So this is a pretty typical call for me , both machines were down and of course it was an emergency... But in reality one machine had been down for a long time and they didn't realize until the second one went down.
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This video is brought to you by Sporland. Quality, integrity and tradition. All right. I Got an ice machine and this is an interesting one.

So when I walked up it had it was running but it had this error on it. Okay, when you click the arrow pointing to the left, it says T2 fault. That's that's an irrelevant fault. As long as the board's been updated, it no longer pays attention to the sensors and they're just used for Diagnostic purposes.

That's it. But when we look in here, there's a big old chunk of ice and look at all that calcium. Now when you see calcium like that, it's usually when it's that bad, it's because of a dump valve or a drain line. The dump valve is either not working.

every beginning of every cycle, it dumps out all the remaining water. Understand how an ice machine works? Naturally, there's minerals in water and we have water filters over there. Okay, water filters right there. But naturally there's going to be impurities, minerals always in the water and the minerals through the ice cycle.

They Don't Really freeze okay and they fall down to the sump. and so after every cycle, they dump out all the water out of the cycle. Okay, and it's You have filters to reduce the scale and then uh, the the way the machine operates with a dump valve right here. So every time the cycle starts, it should open the dump valve and then the water pump turns on and it dumps all the water out.

But let's see if I can show you guys what I'm finding. So if we go into menu service Diagnostics Control board enable relays I should have power as that dump valve and I don't so let's pull it out. you can see I enabled the relays so this should have power and it doesn't We have no power so there's a problem coming from the board. Where are the problems that I don't know yet.

So turn it off and I'll keep diagnosing. We're going to follow the electrical wires, make sure there's no brakes or anything. So I'm moving around in here and I cut the zip tie off so I can access these and when I did that, this guy just fell right out of there and my board lost display I Don't know if that's a coincidence or if that has to do with my problem, but basically these wires are labeled and this is going back up to the board. so I'm just kind of tracing it out trying to figure out where it's going before.

I grab the schematic. More than likely it's going to be at that box right there or that Molex plug would be my guess, but I'm just kind of working my way through it. So I got to fix this, put this back together and see if problem continues coming over here. I Found this, but this has nothing to do with my problem.

but the sensor looks like it was melted or broken or something. All right. So if I follow this Rolex plug which is right here. okay, that's the power.

We come up here and I'm tracing it back right there. It comes up to this board up in this top corner right here. this black wire right there. So I'm set up on the board right there and we're going to verify.
So let's go in here to menu service Diagnostics Control Board enable relays Nothing at this point I mean I've traced it back to the board. We've got no power at the board coming out of the board so you know it's very rare. but it actually is a bad board in this situation because there's no other place that it's getting lost at. So I'm gonna have to talk to the customer and order a new replacement circuit board for this guy if I can find one.

All right. we are recovering from the other machine. so I've already purged turning it on. we're pulling the gas out.

So what happened on this machine was it was off and it had a long Harvest and you could tell it's been off for months because it's sparkly, clean and that one's filthy. So um, it made a batch for the first batch and I'm not going to play around. I'm just recovering the charge to verify. More than likely it'll end up being low on charge I bet because it was off on a long Harvest it made actually two batches.

no problem right now. So something's happening. so we're just starting by recovering so we'll just wait. Uh, this guy takes 12 and a half pounds of gas.

So so this guy is slightly low on refrigerant, but not enough to cause a problem. It takes 12 and a half pounds, so we're basically just ever so slightly low. So I don't think it's a refrigerant related issue, but it's weird because it made ice in front of me. So I'm gonna go ahead and put the gas back in, top it off, get it to the 12 and a half pounds.

I Shut it off for now and then we'll uh, we'll um, finish diagnosing. All right, it's an interesting thing going on here. So what we're going to do is we're going to put it into a freeze cycle and I'm going to see if it'll do it again for you guys. So we're gonna watch it for a second and then once it goes into a freeze cycle, I'll turn the camera back on.

All right. It's now in the pre-chill so that's the point at which it gets the evaporator nice and cold before it turns on the water pump. So let's give it a second and see what happens. There we go see it's immediately going into a harvest and I know it ran into this issue before and for some reason I'm I'm remembering there's something going on with the water level probe that causes it to go and I know that sounds odd, but there's something there I think so.

I'm gonna look into that right now. test the water level pregnancy I swear there was something with the water level pose in safe mode and going directly into Harvest Right I Everything's testing okay I did a tap test on the water or the ice thickness probe the microphone. It's fine. I did a continuity test on this and I have proper connection and everything.

