So this call came in 5 hours before the new year, I was bummed but it all worked out in the end.
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This video is brought to you by Sporland quality, integrity and tradition. Well, it's about 7 P.M on New Year's Eve 2022 Got a walk-in freezer not working and uh, it's warm in here. it's like 30 degrees so um, fans are not running Breakers are on. So let's hop onto the roof and see what we can find.

All right. Uh, walk-in freezer condenser right here. What is going on here? Nothing's running. It does have a manual reset on the pressure control.

Well, let's pull the cover off. All right. We come over here and uh, we've got a green LED light on the Defrost clock. Defrost clock has the right time.

So why is it not turning on? if the Defrost clock should be telling it to turn on? I'm gonna go ahead and put service gauges on this guy and see if we have refrigerant pressures in it. All right? I'm trying to beat the rain because it's currently raining outside, everything's wet. Um, put gauges on it and we have no suction pressure. We have 117 PSI on the high side.

So let's open this up and look at that pressure control, check power across it and see if it's open All right. Pressure control is definitely open. So why do we have low pressure? Uh, the thermostat should be calling or the defrost caulk is not sending power downstairs. So let's go over and look at this defrost clock.

All right. on the Defrost clock. from one to n we have 208 volts and then from. We want to go forward in which should be this one right here.

Four to n We have 211 volts. So that means that we're sending power downstairs to the thermostat and something's interrupting it. It should be from the thermostat going to the liquid line solenoid valve opening up the liquid line solenoid valve, telling the system to turn on and it's not. So we need to go down there and figure out what's going on.

All right. I'm a little out of breath because I just had to clear a bunch of boxes off the shelf. I've got a slight burning smell in this area right here, so let's open this up and see what kind of surprises unlock for us here. I Have a feeling Something Happening Here and went boom.

What do we got going on? Well, that limit switch looks, uh, specked. Um, let me get this off. and then let's come around this side and have a look at this thermostat. Do we have? We don't have a display at all and we should have a display on that thermostat.

so something's going on there. Let's get in here and start electrically troubleshooting. All right if we look at the schematic four: Powers one side of the thermostat and Powers the other side of the thermostat. So foreign and so in is right there or that's actually Four And that's in.

So we have 211 volts so that thermostat should be lit up and it's not. So let me see if this power switch right here shuts this off. I shut it off right? There? Seems like it does. but I need to double check to ground because I don't know if that's a two-pole switch.

Yeah, it only breaks one leg. Don't ever trust these switches on walk-in freezers. Um I've got 120 volts to ground still so we need to go shut off a breaker and figure out why. That limit switch right there is a problem too, so we'll have to bypass it temporarily for sure.
All right, that limit switch is actually the Defrost termination switch. So I took it out of the picture because if you bypass it, um, it's just gonna terminate defrost right away and we don't want that. So I need to get back to this thermostat but there's like no room right here so it's tight looking at this guy right here. I can see the power wires on the 240 in common.

so I'm going to get my meter in there and test see what is going on. It's a bit tight back there though. if I have it connected correctly, we have no power at the thermostat so we need to follow those wires back to the uh, see if there's a break somewhere that's interesting. I think I have them connected right? It seems like we have a break somewhere in here, but which makes sense because I smell something burning but I got to be careful because I turn power back on so I don't know if it's rubbing up against that.

it's one of these wires should be broken I need to trace them back to the board. Okay, so that's one right here. That's one. that's one wire right there.

Let's go into n and then the number four wire is right here. This is the number four wire. so I need to get back in there and figure out what's going on. but we have voltage at the moment so I don't want it to blow up on me with my face this close to it.

so gotta go turn off power and kind of investigate a little bit more. I had that power switch turned off now I've got 211 volts at this guy so it's a bad thermostat. All right? I'll go to my van and get a thermostat for this guy. Well I wasn't about to deal with the whole digital control tonight so I got down and dirty I really don't like these, but it's super easy to install this.

so I wired it in, secured it in, secured the bulb in the return. Airstream wired it to one side of the solenoid valve so we should be able to turn it on. I'm still a little concerned though because I don't know what that burning smell was. Um, a controller is right here.

Definitely some water damage, some corrosion up in here I don't necessarily see anything that is burned and I just smelt the heck out of it and I don't smell anything. Well, let's clean up my messes, turn it on and see if it works again. This is a New Year's Eve special so this is not a big picture diagnosis kind of night. I Will come back next week I Want to go home and ring in the New Year with my family and listen closely.

