all the Michael house and Nate Adams and the HVAC 2.0 guys and all that stuff and and listening to their presentations man, it really makes me think twice about upgrading my system before you know. Looking at the envelope, basically right, because I'm always preaching about looking at the big picture - and it's like why not approach it that way with my house, I know I have massive infiltration through windows and different things like that, and it's like man.

If I address that, I bet you, I bet you anything if I addressed my envelope on my house and I have an 1,800 square-foot house right and our summer design temperature is 110 degrees. I bet you anything if we redid the envelope and fix the insulation issues and fix the window issues and stuff like that. I bet you. We could get away with like a three-ton system on my house, if not smaller.
I bet you anything. I'd be very interesting, but I also have a fireplace so that's a hard one too so, but yeah I'm definitely interested in that one all right. Let me see what else we got. Uh 18, okay, yeah hi temperance system should work for my house yeah.

I could do all kinds of weird stuff with refrigeration. How do I handle recalls? Ren, send me an email, I'm sure I can recommend companies and different things. So how do I handle recalls? Does the same tech go back on them? Shawn Mac, so call backs. Is what we call them? You know we try to send us the same service tech on a call back as much as possible, but there's also a point at which you know if I, if I know that they already, if I didn't, have a lot of confidence in them, fixing it the First time and then I have to send them on a call back I'll, probably go and take care of it.

Just because it's like I did, you know you want the customer to be taken care of, and you want them to feel satisfied, but at the same time as an owner, I have to be careful, because if I show up to save the day, then it makes The other tech look bad, so you have to weigh that one out right. You have to let your text do things, even if you know they're still learning as they're moving along and you have to try to guide them, because, but you don't let the customer to get upset because we went back out there again or something. You know. Life happens, people make mistakes or sometimes you can't figure it out the first time, but it's just it's a fine line because there's times all the time, that's like man, I got to go, take care of that.

But at the same time I don't want the customer to think that I have to come in and save the day every time. So it's it's a it's definitely a gamble. All right have, I had a dryer explode in the system and how did I clean it up? Big Joe? No, I've never had a dryer explode. I've seen all kinds of pictures on social media, but I personally have never seen one that has exploded.

Let's see have I ever had already answered that one: okay, all right! I'm gon na go ahead and go to the next question that I have so sizing exhaust fans for a kitchen. Someone had asked me about the way to size, an exhaust fan when it comes to airflow, pulling out the smoke and all that different stuff. So let's address this like this first off, you always have to understand that you really need to get a mechanical engineer involved when your size and exhaust fans it's much more complex than sizing an air conditioner and even in a commercial setting. An air conditioner is extremely complex too.

It's not like a residential where you just look at the heat load and move on, because on a commercial system, there's so much heat load, there's all kinds of stuff you have to worry about.

15 thoughts on “Hvacr videos q and a livestream 02/10/20”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars barry gow says:

    did your employees go for training also

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DomManInT1 says:

    Just because you max out amp load (HP) on a motor does not mean the motor is turning max RPM. Just because a VFD is variable frequency drive, it is also pulse width modulation. You can output more power at the same frequency by increasing the width of the pulses.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deadeye Duncan says:

    you sound so corporate Service area Ottawa??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lars De Beckker says:

    Hi man, I’m studying electomechanics specialization in climatization. The stuff you show on your channel really really is so interesting!!!! I learn a lot from it to get a wide background. Love it man!!!!!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joost says:

    I have worked for a maintenance company for a while and was wondering if you also have it a lot that people question or argue with you about repairs and costs? And possibly even accuse you of trying to rip them off? For example I had to change a fuse system in a housing complex from around 1950's the fuses kept blowing and regulations said I had to change the system since it didn't meet fire safety standards. After doing this I was on a 1 hour long phone call with the homeowners council, I was told I was a fraud, a criminal etc.

    Was just wondering if you have had this too, especially since the systems you work on are all rather pricey.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Lawhon says:

    Btw those toll road tickets take like a month to get and that’s being a Florida resident

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Lawhon says:

    Hey Chris! Great content as always! It was also awesome to get to meet and chat with you at the Orlando Expo

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bubohoot says:

    Can you saw a compressor in half and do a video showing how they work? I think it would be something cool to see.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GREGO B-TEAM says:

    Awesome stream Chris madd props bro.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Johnson says:

    I talked to TRUE about needing a specific electric power cord on r290 units and it is not required.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Magi Obiwan says:

    Events with lots of people coming from all over are always a germ stewpot. Everyone will come away from it with something new, and you usually don't want what you get. Everyone brings their germs with them and there's always someone who is sick and contagious that spreads it to EVERYONE ELSE… Service area Orleans??

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Cervantes says:

    Hey chris where's the trianing taking place?? And great livestream by the way

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe lozano says:

    chingus is the Fuck in spanish dude! Chingadera is a thing wich is what you should use! lol Are you in Kanata ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted E. Bear says:

    Great video BROTHER Chris !!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hillary Clinton says:

    Good Stream!

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