So what I'm going to do before I go any further is we're going to update the firmware on the board. I've got a thing right here I do have thickness Pro Band water level Pro but I don't think those are the problems I'm waiting on a circuit board for this machine because the relay is not engaging so and then I'll have someone clean it if the circuit board fixes a problem but this one. I'm going to try updating the firmware and seeing what that does. So to update the firmware if I can remember how to do this, service is a USB setup USB stick download firmware insert Drive This should be one of the most recent ones.
so insert the drive, press the check mark and it should be updating the firmware now. So a second ago I got a download failed message I've never had that before when trying to update the firmware so I started it over again. Let's see if it does it again. I think it worked this time.

All right. Cool. That's odd. I've never seen it do download fail.

So now let's run it through a cycle again see if it goes into its weird funky thing. real-time data time and time. I Always go to real-time data so you can monitor what operations going on and stuff. So I'm gonna watch it now.

All right, we're in a pre-chill again see if it goes directly into a harvest. which it should never do that this one because it's been off for so long. It's pretty clean. The water level or ice thickness probe's got a little bit of calcium on it, but the water level probe's clean.

The sump is clean. Here we go. What's going to happen going into a freeze Or a harvest? Now we're in a freeze. Let's see if it goes into a harvest.

See, it kept going into a harvest earlier, so it's odd, huh? It's important to watch several. Cycles Um, just watching the system operation. The pressures were, uh, the fan cycle control is turning on and off or maintaining consistent head pressure. It's probably about 55 degrees outside right now.

maybe maybe 60.. this right here is just this. inside. it's just cold, but um, looking pretty good.

maintaining a good, solid, consistent head pressure. Um, suction pressure looks good. We're going to watch it through the freeze and then obviously through the Harvest too. And I'm going to watch a couple Cycles to see if that problem.

Springs Its head back up if it doesn't, What I'm going to do is I have another technician bringing me a circuit board as soon as he brings it I'll put it on there, make sure it works, and then I'll have him empty out all the ice which there isn't that much and properly clean the machine. There's so much calcium, there's no way you could clean it safely with the ice in the bin. So I'll have them clean it and then we'll let them watch it through the weekend because it's Friday May 5th today. So uh, but we'll see.

We'll see if the board fixes our problem on that one. and we're just about to go into a harvest right now. There we go. There's our first harvest after the update, so we'll watch it make ice.

The thickness is a little bit on the thick side, but not too bad. So we'll watch it make ice and watch our gauges. see what our pressures do in a harvest. I Tend to see low head pressure which isn't a good.
The book tells you it shouldn't be this low, but that's a very common thing on these Manitowoc machines is low head pressure. It's weird suction pressure is doing good so when we know the charge is right. but yeah, the low head, that's low. That's really low for these Manitowocs I Want to say 130 or 140 is what they want to see for head pressure from here.

Make sure we actually release. So the right one is starting to slide off at the moment and the left one's getting ready to slide off. There goes the right one. Come in here any second.

let's see the vacuum just got released, see the water traveling there we go and it went through its pre-chill and then went right into freeze mode. So again, it's not reproducing its problem. Interesting. Now that I updated the firmware, at least.

All right. Got a new board so we're gonna put this guy on again because the dump valve relay isn't energizing this guy right here. so we're gonna swap it out. I'm waiting for someone to shut off power, swap it out, and then if it works like I said I'm gonna have them clean that machine up and get rid of that calcium.

Hopefully get them all up and running all right. We've got a big old chunk of ice over there, but what I'm most concerned about Oh, there goes the ice. it just fell out is when we turn on power if this guy. Well, I gotta program the board real quick and then I'll do manual setup and then I'll just input all the information and then once we do that, then we'll turn it on and see if the dump valve opens up.

It should open up right away. All right, we are set up and ready to turn on. There it goes, Dump valve just opened. So now it's actually dumping the water out down the dramp.

sorry about that, down the drain, right down in here. Yep, it's actually dumping. so it's time to clean this guy now. Uh, it's not under warranty.

No need to save the board like I said. I'm handing it off to my other technician. He's gonna do a cleaning on this guy. tear it down, rip everything apart, clean the heck out of it.