You can hear the solenoid valve opening. The fan delay is working so it's got to get cold enough for the fans to turn on. So we're going to give it a few minutes wait for the fans to turn on. I'm going to start putting all the panels on and then we'll jump back up on the roof.
All right. it is, uh, moving air and it's cold so that's a really good sign. Um, we're gonna watch, come down and temp a little bit and I'm gonna go up top look at the side glass I got my gauges on it anyways. I don't like those controls, but you know got to do what you got to do on New Year's Eve night to get them running right? This equipment's in bad shape anyways.

if I remember it I'm pretty sure it has refrigerant leaks in it and it's older equipment. So like I said, we'll come back and follow up. but let's head up top and see how everything's running up there. All right? Well, we are running the sight glass clear.

I Love those sporland seals. Big giant guys, All right. Thank goodness these guys can handle a little bit of water. All right.

I'd say it's probably 50 degrees outside. this is saying 63 but that's uh, it's getting the air from the condenser. so let's see. I've got this little thermal couple right here.

Let's go and get this guy in the air. It's dropping down to 55 53. Yeah, so it's probably below 50 outside right now. Um I'm gonna watch it run for a little while.

Both condenser fan motors are running so that's a good sign. Uh, see, now it's coming up to 60. so I don't know what the heck's I don't I think it's just getting bad air, but it's it's like 50 something degrees outside anyways. Um, all right.

Well we're gonna take the gauges off and then we'll head downstairs and watch the box drop down in temp and this will be a 2B Continued for sure. Well, it's getting pretty cold in here. Um, but one thing I will say is it never got that warm because they've got ice cube trays right here that are still frozen so it's still below 32. but still ice cream is just completely thawed out.

But we will definitely be back to follow up. All right I am back! I Got here today and uh, they had just put away a delivery. Um so the box was actually off so I just turned it on but they have no complaints and they have ice cream right here. that is hard.

so that's a really good sign if you're working on a freezer. If the ice cream is hard and it's been in there for a long time, means it's been below. um, Negative Five Negative Five For it to be firm, we keep the Box temperature at negative 10 so the ice cream's still servable. If it was like production, you might keep it at negative 20.

But yeah, ice cream is good, so that's a really good sign. Let's just take a walk up onto the roof and see how everything is up there. Coming up to the quiz shoes here so we're good to go. We're gonna go ahead and uh, bring their attention that we should order a new defrost termination switch, but it'll run fine until they make that decision.

And yeah, we're gonna give him the keys and tell him to keep an eye on it. New Year's Eve gotta love that one right? That one was stunk too because I was on call so I wasn't drinking or anything but I was like you know it's it's coming late in the evening and it's like maybe I'll have a drink and then you know of course that's why you don't when you're on call, trust me, don't because the moment that you do, that's when you're gonna get the call. So um I was a little frustrated. you know it's funny.
So my last video was the walk-in freezer that the breaker was left off. that was actually the day before New Year's Eve so that was December 30th. Okay, and uh so when I called when they called me on this one I called them I'm like hey, did you guys check the breaker and I like quizzed them Are you sure how like was it a big breaker? Was it a small breaker? Are you sure how many Breakers are there for the walking free So I was asking them all these questions right? because there's only one breaker. it's controlled off the condensing unit on the roof.

so it was just a three-phase breaker. but I made sure you guys checked it right and then when I got there I told him I was like I'm sorry I don't mean to like quiz you guys so much. it's because I literally went on a call day before and it was just a breaker that was off. So once I got there, jumped on the roof avoiding the rain as much as possible I kind of got lucky on that front.

um found that uh, you know the the temperature controller wasn't working obviously and man, those things were installed in a horrible location. Uh, it's funny too because on this same evaporator coil at another location, the schematic is incorrect and it was actually wired and correct. so the temp control would only get powered when the limit switch closed. I Don't know if you guys remember that video, but that one was a disaster I ended up fixing that and rewiring it, but this one.

The schematic did not show that incorrect wiring diagram so they must have just had a bad batch of them or something, but got this thing wired up. Got the new temperature controller put back in there. Uh, you know I'm not a fan of using those mechanical stats anymore I really do prefer digital, but that's all that I had I shouldn't say that's all that I had. That's all that I was willing to install on New Year's Eve night because I wanted to get home to ring in the new year with my family so installed it.

it's been working fine I did go back and do follow-ups It's funny too I didn't say it in in the video but when I went back to do the follow-up I walk in the Box actually no, when I went back to do the follow-up everything was fine. You guys saw that in the video I Went back there a couple days later to work on something else and I walked into the walk-in freezer and ice cream was soft and I was like what? what's going on you know, like oh no. for real. Still a problem.