I had shut this machine off because I didn't want it to make any more ice. I've been emptying out, almost got their bin cleared out. They got a little bit more in there so we're going to work on getting that out and then the rest is just going to have to be burned with hot water. so that's it on.

this one. Should be good to go now. I Do a lot of work on ice machines and you know to be fair: I Never really intend on these videos to be like a full tutorial I Realize that a lot of the times they are this one you kind of saw me. I do a lot of this kind of stuff where I go in here and I'm going around solving big problems, troubleshooting, problems, dealing with a lot of refrigeration stuff, and then oftentimes like this situation.
once I diagnosed and fixed the problem I had another technician come in behind me and go ahead and do the cleaning on the ice machine because I needed to go to do some other calls. Plus you know, uh, we're We're getting busier right now, but we're not like super busy. so I always like to make sure that my guys are getting their hours and you know, keeping moving kind of a thing. So if I can go out and do a little bit of work, troubleshoot a little bit, then let someone else come in and do the cleaning and the tear down I try to do that that way we can keep everybody moving and keep everybody happy kind of, you know? um, but this was a pretty common for me to have two machine issues and have to troubleshoot multiple problems now I did take some steps when you know, uh, the the left side machine when I noticed that it had a long I think it was a long freeze cycle I wasn't even going to play with things.

we hadn't worked on that machine in a very long time. The first thing I did was just recover the gas. took me about 25 minutes, 20 minutes just recover the charge, weigh in the factory charge, figure out if it was low or not. It was a little bit low, but honestly not enough in my opinion to cause a serious issue.

Now if we had extremely low ambient temperatures, maybe that extra pound and a half that it was short could have been a problem. But where we're at right now, we're getting 50 degree nights and you know, sometimes 90 degree days right now. So an extra pound of gas missing from that system, even though it's a problem, it's not good. I Don't think that was our problem.

I Think that the circle board might be having an issue. The fact that both the circuit boards the right side circuit board had a bad relay on it right for the dump valve. The left side was acting kind of wonky starts to make me wonder if either the batteries in the back of the board are going bad. That's a possibility.

Sometimes those batteries can go bad and they can have like a memory loss. The other thing is, um, if they have any weird power issues, you know we're in. Southern California We have a lot of low voltage issues, so it does happen. So I re-uh updated the firmware on the left side ice machine and the problems that we had.

didn't seem to come back so we left it at that of course. I Topped off the charge, looked for a leak. nothing major, you know, little. Traders I Think there was a cat missing on the roof or something.

Like no big deal, you know, just told them to keep an eye on that. But then the right side. Whenever you see a machine that dirty, there's something wrong. it's It's usually not just a cleaning issue in that situation.

It had a bad dump valve and I kind of explained it in the video. but you know the way that almost every ice machine manufacturer out there works is. They usually dump the water at the end of the cycle to get rid of all the nastiness that's in the water and then they start over with fresh water so as it's going through the cycle the minerals they typically don't freeze right so they will go down to the sump and then they're left over in the sump at the end of the cycle. Now in this situation, it wasn't able to rid the machine of that extra water so it was trying to use it and it just kept accumulating in the spray rails and all over the place and it was just causing issues.
So once I was able to solve the problem with the bad circuit board and the bad relay on the board, I went ahead and uh, let my other technician you know do the full tear down and cleaning. We got rid of all the ice, all that stuff and the machines have been working fine for about two weeks now so all was well. okay. Now where in the heck do I figure out all this information about these ice machines? Where do I get the knowledge that I have? It's really not a big secret.

Okay, reach out to the manufacturer of each particular ice machine brand. Hoshizaki Manitowoc Scotsman Fallet Vote? You know Isomatic. Whatever it is, there's a bunch of different other brands too. There's new brands up and coming.

you know, reach out to those manufacturers. They usually have technical documentation that can help you. Manitowoc happens to have these little books. this is the Indigo series quiet Cube book.

So this is for the machine that I was working on and then you have the new books. the Indigo next. Okay, these books. Now where can you get these books from the manufacturer direct? Okay, reach out to your actual distributor.

Now this is something that a lot of people get confused about. If you work on ice machines and you order parts through like Parts town or something like that, they're not really a distributor. Yeah, they sell the parts, but they're You're not going to get anywhere calling companies like that or even just general supply houses. You're not going to get anywhere.

You need to reach out to the authorized Distributors for each ice machine brand that you need to get technical documentation for. So for me, it's a company called Western Pacific Distributors. So I reach out to Western Pacific Distributors they know exactly what I'm talking about I said hey, I want six of these Tech manuals and I don't care what they cost, that's the important thing. Okay, because in the past the manufacturers they used to give these away for free, but they've you know of course started pinching pennies and different things and so they start charging for these.