So I jump on the roof and the condensing units were hunting and I'm like what's going on Clear Sight glass I Go inside and then I go ask one of the cooks now normally I don't get Cooks involved I always talk to management okay but this time I got the cook involved and I said hey the guy that was working in the prep area I said was the walk-in freezer breaker turned off and he doesn't speak very good English but he was like yeah he goes I just turned it on and I go was it off since last night and he goes yeah I think so and I was like okay cool right on. So then I grabbed the manager and I said hey I just walked in your freezer I wasn't here for that just to check it and everything was soft and then I asked your cook and he said the breaker had been off I said did you guys get a delivery yesterday and she goes yeah and I go they left it off yesterday and just turned it back on right now and she's like really and then she talks to him and comes in there and I go yeah I said I Came in here just to make sure you know again because I want to make sure my equipment's working right I want to make sure that the work that I do is proper. So I'm always double checking when I go to a location I'm always looking around every single one of this particular restaurant chains and a lot of my other restaurants if I'm there for something else I always walk in if I'm on the roof I walk by every exhaust fan. check them just to eliminate a service call if I'm in the building I walk into the walk-in freezer and walk in cooler just to check on them.
Like because I'm just looking out for my customer and I'm looking out for myself. If I can eliminate a late night service call I want to do that right? Um I don't like opening up supply house says I don't like doing anything I don't you know I prefer not to do that so I do everything I can to get a customer going. But anyways, as I've gone off on a tangent as I usually do, I ended up getting the equipment back up and running got the customer. You know to the point that the equipment was good, came back out, followed up I did bring to their attention I still want to change that limit switch? um I haven't picked that up yet.

We'll get to that eventually. Uh, actually they haven't approved it yet, but I'll go ahead and order it because I know they will and uh, we'll We'll deal with that. But for now, defrost termination doesn't happen. It just runs the full course of the 30 minute defrost until you know we figure that out.

And with this particular customer, honestly, it's not going to hurt anything because they leave the door open all the time. So it is what it is, you know I Want to say again thank you so very much I Really do appreciate you guys. It is awesome. It's very humbling.

Uh, you know it this this I know that it's now. um today I'm recording this it's January 11th of 2023 but I Want to say thank you to everybody again for the previous year. Uh, the success of the the YouTube channel Hvacr videos has been awesome and it's because you guys appreciate the videos and you watch the videos. So thank you so very much I Really do appreciate you all I hope to continue to share my knowledge with you with a little bit of knowledge that I have and I hope that you guys get something from it.
Okay, uh, if you haven't already, please consider subscribing to my channel. Uh, there's a couple different ways you can support the channel if you're interested in doing so. PayPal Patreon YouTube Channel memberships There's links in the show notes. The easiest way to support the channels just watch the videos.

That's super easy, right? You can also go to my website by merchandise. You can go go to if you're interested in purchasing any tools. I have an offer code big picture One word: You get an eight percent discount on majority of the items on their website. and when you do that I get a small commission from Truetech Tools for your purchase.

So it's another cool way to help support the channel. They you have great prices if you use my discount code it helps out even more. And then like I said I get a small commission from that. So it's a great way to help support the channel.

So thank you so very much I Really do appreciate you again and we will catch you on the next one. Okay.

45 thoughts on “Literally the last walk in freezer call of the year”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gump_Grows says:

    I've seen those defrost termination pop like that and sit there and arc n' spark. They will give you the burning smell Service area Barrhaven??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kale Kendel says:

    Nothing wrong with a little drinky-poo.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    I'm going to guess the burnt smell was defrost heaters and coil running hot, because it was still going into defrost, with the termination switch broken, so it stayed on until time limit in already warm box. then again, could have been from thermostat corrosion shorting and cooking the transformer/protection open, but it should keep stinking for long term.
    but I'll stay with warm box, heaters and no defrost termination caused the burnt smell. lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Too Many Hobbies Jeremy says:

    I enjoyed your video wrap up comments for this one. Keep up the great work

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everett Stevenson says:

    Hey Chris, I like your podcast/social media. I see you are there again, seating on your greasy fifth wheel and talking about thoses thermal king refrigeration units? I would think that those indoor refrigeration units would be on A GFI protection system? 42 volts at 0.3 ma will kill. Again a wet and hazardous location? I guess some of your customers are checking up on you? You still might be a world famous cockoo clock?. Love you buddy, jolly good show old boy.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mainj54 says:

    I worked on call 24/7 365 days for a restaurant chain so had to be always be available .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars buixote says:

    Happy New Year!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Barrowman says:

    Was out myself on 31st .Easier job though ,Site had major flooding due to a heavy rain fall the day before where the condensing unit was under water .Measure up for resite of unit and home again

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MN Rujiska says:

    What is that with contactors on your desk. Happy new year

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Project says:

    Did the limit switch ultimately smell like you expected, since the thermostat didn't seem burnt, or did it still also not smell burnt?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AKStorm49 says:

    Gotta love those calls.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Jardim says:

    Hey. Chris
    Good stuff
    Just the. Weather was not helping 😀

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colt 45 says:

    That darn x terminal sometimes..🙄lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DashCamAndy says:

    Hey, what's that project on your bench? 🙂
    New Year's Eve is the ONE day I refuse to work. I feel like I deserve to demand that one day only, since it's the only day I ever request off. It's my birthday, and while everybody else is partying on my birthday, all I want is peace and quiet. (I still do the newspapers because I have to find, train, and pay my own substitute if I want time off – no, thank you.)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars avtcookie says:

    As a forklift service technician, I spent about six weeks in the office on light duty. The other technicians liked it because I’d ask the customer questions – for example if a forklift won’t start, I’d ask if it cranks or not, so that the technicians I was dispatching had a better understanding of what they were walking into. Makes both the company and the technician look good when we can walk in, diagnose the problem and fix it because we had some idea of what parts we were likely to need before we arrived.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Cossaboon says:

    Good work Chris. Be careful out there with all of the storms you are getting. Are you in Orleans ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kdot E says:

    I’m curious as to why you don’t like the sensing bulb thermostat/temp controls.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike noneya says:

    I prefer the mechanical tstats. Power surges knock out digital. We have a lot of those.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Haller says:

    My mom had a heart attack on December 31 at around 10PM, and they had to bring in the interventional cardiologist and team from on-call. She was either the last stent of the year, or the first of the next year, so you aren't the only one on call New Year's Eve and not having the New Year's Eve toast. That was about 10 years ago, and she's doing fine. Thanks to everyone who either has to work on holidays or are on call, whether you are service techs, hospital workers or other essential workers. Are you in Kanata ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steph&Waylon Wells says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles ButterfieldButterfield says:

    Hope you had a good new year eve

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mdwightj says:

    A19ABC-24 for the win, these T-stats have been around for decades.
    They were here when I started in 1978 and I'm guessing they will be
    around still when you hang it up. Everything is this industry is constantly
    changing and evolving, and rightly so. but the A19 lives on… Long live
    the A19… And the HVACR VIDEOS channel of course… Service area Ottawa??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levi Ramirez says:

    Always good to check your work definitely helps eliminate call backs. Good job Chris.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Johnson says:

    I remember getting a call new years eve once for a strip bar…..the manager said, and i quote " nipples are hard enough to cut glass in here". It was just clogged filters and a dirty flame sensor. Unit looked like some of the broads in the place…..rode hard….put away wet. 😆 🤣 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shine says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Tordoff says:

    LOL, little bit of a late upload lol.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Pelletier says:

    Great video are you up in the area that got flooded? If so stay safe please! If not keep on trucking and send your prayers to those in need.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Montalvo says:

    I completely understand that frustration of that late dumb call like that breaker. I always ask a bunch of questions when customers call and I explain it's not me trying to get out of service it's me trying to prevent them from paying a lot of money because they don't check the basics before calling.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Scaper says:

    Hi, you have start delay on fans, which temperature do they start and what's purpose of that delay? Great video as always 👍🏿

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars neilvester victor says:

    Great work Chris

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karel lodewijks says:

    👍👍 Service area Nepean??

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FLYINGHIGH55 says:

    I laughed out loud when you said this Is getting a simple stat, this is not a big picture night 😂 I’ve been there 😅

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Laferriere says:

    Hello, I have a suggestion for you because it seems that you run in to often where the customer leaves the breaker off after a delivery is complete. Maybe to install a mark timer or twist timer in series with thermostat to break the voltage to the liquid line solenoid during deliveries and have it pump down. After the timer resets itself or expires it will automatically come back on. Love the videos.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DragonRider425 says:

    aww, You know a lot more than I do. Most of my knowledge of that type of equipment came from you and other repair/teaching channels.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVACR Ice Cream Guy says:

    You’ll be back soon on that thermostat. Those a19s do not like freezers for some reason

    Have had so many fail. Some within a week or 2, some a month or 2

    Or they’re 30 degrees off

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Fuller says:

    what is that piece in the middle fan guard? Service area Kanata??

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tux1984 says:

    I wonder how many restaurants ditch their partially defrosted food and how many will be like “nah, let’s freeze it again”. Of course you probably make suggestions when being on site but they probably care as much about the temperature as they care about mold free ice machines.

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crsmit says:

    i bet your glad you didnt get there and found it frozen

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blake says:

    55 Thumbs uP

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Viklund says:

    You often say you see a clear sightglass. What would be the opposit? Fog on the glass or liquid? What are you looking for? Love your videos =)

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Ridgewood says:

    I love the grounded reality of this channel!! Keep on the good work, My greatest happiness is the $10,600 biweekly profit I get consistently.♻️♻️ Are you in Nepean ?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tam says:

    Hey never forget about the BIG picture…

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronnocbot says:

    Always looking forward to these videos every Thursday

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr16Dollars says:

    nice way to end the evening Are you in Ottawa ?

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My farming life by Iztok Lah says:


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