So a lot of the times the Distributors they you know people think that they're going to get them for free and the Distributors are like ah, we can only part with one right? no up front, call the distributor and say hey, I need technical documents, the tech specs, books, whatever it is, whatever they call them and I want you to get me five of them and I realize I'm gonna have to pay for them. Let them know up front. So that way they think you're not trying to, they don't think you're trying to get it for free kind of a thing. Okay, you'll be more apt to get a handful of them if you're telling them you're willing to pay for them.
So if you like a physical manual, call the manufacturer, call Hoshizaki. they're Parts Distributors All these different people just call them and say you want the technical documentation, make sure they know you're willing to pay for it and just pay whatever it is. 20 30 bucks a book, get a couple of them, give them to all your guys, throw some in your shelf and have them for extra right now if you don't want to pay for them, you can easily go to almost every ice machine manufacturer's website. They have technical documentation on there you can download in PDF format.

you can send it out to all your phones, all your employees and they can have have it on their phones me personally I like to hold a manual in my hands so I don't mind paying a couple extra bucks to have this manual because it makes me money. Okay, it's it's as easy as that. What you got to pay 20 30. Even if I had to pay 100 bucks for this book, it would be worth it for me because it's gonna make me money.

That's where you get the technical knowledge about how these machine works. I mean when you call technical support for Manitowoc Ice machines or Hoshizaki or insert whatever name brand you're going to work on, all they're doing is reading through another version of these Tech manuals. When you say hey, what should the operating pressures be what they're going to do is they're going to open up this Tech book. They're going to go to this section right here right there and it's going to tell me for the 1400 series machine with a 1496 condenser, here's the operating pressures at negative 20 and here's the operating pressures at 110 degrees and it has them all right there.

Okay, it tells you everything. Pay attention to the details though. Some manufacturers such as Hoshizaki Um, yeah, I don't think I have a Hoshizaki book right here. But Hoshizaki.

they publish pressures, but it's five minutes into the freeze cycle, so you have to have technical knowledge to know when it's actually in the freeze cycle and start a timer and then five minutes into the freeze cycle on a Hoshizaki machine. The pressures that are listed in the book is what they should be. Approximately okay, so you got to read these things. They have schematics, they have troubleshooting information, and also they have more information available on their website.

This Company Manitowoc actually has uh, um, troubleshooting charts that you can use and basically you answer questions and you check off boxes and it leads you to a diagnosis. Okay, so just reach out to the manufacturers if you want to know how to work on their equipment. They usually have lots of great information that's available. For the most part most of the manufacturers do right.
I'm not a perfect technician I Don't do everything right I Get lucky sometimes and you know these books are what helps me to do that. I Really do appreciate you making it to the end of the video. If you haven't already, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and uh, if you're interested, go check out my website We have merchandise available. We actually have two new hat designs that uh, were just released.

so we have a flat bill hat and we also have a relaxed dad hat. Now, the relaxed dad hat is not for someone like me that has a big head with a lot of hair because it's a very low profile shallow hat. Um, so just keep that in mind. This one has a buckle on the back.

this one right here. The flat bill is a flex fit but it's also a snapback. It's pretty cool little design and then of course we have my original design, the one that I wear all the time. This is a flex fit breathable material.

Very awesome hat. Black underbill use I've sold this for two three years. My best seller on my website I Use them. they last a long time.

They're great hats so check it out if you're interested in supporting the channel There's a couple other ways you can help support the channel. The easiest way is just watch the videos from beginning to end. You can support it via Paypal Patreon YouTube channel memberships. There's links in the show notes for all of that and then also True Tech Tools If you're interested in purchasing any tools, go to and find what you want.

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Win-win right? So anyways I really appreciate you all, thank you so very much and we will catch you on the next one! Okay.

37 thoughts on “Our ice machines are down and we need your help please hurry”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars craig Mills says:

    Great video. You broke it down perfect.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tho mas says:

    Well, for 100$ a book, I‘d get the pdf and have a print shop print and bind it for me 😉
    Not worth when price is 20$ unless for some reason your supplier won’t get them

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blessing Masiyaw says:

    Thank you for videos they are very informative ❤

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Jay says:

    I haven't seen those tech books for years — I know who Im calling tomorrow… thanks for that — I didn't know they still printed them

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walker says:

    Good job Chris.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Holt says:

    May I ask why you recovered from only two ports on this machine?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario says:

    I have seen when the pump burns the relay on board,from the lines being full of calcium.and the pump over amping. Are you in Kanata ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario says:

    If they had a water softener ,they would save a lot of money.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Katiin says:

    I also recently replaced a board. It was the harvest relay instead of dump valve relay.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Friendly Neighborhood Maintenance Guy says:

    I'm still surprised that more SOCAL restaurants aren't forced to filter their water for calcium and other metals. They already tell you where you're allowed to fart.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Thompson says:

    What do you charge/ hr.? Service area Barrhaven??

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I_am_Allan says:

    Distilled water doesn't have minerals. 😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Johnson says:

    Even though i don't work on reefer equipment anymore….i still really enjoy these videos. It helps keep the knowledge from rattling around in the back of my noggin. Thanks for sharing Chris

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Fourfive says:

    Moldy ice machine with rodents in it? lol I'm never eating at a restaurant again.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DFW HVAC says:

    Hoshizaki has a QR code on their machines. You can get that particular machines technical information from the QR code.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Len Miller says:

    I need to make a trip back down to Hoshizaki to visit. After 2.5 years of retirement I'm curious what changes they've made. My son still works there in QC so I'll get to visit him as well.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sivalley says:

    Last year I had to do board level repair on one of those style Manitowoc boards because of the supply shortage. It had an intermittent fill water valve relay causing all kinds of crazy errors. The relays are actually fairly cheap and only takes me about 10 minutes to change out and recoat with conformal to keep everything water resistant. It turns out Manitowoc went a little cheap with the relays they used in 2015 to 2019 boards to save a buck instead of sticking with genuine Omron relays. I would offer to do a board repair for you, but I hardly have time to eat, sleep, and poo. 😅

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vince Croffutt says:

    I'm not a hvac tech but I helped a few, watched a few over the past 43 years. I picked up a little. I worked at a bakery and we used ALOT of ice in the summer to keep dough cool. The one place I worked for 27 years Never had a ice machine properly cleaned. I cleaned them. Watching your videos I learned why our hoshisaki machines never worked right. The guy who installed them and serviced them obviously either couldn't get the right parts or didn't know what he was doing. Water feed lines not large enough. Waterfeed valve not the right ones. Etc etc. Never hire the cheapest tech. Hire the right tech, pay him what he's worth. You will save money in the long run. The money they wasted on junk ice machines and keeping them barely working, they could have got a couple new machines and had them for years almost trouble free.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Tracey says:

    Did a rodent chew on that piece of foam on that top line?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thaddeus Feldhouse says:

    If you attend a workshop they will give the books to you

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirk Sim says:

    I'm not a Hvac or hvacr engineer but learned lots from these videos….. Do you have any idea how the terminology or systems convert to Europe or even the UK? Service area Orleans??

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny says:

    When it comes to the USB flash drive. Do you purchase that from Manitowoc?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars byrd203 says:

    and the bit flip is caused by low battery Yes so I would say Change it Service area Ottawa??

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars byrd203 says:

    The Left Machine had corrupted firmware it does happen by updating it you clear out the corrupted settings basically the board is failing it is having bit flip but by doing a update basically you reinstalling the OS and it knows what the correct settings are by default you just inputed the user settings the programing settings are what corrupted I had this happen with a Directv Stream Box I reset it to Factory its been fine ever sense then but basically a bit got flipped in software that's why

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Bullock says:

    Your the man.I like when you show all details in repair. 👍

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Luang says:

    Don't condemn the board before checking the other components downstream of it. A bad component downstream could short or damage the board and if you did not check before replacing you'll damage the new board too.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DragonRider425 says:

    That enable relays function seems like it would be a bad thing to turn everything on at the same time.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Smyla says:

    Willing to bet that one of those relays on the board is what controls the valve. Those relays are cheap, and don't take long to replace.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton008 says:

    You should update firmware on second ice machine motherboard before ordering new one.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Horin says:

    Hey they said please. That always helps.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yabeuk says:

    The wire you said looks melted, looked like vermin had chewed it as there was a grey block on a pipe which looked chewed

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Sanders says:

    “Big Picture” troubleshooting.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin says:

    We all know it was a mcdonalds from the sound ahaha Are you in Nepean ?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JS61 says:

    Every time I watch one of these videos that happen in the kitchen, I reaffirm to never eat at another restaurant again.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jurre Windhorst says:

    I hear McDonalds sounds

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike B. says:

    Sometimes the older boards get full of memory, had a tech support guy mention that. The new boards have larger memory storage. I have had to update boards before. Like you I have a stick that I keep up to date.
    Cool video Chris.
    We have a local supply house that carries Manitowoc parts, Partstown is not priority for Manitowoc. Are you in Barrhaven ?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blake says:

    48 thumbs up

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